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Impact of Policy Changes in DepEd on Education in the Philippines

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Impact of Policy Changes in DepEd on Education in the Philippines

The Philippines has been facing challenges in governance implementation and

resourcing that impede the efficient monitoring evaluation and successful implementation of

crucial health and nutrition programs. These challenges have also affected the education

sector particularly in the Department of Education (DepEd). Major policy changes in DepEd

have aimed to address these issues and improve educational access enhance the quality of

education and increase equity. However it is crucial to assess whether these policies have led

to positive outcomes or resulted in unintended negative consequences.

One of the major policy changes in DepEd was the K to 12 program which aimed to

enhance the quality of education by adding two years to the basic education curriculum. This

policy change was implemented to align the Philippine education system with international

standards and provide students with more time to develop their skills. The K to 12 program

also aimed to address the issue of overcrowded classrooms and lack of resources by

providing additional years for students to learn and teachers to prepare.

Another significant policy change in DepEd was the implementation of the Enhanced

Basic Education Act of 2013 which aimed to improve the quality of education by enhancing

the curriculum providing additional support for teachers and increasing access to education

for marginalized groups. This policy change also aimed to address the issue of equity in

education by providing equal opportunities for all students regardless of their socio-economic


Overall the impact of these major policy changes in DepEd on education in the

Philippines has been mixed. On one hand the K to 12 program has led to positive outcomes

such as improved educational access enhanced quality of education and increased equity.

Students now have more time to develop their skills and prepare for higher education or the

workforce. Teachers have also been provided with additional support and resources to

improve their teaching practices.

However these policy changes have also resulted in unintended negative

consequences. For example the implementation of the K to 12 program has led to challenges

in resourcing as schools struggle to provide additional classrooms teachers and materials for

the additional years of education. Some students have also faced difficulties in adjusting to

the new curriculum and requirements of the K to 12 program.

In conclusion while major policy changes in DepEd have aimed to improve education

in the Philippines there are still challenges in governance implementation and resourcing that

impede the efficient monitoring evaluation and successful implementation of these programs.

It is essential for policymakers to continuously assess the impact of these policies and make

necessary adjustments to ensure positive outcomes for all students in the Philippines.


- Department of Education. (2021). K to 12 Basic Education Program. Retrieved from

- Republic of the Philippines. (2013). Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. Retrieved from

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