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Kazuma and Aqua were looking around Wiz’s shop, Aqua shooting the kind-
hearted lich owner a death glare every now and then. Kazuma rolled his eyes not
really wanting to be here. “Why do we keep coming here Aqua? You hate and want
to kill the owner for being na undead, the stuff here is all cursed and brings us
nothing but trouble, and its overpriced too.”

“Well there is barely any stores in this back water starting level adventure town.
Not like the wonderful city where all of my followers reside.” The water goddess
proudly exclaimed.

“That trip was a nightmare, they didn’t even think you were their goddess and
chased us out of town. I guess your followers are really devoted, after all they
trained hard to be as useless and stupid as you.” Kazuma snarkily replied

“Shut up you pervert, the only reason you come here is to stare at Wiz’s chest all
day!” Aqua yelled at her companion.

“Hey, stores aren’t the only thing we are lacking in this town, we could do without a
shortage of women with good bodies and good personalities for once!” Kazuma
screamed back, the two starting to argue and stare each other down. Kazuma
talking about how great Wiz’s body was compared ot Aqua, and Aqua belittling the
lich’s traits in return.

The whole time they argued, Wiz was standing right next to them, stuttering as she
tried to get their attention. “U-u-um guys I can see you are b-busy, but would y-you
like some t-tea?”

Normally Aqua would yell back at her and insult her, but this time she grabbed Wiz
and dragged her off to a corner to speak privately as she whispered in her ears. “I
will promise not to purify you into the afterlife, if you are able to do a favor for me.
Kazuma is being na idiot as always, not listening to the superior words of a
goddess. So I need some stupid trinket of yours that can make take my side.”
“I-I might have something Aqua-sama, b-but I fear it could be rather unethical.” Wiz
remarked, wanting to help out the water goddess, but having some doubts about it.

“I am a goddess! Everything we do is ethical by default! Except for whatever that

flat-chested loser Eris does, but shes just a lesser goddess to me.” Aqua got caught
up again in her pride and demeaning before focusing back on topic. “Come on, if I
don’t get Kazuma to see how amazing and perfect I am, then he is going to keep
calling me a crybaby and useless goddess in front of everyone! How will everyone
venerate and pamper me then!?” Aqua started to cry wildly as usual, her tears even
getting onto to Wiz. Of course as a water deity, even her tears had holy properties,
and were quite painful to the lich.

“O-ok! I will do it Aqua, I don’t want to die before I can repay Vanir for all his help.
Its the least I can do to repay you anyway for all of your hard work. I have a special
wand that will do the trick, just point it at someone and use it. They will be
compelled to do whatever you ask of them, but it can only be used once!” Wiz told
Aqua as she held out the wand.

“I don’t need more than one target anyway, only Kazuma is stupid enough to have
no hope of appreciating me through normal means.” Aqua took the wand,
marching off without a thanks, while thinking about what she would do. “Oh so
many things I could do to Kazuma, no all the things he can do for me!” She
muttered with a sinister giggle. “Oh Kazuma, your goddess has a gift for even a
lame blasphemer like you!” However, she couldn’t find the boy anywhere in the
store, only a note. “Dear Aqua, you took too long so I just decided to head back to
the mansion and sleep under the kotatsu. I bet you are going to spend all night
drinking again at the bar.” Aqua crumbled up the paper, angered by his
insinuations. “Who would dare think that a pure goddess would blow off the
chance to purify and send a friend on the path of righteousness so she can get
drunk! I am going to march there right now, and make him my devotee! W-wait the
drinks are half off today, and they are limited on that special alcohol! I need to go
out and do some magic tricks to fund money.” And so Aqua delayed her plans for a

The next day, Aqua was forced to delay it once again because she was hungover for
most of it, but the day after that, her chance had finally arrived. Darkness and
Megumin were out on a mission so it was just her and Kazuma. She hid the wand
up behind her back and went to approach him with a big cheery smile.”Hey
Kazuma, tell me what you think of me?”

Kazuma looked up with a blank expression and replied bluntly and dryly. “You have
na abysmal intelligence stat, you are a crybaby, your selfish, spoiled, vain, and you
are only good at party tricks. Oh and I don’t even feel anything when I sniffed your
hair while you sleep.”

Aqua was doing her best to keep her up facade of cheerfulness despite her anger.
“I hope you enjoyed your insults against me, Kazuma, for one last time. Because
from now on things are going to be different.” She pulled out the wand and blasted
him with a blue ray.

“...” Kazuma stared at her for a few moments, not saying anything. He then
clenched his fist and began to cry. “All my hard way and money wasted, so you can
spend all your skill points on more stupid party trick skills.”

“Your hard work may be wasted, but not your money! I used most of it for the right
cause, buying na item from Wiz’s shop that will let me deal with your annoying,
argumentative, and perverted ways.” She said while proudly posing. “You are going
to do what I want from now on, and listen to me. First up... you can no longer insult
me! In fact just trying to say na insult will make you feel physically ill.”

“I don’t think there is anyone who couldn’t do that.” Kazuma stated with a sigh, he
was going to add some more insults into it, but it was becoming quite difficult for
him. The right insults were in his head, but they just wouldn’t come out of his
mouth, and the more he tried, the more his body began to hurt. Soon he gave up,
realizing that he truly couldn’t insult Aqua anymore. “A world where I can’t insult
you anymore, maybe I should just crawl under the kotatsu and stare at pictures of
beautiful and busty women til I die.”

“Oh no you don’t! You can die Trashzuma, since you got to pay me back for all
those insults. I think eternal devotion throughout this life and every future
reincarnation will do.” Aqua was feeling quite ecstatic that Kazuma was now set to
be under her control. “While you can’t say I am stupid, I can still call you na idiot!
But while you may be na idiot, you are lucky, since you have me to rely on to make
the decisions you can’t.” Kazuma began to pray in his head, assured that if he
listened to Aqua, he would be dead by the end of the day. “So I decide that from
now on, you will always listen to my suggestions! You find it hard to make big
decisions without my guidance, so if I am not around, you will think about what
Aqua would do.” The water goddess then took on a smug smirk. “So Kazuma we are
going out now and you can choose anywhere you want to go, so where do you want
to go?”

“I want to go to the succubus dream store, so I can drink this day away in the arms
of a succubus.” Kazuma said earnestly.

“Hmmmm terrible idea! I have a suggestion, let’s go to the clothing store instead!
So where are we going Kazuma, its your choice after all. I will go where you want to

Kazuma could see what she was doing, but tried his best to fight it. “We are going
to the su-su-su, we are definitely going to the store...” He finally
got out in a dejected and defeated voice.

Aqua clapped energetically. “The first good decision you have ever made Kazuma!
Now let’s go, I haven’t even started to make you suffer just yet,” She grabbed him by
the hand and dragged him off to the clothing store. Aqua looked around, thinking
about all the girly outfits she could force Kazuma into, but then she saw something
in the corner of her eye. It was a copy of her dress, and that got Aqua thinking of a
devious plan. She skipped up to Kazuma with glee. “Alright, when we get home you
are going to get rid of all your old clothes! And since we are here, I think you should
get your entire new wardrobe from here.”

“Got it...” Kazuma replied through gritted teeth, wanting to strangle his companion
at the moment. “But we do we have to do it in the girls section?”

Aqua put a finger to her lips as she began to think. “Nope, you are free to get them
from the guys section if you want.”
Kazuma was briefly stunned by her response. “Really?” Soon enough he snapped
out of it. “Aqua I have played enough video games, to never trust sudden

“What a cynical, sad, pathetic life and worldview, you really do need something to
brighten you up. I think a good outfit you really love will bring out the joy, so I say
you should go shopping for whatever clothes you think looks truly perfect from this

Kazuma wasn’t sure what she was trying to pull, but he knew if he got out now, this
might work out. “Thanks Aqua for the concern, and by the way, is that na Eris
worshiper over there?”

He tried to book it when Aqua turned her head, but she casually caught his arm
with her scarf and dragged him back to her, making him look her in the eye. “Don’t
be hasty dumbzuma, the most wonderful goddess has some wisdom for you. First
remember that as a goddess I am always right, so anything I tell you is true.”
Kazuma squirmed a bit, his head feeling woozy as the mental command was
setup. “And what’s more true than that I am the most beautiful person you have
ever seen. Everything about me seems utterly perfect, as if I was the goddess of
beauty. You think my clothes look perfect, my hair, my skin, my bust, my figure,
even the smug smirk I have when I am punishing you enchants you. That’s right,
you can’t think of anyone more beautiful than me, you even judge beauty by how
much it reminds you of me.” Kazuma started to blush as he was forced to continue
starting right at Aqua, and a feeling that horrified him was coming over him. He was
starting to find Aqua pretty for the first time, no more than that, she was becoming
more and more gorgeous to him by the second. Aqua could tell it was working and
was more than happy to rub it in further. “Now why don’t you tell me just what it is
about me that you find so attractive. Feel free to let loose, my godly beauty is a
work of art to be appreciated.”

Kazuma was struggling to not think about Aqua’s beauty, just the thought of him
made him feel so sick. But just as much as it disgusted him, it made him feel good,
his knees wobbling and weak, her beauty was overwhelming him. “I-I love the
vibrant color of your hair, like the shining sea. That ample bossom of yours, the
perfect size and shape, your ratio of your hips, waist, and bust all coming together
in the perfect golden number. The way your soft little skirt flutters in the wind,
showing off your plush rear.” Aqua smirked at the words coming out of the boy’s
mouth, making Kazuma tingle and jump up. “Oh and that smirk of yours, showing
off your confidence and making you seem so superior. And-“

Kazuma was silence as Aqua put a finger over his lips. “That’s good enough
Kazuma, I will accept your offering of praise. We can’t forget about your wardrobe
after all.” He was glad to get away from saying any more of that stuff. It made him
want to vomit, he couldn’t believe he was getting swept up in all it. Worst of all was
that he meant every word of it, he tried to visualize the sexiest and bustiest women
he could imagine, but they all get turning into copies of Aqua, which made his
heart flutter.

“I think I should just refuse reincarnation next time I die. Death by embarrassment
isn’t the way I wanted to go out, but at least i will be free.” Kazuma headed off to
the guys section to find some clothes, all he had to do was find something he really
thought looked good. However, he just couldn’t bring himself to grab any of the
clothes, Aqua’s ‘command’ blaring back in his mind whenever he tried to grab any
of them. The clothes looked good to him, he would be happy to wear them, some
of them were even near perfect, but it had to be truly perfect to him. Kazuma briefly
had a thought of why it was they were missing, but he didn’t want to believe it was
true, it terrified him down to his core. While he was looking for any boy clothes he
could actually pick out, he couldn’t help but feel his attention drawn to something
in the corner of his eyes. Kazuma turned to face the girls section, and spotted
something, he couldn’t tell what it was but it was white and gave off na aura of
perfection. He knew he shouldn’t do it, but he couldn’t resist going to the girls
section to see what it was.

Kazuma finally saw what it was, they were pairs of white stockings with a blue band
at the end, it looked almost exactly like Aqua’s stockings. His eyes widened as that
observation kept beating in his mind over and over, his heart racing. “It’s na exact
copy of Aqua’s stockings...” Kazuma could feel the words that were about to come
next, tried to stop them, but he couldn’t hold back his feelings. “Na exact copy of
Aqua’s perfect stocking, the clothes of the one true beauty...” The desire to wear
them was swelling up within in, it’s not like he was interested in wearing girls
clothes or dressing like Aqua. But he was commanded to get the perfect clothes,
and he unfortunately couldn’t think of anything more perfect than this. So he had
no choice to pick the stockings up, as many pairs of them he could find, no matter
how much it pained him. After that he noticed a similar looking pair of gloves that
matched Aqua’s, Kazuma groaned and went to grab them,too. He knew that he
needed to get out of here, but now that he found such perfect clothes in this
section, he was compelled to search further. It didn’t take him long before he
found blue pairs of panties, he knew that Aqua wore ones like those, those
magically enchanted to be invisible since she didn’t want mortals to get to see a
goddess’s panties. Next was the thigh high blue foots, and before long he stood in
front of what made him tremble in fear. It was Aqua’s sleeveless blue blouse and
her darker blue frilly miniskirt. “Oh come on, how does this store have all of Aqua’s
outfit, is the owner a stalker of hers!?” Kazuma loudly complained before giving up
and grabbing the final piece of the outfit. Now he had enough clothes to have a
dozen copies of Aqua’s full outfit, as if he just one wasn’t bad enough. With his
shopping finished, he reluctantly went back to Aqua who was waiting for him with a

Aqua was amazed how well everything was working, Kazuma was carrying a
mountain of her clothes in his hands, she couldn’t even see his embarrassed face
right now. She mockingly clapped for Kazuma, happy to tease him further.
“Wonderful choice Kazuma, I knew even a perverted idiot like you would make the
right choice. Now let me take those off your hands, I can’t see how terribly
ashamed you are right now like this.” Aqua took the clothes, not even slightly
disappointed with Kazuma’s clear humiliated misery at all this.

“Thanks Aqua you know you are really really kind. I am glad you are helping me get
a better wardrobe. But while I would love to shop more, I hear that there is a limited
one hour special for free drinks at the bar right now.” Kazuma whispered into
Aqua’s ears.

“Ah free drinks!? Kazuma, Kazuma we need to get those drinks! If we bring a bunch
of bottles we can pour the drinks into them and get dozens of free booze for
ourself.” Aqua halfway dragged Kazuma to the counter to pay before she realized
what was going on. “Hey wait a minute, are you just trying to flatter and trick me.
Kazuma why don’t you tell me the truth about that.” She ‘suggested’ with na angry
tone in her voice.

“I tricked and lied to you to avoid further humiliation.” Kazuma admitted in a

monotone voice.
Aqua at first looked furious but then suddenly calmed down, taking on na eerily
calm and sly smile that scared Kazuma more than anything. “Oh Kazuma you can
be so harsh, I am a merciful and kind Goddess. Sure I have to punish bad behavior,
but good work like you picking those clothes is to be rewarded. So you had nothing
to fear, so I will forgive you for your manipulative actions and give you your just
reward.” She put the clothes down for a second and then grasped Kazuma’s hands
in hers. “Kazuma, you hate men’s clothes, they feel so rough and terrible on you,
scratching up your skin.” Kazuma squirmed a little, his outfit suddenly seeming
much more itchy and uncomfortable. “For that reason, you much prefer girls
clothes for how soft and comfortable they are. But while you like girls clothes in
general, there is one type of girl’s clothes you adore, and that is any clothes like I
have worn! Not just are they the pinnacle of beauty and perfection in your eyes,
you don’t just want to admire them, you want to wear them. You can’t stop thinking
about how much you want to wear something like that if you aren’t, about how
good it would feel, how it would literally fill you with immense pleasure. Your desire
to dress like me is unbearable, you need to wear na outfit that I have given my
approval to. Thinking about it, any clothes that I disprove of, like for example..
those horrible rags you are wearing right now! Yes those make you feel terribly sick
and in pain more and more as you keep them on.” She kept on her dissonantly
serene smile even while clearly being quite proud of her new commands.

Kazuma was definitely feeling the effects immediately. His clothes went from
scratchy to like he was being stabbed with pins and needles. Meanwhile his mind
was being flooded with images of Aqua’s outfit, they seemed even lovelier than
before. He could envision himself wearing it, how good it would feel in it, to have
the soft miniskirt brushing up against his thighs. Just thinking about it gave him
pleasure, which contrasted with the feeling of his body heating up. Kazuma locked
onto the clothes, his body tingling the more he looked at them. His entire mind and
body were practically screaming at him to get dolled up in those sexy, girly, and oh
so perfect goddess clothes. “Aghhh I can;t take this anymore!” Kazuma yelled out
before running at the pile, ready to finally put them on despite his shame.

“I think you should stop right there.” Kazuma halted in his tracks as Aqua held her
hand out, and walked to come between him and the pile. “I did say that you
deserved a reward, but you did cause a bit of trouble... This is the gift of a goddess,
really the best goddess ever. So I think its only fair you plead for it a bit! Oh and
include how much better I am than Eris.”
“I may be weak willed to temptations, but I still have some pride!” He said, not
willing to degrade himself that far for her. Aqua just shrugged her shoulders and
patiently waited, she knew he would have to give in eventually. Kazuma’s pain was
wearing his clothes were getting worse and worse, now his body felt like he was on
fire. He quivered his lips, trembling from the increasingly terrible feeling, he was
sure he could faint at any moment. Kazuma’s mind was turning more and more to
fantasies about Aqua’s clothes and lose himself in his imagination to relieve the
pain with some pleasure. By this point he could only think of two things. How his
body was in terrible pain from his clothes, and how his mind was peaceful and
happy thinking about perfect and alluring Aqua clothes. “Fine, fine, I will beg for it!
Aqua please let me wear your outfit! Let me wear your incredibly silky soft,
feminine, elegant, and beautiful outfit. I can’t stop thinking about how great it will
be to wear such sheer perfection blessed by a goddess. Let me out of these
horribly rough and burning boy clothes I am wearing right now.” Kazuma pleaded
on his knees. “Oh... and you are so much better than that Eris who stuffs her bras
or something like that.”

Aqua tapped her finger across her chin, thinking about whether to accept his
plead. “That was a pretty good plea... but it was just a little short.” She took a
moment to savor his hopeful expression falling apart. “A plea to a goddess can’t
just be good, it needs to be fantastic. I think I know what you need, you love calling
me na overly emotional crybaby. So why don’t you plea like the emotional and very
whiny crybaby you are now~?”

Kazuma’s emotions swiftly started to heighten, his tolerance for things like pain
vastly decreasing. In just a moment, his eyes started to tear up, and he puffed up
his cheeks, na expression very similar to Aqua during her fits. “Waaaaaah! Come
onnnnnn Aqua! These stupid clothes hurt so much and I am burning up and the
floor is scraping up my knees! I need cute clothes,I need soft clothes!
Pleeaaaaassseee!!! I need to dress like the ultimate beauty of a goddess Aqua!!!” It
made him feel so utterly humiliated to whine and beg to Aqua, but his new
emotional state made it impossible not to.

Aqua couldn’t have a bigger smile on her face, this day was the best one she had
ever had. It was a blast lording over Kazuma, and she wasn’t close to done yet.
“That’s better! I think you have earned the right to wear my clothes, make sure to
enjoy them~” She tossed one of the outfits at Kazuma, who immediately ran off to
the changing room.

Kazuma was eager to rip off his painful guy clothes, and desperately wiggled into
Aqua’s outfit. The moment he did, he nearly passed out from the sudden bliss. He
had never worn anything so soft, so pleasurable, it was like girly bliss was pouring
into him. Kazuma looked at the mirror to see how he looked. “Ah I look ridiculous
and how can anything be more embarrassing than dressing like Aqua? Ah, but i am
dressing like Aqua! This outfit is so perfect, the softest thing ever, Aqua is the most
beautiful girl with a perfect fashion sense so I must look more beautiful if I am in
her clothes~!” He went back and forth between the two moods til Aqua started
banging on the wall telling him to come out so she could laugh at him.

When Kazuma came out, the water goddess was true to her word. She fell down to
the ground in a laughing fit as she saw Kazuma fully in her clothes, pushing the
miniskirt down to try and hide his panties. “Ahahaha, for once you actually pick
some good clothes, don’t worry if you love them so much you can wear ones like it
every day. Well except for when I want you to wear something humiliating you
would try to put Megumin or Darkness in.” She walked past Kazuma and flipped up
the miniskirt, making the boy blush even more. “There is something missing
though... ah I got it! Your hair needs to be fixed up. Hmm well Kazuma tell me what
the best hairstyle for your look would be~?”

As much as he hated to say it, Kazuma already knew the answer. “The best
hairstyle to go with your perfect outfit, would of course be your perfect hairstyle...”
He wasn’t sure what Aqua would even do with the information though, he was sure
even this strange boutique didn’t sell Aqua wigs.

“Good response Kazuma! I am the most beautiful girl ever, so the only way to look
best is to look your aquaiest!” She was looking very pleased with herself, as she
then pulled out her staff. “Well I know you think my party tricks are useless, but I
got one that even you will love!” Aqua giggled and placed the end of her staff on top
of Kazuma’s head. She then snapped her finger, and his head was engulfed in a
bright light. When it faded, he could feel a strange weight on top of his head.
Considering the expression that Aqua had, it wasn’t anything that he was going to
Sure enough, Aqua pulled out a mirror with a smirk and held it out for Kazuma to
see. He could now see that he had gained Aqua’s hairstyle, long and flowing with a
small ponytail to go with it. The only difference between his hair and Aqua’s was
that he retained his brunette hair color instead of Aqua’s light blue. “Ahhh! I now
look almost totally like Aqua!!” Kazuma screamed out in a tone that perfectly both
the despair and euphoria he was feeling at seeing his complete new look.
Aqua however, was nothing but smiles. She couldn’t possibly be more happy to see
Kazuma complete as a crossdressing copy of her with different hair color. “You
look amazing Kazuma, you maybe even look half as great as I do! I didn’t expect
you to pull it off. I could have made you look even better with my hair color, but
then it would be harder for people to tell its you!” She remarked, practically
gloating over it. “Though don’t worry Kazuma, I am done humiliating you.”

“You really are...?” Kazuma said, she didn’t seem like she was lying right now.

“Of course I am, I didn’t do this to humiliate you, that was just part of the fun. I did
this so you would finally realize how great I am, so no more time wasting.” Aqua
grabbed Kazuma and skipped on over to a full body mirror, dragging him with her.
She made sure both were reflected in the mirror, so Kazuma could bathe in how
similar they looked now. Aqua placed her hand over Kazuma’s mouth so he
wouldn’t be able to interfere with the most important part. “Ok Kazuma, its time for
me to impart the most important truth onto you. I am your goddess, you revere me
with all of your heart and soul. You don’t just see me as the most beautiful being
but as the smartest, kindest, strongest, and overall just most perfect being. You
see yourself as one of my devoted followers, and take immense pride in your faith.
When in my presence, you can’t help but worship and fawn over me. You are
practically always thinking about me, even trying to get others to convert. Since
you see me as your perfect goddess, you strive to follow my teachings and attempt
to emulate me.” Kazuma’s head was spinning as it was soaking in the new
commands imprinted into his mind. His mind was being flooded with thoughts of
how amazing and perfect Aqua was, how he would do anything for his amazing
goddess. Just being in her presence was making his body tremble with pleasure,
seeing her so happy and smirking was getting him swooning. Aqua could see that it
was working, and took her hand off his mouth. “Well Kazuma, what do you have to
say to me?”

“Oh my perfect goddess, it is na honor beyond me to stand before you! I am so so

sorry for having been so terrible to you before, I didn’t realize your sheer perfection
and beauty before now! But no longer, as you humble worshiper, I see you as the
idol and role model you are, and I will follow your teachings down to the letter!”
Deep down Kazuma still was there, but he just couldn’t fight back the
overwhelming urges and thoughts of fawning over Aqua, constantly being
bombarded with reminders of how much he loved and idolized her.

Aqua smirked even wider upon seeing that Kazuma had been broken down
properly. She would have to deal with his perverted ways and insults no longer.
Seeing his goddess so happy made Kazuma swoon to the point he nearly fainted.
“Since you are so feverishly devoted to me, I am sure you would be more than
happy to officially convert to the Axis faith?” She said while pulling out a massive
contract and a pen.

Kazuma didn’t even take a moment to read the contract, immediately signing
everything so he could officially become a member of her clergy. “As your most
devoted follower, I of course have nothing but total love and respect towards the
Axis faith. I will do everything i can to fight back against those despicable followers
of that fake boob wearing goddess Eris!”

Aqua couldn’t help but burst out laughing, this was all just too good. “Ahahahaha,
you really do belong to me now. Oh this is going to be amazing Kazuma, I can’t wait
for Megumin and Darkness to see you~ Now let’s get home so you can praise and
pamper me even more!” She happily walked off while whistling, with Kazuma
following along like a lovesick puppy, a sparkle in his eyes.

Later that day

“Aqua, Kazuma, we are back.” Darkness said while entering the room carrying
Megumin in her arms, who was exhausted after casting her daily explosion spell.

“You should have seen how amazing my explosion magic was today, it set a new
record Kazuma! K-kazuma!?” Megumin’s jaw dropped when she saw someone who
looked like Aqua but with brunette hair who was giving Aqua a massage. “Is that
you Kazuma, w-why are you dressed and looking like Aqua!?
“Yes I’m Kazuma, and of course I am dressed like Aqua! I need to look my best in
the presence of my holy goddess. And how could I look any better than looking like
the most beautiful and stunning being in all of existence~?” Kazuma gushed with a
giggle, feeling so proud to get to show off his new look to his teammates. “You are
seeing a new and improved Kazuma, devoted worshiper of the Axis faith!”

“T-this isn’t natural... We must be cursed by everlasting darkness, to have Kazuma

go completely nuts. Those freaky Aqua cult people are spreading even further like a
virus!” Megumin was shaking as she thought back to her experiences with the Axis
Cult and their very very pushy ways.

“Waaaaaaaah! Just accept me for the wonderful follower I am now! You should be
happy to be around such na amazing goddess. Goddess Aqua is perfect in every
way!” Kazuma whined with tears in his eyes and puffy cheeks.

“What did you do to Kazuma, Aqua? Did you break him down and force him to
adore you in every way, even as he fought back with all his might!? But even as he
struggled his will was slowly molded as you insulted and ridiculed him into a new
shape?” Darkness excitedly asked with her usual masochistic lustful tone.

“I used a special wand on him to force him to listen to me.” Aqua smugly stated.

Hearing about a brainwashing magical wand only made Darkness swoon even
more, starting to sweat from excitement. “W-well you won’t be able to use such na
item on me! My will and faith are unshakable, no matter how many times you blast
me, trying to force your teachings into my head! No I wont give in even as you strip
me out of my armor, belittling me and putting your clothes upon my helpless
form~! As a paladin of the Eris faith, I will fight back with all of my might no matter
the wonderful temptation bursting into my head!”

“Ugh Darkness... its kinda a one time only it-“

Aqua was cut off by Kazuma who got up close to Darkness. “You dirty Eris devotee!
You would stand no chance against goddess Aqua’s ability to bring others into her
faiths. Just being around her for a bit will have you on your knees begging to convert
and serve such perfection! Plus your big boobs are probably as fake as your
goddess’s ones!”

Being insulted was getting Darkness even more aroused, her head from spinning
from the pleasure. “N-not possible at all! You could chain me up for days while
lecturing me about your goddess and her teachings. But even as your whips hit my
exposed skin as punishment for clinging to me faith and defying you, I would never
give in! Even if my body becomes broken from the torture for my faith, my heart will
remain strong!”

“Days!? I could go for months straight talking about my perfect goddess and her
teachings! Even a clueless Eris worshipper would realize the errors of their ways
when confronted with true words of wisdom! I can’t wait to see you beg for
forgiveness, tear off your Eris pendent and submit yourself to your one and only
Goddess Aqua!” Kazuma passionately yelled back at her.

Aqua watched the back and forths between the brainwashed Kazuma and the
moaning Darkness with great glee. This all turned out better than she had ever
hoped. She was sure there was still some original Kazuma left deep down there,
trapped in a cage of blissful Aqua feelings. And imagining the humiliation he must
be feeling right now made Aqua feel like she was in heaven. “Maybe being stuck in
this backwater world isn’t so bad after all~”

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