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1.Non Revenue Water (NRW)

2.How to compute a water balance and why it is important ?

3.Key Performance Indicators and limits

4.NRW strategy
DMA characteristics
Leak detection methods
Pressure modulation
Actions for reducing commercial losses

5.Key challenges and links with the project

1.Non Revenue Water (NRW)

Losses on hydraulic facilties

Losses on transmission and distribution main

Losses = System Input Volume - Billed Authorised Consumption
NRW or

Commercial = Unbilled Authorised Consumption + Water Losses

Water produced UAC

Consumed by
consumed Billed
Consumption Links with the projet NRW
(revenue -There is a lack of continuous monitoring of the
water) volumes introduced into the network

-Leaks in HC due to configuration and rigid materials

2.How to compute a water balance and why it is important ?
Links with the projet NRW

Determine système -Currently, NWC doesn’t differentiate

input volume beteween physical losses and
commecial losses.
- Flow meters
Determine authorised -EasyCalc had been implemented but is
consumption not currently used within NWC

- Billed volume
- Unbilled volume Estimate commercial

- Theft of water and fraud

- Meter under-registration
- Data handling errors Calculate physical

- Leakage on transmission and distribution mains lines

- Leakage from reservoir and overflows
- Leakage on customer service connections
3.Key Performance Indicators and limits

Links with the projet

KPI 05 Continuity of Supply

KPI 06 Non Revenue Water Programme, to improve water balance

NRW strategy
4.NRW Strategy. DMA characteristics
Approche cascading
From a macro-understanding
Network Efficiency (NE) (transmission systems)

Loss per connection (LCI)

Target DMA with lowest
Linear Leakage (LLI)
performance efficiency To a micro-knowledge
(distribution networks & customers)

DMA Project

DMA = break-down of the distribution network in small areas

4.NRW Strategy. Leak detection methods
Non acoustic
Acoustic methods

Listening stick Tracer Gas

Thermiques and
Noise correlator: GeoRadar methods

Ground microphone:


Identify the Identify the Identify sections/pipes

Links with the projet
DMA to inspect valves to operate to isolate
Pilot 5-6 DMAs where the
methodology works so that NWC can
Close valves for implement it within the entire study
Rank with sections to area
isolate each section
prioritize Leaks search
and verify flow rates
4.NRW Strategy. Pressure modulation

P1 P1
Losses Qf1

Pressure (t) N
Losses (t) = Losses (night) x Pressure (night)

with N = 1.15 and

Night consumption = around 20% Average consumption

P2 P2
Losses Qf2
4.NRW Strategy. Pressure modulation
Estimation of the physical losses at time t with minimum Night Flow (MNF) :
4.Actions for reducing commercial losses
Installing meters properly

Monitoring water quality

Monitoring intermittent water supply

Meters Sizing meters properly
Using the appropriate class and type of meter

Maintaining and replacing meters properly

Monitoring hydrants

Finding and reducing illegal connections

Tackling meter bypassing

Unauthorized Preventing illegal use of fire hydrants
Actively checking the customer billing system

Avoiding corrupt meter readers

5.Key challenges and links with the project

EP 10 – Network Improvement Input

Investiments are
made in further
NRW reduction
programmes Customers Service
-Customers consumption
-Data about illegal and
unregistered connections
Expenditure is
increased to include Challenges Reduce
operational NRW NRW Network Operation & Maintenance
improvements -DMZ and DMA Implementation
-Continuity of Supply
-Pressure management

Revenues 15% NRW

increase and Assets Management

operational Maintenance plan

costs decrease Meter and pipe remplacement policy
Financial consideration
Alignement and Leadership in terms of standard (ISO 55001)

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