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New Destinations for Kazakhstan Humanities

11th grade

Unit: 5 Work and inventions

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson A job satisfaction
Learning objective 11.1.8 - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion clearly to others;
(s) 11.1.5 - use feedback to set personal learning objectives;
 present the learning objectives of the module
Lesson objectives  provide an overview of the module;
 introduce the topic of the module and activate background knowledge

Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
the lesson
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting
and take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
How are you?
Think. Pair. Share. Free Talk
 Read the cartoons.
 Which one do you like most? Why?
 In your opinion, which of the
following factors contribute to job
Free Talk. Suggested answer Oral Picture
 Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the I think all the factors Assessment
module and ask them to tell you mentioned here contribute
what to job satisfaction in one
they think the module will be about.
way or another. However, I
 Ask Ss to read through the cartoons
Presentatio on believe that the ones which
n the page and make sure they do not are more directly related
have to job satisfaction are the
any unknown words. working environment and
 Ask Ss to tell you what these the satisfactory salary. It is
cartoons really important that you
have in common. Elicit answers. like the place where you
 Ask Ss the questions in the Discuss
work and are satisfied with
section and check their
understanding. your salary. After that, I
 Elicit answers and initiate a short think that interesting
discussion. projects combined with a
feeling of job security can
also contribute
significantly to job
Conveying the meaning words. Self- Textbook
Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and ask Students describe the Assessment
them: pictures
working environment satisfactory salary And try to give the
workload and stress level interesting definition
Practice projects working relationships job security
career advancement fringe benefits (car,
childcare, etc.)
Matching the task. Suggested answers Self- Pictures
• Don’t leave things to Assessment
 Read out the objectives in the In this chance: you should always
module you will… section. ensure that you have a plan
 Explain any unknown words. for everything. You shouldn’t
depend on others to do
 Draw Ss’ attention to the values of something for you or you
the module and discuss the shouldn’t rely on luck.
importance of them. You are the one who is
In this module you will... responsible for creating your
discuss issues relating to the own luck.
world of business and inventions • Work hard to get what you
learn how to use adjectives and want: achieving your goals
adverbs appropriately, express means work in hard towards
gradability and make different this direction. You should be
more than willing to learn,
forms of comparison
explore and meet people that
learn to analyse and compare will have a positive effect on
graphs you as well as take advantage
of any opportunity you come
Values: across. Having the potential
• Don’t leave things to chance to succeed is not enough.
• Work hard to get what you want Success is a combination of
• Use your creativity to offer practical ability, hard work and luck.
solutions • Use your creativity to offer
practical solutions: dealing
Descriptor: with difficulties and
obstacles is a common
A learner:
phenomenon in your daily
 chooses the words correctly; life. In order to effectively
 asks and answers questions using cope with them, you should
words from the box; encourage creative thinking
 summarizes the information on and find innovative solutions
how to work and invention; that will help you stand out.
 takes notes and presents
Ending the information to classmates;
lesson  asks questions on presented
• •answers classmates’ questions
How well do I understand?
4 - I can do this and explain it to someone else.
3 - I understand and can do this by myself.
2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand this yet
Homework Ex A,C wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan to give Assessment - how are you planning Health and safety check ICT links
more support? How do you plan to to check learners` learning?
challenge the more able learners?
More support will be given to weaker -through questioning and the -White board and video is used no more
learners by giving them a modified redirecting of questioning in feedback than 10 minutes
worksheets in some tasks with greater activities -Use water based pens
support -through observation in group and end -Health promoting techniques
performance activities -Breaks and physical activities used.
-through formative task -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?
Unit: 5 Work and inventions
Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Success in business
Learning objective (s) 11.4.1 - understand complex and abstract main points in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
11.5.8 - communicate and respond to news and feelings in correspondence through
variety of functions on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
• discuss issues relating to the world of business and inventions
• identify the complex and abstract main ideas of the text
Lesson objectives
• practice talking about the importance of luck in life and discussing business
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ Assessment Resources
the lesson activities
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls! How are
Warm-up Discuss. Verbal Pictures
 Do you consider yourself lucky?
 How much do you rely on luck to help
you succeed in life?
Practice in reading for gist
• Ask Ss to read the four titles A-D, and Students read
through the table Oral
make sure they understand everything.
Assessment Textbook
• Ask them to tell you what they think the and say
text will be about. Accept all logical what they think the
answers, but do not correct Ss at this text will be about
• Have Ss read the text quickly and
the best title. Ask them to justify their
answer. Encourage them to understand
the general meaning of the article and
find the most appropriate title.
• You can also ask them to underline any
unknown words at the same time.
• Check the answer with the class.

Pair work. Asking and answering questions.

Ask Ss some comprehension questions:
• What does Branch Rickey mean when Peer
Students work in Assessment
says ‘Luck is the residue of design.’? pairs to answer
that luck does not happen by chance; some
rather, it is the consequence of careful comprehension
planning, calculated risk-taking and questions
hard work
• How many experiments did Thomas
Edison carry out before he invented the
light bulb? 9,000
• Why does the writer mention Thomas
Edison? Because he/she wants to show
that our efforts and determination to
succeed produce positive results more
often than luck does. According to Tom
Saunders, how do successful people
differ from others? Successful people
are simply better able to recognise an
opportunity and have a clearer idea
about how to take advantage of it.
Practice Does Saunders believe that spotting an
opportunity is a matter of luck? No, he
believes it’s a matter of carefully
planning and looking for chances. KEY: Oral Handouts.
According to Jennifer Thomas, what 1. c Assessment
matters most in business? financial 2. c
talent 3. d
Creative exercise. 4. b
Identifying specific information 5. d
• Read the TIP aloud and explain it.
• Have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class.
Encourage Ss to justify their answers.
Ending the Explain any unknown words.
lesson • To challenge higher-performing Ss
may ask them to think of alternative
words to replace some of the words they
have underlined in the text.
Formative Assessment
Speak and discuss. Talk in pairs
Students talk and Peer Worksheets
• Do you agree with the viewpoint Assessment
discuss in pairs.
presented in the text?
• Why do you think people find comfort
in the idea that you can be lucky and
have good things happen to you by
chance instead of them being a result of
your own efforts?
A learner:
 understands the general idea of the text;
 identifies main points of the text;
 chooses the correct answers for each
 writes a paragraph about reasons of
culture shock;
 constructs grammatically correct
Homework Ex D,C wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check learners`
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more
weaker learners by giving them a redirecting of questioning in than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in group and -Health promoting techniques
end performance activities -Breaks and physical activities used.
-through formative task -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 5 Work and inventions

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Grammar: Adjectives – Adverbs – Gradability
Learning objective (s) 11.6.3 - use a variety of adjectives complemented by that infinitive , wh - clauses on a
wide range of general and curricular topics;
11.3.3 - explain and justify own and others point of view on a range of general and
curricular topics including some unfamiliar topics
• practice revising adjectives and adverbs
• practice in using adjectives and adverbs in context through an error correction
Lesson objectives
• provide opinion and arguments to support it
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
the lesson
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls! How are
Warm-up Discuss. Verbal Pictures
 Which words in blue are adjectives and
which are adverbs? What’s the
 What do you notice about their position
in the sentences?
 What is the function of the words rather
and very? Can you think of other words
that could be used in their place?
Grammar: Adjectives – Adverbs –
Gradability Students read
• Draw Ss’ attention to the activity. through the table
Explain and tell what they
Presentation Oral
to Ss that when an adjective comes after notice about Assessment
a it
linking verb, there are a number of
patterns that can follow the adjective.
• Before you have Ss do the activity,
write the following on the board to
KEY Grammar
explain to Ss what a linking verb is: She
Section in
looks great!
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b the
• Explain to Ss that the verb look is the
linking verb and it connects the subject
a sentence (She) to the part of the
sentence that tells us what the subject
does or is, without expressing an action. Students look at the
• Tell Ss that some of the most common prompts and write
• linking verbs are the verbs feel, be, sentences..
appear, seem, look and become.
• Ask Ss to do the activity in order to see KEY
the adjective patterns. Ask them to 1 • newly built
underline the linking verbs as well. factory – the adverb
• Check the answers with the class. newly is used with a Handouts.
past participle, in this
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference in Peer
case built, or an
the Workbook for further explanations. adjective.
It functions as an
Practice in using adjectives and adverbs in adjective and
context through an error correction activity emphasises the recent
• Draw Ss’ attention to the activity, and occurrence
explain what they have to do. Point out of an action. In this
to Ss that there may be sentences with sentence, it
no mistakes. stresses the recent
• In order to help Ss, ask them the construction of
following: the factory.
• was completely
• Which of the following is correct? They
destroyed – in the
behaved good. or They behaved well. passive voice,
• Elicit the answer: They behaved well. adverbs, in this case
• Then write the following sentences on the adverb of degree
Practice the board: completely, are
• I seldom watch science fiction films. usually placed
• watch seldom science fiction films. between the auxiliary
Ask Ss: verb (was) and the
• Which sentence is the correct one and main verb
why? (destroyed)…..
• Elicit answers (I seldom watch science
fiction films. It’s the correct sentence
because adverbs of frequency usually go Handouts
before the verb.).
• Have Ss do the activity. Check the
answers with the class. Oral
Revise adjectives and adverbs
Ending the • Ask Ss to read the sentences, paying KEY
lesson attention to the words in blue. Ask them E
the question in the rubric.
• Elicit answers.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference in KEY
the 1. freely
Workbook for further explanations. 2. lastly
• They are both adverbs but have different 3. shortly
meanings (late = not early, lately = 4. wide
recently). 5. high
Practice in using adjectives and adverbs in 6. nearly
• Have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class.
A learner:
 understands the general idea of the
 identifies main points of the text;
 chooses the correct answers for each
 constructs grammatically correct
Homework Ex C,D wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check learners`
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more
weaker learners by giving them a redirecting of questioning in than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in group and -Health promoting techniques
end performance activities -Breaks and physical activities used.
-through formative task -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 5 Work and inventions

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Work and employment vocabulary
Learning objective (s) 11.2.7 - understand speaker viewpoints extend of explicit agreement between speakers on
range of general and curricular topics including some unfamiliar topics
11.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
 practice using language related to work and employment
Lesson objectives  distinguish between thematically-related words which can be easily confused
 communicate effectively using target vocabulary and syntax appropriately
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ Assessment Resources
the lesson activities
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls! How are
Free Talk. Open answer.
Warm-up  Ask Ss to read through the first set of
sentences (1-8) and the words in the box
next to the heading WORK and check
their understanding.
Practice in distinguishing between Key:
thematically-related words which can be 1. profession Textbook
easily confused 2. work Verbal
3. occupation Assessment
• Have Ss complete the sentences 1-8.
4. career
• Check the answers with the class.
5. employment
• If necessary, provide Ss with any further
6. position
7. job
• Follow the same procedure with
8. duties
Presentatio sentences 9-13.
9. pension
n 10. profits
11. wage
12. income
13. salary
Conveying the meaning of new words Key: Oral Key Words
• Have Ss read the article and draw Ss’ experience Assessment
attention to the words and phrases in 2. unemployed
bold. 3. go bankrupt
• Ask Ss to tell you what the article is 4. get fired
about 5. make ends meet
(a news article about a department store 6. on strike
that is going to let 50 employees go or 7. bonus
the company may go bankrupt). 8. job cuts
• Have Ss read through definitions 1-9 9. firm
check their understanding.
• Have Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class
Practice in using collocations with ‘business’ KEY Peer Handouts
• Ask Ss to read through the sentences and 1. go into Assessment
check their understanding. 2. does
• Draw Ss’ attention to the words/phrases in 3. been in
the box. Have Ss do the activity. 4. set up
• Check the answers with the class and, if 5. went out of
necessary, provide Ss with any further 6. expanded
explanations. 7. running
Formative Assessment
• Ask Ss:

• Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the words/phrases in the
box to form collocations with the word
Practice • run go into set up expand be in do go
out of
A learner:
 uses target vocabulary and syntax
 demonstrates the skills of using
complementation properly;
 gives a full response showing his or her
opinion with supporting information;
 pronounces the words correctly;
 talks without pauses or hesitation
3-2-1 feedback activity Have students write or talk about 3 things they
Ending the learned, 2 things they still want to learn, and 1
lesson question they have.
Homework Ex A,B wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you planning to Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? How check learners` learning?
do you plan to challenge the
more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the redirecting -White board and video are used no
weaker learners by giving them a of questioning in feedback activities more than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?
Unit: 5 Work and inventions
Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Listening: A chief Happiness Officer
Learning objective (s) 11.1.1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in
11.2.7 - understand speaker viewpoints extend of explicit agreement between speakers on
range of general and curricular topics including some unfamiliar topics
 work in group to come up with solution
Lesson objectives  introduce the topic of the listening activity
 practice making decisions about work
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
the lesson
Greeting Greet students; students respond to
greeting and take their places. Hello,
boys and girls! How are you?
Free Talk Open Answer.
Warm-up  What do you think a Chief
Happiness Officer (CHO) is?
Introduce the topic of the listening Background knowledge
activity A Chief Happiness Officer
• Ask Ss the question and elicit (CHO) is the highest-ranking
answers. executive in a company or an
• Explain to Ss that there are a organisation responsible for
keeping the employees satisfied
lot of abbreviations for top Handouts
and happy. A Chief Executive Verbal
leadership positions, which Officer (CEO) is the highest-
consist of the words Chief and ranking executive or director Assessment
Officer. in charge of the total
• Write the following on the management of a company or an
Presentatio board and have Ss guess their organisation.
n meaning: CEO CFO CTO A Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
• You can use the Background is the highest-ranking executive
knowledge box to provide Ss responsible for managing the
with further information. finances of a company or an
organisation. He/ She is also
responsible for the financial
planning of the company.
Give Ss practice in listening for gist
A Chief Technology Officer Worksheets
• Play the recording and have (CTO) is the highest-ranking
Ss answer the question in the executive in a company or an
rubric. organisation responsible for
scientific or technological issues
• Check the answers with the
She is explaining the role of a Assessment
Give Ss practice in listening for
Chief Happiness Officer.
specific information
• Ask Ss to read through the
sentences and make sure they
do not have any unknown
• words. Templates
• Play the first part of the
interview and have Ss do the
• Check the answers with the
• Ask Ss to correct the false
1. T 2. F 3. NM
sentence. This will challenge
higher-performing Ss.

Practice in listening for specific Self-

information Assessment
• Ask Ss to read through the
statements and check their
• Play the second part of the
interview and have Ss do the
The following statements are
• Check the answers with the
3, 4, 6, 8

A learner:
Practice • provides solution to the issue;
• supports ideas with
• evaluates peers’ ideas;
• comes up with invention;
• presents the invention;
My My My Valuable
participation feelings difficulties thoughts for
in the lesson and me from the
emotions lesson
during the


Ending the
Homework Ex C.D wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan Assessment - how are you planning to Health and safety check ICT links
to give more support? How do you check learners` learning?
plan to challenge the more able
More support will be given to -through questioning and the redirecting of -White board and video are used no more than
weaker learners by giving them a questioning in feedback activities 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some tasks -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
with greater support performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 5 Work and inventions

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Speaking: Making a decision
Learning objective 11.3.3 - explain and justify own and others point of view on a range of general and curricular
(s) topics including some unfamiliar topics
11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts
on a wide range of general and curricular topics including some unfamiliar topics
 Practice talking about benefits for good customer service
Lesson objectives  evaluate the argument presented in spoken discourse
 provide a point of view on a given question and give evidences to justify it
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
the lesson
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting
and take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
How are you?
Brainstorming. Open Answer.
Warm-up Ask Ss:
• Think of a shop or company you
visit or use often. What is it that
attracts you to them?
• • What kind of behaviour makes you
dislike a company or business?
Prepare Ss for the speaking activity to Students look at the Verbal Handouts
engage Ss with questions requiring questions and discuss Assessment Pictures
personal response
• Ask Ss the questions and initiate a
class discussion.
n  •In order to help Ss answer the
question in the first bullet point, you
can write the following on the board:
the prices, the sales staff / the
customer service, the atmosphere,
the quality of the products, the
variety of the products.
Give Ss the opportunity to discuss ideas Suggested answer Group Worksheets
and make a decision through a pair-work A: There are various ways Assessment
activity to engage Ss in problem- solving we could improve
activities customer service. For
• Divide Ss into pairs, and draw their example, calling someone
attention to the pictures. by their first name is a
• Read the rubric aloud, and make good way to make
sure Ss understand everything. customers feel valued,
• Tell Ss that they can also suggest and it doesn’t cost a thing.
their own ideas, apart from the ones B: I agree, but at what
in the pictures. point do you think it’s
• This will challenge higher- acceptable to ask a
performing Ss. customer their name?
• Get Ss to do the activity and go A: I see your point. The
round the class helping them when next idea is, I think, a
necessary. must. Customers don’t
• Have several pairs present their like to be kept waiting.
decisions in class, and provide Especially for new
constructive feedback. customers, it makes a bad
impression and they
come back.

Formative assessment
Speaking in a form of discussion. Students speak
Ask Ss: and discus. Worksheets
Expressing agreement with reservations
• I suppose so. Group
Fair enough. Assessment
• Up to a point, yes.
• Perhaps so, but...
Ending the
Reaching a decision through negotiation
• I don’t fully agree, but let’s go with
your choice.
• I think we should compromise.
• Since we don’t agree, perhaps we
could choose one of your options
and one of mine.
• Let’s try and find a middle way.
• If I agree to…, would you be willing
to agree to…?
How well do I understand?
4 - I can do this and explain it to someone
3 - I understand and can do this by myself.
2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand this yet.
Homework Ex A,C wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check learners`
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more than
weaker learners by giving them a redirecting of questioning in 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in group -Health promoting techniques
and end performance activities -Breaks and physical activities used.
-through formative task -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.

REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 5 Work and inventions

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Reading: Artificial Intelligence assistants
Learning objective 11.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about range of
(s) familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
11.4.8 - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to check meaning and
extend understanding
• use a variety of appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntactic structures
Lesson objectives • practice talking about AI assistants
• evaluate the usefulness and appeal of inventions/applications
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
the lesson
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting
and take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
How are you?
Start thinking. Discuss. Open answer
Warm-up Ask students:
• Can you name any AI assistants?
• Have you ever used one? If so,
what for?
• How do you think AI assistants
can make our lives easier?
Conveying the meaning of new words. Use
of dictionaries
• Draw Ss’ attention to the table, and Students identify and Verbal Handouts
explain to Ss what they have to do. take notes, they don’t assessment
• Remind Ss that when they take notes, have to write full
they don’t have to write full
sentences. They have to write only
the important words.
• Allow Ss some time to read the
reviews and complete the table.
• You can have them underline any
unknown words at the same time.
• As soon as they finish, have them
Presentatio check their answers with their
n partners’.
• Check the answers with the class.

Practice in ranking and evaluating

• Draw Ss’ attention to the evaluation
Ask Ss: Thinking of investing
• Have you ever used an evaluation in a robot voice that Textbook
chart? If yes, what did you will talk
evaluate? Oral
back to you? Read on assessment
• Explain to Ss that they have to evaluate
the two AI assistants on a scale of 1-5 in for a review of the
the various categories. most popular
• Explain any unknown words. products on the
• Refer them to activity B in order to help market.
them remember the main information for
each AI assistant.
As soon as they finish, have them
compare their answers with their partners.
• Have Ss share their answers in class,
Practice and ask them to justify their answers.
• Then ask them to decide which one they
would choose to buy. Explain to Ss that
they should take each application’s
functions and their personal needs into
consideration in order to decide which
one to buy.
Formative Assessment
Pair Work. Students look at the Peer Pictures
Compare the two AI assistants. Evaluate pictures and read Assessment
and rank them on a scale of 1-5 in the through the
various categories shown in the chart descriptions of the
below. meals. Also, they
• EVALUATION CHART deduce the meaning
• Price of any unknown
• Ease of setting up words from the
Ending the • Voice recognition content of the
lesson • Navigation system corresponding
• Chat function pictures.
Now decide which one you would choose to
buy. Think about:
• what you want to use it for
• which categories in the chart are
most/least important to you
• how much you want to spend.
A learner:
 identifies the meaning of the text
 uses a variety of appropriate subject- Project
specific vocabulary; work
 uses a variety of syntactic structures
to express nuanced meaning.
Self-reflection. Own opinion Self-
Most ……. thing assessment
Ask students what was the most, e.g., useful,
interesting, surprising, etc. thing they learned
Homework Ex C,D wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check learners`
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more
weaker learners by giving them redirecting of questioning in than 10 minutes
a modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in group and -Health promoting techniques
end performance activities -Breaks and physical activities used.
-through formative task -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.

REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 5 Work and inventions

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Grammar: Comparisons
Learning 11.6.3 - use a variety of adjectives complemented by that infinitive , wh - clauses on a wide
objective(s) range of general and curricular topics;
11.6.14 - use a growing variety of more complex prepositional phrases including those
relating to concession and respect ; use a variety of multi - word verbs of different syntactic
types on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
 present by far used to modify the meaning of adjectives in the superlative form
Lesson objectives  apply adjective complementation appropriately while writing
 practice in making comparisons
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
the lesson
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting
and take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
How are you?
Start thinking. Open answer
Warm-up • Read the examples and answer the
questions that follow.
Revise, present and give Ss practice in KEY:
making comparisons and practice in 1. They are different
making comparisons because we form
• Draw Ss’ attention to the first example the comparative by
and adding –er to the end of Verbal
• the words in blue. Ask Ss questions 1-2. one–syllable adjectives assessment Grammar
• Elicit answers and provide any necessary and some two–syllable section in
explanations. adjectives, while we use the
more with adjectives Workbook
Sentence completion task. with two or more .
• Point out to Ss that we also use than after syllables. 2. the
the comparative form of the adjectives. happiest, the most
• Draw Ss’ attention to the second example energetic
and the words in blue.
• Ask Ss the question. You can have them
work in pairs. This will build lower- KEY
performing Ss’ confidence. 3. a, b, c
Presentatio • Elicit answers.
n Oral
Recognition exercise. assessment
• Ask Ss what they know about the
formation of (not) as…as and when it is
• Point out to Ss that the adjective KEY
as…as is always in the positive form. 4. The more he shouted,
• Write the following sentence on the the angrier I got. (the +
board: comparative, the + Handouts
• I don’t chat with my best friend as often comparative) – used to
as I’d like to, because we have lots of describe two actions or
• homework. situations, one of which
• Ask Ss: comes as a result of the
• Does this sentence mean that I chat other.
with my friend more than I’d like to or
less? (less)
• Draw Ss’ attention to the next two
examples and ask them questions 4-5.
• Elicit answers. Peer
KEY Assessment
Practice • Point out to Ss that we can use the 5. What’s wrong with
structures the + comparative… + the + Almas? He’s becoming
comparative... and comparative + less and less patient.
comparative as forms of successive (comparative + and +
comparison. comparative) — used to Handouts
• Point out to Ss that in the sentence The indicate continual
more he shouted, the angrier I got., the increase or decrease.
second part of the sentence depends on
the first, while the comparison
• He’s becoming less and less patient.
indicates a continual change.
Draw Ss’ attention to the verb is
becoming. Suggested answers Grammar
Present by far used to modify the meaning task
of adjectives in the superlative form undoubtedly,
• Read the example aloud, and ask Ss the doubtlessly, certainly,
questions. definitely,
Ending the • How does by far modify the meaning of unquestionably, indeed,
lesson the superlative the best? It adds emphasis really, by a long way
to the superlative form of the adjective and
indicates that no other book is nearly as
good as the one under discussion.
• Can you think of other words/ phrases that
could be used in its place?
A learner:
• uses the comparison forms accurately.
• completes the task
• uses a wide range of correct grammar
• uses correct punctuation.
Two stars and a wish.
• You did a really good job on ...
I really like how you ...
• Maybe you could ...
Homework w/b 5C Ex C p 67
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check learners`
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more than 10
weaker learners by giving them redirecting of questioning in minutes
a modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in group -Health promoting techniques
and end performance -Breaks and physical activities used.
activities -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.
-through formative task

REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 5 Work and inventions

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Vocabulary: Invention phrases
Learning objective 11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts
(s) on a wide range of general and curricular topics including some unfamiliar topics
11.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
 practice talking about inventions and the process of inventing something new
Lesson objectives  use a variety of appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntactic structures
assess and give comments on others’ point of view
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ Assessmen Resources
the lesson activities t
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls! How are
Identifying the topic. Using titles related to Open answers
Warm-up the text for prediction.
 Look at the extracts from the text on
page 135. Can you think of other
collocations with the verbs set and take?

Collocations of the verbs set and take to give Key: Verbal Worksheets
Ss practice in using them in context 1. take assessment
2. set
 Have Ss do the activity. 3. take
 As soon as they finish, have Ss compare 4. set
their answers with their partners’. 5. taking
 Check the answers with the class. 6. set
7. took
8. set.
Presentatio To familiarise Ss with phrasal verbs with
n multiple meanings KEY Self-
• Draw Ss’ attention to the sentences and 1. to make Assessment Worksheets
the phrasal verb in bold. something appear
• Have Ss work in pairs, and try to on a computer
deduce screen
the different meanings of the phrasal 2. to raise a child
verb 3. to mention a
bring up. subject or start to
• Allow Ss some time to do the activity, talk about it
and elicit answers.
• Draw Ss’ attention to the note in the
box, and explain it.

Give Ss practice in listening for specific KEY

information 1. (a poor
• Have Ss read through the sentences neighborhood in) Peer
Practice 1-7 and make sure they understand London Assessment
everything. 2. expensive Handouts
• Read the TIP aloud and explain it. devices
• Play the recording twice, and have Ss 3. insecure
do 4. problem
the activity. 5. ice
• Encourage Ss to write abbreviations or 6. headset
short forms of what they want to write 7. improvement
so that they won’t miss important Key:
information while listening. 1.identify a
• Check the answers with the class. problem that
Give Ss practice in sequencing doesn’t Self-
• Draw Ss’ attention to the activity. have a solution yet assessment Phrases
Explain to Ss that they have to list the 2. use creative
Ending the four steps that the speaker mentioned in thinking to come
lesson the process of inventing something new. up
• You can have Ss work in pairs. This with an
will idea/solution
help lower-performing Ss. 3. design an
• Tell Ss to refer to activity B in order to invention
remember some of the steps. 4. evaluate the
• If necessary, play the recording again invention
Ss to check their answers.
• Check the answers with the class.

• Ask Ss:
 Work in pairs. Take a look at the
inventions A-C, compare and
contrast them, and evaluate them on a
scale of 1-5 in the various
categories shown in the chart below.
A learner:
 uses appropriate subject-specific
 completes the task
 includes examples and reasons where
“Cinquain” is a five-line poem based on the
content of the material under the study.
Line 1 – One-word title.
Reflection Line 2 – Two adjectives for describing that
Line 3 – Three verbs.
Line 4 – Four feeling words.
Line 5 – A synonym for the title word
Homework Ex A wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check learners`
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more
weaker learners by giving them redirecting of questioning in than 10 minutes
a modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in group and -Health promoting techniques
end performance activities -Breaks and physical activities used.
-through formative task -Points from Safety rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 5 Work and inventions

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Writing: A short summary of a graph/chart
Learning objective 11.5.1 - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently on a range of general
(s) and curricular topics;
11.5.4 - use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of formality in a wide
variety of written genres on general and curricular topics
 plan, write and revise at paragraph and text level
Lesson objectives  apply style and register to follow the procedure of a written genre
 practice describing graphs/charts
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
the lesson
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting
and take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
How are you?
Talk in pairs. Open answers
 Why do we use charts and graphs?
Warm-up  • What kind of information do they
Introduce the topic of the writing task by We use charts and
activating Ss’ background knowledge graphs to organize
• Find pictures of line graphs, bar information so that Verbal Grammar
graphs and pie charts on the Internet it’s easier to assessment Section in the
(alternatively, you can print them out and understand and to Workbook
bring them to class) and ask Ss the make comparisons. Grammar
following questions: • Charts and graphs Rules
 Have you ever seen any of these types usually show Tables
of graphs/charts? If so, where have you information about
seen them? something that
 Have you ever tried to create a graph changes over time or
or a chart? If so, did you find it easy or they show
difficult? information about
• Elicit answers. Allow the use of L1 to several similar
encourage all Ss to express themselves. things, allowing us to
• Ask Ss the questions in activity A, and compare them.
elicit answers.
Presentation Familiarize Ss with line graphs to help Ss KEY
understand how to create a line graph to 1.It is a line graph.
prepare Ss for the writing activity 2. The subject is Handouts
• Draw Ss’ attention to the graph, and unemployment rates Peer
ask them the first question. Elicit for men in three Assessment
answers, and point out that this is a European countries.
line graph. 3.The graph compares
• You can use the Internet in class to unemployment rates
find a bar graph and a pie chart to in Spain, the UK and
show to Ss. Germany from 2000
• Alternatively, use the photos you have to 2017.
printed for activity A. 4. The numbers on the
• Ask Ss the rest of the questions. x-axis depict different
• For the fourth question, explain to Ss years; on the y-axis
that the horizontal axis is the x-axis they depict different
and the vertical axis is the y-axis. percentages.
For the last question, ask Ss to look at 5. Each coloured line
the key of the graph (The key of a represents one of the
graph explains its colours.). three countries being
Familiarize Ss with words/ phrases Key:
referring to something that is increasing, climb
decreasing, remaining stable or constantly growth
rising and falling jump Self-
• Draw Ss’ attention to the words/phrases in increase Assessment
the box. reach a high Guide for
• Ask Ss the following questions: rise writing
• What does the word ‘climb’ mean? upward trend
• Do you think that we use this verb to refer dive
to decrease
something that is increasing or decreasing? downward trend
(increasing) drop
• What does the word ‘dive’ mean? fall
• Do you think that we use this verb to reach a low
Practice refer to something that is increasing or
decreasing? (decreasing)
• Explain what they have to do. Make sure
they understand everything. Encourage
them to start with the ones they are
already familiar with.
• Check the answers with the class Key:
1. during, by
Practice in using verbs/phrases to describe 2. from, to, of Peer
trends and changes based on graphs 3. in, since Assessment
• Have Ss do the activity. Ask them to 4. Over
compare their answers with their 5. lower, of
partners’. 6. three times as much
• Check the answers with the class. 7. throughout
8. until, for, after
A learner:
 identifies the main content points of a
writing paper;
 follows the procedure of a writing
 writes a note in 50 words;
 writes a message in 70 words;
keeps appropriate formality;
 writes with grammatical accuracy.
Homework Get Writing
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check learners`
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more than
weaker learners by giving them redirecting of questioning in 10 minutes
a modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in group and -Health promoting techniques
end performance activities -Breaks and physical activities used.
-through formative task -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.

REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 5 Work and inventions

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Culture page: The Land of Tech Dreams
Learning objective (s) 11.2.3 - understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar
11.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
 introduce certain aspects of the culture of English- speaking countries
Lesson objectives  provide a point of view in conversations and discussions
 apply topic related words and phrases in speech
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessmen Resources
the lesson t
Greeting Greet students; students respond to
greeting and take their places. Hello,
boys and girls!
Warm-up Picture Description. Open Answer Oral Picture
Have you heard of Silicon Assessment
Valley? If yes, what do you
know about it? If not, what does
it make you think of?
Introduction to the certain aspects of
the culture of the English- speaking Verbal Handouts
countries Open answers Assessment
Ask Ss the questions, and elicit
Presentatio answers.Do not correct Ss at this
n stage.• If Ss do not know anything
about Silicon Valley, write the
following on the board, and ask Ss
to tell you how they think they are
related to Silicon Valley: technology
applications companies San
Francisco • Elicit answers.
Completing the task. KEY
California has always been a
• Draw Ss’ attention to the text place that attracted risk-
and ask them the question in the takers and people hungry for Peer Worksheets
rubric. adventure. So, it’s a place assessment
• Have Ss read the text and share where creativity is valued
their answers in class. and following the rules isn’t
always as important as being
Asking and answering questions. willing to take a risk.
• Have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the Key:
class. 1 Silicon valley, a huge
Practice • Ask Ss some comprehension industrial region located in
questions: the San FranciscoBay Area
• When did the name ‘Silicon of California in the US, is
Valley’ become popular? It one of the most well-known
became popular in the 1970s. technological centres in the
• Are silicon chips hard to find world.
nowadays? No, they are found in 2. Because this is where local
the electronics we use all the companies manufactured the
time — laptops, mobile phones, first silicon chips.
printers. 3. He helped create Stanford
• Who was Hewlett Packard Research Park, which
founded by? by attracted big tech companies Self-
• William Hewlett and David of the time to the area. assessment
Packard. 4. The high cost of housing
• What makes Silicon Valley and the long working hours.
Ending of special? that it was created and 5. California has always been
the lesson still exists because of people a place that attracts risk-
who dedicated themselves to takers and people hungry for
coming up with original ideas, adventure, dating back to
even if they seem out of reach at those who were brave enough
first. to cross the still-unexplored
• How do the residents deal with country as they headed out
the high cost of housing? They west in search of gold in the
have several roommates to be mid-1800s. So, it’s a place
able to pay rent. where creativity is valued
• Ask Ss some further questions: and
• Do you think that Silicon Valley following the rules isn’t
is the ideal place for those with a always as important as being
business idea? If you had an willing to take a risk.
original idea, would you go to
• Silicon Valley to make your
dreams come true?

Formative Assessment
Choose a Silicon Valley tech company
and do research to find information in Group
the categories below. Then give a short assessment
oral presentation to the class, introducing
the company and presenting some of its
key features.
A learner:
 identifies the author’s point of
view and circles the correct
 uses appropriate subject-specific
vocabulary while speaking
Homework Project Work.
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
to give more support? How do planning to check learners`
you plan to challenge the more learning?
able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more than
weaker learners by giving them a redirecting of questioning in 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some tasks feedback activities -Use water-based pens
with greater support -through observation in group -Health promoting techniques
and end performance -Breaks and physical activities used.
activities -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.
-through formative task

REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 6 Social change and further study

Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Social issues
Learning objective (s) 11.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk
contexts on a wide range of general and curricular topics including some unfamiliar topics
 respond to others’ opinion
Lesson objectives  introduce the topic of the module and activate background knowledge
 present the learning objectives of the module
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ Assessment Resource
the lesson activities s
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls! How are
Using pictures related to the text for Open answer CD
Warm-up discussion.
 Which social issues are depicted in the
 How do you think the people being
affected feel?
 Which of these issues — or others — are
a problem in your city/town
Present the learning objectives of the module Key: Oral Pictures
• Draw the following on the board: Social online bullying,
issues poverty
• Ask Ss to come up with as many social (homelessness),
Presentatio issues as possible, and write their answer on crime (vandalism,
n Dictionary
the board. Ask them to think of issues that theft), natural
affect not just their country or their local disaster (flood)
community, but the entire world.
• Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and ask
them to tell you the social issues depicted.
• Elicit answers, and ask Ss how they think the devastated,
people being affected feel. hopeless,
• Write the following adjectives on the board powerless,
to help Ss express themselves: devastated grateful,
hopeless powerless grateful heartbroken heartbroken,
outraged outraged,
threatened terrified uncertain abandoned threatened,
lonely terrified,
• Ask Ss the question in the third bullet point, uncertain,
and elicit answers. abandoned,
Answering questions. Students answer Verbal Pictures
some Assessment
Practice • Read out the objectives in the In this
• module you will… section.
• Explain any unknown words.
• Draw Ss’ attention to the values of the
• module and discuss the importance of

Ending the In this module you will... Students work in Peer Textbook
lesson pairs or groups to Assessment
• discuss issues relating to social change
and discuss
online behaviour
• learn to refer to, define, and give
• information about people, places and
• learn to emphasise an action rather than
• the doer of the action using the Passive
• learn to present arguments for one side of
an issue while offering counter-arguments
to the other side
• learn to write a discursive essay
A learner:
 expresses his/her opinion while answering
the questions.
• uses appropriate subject-specific
vocabulary while speaking
• discusses questions and answers the
questions within the group

Self-assessment. “Five». Self-

Students draw a picture of their assessment.
hand and write the most
important things about the
lesson on each finger. The
thumb-something interesting, the index finger -
something difficult, the middle one - something
that was not enough, the ring finger - the mood,
the little finger - the suggestions.
Homework Ex. A,B wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check learners`
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more
weaker learners by giving them redirecting of questioning in than 10 minutes
a modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in group and -Health promoting techniques
end performance activities -Breaks and physical activities used.
-through formative task -Points from Safety rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 6 Social change and further study

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Reading: Can youth change the world?
Learning objective 11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts
(s) on a wide range of general and curricular topics including some unfamiliar topics
11.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
 practice talking about young people who changed the world
Lesson objectives  interpret the question and predict possible answers
 identify information in the text to answer the question
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessmen Resources
the lesson t
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting
and take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
How are you?
Free Talk. Students guess and Picture
Warm-up  Which social issues are depicted in the express their opinion
Recognition exercise. Conveying the Students look at the Oral Textbook
meaning of new words. pictures Assessment
Presentation accompanying the
 Write the following quote on the board
texts and ask them to
and ask Ss to tell you what they
describe them
 ‘If you ever think you’re too small to
 effective, you’ve never been in bed
with a mosquito!’ — Wendy Lesko
 • Elicit answers (It means that even if
 you think you are not important in the
 universe, you can still make a huge
 difference to the world around you.).
 • Ask Ss the following question:
 What thinking or reasoning might
Practice us feel that we cannot bring about
effective change?
Identifying specific information in a text KEY Peer Handouts
• Have Ss do the activity. 1. F
• Check the answers with the class. 2. T
• Encourage Ss to justify their answers.
3. NM
4. T
Identify the meaning of unknown words
5. F
from context
6. NM
• Have Ss find the highlighted words in
the article and match them with their
meanings a-d. Ask Ss to read through
the meanings a-d and make sure they Key:
understand everything. Self-
1. a 2. c 3. d 4. b Assessment
• Encourage Ss to start with the ones
feel more confident about.
• Have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class.

Identifying specific information in the

Ending the postcards. Reading and answering the
• Ask Ss the questions and initiate a Students answers the
class discussion. following questions
Optional activity presented to them
on cards.
• Have Ss do research about one of
the teenagers mentioned in the
article to find something interesting
they did that wasn’t mentioned in
the article and share it with the
Formative Assessment
lesson • Which of the two examples in the
text are things you could do as
• Can you think of any local cause or
issue that you could contribute to
• in terms of time, effort or money
A learner:
 uses imagination to express thoughts,
ideas, experiences and feelings.
 discusses questions and answers the
questions within the group
 asks and answers the questions

Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment
using the method: “Six thinking hats”:
 Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects?
Reflection  Red: How do you feel about your work today?
 White: What have you leant today?
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now I
can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I learnt...)
 Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Homework Ex. C,D wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check learners`
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more than 10
weaker learners by giving them redirecting of questioning in minutes
a modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in group -Health promoting techniques
and end performance -Breaks and physical activities used.
activities -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.
-through formative task

REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?
Unit: 6 Social change and further study
Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Grammar: Relative clauses
Learning objective 11.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of
(s) familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
11.5.6 - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide range of familiar
general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives  present the formation, use and meaning of participle clauses
 practice in differentiating between defining and non-defining relative clauses
 use appropriate paragraphing and cohesive devices
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
the lesson
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls! How are
Discuss. Open Answer
Warm-up  What does the pronoun who refer to in each
of the sentences?
 In which sentence(s) does the relative
clause provide information which is needed
to understand the sentence? What is the
clause called?
 In which sentence(s) does the relative
clause provide extra information about the
person it refers to? What is the clause
 How is this indicated by the punctuation?
 In which sentence(s) can the relative
pronoun be omitted?
 In which sentence(s) can the relative
pronoun be replaced by that?
Grammar Presentation. 1. In the first
 Ask Ss to read through the examples in the sentence who refers
box and draw their attention to the parts in to Mr Iliyasov, in
blue. the second sentence
 Deduce that the sentences are relative it refers to People
clauses. and in the third it
refers to The man. Grammar
 Ask Ss the first question, and elicit answers.
2. b, c This is called Section in
 Then write the following examples on the
Presentatio a defining relative
 board: The book which is on the desk is clause. the
Tina’s. 3. a This is called a
 Peter, who is my cousin, went to Spain this Workbook
summer. relative clause. Verbal Handouts
 Ask Ss to tell you if they notice any 4. We always use Assessment
difference between the sentences. Elicit commas to separate
answers (The relative clause in the second a non-defining
example is between commas.). relative clause from
 Explain to Ss that these are two types of the main clause.
relative clauses, defining relative clauses 5. It can be omitted
non-defining relative clauses. in c because it
Ask them to omit the relative clause in the refers to the object
first example on the board and read out of the verb.
the sentence (The book is Tina’s.). 6. b, c We cannot
 Ask Ss the following questions: use that in the place
 Do we know which book we are referring to? of relative pronouns
no in non-defining
Practice relative clauses.
 Is the relative clause necessary for the
meaning of the whole sentence? yes
 Ask them to do the same for the second
example on the board, and ask them the
following questions:
Key: Assessment
 Do we need to know that Peter is the Handouts
speaker’s cousin? no which is/was, that
 Is the relative clause necessary for the is/was
meaning the whole sentence? No • who is/was, that
Familiarize Ss with the formation, use and is/was
Ending the meaning of participle clauses to present
lesson participle clauses Key:
• Ask Ss to read through the sentences in The following
the box and draw their attention to the should be put in
respective words in blue. brackets: Peer
• Ask Ss the question in the rubric. Elicit Assessment
1. that is 2. who is
• Check the answers with the class. Refer Ss 3. which have been
to the Grammar Reference in the 4. that’s
Give Ss practice in using participle clauses in
context participle clauses in context
• Have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class.
Formative Assessment Discuss.
 Which words can be omitted in the
sentences below? Put them in brackets.
 A painting that is worth 1.5 million pounds
was stolen from the National Museum last Students answers
night. the following
 Anyone who is interested in becoming a questions presented Group
volunteer should complete this form. to them on index assessment
Lots of people visit the ancient ruins which cards.
have been discovered in Amphipolis,
 The man that’s wearing the green jacket is
the organiser of the clean-up.
Reflection Descriptor:
A learner:
 completes the task with proper words
 discusses questions and answers the
questions within the group.
 writes a few sentences about your plans for
the weekend properly
Expressing opinion about the lesson
In my opinion .......
Homework Ex A,C wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you planning to Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? check learners` learning?
How do you plan to challenge
the more able learners?
More support will be given -through questioning and the redirecting -White board and video are used no more than 10
to weaker learners by giving of questioning in feedback activities minutes
them a modified worksheets -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
in some tasks with greater performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 6 Social change and further study

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Vocabulary: Environmental issues
Learning objective 11.3.1 - use formal and informal registers in talk on a range of general and curricular topics
(s) including some unfamiliar topics
11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk contexts
on a wide range of general and curricular topics including some unfamiliar topics
 use appropriate degree of formality in speech
 practice using language related to work/employment
Lesson objectives
 identify in talking the environmental issues
 respond to others’ opinion
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessmen Resources
the lesson t
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls! How are
Predicting and Guessing. Prefixes are added to the beginning CD
Warm-up Ask students: of a word. They can create the
 Look at the tables on the left which opposite of that word (possible >
contain some common prefixes and impossible, like > dislike) or create
example words. Complete the middle a new word with a different
column of each with the meanings of the meaning (national > international,
prefixes 1-8. circle > semicircle).
Presentation the meaning of some common
• Ask Ss if they remember what prefixes are Verbal
and how they affect a word (Prefixes are used anti- 4 Assessment
at the beginning of a word and they always bio- 2 Dictionary
change the meaning of the word they are mono- 1
added to.). multi- 3
• Draw Ss’ attention to the note in the box in non- 7
order to provide Ss with further explanations. post- 5
• Draw Ss’ attention to the activity, and pre- 6
Presentatio explain what they have to do. You can have Ss sub- 8
n work in pairs.
• Encourage them to start with the ones they
are sure about.
• Check the answers with the class.
• Use the Language plus box to provide Ss
with any necessary explanations.
Practice in determining how the meaning anti-smoker: somebody
changes when different prefixes are added to who is against smoking Peer
non-smoker: somebody
the same root word who doesn’t smoke Assessment
• Ask Ss to do the activity. Tell Ss that 2. pre-match interview: Key Words
an interview that takes
they should pay attention to the place before a match
prefixes in order to understand the post-match interview: an
difference between the two words in interview that takes place
each case. after a match
3. monolingual
• Check the answers with the class dictionary: a dictionary
that uses only one
Present the differences between some easily language multilingual
confused words and give Ss practice in using dictionary: a dictionary
them in context that uses more than two
• Explain to Ss that they are going to work
on some easily confused words. Draw their
attention to the boxes with the words and tell
them that the words in each box have Self-
something in common. Assessment
1. raised
• Ask Ss to look at the first box and try to Worksheets
2. rise
tell you what these words have in common.
3. arose
Allow the use of L1 (These words have
4. raised
similar meaning but different usage.).
5. lift
• Ask Ss to read sentences 1-5 and check
6. noticed
their understanding.
7. gazing
• Have Ss complete the first five sentences.
8. witness
Remind them that they have to use the
9. observing
correct form of each word.
• If time permits, ask Ss to come up with
their own examples using these words.
• Follow the same procedure for the rest of
11. stop
the activity. Check the answers with the
12. prevent
13. avoid
Practice in forming collocations related to the
14. forbidden
topic of the environment
• Write the following on the board: 15. stop/prevent
endangered species. Explain to Ss that a Tables
group of two or more words usually go Oral
together and form collocations. There are assessment Handouts
many collocations about the
environment, such as the one on the
board. Key:
• Draw Ss’ attention to the words in the 1. environmentally
box and the groups of words. Have Ss 2. toxic
form collocations based on their
background knowledge. 3. resources
• This will challenge higher-performing 4. waste
Ss. Tell Ss not to worry about making 5. environmental
mistakes. This will encourage lower-
Practice performing Ss to do the activity.
A learner:
 completes the task with properly
 asks and answers the questions
discusses questions and answers the
questions within the group
“3-3-1” Self
3 sentences to reflect on the lesson assessment.
3 adjectives to describe the lesson
1 word about the lesson
Homework Ex A wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you planning Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? to check learners` learning?
How do you plan to challenge
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the redirecting -White board and video are used no more than 10
weaker learners by giving them a of questioning in feedback activities minutes
modified worksheets in some -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.

REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 6 Social change and further study

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Listening& Speaking: Discussing controversial issues
Learning objective (s) 11.2.1 - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics
11.3.6 - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in talk on
a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
 identify the main points in unsupported extended talk
 use paraphrasing and correction techniques in speech
Lesson objectives
 practice talking about the social change an individual can bring
 work in pairs to make decisions
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessmen Resources
the lesson t
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls! How are
Brainstorming. Open Answer
Warm-up • What do you know about the following
• global warming
• banning the use of plastic
• veganism
Introduce the topic of the listening activity
Think – Pair - Share Students read Tables
• Draw Ss’ attention to the topics and read through the tables
them aloud. and come up with
• Have Ss come up with any ideas related to any ideas related to Key
n these topics individually first. these topics words
• Then have Ss work in pairs, and exchange individually first
• Have each pair share their ideas in class,
and initiate a class discussion.
• This process will cater to your Ss’ range
learning styles.
• You can draw the following on the board
to help Ss organise their ideas

Sentence Completion Task. Practice in

listening for specific information Peer
• Ask Ss to read through the questions 1-4,
and check understanding. KEY
• Have Ss read the questions and options
Practice 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c
carefully before they hear each extract.
• Tell them not to try to understand every
single word or phrase. They should focus
on the whole message.
• Play the recording twice.
• Check the answers with the class.
• Ask Ss why the other two options were
not the correct ones. This will challenge
igher-performing Ss.
Give Ss the opportunity to elaborate on the
topics of the listening activity to engage Ss with
questions requiring personal response to
encourage Ss to develop argumentation to KEY
support their opinion Students listen to
the dialogues 1, 2 Self-
• Draw Ss’ attention to the questions. Assessment
• Have Ss listen to the dialogues 1, 2 and and 3
3 again, and make
again, and make notes on the arguments notes on the
expressed. Tell Ss not to write full arguments
sentences while listening so that they can expressed.
focus on the dialogues.
• Then ask Ss to use their notes and
Reflection answer
the question in the first bullet point. Elicit
• Ask Ss the questions in the second, third
and fourth bullet points, and elicit
• Initiate a class discussion.
Speak. Work in pairs. Students talk in Peer Dialogues
pairs and look at the Assessment
• Discuss.
prompts below and
• Do you think that what you do as an
make predictions
individual to protect the environment can
using the phrases in
actually change the way society behaves?
the box
• Why do many of us continue to have bad
environmental practices, even though we
know what’s right? Handouts
• Who do you think is more responsible for
addressing the problem of pollution,
individuals or the government?
• How important is it that countries make it
a priority to develop and use renewable
energy sources?
A learner:
 asks and answers relevant questions;
 considers different perspectives;
 uses appropriate degree of formality;
 applies paraphrasing and correction
 uses appropriate syntax and vocabulary.
Homework Ex. C,D wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check learners`
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more
weaker learners by giving them redirecting of questioning in than 10 minutes
a modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in group and -Health promoting techniques
end performance activities -Breaks and physical activities used.
-through formative task -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.

REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 6 Social change and further study

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Reading: Have some cookies, whether you like them or not?
Learning objective (s) 11.3.6 - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in talk on a
wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
11.4.6 - recognize the attitude, opinion or tone of the writer in extended texts on a range of
more complex and abstract, general and curricular topics
 identify speakers’ opinion
Lesson objectives  practice talking about online privacy
 emphasising the action rather than the doer
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
the lesson
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting
and take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
How are you?
Discuss. Open Answer
Warm-up Ask Ss:
• Have you ever seen the word
while using the Internet? If so, do you
know what cookies refer to?

Conveying the meaning of new words. KEY

• Ask Ss to read the texts quickly, and •The overall theme is
tell you what they are about. the issue of data
• Tell Ss to underline key words that collection by online Pictures
will help them remember the main services and its impact Oral
idea of each text. on Internet users. Assessment Tables
• Allow Ss some time to do the activity, More specifically, the
and elicit answers. You can ask them first text is by an
to underline any unknown words at online
the same time. Alternatively, as soon retailer explaining why
as they do the they collect customer
Presentatio activity, have Ss read the texts again data. The second text
n and underline any unknown words. is by a privacy lawyer
exposing some of the
dangers of allowing
websites to collect our
data. The third text is
by an Internet user
questioning the pros
and cons of giving
personal data to
Practice in identifying specific information
in three short texts Students read again
• Have Ss do the activity. and answer the Verbal Pictures
• Tell Ss that if they have difficulty in questions assessment Questions
some of the questions, they can choose
5 of them to answer.
• This will build lower-performing Ss’
confidence do the activity.
• Check the answers with the clas
Identify the meaning of words/ phrases Verbal Worksheets
Practice from context KEY assessment
• Have Ss find words in the texts and 1. d 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. e 6.
match them with their meanings a-f. c
Ask them to read through their
meanings and make sure they
understand everything. KEY
• Encourage Ss to start with the ones 1T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T
they feel more confident about.
• Have Ss do the activity
Formative Assessment
• Ask Ss some questions:
• The right of online companies to
collect user data is a controversial Students express their
issue. attitude Group Handouts
• Based on what you read, which two assessment
Ending the sides are there and what do they
lesson claim?
• How strong do you think Bill Taylor’s
argument is in the first paragraph?
• Do you share any of the feelings
expressed by Andy Jones?
• What is your opinion on this issue?
A learner:
 identifies speaker’s viewpoint.
 selects the appropriate answer.
 chooses the correct answers to the
 checks the answers by reading the text
Self-assessment. Self
Plus Minus Interesting assessment.
If students liked something at the lesson they put it into the column
“plus”, if they didn’t like or were bored during some part of the lesson,
they can use the column “minus”, the section “interesting” is for those
activities which were interesting during the lesson.
Homework Ex A /B wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check
How do you plan to challenge learners` learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more than 10
weaker learners by giving them redirecting of questioning in minutes
a modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in -Health promoting techniques
group and end performance -Breaks and physical activities used.
activities -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.
-through formative task
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 6 Social change and further study

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Grammar: Passive voice
Learning objective (s) 11.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range
of perspectives on the world
11.4.6 - recognize the attitude, opinion or tone of the writer in extended texts
on a range of more complex and abstract, general and curricular topics
• discuss the topic from various perspectives
Lesson objectives • revise the basic uses of the Passive Voice
• recognize how the Passive Voice is formed in each tense
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessmen Resources
the lesson t
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls! How are
Start Thinking. Answering the questions. Open Answer
Warm-up • What is emphasised in the Passive Voice, the
action itself or the doer of the action?
• bIf we want to mention the doer of the action
in the Passive Voice, how do we do it?
• How is the Passive Voice formed?
• How can the above examples be converted
into the Active Voice?
Revise the basic uses of the Passive Voice to KEY Oral Grammar
revise how the Passive Voice is formed in each a. In the Passive assessment
Section in
tense Voice the action
• Ask Ss to read the examples of the Passive itself is emphasised. the
Voice, and discuss what they remember. b. We use by + the
• Ask Ss the first question, and elicit answers. doer of the
• Ask Ss the second question, and elicit action/the agent. c.
answers. subject +
• Explain to Ss that we don’t include an agent appropriate form of
when the agent is unknown, unimportant or the verb to be + past
easy to figure out. participle.1.Website
• Allow Ss some time to think of their s /They use cookies
Presentation answers. Check the answers with the class. to keep track of your
• Then have Ss rewrite the sentences in the visits and activity. 2.
Active Voice. The computer is
• Check the answers with the class. updating
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference in the theantivirus program
Workbook to provide any necessary right now, so you’ll
explanations. have to wait a few
minutes. 3. A
carefully designed
our website to attract
the reader’s attention.
Elaborate on the uses of the Passive Voice Verbal Grammar
KEY assessment Section in
Practice • Ask Ss to read through sentences 1-5 and 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. c the
the expressed purposes a-e and check Workbook
their understanding.
• Have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference in
the Workbook.

Practice in using the Passive Voice in context KEY

• Draw Ss’ attention to the activity. 1. changed
Explain 2. is being used
to Ss that they have to decide whether 3. have shown
they need the passive or the active form 4. have seen
of the verb. Tell them to try to 5. was considered
understand 6. recognising
the meaning first, and then choose the
correct answer.
• Have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class.
Present the Passive Voice of verbs of assessment
perception and the verbs make and let Suggested answer
• Ask Ss to read the first pair of examples Grammar
of the Active and Passive Voice in the Active, Passive bare tables
box, and draw their attention to the verbs infinitive, full
saw and was seen in the two sentences. infinitive be allowed
• Ask Ss to tell you what they notice about
the infinitives which follow the verbs in
Ending the each sentence.
lesson • Elicit the answer that the verb saw is
followed by a bare Infinitive (go) in the
Active Voice and a full Infinitive (to go)
in the Passive Voice.
• Follow the same procedure with the
examples in the box.
• Then have Ss complete the rules. As
as they finish, have them compare their
answers with their partners’.
• Check the answers with the class.
A learner
 sequences information and ideas
 uses a wide range of Passive voices
 has good argumentation while discussing
the topic from different perspectives.
Exploration Table. Exploration Table At the Students express Self
end of class, each student answers the following their attitude to the assessment.
questions presented to them on index cards: lesson.
 What did we do in class?
Reflection  Why did we do it?
 What did I learn today?
 How can I apply it?
 What questions do I have about it?
Homework Ex A,C wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan to Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
give more support? How do you planning to check learners`
plan to challenge the more able learning?
More support will be given to weaker -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more than
learners by giving them a modified redirecting of questioning in 10 minutes
worksheets in some tasks with greater feedback activities -Use water-based pens
support -through observation in group and -Health promoting techniques
end performance activities -Breaks and physical activities used.
-through formative task -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 6 Social change and further study

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Vocabulary: Expressions with mind and nouns+ preposition
Learning objective (s) 11.3.1 - use formal and informal registers in talk on a range of general and curricular
topics including some unfamiliar topics
11.3.6 - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in talk on a
wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
 use appropriate degree of formality in speech
Lesson objectives  practice talking about online privacy
 presenting arguments
Stages of the Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
Warm-up Free Talk. Open answer
The most important thing to keep in
mind, though, is that all this
collected data is a target for hackers...
Practice in expressions with mind in KEY Verbal Handouts
expressions with 1. b Assessment
• Ask Ss to read through the sentences (1- 2. a
10) and draw their attention to the 3. d
expressions with mind in each one of 4. e
them. 5. c
Presentation • Ask Ss to read through the definitions a- 6. h
j 7. i
and check their understanding. 8. f
• Have Ss do the activity. 9. j
• Point out to Ss that they should try to 10. g
deduce the meaning of the expressions
with mind from the context of the
sentences. Tell Ss to start with the ones
they are already familiar with.
• Check the answers with the class.
Practice in distinguishing between easily KEY
confused words 1. routine 2. trend
3. custom 4. habit Peer
• Ask Ss to read through the sentences 5. approve 6. accept assessment Worksheets
7. agree 8. reduce/
the words in the respective boxes and 9. drop/decrease
check their understanding. 10. Lower 11.
Have Ss do the activity. decreased/ dropped
Practice Check the answers with the class. If 12. customers
necessary, provide Ss with any further 13. consumers /
explanations. Shoppers 14. clients
15. shoppers 16.
Raise Ss’ awareness of nouns which are shoppers/ customers
followed by prepositions
• Ask Ss to read through the extracts from Self- Handouts
the texts and draw their attention to the assessment
words in bold. …..necessity of…
• Ask Ss the question in the rubric. Have … preferences for…
Ss think of the prepositions without … invasion of…
looking at the texts first. Then ask them
to look at the texts and check their
answers. Elicit answers.
… Key:
Present some nouns followed by prepositions 1. about
to give Ss practice in using nouns followed by Worksheets
2. to
prepositions in context 3. of
• Have Ss do the activity. 4. of
• Check the answers with the class. Group
5. to
6. of
Post-reading. 7. for
Ending the Discuss. 8. in
lesson • Ask Ss some questions: 9. to
10. of.
• How do you keep in touch with friends?
• Have you formed any friendships
online? How are these friendships
• from real-life friendships?

Feedback A learner:
• selects an appropriate answer
 completes sentences using words
 uses appropriate subject-specific
vocabulary while speaking
Students attach their boat in the appropriate area
of the map that reflects their emotions and mood
after the lesson.
Homework Ex A,C wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan Assessment - how are you planning Health and safety check ICT links
to give more support? How do to check learners` learning?
you plan to challenge the more
able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the redirecting -White board and video are used no
weaker learners by giving them a of questioning in feedback activities more than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some tasks -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
with greater support performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 6 Social change and further study

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Writing: A discursive essay
Learning objective (s) 11.4.6 - recognize the attitude, opinion or tone of the writer in extended texts on a range
of more complex and abstract, general and curricular topics
11.5.1 - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently on a range of
general and curricular topics;
 identify speakers’ opinion
 practice talking about the effects of social media on our life
Lesson objectives
 discuss both sides of an issue
 practice writing in an academic style
Stages of the Teacher’s activities Students’ Assessment Resources
lesson activities
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
Warm-up Discovery activity: Open Answer Tables
• Read the writing task and the essay that
follows. Has the writer
discussed both views of the issue?
Provide Ss with a sample discursive essay n to KEY Oral Tables
prepare Ss for the writing activity Yes, the writer Assessment Grammar
• Draw Ss’ attention to the writing task and has discussed Section
read it aloud. both Workbook
• Ask Ss to underline the question and ask views of the issue
them to express their opinion.
• Initiate a short class discussion.
Presentation • Then have Ss read the essay silently.
• Tell them to underline the arguments
presented in the second and third paragraph
of the essay.
• As soon as Ss have finished reading the
essay, ask them the question in the rubric.
• Elicit answers.
Familiarise Ss with features of the academic style Self- Worksheets
of the academic style Key: assessment
• Write academic style on the board, and 1. h
ask Ss to tell you what they think it is, and 2. d
why it is important to learn how to write 3. e
in an academic style. 4. g
• Elicit answers and initiate a class 5. i
discussion. Use the Background knowledge 6. a
box to provide Ss with all the necessary 7. c
information. 8. j
• Explain to Ss that there are certain 9. b
characteristics concerning academic style 10. f
Practice of writing.
• Read the note aloud. If necessary, provide
Ss with further explanations.
• Ask Ss to read through the words/phrases
1-10, and do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class
Key: Handouts
Familiarize Ss with features of the academic 1. should be
style restricted Peer
of the academic style 2. It is difficult to assessment
Ending he • Read the note aloud. If necessary, provide understand
lesson Ss with further explanations. 3. is thought to be
• Read through the first sentence aloud and dangerous
check Ss’ understanding. Then read through It is thought that
the second sentence and the word that they 4. It is evident
have to use in order to say the same thing in that
an impersonal way. 5. has been an
• You can have Ss underline in the first increase in
sentence the words/phrases that have 6. It is claimed Guide for
already been used in the second sentence that writing
so that it is easier for them to focus on 7. solution to the
what needs to be changed. This will help problem must
lower-performing Ss do the activity. /should be found
• Elicit answers.
• Ask Ss to follow the same procedure for
Feedback the rest of the sentences.
Have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class. Writing
Formative Assessment tasks
Familiarize Ss with features of academic writing Self-
• Read the note aloud. If necessary, provide Key: assessment
Ss with further explanations. 1.b, d
• Have Ss do the activity. Tell them to 2. a, d
underline words/phrases that helped 3. a, b, c, d
them understand which sentences in 4. a, c
each group are more cautious.
• As soon as they finish, have them compare
their answers with their partners’.
• Check the answers with the class.
A learner:
• writes an essay fully addressing the task;
• uses paragraphing appropriately and
sequences the text logically;
• uses cohesive devices;
• uses a wide range of grammar and
vocabulary with a good degree of
Self-assessment. Self-
“Five”. Children draw a picture of their hand and write the assessment.
most important things about the lesson on each finger. The
thumb - something interesting, the index finger - something
difficult, the middle one - something that was not enough, the
ring finger - the mood, the little finger - the suggestions.
Homework Get Writing
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan Assessment - how are you planning Health and safety check ICT links
to give more support? How do to check learners` learning?
you plan to challenge the more
able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the redirecting -White board and video are used no
weaker learners by giving them a of questioning in feedback activities more than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some tasks -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
with greater support performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 6 Social change and further study

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Culture Page: The Aral Sea
Learning objective (s) 11.2.1 - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics
11.3.6 - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in talk on a
wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
• identify the importance of water in an ecosystem
Lesson objectives • discuss the dangerous effects of global warming
• practice presenting to certain aspects of the culture in Kazakhstan
Stages of the Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
Warm-up Picture Description. Open answers Pictures
• Look at the two images of the Aral Sea
• What do you think the following article
is about? Can you think of possible
causes for this phenomenon?
Familiarize Ss with certain aspects of the Students look at the Oral CD
Presentatio Kazakh culture pictures and tell you Assessment
n • Write The Aral Sea on the board, and ask what the text is
Ss to tell you anything they know about it.
about, then listen
You can write Ss’ answers on the board.
• Draw Ss’ attention to the two images. and check the
Ask Ss to tell you what they notice. Allow answers
the use of L1 to encourage all Ss to express
• Elicit answers (The sea has shrunk over
the past 30 years.).
• Ask Ss the questions in the rubric. You
have them work in pairs or small groups in
order to think of possible causes for this
• Have Ss share their answers in class. Do
not correct Ss at this stage.
Practice Choosing the best title. The Aral Sea was a Peer Textbook
• Draw Ss’ attention to the text and freshwater lake Assessment
explain because two of
to them what they have to do. Read the
Central Asia’s
three titles aloud, and allow Ss some
time to do the activity. biggest rivers (Amu
• Tell Ss that the title they are going to Darya and the Syr
choose should best summarise the Darya flowed into
whole the Sea. However,
text and not only specific parts of the because it was so big
text. (the fourth largest
• Have Ss do the activity.
lake in the world), it
• Check the answers with the class.
was called a sea.
Answering comprehension questions:
1. Where is the Aral Sea situated? on the Students answer Worksheets
border between Kazakhstan and comprehension Verbal
Uzbekistan questions assessment
2. Why did the Soviet Union decide to
change the natural flow of the two rivers
that flowed into the lake? They wanted to
create farmland in the surrounding desert,
and use the rivers’ water for growing
crops such as cotton.
3. When did this happen? the 1960s Did
this project have a positive effect on the
Ending of economy of the area? Yes
the lesson 4. How was the Aral Sea affected? The Peer
depth and the area of the lake started to assessment
5. How was the local climate affected?
Summers became hotter and winters Key:
cooler. 1. NM
Reading for specific understanding. 2. F Posters
Answering multiple-choice questions. 3. T
• Have Ss do the activity. 4. F
• Check the answers with the class. 5. T
Formation Assessment 6. NM
Project Work.
• Do you know of any other man-made Group
environmental disasters that have been assessment
dealt with successfully? Do research
and present your findings to the class.
A learner:
• selects an appropriate answer
• completes sentences using phrases
 discusses questions and answers the
questions within the group.
Most ……. thing
Reflection Ask learners what was the most, e.g., useful,
interesting, surprising, etc. thing they learned
Homework Project work
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan Assessment - how are you planning Health and safety check ICT links
to give more support? How do to check learners` learning?
you plan to challenge the more
able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the redirecting -White board and video are used no
weaker learners by giving them a of questioning in feedback activities more than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some tasks -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
with greater support performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 7 Reading for pleasure

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Harnessing the power of fear
Learning objective (s) 11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk
contexts on a wide range of general and curricular topics including some unfamiliar topics
11.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
• interpret the question and predict possible answers
Lesson objectives • identify information in the text to answer the question
• practice discussing issues relating to fear
Stages of the Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
Warm-up Discuss:
• Have you ever been on a roller coaster? If
yes, did you enjoy it? If no, why not?
• Which of the statements below best
describes your feelings towards roller
coasters? Why?
Identifying the topic. Using pictures related to Students look at the Verbal Pictures
Presentatio the text for prediction. title of the assessment
n • Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the text module and the main
and ask them what they think it means
pictures on the
(control the impact that fear has on sb).
• • You can also ask Ss to tell you how they page and answer.
manage to overcome their fear or deal Key: C
with stressful situations.
• Draw Ss’ attention to the statements a-d
and check their understanding.
• Have Ss read the text, ask them the
question in the rubric and elicit answers.
Ask Ss to provide justifications for their
answer. This will challenge high-
performing Ss and help lower-performing
Ss understand why this is the correct
Pair work. Practice in identifying specific Peer Textbook
information in the text Assessment
• Draw Ss’ attention to sentences a-g, read Students guess what
them out and check their understanding. the module is about
• Tell Ss that they will have to complete the
gaps 1-6 with the sentences a-g. Remind
them that there is one extra sentence they
do not need to use.
• Read the TIP aloud and explain it.
• Have Ss do the activity. Tell Ss to KEY Self-
underline words/phrases that helped them Assessment Pictures
find the answers. 1. d 2. g 3. b 4. f 5. a
• As soon as Ss finish, ask them to read the 6. e
Practice article again and check if their answers
make sense as part of the whole article.
• Have them underline any unknown words
at the same time.
• Check the answers with the class. Ask Ss
• to provide justification for their answers.
Suggested answers
bungee jumping,
Give Ss the opportunity to elaborate on the paragliding, hang-
topic of the text gliding, wingsuit Textbook
• Ask Ss the questions and initiate a class flying, base jumping, Group
discussion. etc. Assessment
I’d love to try them
Formative Assessment. Recognition exercise all because they
Speak and Listen. Discuss. are once-in-a-
Ending of • What other adrenalin-packed activities do lifetime experiences!
the lesson you know of? /I
• Which of the following would you be wouldn’t try any of
willing to try? Why? / Why not? these because I’m
skydiving swimming with sharks not such an
volcano surfing dining in the sky adventurous type of
Descriptor: person
A learner:
 scans the text to identify what event is
likely to occur next;
 explains answers giving arguments using
textual evidence.
 uses appropriate subject-specific
vocabulary while speaking.
 discusses questions and answers the
questions within the group.
Homework Ex. C,D wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan Assessment - how are you planning Health and safety check ICT links
to give more support? How do to check learners` learning?
you plan to challenge the more
able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the redirecting -White board and video are used no
weaker learners by giving them a of questioning in feedback activities more than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some tasks -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
with greater support performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 6 Reading for pleasure

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Grammar: Participle clauses
Learning objective (s) 11.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
11.5.5 - develop with minimal support coherent arguments supported when necessary by
examples and reasons for a range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topic
• identify the formation, use and meaning of participle clauses
Lesson objectives • practice discussing issues relating to fear and sequencing past events
• practice in using participle clauses in context
Stages of Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
the lesson
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls! How are
Warm-up Discuss. Verbal Questions
 Read the sentences below and answer
the questions. p.188
Familiarize Ss with the formation, use and
meaning of participle clauses to present Students read
participle clauses through the table
• Ask Ss to read through the sentences in and tell what they
Presentation Oral
the two boxes and draw their attention notice about Assessment
to it
the respective words in blue.
• Make sure that Ss understand that the
words in blue are present participles. KEY Grammar
Section in
• Ask Ss to read through the two 1.a 2. b the
questions Workbook
as well as the respective answer choices
and check their understanding.
• Have Ss answer the questions.
• Check the answers with the class.
Identifying the topic. Using pictures related
to the text for prediction. Sequencing events. Students look at the
prompts and write Peer
• For further practice, ask Ss to come up sentences.. Assessment
with their own examples practising the
use of present participles to replace
relative clauses in the active voice as Handouts.
well as time clauses, as in the examples
3 b 4. a.
• presented here.
• Follow the same procedure with
sentences containing the past participles.
• Have Ss answer the questions.
• Check the answers with the class.
KEY Verbal
Pair work. Asking and answering questions. Assessment
5. a 6. b
• Ask Ss to read through the
questions as well as their answer
and check their understanding. Key:
1. There was a crowd
Practice • Have Ss answer the questions. of people
• Check the answers with the class. waiting outside the Oral
stadium for the Assessment
gates to open.
Practice in using participle clauses in context 2. Having read
• Have Ss do the activity. everything in the
• Check the answers with the class. series,
• Have Ss justify their answers by I was really eager for Handouts
referring the new book.
to the use of each participle and the kind 3. Impressed with the
of the sentence they replace. This will exhibits in the
challenge higher-performing Ss. museum, we didn’t
Ask Ss: want to leave.
• Which sentence is the correct one and 4. (If) Watered every
day, the plant won’t
Ending the die…..
• Elicit answers (I seldom watch science
lesson fiction films. It’s the correct sentence
because adverbs of frequency usually go
before the verb.).
• Have Ss do the activity. Check the
answers with the class.
A learner:
 understands the general idea of the
 identifies main points of the clauses;
 chooses the correct answers for each
 constructs grammatically correct
Homework Ex C,D wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you Assessment - how are you Health and safety check ICT links
plan to give more support? planning to check learners`
How do you plan to challenge learning?
the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the -White board and video are used no more
weaker learners by giving them a redirecting of questioning in than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some feedback activities -Use water-based pens
tasks with greater support -through observation in group and -Health promoting techniques
end performance activities -Breaks and physical activities used.
-through formative task -Points from Safety rules used at this lesson
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 7 Reading for pleasure

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Vocabulary: Expressing feelings
Learning objective (s) 11.4.9 - recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended texts on a range of of more
complex and abstract, general and curricular topics
11.5.4 - use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of formality in a wide
variety of written genres on general and curricular topics;
• recognise vocabulary related to expressing feelings
Lesson objectives • practice talking about synaesthesia
use style and register makking speculations
Stages of the Teacher’s activities Students’ Assessment Resources
lesson activities
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and take
their places. Hello, boys and girls!
Warm-up • Get Thinking. Open answers Tables
Look at the extract from the text on pages
184-186. What do you think the
verb in bold means? Which word does it
derive from?
Familiarize Ss with noun and verb derivatives of Verbal Pictures
adjectives Key: assessment
• Ask Ss to read the sentence, paying heighten = to
attention to the verb in bold. increase
• Ask Ss to tell you what it means. Tell them Noun: height Books
to refer to the text on pages 184-186 in order
to understand its meaning from context.
• Then ask Ss to tell you the noun it derives
from. Elicit answers.
Present noun and verb derivatives of adjectives KEY Verbal Worksheets
• Ask Ss to look at the note in the red box assessment
and explain it. adjective
• Draw Ss’ attention to the fact that they Noun
should include only the noun derivatives Verb
that have the same meaning as the adjectives.
• Have Ss do the activity and check the
answers with the class.

Present some adjective + noun collocations

• Draw Ss’ attention to the activity and ask
them to look at the first group of nouns. KEY
• Ask them to try to find an adjective or a pair Oral Nouns
of adjectives to collocate with the noun heart. 1. strong/weak assessment
• You can ask them the following questions 2. long/short
to help them: 3. deep
• Can we have a long or a short heart? no 4. wide adjective +
• Can we have a high heart? no 5. high noun
• Ask Ss to tell you the answer (strong/weak). collocation
• Tell them to follow the same procedure for s
the rest of the groups. Tell them to choose a
noun they are familiar with, and ask
themselves questions as the ones used for the
first group of nouns.

Practice in using the prepositional phrases with in Key:

and on in context 1. in honour of
2. on a regular
• Have Ss do the activity. basis
• Check the answers with the class. 3. on second
thoughts Group
Practice in listening for specific information 4. in advance assessment
• Ask Ss to read the questions 1-5. 5. in reality
Ending of
• Play the recording and have Ss do the 6. On behalf of
the lesson
activity. 7. on good CD
• Check the answers with the class. terms
8. in need of
4. Speak and Discuss. 9. On arrival
Discuss the following: 10. in progress
• How would you like to be treated by others
if Key:
you had synaesthesia? 1. c
Descriptor 2. a
Learner 3. a
• uses appropriate subject-specific vocabulary 4. b
• illustrates the ability to link words into 5. c
sentences and paragraphs.
• writes an appropriate information. .
• spells the words properly
Pair share
At the end of a lesson learners share with their
• Three new things they have learnt
• What they found easy
• What they found difficult
Something they would like to learn in the future.
Homework Ex C,D wb
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan Assessment - how are you planning Health and safety check ICT links
to give more support? How do to check learners` learning?
you plan to challenge the more
able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the redirecting -White board and video are used no
weaker learners by giving them a of questioning in feedback activities more than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some tasks -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
with greater support performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 7 Reading for pleasure

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Reading: Red lorry, Yellow lorry by William Jones. Inversion
Learning objective (s) 11.4.6 - recognize the attitude, opinion or tone of the writer in extended texts on a range
of more complex and abstract, general and curricular topics
11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk
contexts on a wide range of general and curricular topics including some unfamiliar topics
• identify author’s attitude and viewpoint in extended texts
Lesson objectives • practice talking about issues related to sleep
• present inversion
Stages of the Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
Warm-up Talking in pairs. Open answers Tables
• Is there a standard time you go to bed at
night, or do you go to bed when you can’t
stay awake any longer?
• When you go to bed, do you fall asleep
immediately or doyou toss and turn?
• • Do you sleep like a log or are you a light
Practice in reading for gist.
• Draw Ss’ attention to the activity and Students look at the
have pictures and the title
Ss read through the first question. and say if they have
• • Before Ss read through the possible heard of the story
answers a-d, ask them to try and find the before, if they like it,
answer in the text. Point out that this what they know Verbal
question refers to the second paragraph about it. assessment
of the text.
• Allow Ss some time to scan the text and Worksheets
as soon as they find the relevant part, tell Key:
them to underline it and read it closely to
find the required information. 1. c
Presentation • • Then have Ss read through the options 2. d
and choose the correct answer. Point out 3. b
that they can find the correct answer by 4. d
eliminating the wrong options and check 5. b
if the remaining option is the correct one
according to what they’ve read in the text.
• Tell Ss to follow the same procedure for
questions 2–5. Handouts
• To help lower-performing Ss, you may Peer
eliminate one or two incorrect options. assessment
Practice in deducing the meaning of unknown Key:
words/phrases from the context
• Draw Ss’ attention to the highlighted 1. c
words/phrases in the text. 2. g
• Ask Ss to read through meanings a-g and 3. b
make sure they understand everything. 4. f
• Point out to Ss that they should try to 5. e
deduce the meaning of the words/phrases 6. d
from the context.
• Remind them that there is one extra
Practice meaning which they do not need to use.
• Encourage Ss to start with the ones they
feel more confident about.
• Have Ss do the activity. Key: Grammar
• Check the answers with the class. Peer Reference
Present inversion 1. The verbs are in assessment Workbook
• Ask Ss to read through the examples in the question form.
the box and draw their attention to the 2. statements
words in blue. 3. a. to place
• Ask Ss to tell you what they can notice emphases
about the meaning of the words in blue
at the beginning of the sentence (The
words used have a negative or restrictive
meaning.). Key:
• Ask Ss to read through the questions 1-3 1. do you come
and check their unde rstanding. across such a green
• Have Ss answer the questions. area in this city
• Check the answers with the class. 2. had we started Grammar
Practice in using inversion in context driving when we got Rules
• Ask Ss to read through the sentences 1-6 a flat tyre
and pay attention to the negative words/ 3. (even) a single Verbal
expressions at the beginning of each thing did she do to assessment
sentence. help us with the
• Have Ss do the activity. preparations for the
• Check the answers with the class. fundraiser
• Ask Ss to justify their answers.
Practice in using inversion Key:
• Ask Ss to read through the sentences 1. On no account
1-7 as well as the words in bold at the end should you be late
Ending of of each sentence and check their for our appointment.
the lesson understanding. 2. Rarely do we
• Have Ss do the activity. order out.
• Check the answers with the class. 3. By no means will I
Descriptor lend you so much
Learner money….
• finds facts/opinion and completes the
• identifies main points while reading and
makes the right
uses inversion in sentences
writes grammatically correct sentences
Homework w/b 7D Ex B/C p97
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan to Assessment - how are you planning to Health and safety check ICT links
give more support? How do you plan check learners` learning?
to challenge the more able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the redirecting -White board and video are used no
weaker learners by giving them a of questioning in feedback activities more than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some tasks -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
with greater support performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 7 Reading for pleasure

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Writing: A blog entry
Learning objective (s) 11.5.4 - use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of formality in a wide
variety of written genres on general and curricular topics;
11.5.5 - develop with minimal support coherent arguments supported when necessary by
examples and reasons for a range of written genres in familiar general and curricular
• produce a text in an appropriate style
Lesson objectives • identify coherent arguments narrating past events
• practice writing a blog entry
Stages of the Teacher’s activities Students’ Assessment Resources
lesson activities
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and take
their places. Hello, boys and girls!
Warm-up Discuss. Open Answer. Pictures
• Do you read people’s blogs? What do you
think attracts us to
reading about other people’s thoughts,
interests and everyday life?
Practice in reading for gist KEY Oral Textbook
Presentatio • Ask Ss to look at the pictures and the title It is referring to a assessment Picture
n of the text and tell you what they think the misunderstanding
blog is about (an experience that the boy had that took place at
when he went on holiday in Thailand). the airport of
• Ask Ss to read the blog entry and explain Thailand when
any unknown words. the police
• Ask Ss the question in the rubric and elicit mistook A shot
answers. for a wanted man.
Familiarize Ss with some of the stylistic features of KEY Verbal Worksheets
blog entire. Prepare Ss for the writing activity 1. The language is assessment
• Ask Ss to read through the questions 1-8. informal, chatty
• Explain that they have to scan the text and and friendly.
find examples to provide justifications for 2. He uses the
their answers. word ‘you’ and
• Explain that blog entries combine the rhetorical
stylistic features of articles and stories. questions to make
• Ask them what they remember about these it seem like he’s
genres (use of title, narration of events using talking directly to
past tenses, narrate the events in his readers, e.g.
chronological order, etc.). What would you
• Have Ss do the activity. have done in my
• Check the answers with the class and shoes? ... Can you
provide any necessary clarifications. believe it?
3. In both types of
Present Ss with cleft sentences to give Ss practice writing, we have
in cleft sentences an eye-catching Peer- Guide for
Practice • Draw Ss’ attention to the boxes. title and lively assessment. writing
• Write the following on the board: Tom language because
broke the vase. and It was Tom who broke we want to attract
the vase. attention.
• Ask Ss: Which sentence is more emphatic?
• Elicit answers (It was Tom who broke the Key:
vase.). 1. really wanted
• Explain to Ss that the correct answer is a was to jump off
cleft sentence. Explain to Ss that we use the cliff and into
cleft sentences to emphasise a particular the water
• part of the sentence or a whole sentence. 2. night-time
• Read the note on cleft sentences aloud when we decided Guiding
and make sure Ss understand everything. to go write
• Draw Ss’ attention to the activity. looking for her
• Have Ss do the activity. As soon as they 3. rescued me was
finish, have them compare their answers a hiker who was
with their partners’. passing by
• Check the answers with the class. 4. was (that) we
missed our flight
5. manage to g
Formative Assessment.
Ending of Get Writing
E. Think about an unforgettable (funny,
embarrassing, annoying, etc.) experience that you
have had, and describe it in a blog entry.

• writes an essay fully addressing the task;
the lesson • uses paragraphing appropriately and
sequences the text logically;
• uses cohesive devices;
• uses a wide range of grammar and
vocabulary with a good degree of flexibility
and accuracy
Two stars and a wish.
Reflection • You did a really good job on ...
• I really like how you ...
• Maybe you could ...
Homework Get Writing
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan Assessment - how are you planning Health and safety check ICT links
to give more support? How do to check learners` learning?
you plan to challenge the more
able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the redirecting -White board and video are used no
weaker learners by giving them a of questioning in feedback activities more than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some tasks -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
with greater support performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

Unit: 7 Reading for pleasure

Teacher’s name:
Class: Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson Culture Page: The Spoken Poetry of Kazakhstan
Learning objective (s) 11.2.1 - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics
11.3.6 - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in talk on a
wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
• identify the importance of water in an ecosystem
Lesson objectives • discuss the dangerous effects of global warming
• practice presenting to certain aspects of the culture in Kazakhstan
Stages of the Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Assessment Resources
Greeting Greet students; students respond to greeting and
take their places. Hello, boys and girls!
Warm-up Picture Description. Open answers Pictures
• Look at the two images of the Aral Sea
• What do you think the following article
is about? Can you think of possible
causes for this phenomenon?
Familiarize Ss with certain aspects of the Students look at the Oral CD
Presentatio Kazakh culture pictures and tell you Assessment
n Tell Ss the following: Imagine that the year what the text is
is 2100. What do you think people will
about, then listen
remember about our world today? Elicit
answers. Allow a limited use of L1. This will and check the
encourage lower-performing Ss to express answers
• Ask Ss the following questions:
Do you think it is important to preserve our
culture through the generations?
How can we preserve our culture for future
• Elicit answers and initiate a short
• Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and
ask them the first question in the rubric.
You can have Ss work in pairs and
Practice discuss the ways depicted in the pictures
(storytelling, spoken poetry and reading).
• Then ask Ss to think of the advantages and
disadvantages of each way.
• Allow them some time to come up with
ideas. Have Ss share their ideas with the
Choosing the best title.
Key: Peer Textbook
• Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the The text is about Assessment
text. professional Kazakh
• Ask Ss the question in the rubric and bards.
elicit answers.
• •Do not correct Ss at this stage.
• Ask Ss to read through the text and
check their answer.

Answering comprehension questions:

• Why did early Kazakh literature follow Students answer
the oral tradition? It was a way of comprehension Verbal
preserving stories, myths and culture questions assessment
from one generation to the next.
• What did Kazakh nomads have to do?
They had to migrate with the seasons, Key:
live for much of the time in yurts and 1. Because of the
carry their goods with them across the need to travel light.
Ending of steppe. The oral tradition Worksheets
the lesson • How many types of bards were there in preserved stories,
Kazakh society? two myths and cultural
• Which ones? the zhyrau and the akyn material without the
• What did akyns use in performances? need for heavy Peer
the dombra, a two-stringed wooden books. assessment
instrument 2. A zhyrau
• What is an aitys? It’s a traditional performed epic or
poetry contest in which performers moral poetry, while
would improvise and compete in terms an akyn was skilled
of wittiness and humour at improvising
Reading for specific understanding. stories.
• Have Ss do the activity. 3. Performers would
• Ask them to provide justifications by improvise and
referring to specific parts from the text. compete in terms of
• Check the answers with the class. wittiness and
Formation Assessment humour.
Project Work. 4. Because he took
• Hold an aitys features from the Group Posters
• Do some research on what an aitys two different styles assessment
involves. Then split into two groups, of oral poetry to
with each group creating short poems create works that
about the other group. combined the idea of
Descriptor: moral poetry with
A learner: the humour of
• selects an appropriate answer improvised work in
• completes sentences using phrases the style of an
 discusses questions and answers the akyn. 5. At
questions within the group. celebrations and
Self-assessment. modern-day aitys
Most ……. thing contests
Ask learners what was the most, e.g., useful,
interesting, surprising, etc. thing they learned
Homework Project work
Additional Information
Differentiation - how do you plan Assessment - how are you planning Health and safety check ICT links
to give more support? How do to check learners` learning?
you plan to challenge the more
able learners?
More support will be given to -through questioning and the redirecting -White board and video are used no
weaker learners by giving them a of questioning in feedback activities more than 10 minutes
modified worksheets in some tasks -through observation in group and end -Use water-based pens
with greater support performance activities -Health promoting techniques
-through formative task -Breaks and physical activities used.
-Points from Safety rules used at this
REFLECTION Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

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