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CE298S2024 Hmwk15 (due on 11:59 pm, Wednesday, 2/21, to be submitted on

Gradescope/Brightspace; late homework accepted but a penalty will be assessed)

1. (based loosely on problem 15-89 in the text.)
Two smooth circular disks have initial velocities shown just before they
collide. The mass of A is 5 kg and the mass of B is 3 kg. The coefficient
of restitution between the disks is 0.7. Determine
a) the velocities (magnitude and direction) of each disk immediately
after the collision and they have separated,
b) the net impulse (magnitude and direction) imparted to disk B by disk
2. (based on Problem 15.78)
Using a slingshot, the boy fires a marble at a speed of
60 ft/s from point A at an angle of 40° from the hori-
zontal as shown, at a concrete wall, inclined at an angle
of 75 degrees, striking the wall at B. The horizontal
distance between the point of launch at A and the point
B is L= 60 ft. The coefficient of restitution between the
marble and the wall is given as 0.7.
a) Determine the velocity (magnitude and direction) of the marble immediately after it rebounds
from the wall.
b) If the weight of the marble is 0.24 lb, determine the impulse (magnitude and direction) imparted
to the marble by the wall during the collision.
3. (based on Problem 15.85)
A ball is thrown onto a (fixed) rough floor at an angle of  = 40 .
a) If it is observed to rebound at an angle,  = 30°, determine
the coefficient of restitution assuming that frictional effects
are negligible.
b) If frictional effects are assumed negligible, and the speed of
the ball immediately before impact is given as 15 ft/s,
determine the speed of the ball immediately after the impact for the conditions given in part a).
c) If it is known that the coefficient of restitution is 0.5, determine the coefficient of friction for the
collision assuming that the effects of friction cannot be neglected.
d) If it is assumed that frictional effects are important, and the coefficient of restitution is that
given in part c), and hence the friction coefficient is that found in part c), determine the speed of
the ball immediately after the collision (when it has separated from the ground) if the speed of
the ball immediately before impact is 15 ft/s.

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