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Topic 5

Human biology june 2023
Part 1 respiration

Gas exchange
Reliable , reproducible

Same person Another person

The similar the results , the more reliable / reproducible they are

How to make ur results reliable

Repeat using larger sample and calculate average / mean value
Exclude anomalies
Controlled variables Better combine both
How to make sure ur results are reliable answers about
Repeat and compare , the similar the results the more reliable they are . … reliability .
assessing degree of reliability .
Aerobic respiration

Chemical reaction that involves break down/ oxidation of food mainly glucose using oxygen to
release energy …..taking place in the living cells ( mitochondrion)

Combustion Respiration

Living cells

Produce ATP and rest is

All energy is released in
released as heat energy to
form heat energy
maintain body temperature

C6H12O6+ 6O2………………..6CO2+ 6H2O + ATP


Fromm ADP + Pi ( phosphate) …….ATP
ATP + H2O ……..ADP + Pi ( phosphate)
Anaerobic respiration

Chemical reaction that involves the incomplete break down of glucose in absence of oxygen

In human / bacteria In yeast

C6H12O6………………2 C3H6O3 C6H12O6……2CO2 + 2C2H5OH
Lactic acid Ethanol

Aerobic Anaerobic

Involves Oxygen X

Complete break Incomplete break

down of glucose down of glucose

Larger amount Smaller amount of

of energy energy

In mitochondria In cytoplasm
A) incomplete rings of cartilage to
keep the trachea open and prevent
in from collapse allowing
continuous flow of air into lungs.
B) lined with ciliated epithelia l cells
and goblet cells which secreate
mucus to trap dust and bacteria
and cilia beats to sweap mucus out
Contain vocal cords of lungs back to throat
Allow air to pass

Two thin moist membrane

….release pleural fluid to prevent Change volume of
friction between ribs and lungs thoracic cavity for
and act as lubricant
breathing + protect heart
and lungs


1. Large number of alveoli

O2 higher than blood
Provide large surface area for faster gas exchange
CO2 lower than blood
so. Ore molecules can diffuse at the same time

2. Thin wall

For shorter diffusion distance between the blood and the

alveolus for faster gas exchange

3. Surrounded by many blood capillaries

Where capillaries are NEAR BY for shorter diffusion distance

+ blood is continuously moving in capillaries thus maintaining steep
concentration gradient for gas exchange between blood and alveoli

4. Well ventilated …steeper concentration gradient

Moist lining ….to dissolve gases

-Extensive net work of capillaries for larger surface area

To take the oxygen away from alveoli and Co2 from cells to alveoli
- capillary has thin wall for shorter diffusion distance
Breathing : muscular movement to keep the respiratory surface supplied with oxygen

Inhalation Exhalation

External intercostal muscles External intercostal muscles contract External intercostal muscles relax
and they move the ribs up and out and the ribs move down and inwards
Internal intercostal muscles Relax …………

Diaphragm Contract moving down ( flattens ) Diaphragm relax and moves up

becoming dome shape
Volume of thoracic cavity Increases
Pressure inside the lungs
Decrease Increase

Direction of air movement Air is forced into the lungs Air is forced out of the lungs
in ex

21% O2 16% O2 O2 is taken up by respiring cells and used in aerobic respiration

CO2 produced in respiring cells from respiration and removed in exhaled air as
0.04% CO2 4% CO2
waste product
Moisture Alveolar walls lined with water which evaporates . Beside product from
Content respiration
content high
Higher Air is warmed as it pas through respiratory tract beside respiration generate
temperature heat energy that warm blood and increase temp of exhaled air

Nitrogen same Insoluble , unreactive and not needed by the body

Describe and explain the changes in the air as it passes by trachea :

Air is warmed
By radiation from surrounded tissues and blood in capillaries
Air is moisturized
By evaporation from lining of trachea
Air is filtered
Dust particles are trapped by the mucus and moved away by cilia
Part 2
Effect of exercising
Test CO2 in inhaled and exhaled air
Ventilation definitions

Dr. Nihal Gabr

Effect of excercising

At rest heart rate = 72 bpm

Breathing rate = 14 breath per min

During execrsie H.R increase up to 140 bpm , breathing rate = 50 breath per min .

Cardiac out put: heart rate X stroke volume ( volume of blood pumped per beat )
Breathing ..increase in both breathing rate and depth of breathing

Explain increase during exercise ….aerobic respiration 6O2 + C6H12O6……..6CO2+ 6H2O+ ATP

1. To increase blood flow to muscles

2. To supply them with more oxygen and glucose
3. For higher rate of aerobic respiration in the contracting muscles
4. To release more energy for more muscle contraction ‘
5. For rapid removal of large amount of CO2 produced
6. For rapid removal of excess heat

During exercising Insufficient supply of

oxygen , so anaerobic After exercising
H.R , B.R increase …
H.R and B.R remain high to pay off

to allow muscle to respiration , produce lactic

acid and build oxygen debt oxygen debt and remove lactic acid
keep running on
aerobic respiration
After exercise

Heart rate and breathing rate remains high

During exercise , the muscles needed large amount of energy

And despite of increase in heart rate and breathing rate , yet there was insufficient supply of oxygen
So muscles to respire anaerobically
Producing lactic acid and building oxygen debt .

So breathing rate remains high
So heart rate remains high . &

For rapid removal of lactic acid from To supply enough oxygen to

pay off oxygen debt needed to
muscles to diffuse into blood to the liver
to be broken down using oxygen dept o oxidise / break down lactic
Oxidation of lactic
acid in liver ( aerobic
acid using oxygen
debt respiration )

Oxygen Energy

Credit card Dress

What stimulates the increase in cardiac output during exercise
1. Upon exercising …increase in rate of aerobic respiration
2. So production / release of more CO2 in blood ( CO2 is an acid) CO2 conc in
blood Acid
3. Thus lowering blood pH increase Lower
Detected by receptors in the carotid artery and aorta . blood pH
Ahh th
4. Send impulses to the brain ( MEDULLA in brain) ..
A) which contains the cardiac center : Detected by receptors in

Send impulses to the pace maker stimulating increase in heart carotid artery and aorta

rate and stroke volume . Send electrical impulses to the

B) respiratory center to send impulses to the intercostal muscles
and the diaphragm to contract more frquently ..this incresaing Respiratory center
Cardiac center To send impulses to
B.R and depth of breathing Send impulses to the intercostal muscles and
diaphragm to contract
pace maker in the
heart …increase H.R frequently ..increasing

What stimulates the continuous. Increase in HR and BR after exercise.

B.R and depth

Lactic acid produce from anaerobic respiration

Advantages of exercise

1. Reduce blood cholesterol level / stimulate

immune system / maintain blood glucose
level/ elevate mood
2. Strengthen diaphragm , intercostal
muscles …..thus increasing Vital capacity of
lungs so breathing more effecient , so more
oxygen taken in and supplied to muscles for
longer time
Explain why fit has shorter recovery time ? 3. Strengthen heart muscle allowing stronger
contraction due to stronger muscle WALLS
Fit : thicker , stronger cardiac muscles , so stronger of VENTRICLES SO LARGER STROKE
ventricular muscles ….thus allowing stronger VOLUME and reduce resting blood pressure
contraction , so larger stroke volume and heart rate

So more aerobic respiration and less anaerobic , so less

lactic acid and less increase in heart rate and breathing
rate during exercise .
Effect of exercise on pulse rate: I B. R →
using spirometer
Count number of breath in 15 S XU .

= .

↳ For validity .

Choose people with no heart disease

Safety slippery surface

→ avoid

training shoes
CO2 content in inhaled air and exhaled air

Hydrogen carbonate / lime water can be used as indicators to detect the presence of Co2
produced by respiring living organisms .

Hydrogen carbonate in presence of Co2 it turns from red to YELLOW ( at low pH )

Lime water turn from clear to milky / cloudy

Hydrogen carbonate : more easier / more clear to observe the change in color .and more
sensitive to smaller CO2 concentrations
Draw / label apparatus

Gentle to avoid sucking

of liquid
Write the experiment

1. Get two test tubes with equal volume of

Mouth piece lime water
More air drawn in 2. Should breath gently in and out through
from atmosphere mouth piece
3. Where the exhaled air will pass through
with same
indicator solution in one tube ( B ) and
composition-as atmospheric pressure is drawn in to
air inhaled from replace the inhaled air so pass by lime
tube tube water in tube ( A) .
4. Lime water in exhaled air will turn milky
faster than in inhaled air .
Exhaled air

A B Which test tube turn milky faster / why

use same volume of lime water / why
use bicarbonate / why clean mouth
piece / results if done after exercising
Part 2
Measuring breathing volume using spirometer




1. A person wearing a nose clip breath in as deeply as possible

2. Then breath out an much air as possible through the breathing tube /
rubber tube ….water level drops as air enters
3. Take the decrease in volume of water which indicates the vital capacity
4, repeat several times and take many reading to get average value and get
reliable results

Explain increase in tidal volume during exercise Explain tidal volume remains high after exercising

Breathing in ….you need to take more oxygen , In….repay the oxygen debt to supply
A) maintain steeper concentration gradient between alveoli and muscles with more oxygen / enough oxygen
blood so faster gas exchange by diffusion to break down lactic acid
,B) so deliver to respiring muscle cells more oxygen for more
aerobic respiration Out …removal of excess CO2

Breathing out ….more CO2 produce from higher rate of

respiration , so more volume of breathed out air for rapid removal
of more CO2
Effect of smoking
Chronic bronchitis
1. Smoke particles ,mucus + cilia damaged
Bacteria replicate ..( infection)

COPD ( chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases )

Reduce surface
area for gas
A) damage to the delicate walls of the alveoli which tends to break , so Emphysema exchange.
decrease in surface area available for gas exchange
Leading to emphysema
Less gas exchange
Due less steep concentration gradient between blood and alveoli
So the person can’t get enough OXYGEN in the BLOOD
So inactive and fatigue

B) damage to cilia + increase in production of mucus

Which will build up and accumulate in lungs thus promote the growth and replication of bacteria
…….increasing risk of infection …………CHRONIC BRONCHITIS and DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING
Less steep concentration gradient between alveoli and blood …so less oxygen in blood ….so less oxygen
transported to cells …lack of energy …so PERSON CANT EXERCISE FOR LONGER TIME .
2. nicotine Increase in blood pressure
Extra strain on heart muscle
1. Addiction Damage endothelium . Atheroma

2. Stimulate speeding of heart rate

3. Narrow / stimulate the vasoconstriction of blood vessels ( arteries ) ….increase
in blood pressure …. Damage to walls of arteries ….increase accumulation of fats
on walls of arteries ….cause building of atheroma on walls of arteries

3. Tar 1. Carcinogenic causing lung cancer

As it stimulate MUTATION
2. + damage cilia + excess mucus …..infection

4. Carbon monoxide
Bind irreversibly to Heamoglobin forming Carboxyhemoglobin….thus reducing amount of oxygen
transported in blood to different tissues
Pregnant women :
Less oxygen reaching to foetus
So less aerobic respiration
So less energy
So less growth ( pre mature )
Investigation to proof / show that smoking causes lung cancer

Get two group of people

Independent : smoker vs non smokers
Controlled variables : all of same gender , age , diet , life style
Record % of people suffering from lung cancer in each group
Compare the results
Not valid / not reliable

1.Other factors that might cause lunge cancer could nt be controlled

Like …diet . Pollution of air, genes, passive smoking exposure ,
2. Sample is of small size / known size .
RBC 3. Not carried for an enough long time .
Hb 4. There is a correlation and not causation

How does oxygen in blood reach the interior of muscle cell

Oxygen is carried by haempoglobin in the red blood cells in form of OXYhaemoglobin

Where the oxygen concentration in the respiring muscles is lower than oxygen
concentration in the blood capillaries
So haemoglobin release oxygen / dissociate
So oxygen diffuse down its concentration gradient
Out of capillaries through capillary walls
Then enter the muscles through cell membrane of muscle cells.
Check list
1, balanced equation of all types of respiration ..aerobic / anaerobic ~

2. Compare between combustion and respiration


3. Compare between aerobic vs anaerobic

4. Label respiratory tract and describe function of each part
5. Importance of cartilage in trachea
6. How trachea adopted to its function ….cartilage , incomplete, ciliaand goblet cells
7. Adaptation of alveoli
8. Mechanism of breathing ( inhale and exhale ) …..
External intercostal muscles
Ribs movement
Volume of chest cavity
Pressure of air in lungs
Direction of air

9. Effect of exercising on heart and breathing

A) explain these changes during exercise
B) explain these changes after exercise

10. What stimulates the increase in heart rate….blood pH detection part

11. Investigating ( exhaled air has more CO2 than inhaled air )
A) draw the apparatus
B) describe the investigation
C) explain why better use NaHCO3 indicator than lime water
D) why using same volume of lime water
E) explain results if done after exercise .

12. Using spirometer to measure the breathing rate ..describe how apparatus works

13. Definition and link to graph and calculations

Tidal volume
Vital capacity
16. Effect of exercising on heart muscle.
Residual volume
17. Fit vs unfit ( graph + explain )
Total lung capacity
14. Effect of exercise on tidal volume …during and after
15. Smoking
A)smoke particles ( emphysema and chronic bronchitis )
B) tar ..lung cancer
C) nicotine …..( addiction , vasoconstriction , increase in blood pressure , increase
in heart rate . )
D) CO ( irreversible ..effect on pregnant woman

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