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Neri, Algie Me B.


From the enumerated crisis/unexpected events, majority of them are relatable to me

and others are not, some are easy while many are almost impossible to cope. As I observed,
few of the listed crisis are my day to day experiences in which I’m having no difficulties on
dealing with it. However, I ought to choose the most difficult crisis in which I can say that I’ll
be having a hard time to cope with every time it happens to me.Based on the preceding list,
disgrace in the family is my all-time weakness. Even though I didn’t involve in any of the
criminal examples as mentioned in the description I always feel that I am a disgrace to my
family. I often think about negativities about anything in my life and my favorite is thinking
about my academic excellence in a degrading way. In the academic aspect of my life I
experienced failing marks, that results for me to think that I’m a disgrace to my family for not
achieving what they expected. This is not a new experience to me to feel it this way but every
time that I didn’t meet my parent’s expectation I can feel the crisis called disgrace to my
family. And as this scenario happens I’m always having a hard time to deal with it. This
concludes that the crisis disgrace in the family is not just limited on our criminal actions but
rather the effect of unappreciated effort.

As a family member I know my responsibilities and I can say that I am much aware of my
family. Among the listed tips to improve family relationship I often failed on two from the
list. First is the take care of your health if you hope to take care of anyone else, I’m always
concern on the physical health of my family I want them take care of their health and eat
healthy foods but I’m having a hard time to do it with myself due to hectic schedules.Then
the tip doesn’t try to solve problems for your love ones, aside from my family’s health I’m far
more concern when they are weary about their problems. Sometimes, even without their
permission I find ways to help them solving their problems in which I’ve found lately that it
is unhealthy between me and my family’s relationship.

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