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Philosophy of existence

Existence as such has always been a substantial question to human intellect.

This uncertainty is as old as human consciousness, philosophers throughout
centuries had attempted to validate their proposals, yet a profound difference
could be observed in their conclusions. Among the personalities who are said to
be first to address such queries were Søren Kierkegaard, Author Schopenhauer,
and Friedrich Nietzsche who concerned themselves with the problem of
existence. From the 20th century, prominent thinkers were Jean Paul Sartre,
Simone de Beauvoir and Albert Camus, all from French Existential Movement.
Nihilism, most chaotic philosophical concept ever known to mankind. The term
Nihilism is deduced from a Latin word “Nihil” which means nothing,
popularized in 1862 by a Russian Novelist Ivan Turgenev in novel Fathers and
Sons. It rejects the belief in morality, knowledge and stresses over the
meaninglessness of human existence. Moreover, Nihilists believe that
everything is irrational, baseless and pointless. They tend to convey the message
that humans are unaware of everything they are performing have no particular
Mostly a German intellectual Friedrich Nietzsche is associated with this idea.
According to him, when we find out that the universe does not has any objective
reason that we wanted to have it, we find ourselves in [existential] crisis.
Nietzsche characterized nihilism as emptying the world from meaning,
knowledge and reality. As per him, there is no inherent reality, everything
known to us is dependent on perception, which means, it is biased and opinion.
Nihilists reject the idea of morality by saying that there is no such thing as right
or wrong as they are else than selfishness of individual. On behalf of individual
or collective subjectivity, morality is developed.
Pessimism is another philosophical concept to approach problem of existence
which is quite similar to Nihilism, yet two distinct topics. Pessimism is mostly
related with a German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. It is antithesis of
optimism, another idea, an attitude of hopefulness towards world and to live a
pleasurable life.
Existentialism is a philosophical movement first introduced by the French
philosopher Gabriel Marcel in 1940s later the term was explicitly adapted by
Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. It is a movement which manifests
individuality and intersubjective meaning of life. Existentialists make it clear
that a person has to make his own identity through his own actions. Generally,
they also affirm the view that human beings have free will and they are
responsible for their own actions.
Existential ethics states that there is no moral code or table code exists as a
priori. But this does not mean existentialism promotes a form of nihilism. The
difference is that one can make his own code of conduct and view towards the
right and wrong.
Intersubjectivity is an idea that coneys humans are social animals and our
existence is shaped by relationship with others. This idea explains that our sense
of selfhood is not independent of others but rather psychological connection
with others which makes us feel the essence of ours.
Absurdity is widely implemented philosophical notion as far as meaningfulness
and meaninglessness of life is concerned. Absurdism grasp the fact there is no
reason for life, however we are left with no other option but to explore.
According to absurdist, being civilised and enhancement of knowledge is
highest of humanity. Albert Camus called this “rebellion against absurd”. He
stated that a meaningless universe provides an opportunity to free ourselves
from the shackles of hopes and experience the existence more fully. The Danish
Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard mentioned that purpose of life is not something
that could be described rationally. One need to think beyond ourselves that
gives clarity of unknown.
Theology, according to many people is ultimate reason to live. There are
numerous of people who believe that submission to God is the cause existence.
Behaving in good manner and considering the restriction would help them to
attain heaven in the life hereafter. However, according to me, the ground
purpose of religion of religion(s) is to create cooperation between humans as
well as to promote social justice.

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