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CE298 S2024 Hmwk 5 (due Wednesday 11:59 pm, 1/24/2024, to be submitted through


1. A motorcyclist travels in a counterclockwise direction around a circular path that

has a radius of 90 m. The motorcyclist starts from rest at A (at the very top of the
circle as shown in figure), and increases in speed by 0.2 m/s2 until a maximum
speed is attained, after which its speed becomes constant.
a. Determine the time needed to reach a (total) acceleration magnitude of 1.2
m/s2. Determine the position of the motorcyclist and hence the direction of
the acceleration vector at this time by finding the angle with respect to the horizontal that the
acceleration vector makes with the horizontal.
b. Determine the velocity (magnitude and direction) of the motorcyclist at the instant when the
acceleration magnitude is 1.2 m/s2. The direction of the velocity vector should be given in terms
of the angle that the velocity vector makes with the horizontal.
c. Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the motorcyclist when the speed has become
constant at a value of 100 km/hr. If, after the motorcyclist has attained a constant speed of
100 km/hr, the motorcyclist reaches point A, what is the direction of the acceleration vector
(with respect to the horizontal) at point A?

2. At the bottom of a loop (A) in the vertical plane, an airplane

has a horizontal velocity of 500 ft/s and its speed is increasing
at a rate of 25 ft/s2 at that instant. The radius of curvature of
the airplane path at that instant is 6000 ft. The plane is being
tracked by radar at O. The airplane is located at a horizontal
distance of 2400 ft from the radar and at a vertical distance of
1800 ft above the radar as shown. A radial-transverse
coordinate system with origin at the radar (O) is to be used to
track the motion of the plane, with the angular (or transverse)
coordinate () defined counterclockwise with respect to the
a. Determine the velocity of the plane at A, expressed in
terms of
i. the standard (x,y)-coordinate system and so
specifying the x- and the y-components (x positive to the right, y positive upwards) of the
velocity vector,
ii. the given (r,)-coordinate system and so specifying radial and the transverse components
(assuming the given radial-transverse coordinate system) of the velocity vector, and
iii. the magnitude and direction (with respect to the horizontal) of the velocity vector.
b. Determine the acceleration of the plane at A, expressed in terms of
i. the standard (x,y)-coordinate system and so specifying the x- and the y-components (x
positive to the right, y positive upwards) of the acceleration vector,
ii. the given (r,)-coordinate system and so specifying radial and the transverse components
(assuming the given radial-transverse coordinate system) of the acceleration vector, and
iii. the magnitude and direction (with respect to the horizontal) of the acceleration vector.

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