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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Comprehensive Thesis on Gun Laws

Crafting a thesis is a formidable task that demands meticulous research, analytical skills, and an in-
depth understanding of the chosen subject matter. One such topic that requires careful examination is
the complex and sensitive issue of gun laws. Addressing this subject involves delving into a myriad
of legal, social, and ethical considerations, making it an arduous process for many students.

Researching and compiling information on gun laws necessitate a thorough exploration of legislative
frameworks, historical contexts, and the multifaceted aspects of the ongoing debate. The abundance
of data, varying perspectives, and evolving legal landscapes can overwhelm even the most dedicated
students. As such, the task of weaving together a coherent and compelling argument often proves to
be a daunting challenge.

The intricacies involved in constructing a research paper on gun laws extend beyond the mere
collection of facts. Analyzing the information, presenting a cohesive narrative, and substantiating
arguments with credible sources demand a high level of academic proficiency. Additionally, students
are often required to navigate through conflicting viewpoints, making the process more intricate and

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Happen to be supplying custom essays freewith any one of comparison and. Having to jump through
a bunch of hoops will likely deter anyone looking to obtain a weapon to commit a crime. Restricting
access to a gun, at least temporarily, during a time of crisis can prevent suicide. Kennedy had been
assassinated. Lyndon B. Johnson pushed for this policy to pass since so many people even after that
had died from getting shot. 1968 was the biggest change in our history of gun control in America.
This is then supported by second amendment were in the past militia where used in wars and in there
revolution against colonial powers but in this civilized world guns have proved to be more harmful.
Smaller shares say U.S. gun laws are about right (28%) or should be less strict (11%). As in the case
of other social regulatory policy issues, the national political parties have consistently disagreed with
each other on gun control, although the degree and emphasis of rhetoric used has varied according to
the nature of the gun debate at the time and the political posturing of the party nominees (Squires,
2008). Going back to when gun control bills began, the National Rifle Association would argue that
every household should have a gun for protection and for sporting uses. The goal is to decrease the
availability of rifles to the general public. The verdict is that public shootings can and should be
prevented. The disjunction between broad popular support for firmer gun laws and the failure to
enact most such laws might be interpreted as a failure of democracy. Give me your paper
requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. In addition, men are more likely to purchase
guns for security, as are those who have been victimized by crime or who believe the risk of crime is
increasing (Kelly, 2004). For example, new North Carolina concealed gun laws are making it hard to
get permits to carry concealed weapons. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives
Americans the right to bear arms, and three-in-ten American adults personally own a gun. Most
stolen guns, and guns used to commit crimes, begin as weapons produced and sold legally (Ludwig
and Cook 2003). With all the mass shooting taken place across the nation, protestors are for the
change in regulations to attain weapons. The National Firearms Act was the first gun-control law in
the United States. The law also made every gun registration go through the Secretary of the Treasury.
In one of Brian Kemp’s campaign ad, he is seen brandishing a rifle in support of protecting the right
to keep and bear arms. What was more alarming was Kemp handling the weapon in the presence of
and pointing the rifle towards an adolescent. Regrettably, though, as it’s been broadly reported,
Chicago has witnessed unparalleled rates of homicides via handguns during the last couple of years,
despite considerable limitations on guns. This crime carries more severe penalties if you have a prior
felony conviction, if you knew the firearm was stolen, if you are actively involved in a criminal street
gang, and more. Johnson was really pushing for the Gun Control Act of 1968 to pass. Obama also
signed a pro-gun law which allowed licensed gun owners to bring their guns in the checked baggage
on an Amtrak train. One of the top arguments for improved gun control is the relationship between
the guns in the family and the likelihood that one family member will be injured by another family
member during a family conflict or even by mistake. In fact, shotguns were an over-the-counter
product up until 1989. In an expository essay, you simply list everything there is to know about the
subject without expressing any opinion, i. Lexington and Concord was the beginning of the fight for
freedom. These patterns are observable among the major elements of the political process, including
the political behavior of the courts, interest groups, the presidency, political parties. Image:
broadcast. Whichever side preferred by fsc students.
Children play with toy guns, television and film glorify gun violence, teenagers show off guns to one
another in order to get respect, and powerful lobbyist groups keep these weapons legal and
accessible. They get scared. There are other ways to disarm a criminal with a gun. During his speech
he talks about events of mass shootings that have happen In his tenure. According to Santhanam
(2018), in 2016 the United States ranked second in gun-related deaths, after Brazil and before India.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
But government officials are, also, receiving push back from the National Rifle Association, or
NRA. The Congress should take into account that gun ownership and opposition to gun controls are
closely related. They fired shoots at his home and attempted to harm his family (Medlock, 2005).
The reason that someone owns a gun may be out of self defense, but it is much too often used for
other things, like crimes. Until congress can present a suitable solution, more protests and rallies are
to be expected in the future. Because of the amplified frequency of mass shooting here in America,
protestors are demanding the government do something about the availability of rifles to the public
and who should be allowed to obtain weapons. It’s up to society to solve gun problems (12901
downloads ). President Donald Trump had his press secretary Sarah Sanders say that he supports
working to raise the current minimum age for buying weapons such as the AR-15 that the
assassinator had used from age 18 to 21. I write this in regards to the current gun control policies
and regulations. As such, this brief analysis will seek to consider the debate from both perspectives
of the gun control issue. This is then supported by second amendment were in the past militia where
used in wars and in there revolution against colonial powers but in this civilized world guns have
proved to be more harmful. Constitution to the Congress over the militia and a national army may be
used to abrogate state sovereignty and power, rather than a desire to recognize the right for bearing
arms by individual citizens. Obama administration has come under attack for its silence on the issue.
If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. The law controls social relations
and behavior To satisfy our basic needs and to exploit the full potential of human existence, people
have always sought. Johnson was really pushing for the Gun Control Act of 1968 to pass. Some
people including Paul Helmke, who was the president of the Brady Law, believed that national parks
were the safest place for people to go until now. In result, some of those children hurt themselves or
hurt one of their peers. This causes horrible devastation, and many people believe that it can be
avoided if gun control was more strict. A swift and strong emotional transformation swept over me.
Name Professor Class Date Article for rebuttal: gun control advocates march as nation reels from
school shootings The reasoning involved in the CNN's article entitled “ gun control advocates march
as nation reels from school shootings” which was published last January 26, 2013 was, to say the
least, naive and troublesome. Then it increased so significant where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. There
has been so many incidents on the news that people are trying to find solutions for this issue. Design,
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security organizational culture essay examples. This bill required you to need a reasonable purpose
for purchasing the gun, such as for a sporting purpose like hunting animals.
Researchers studied the effects that this ban had on gun violence the year it began, the year it
expired, as well as seven years after it had ended. This was supported by opponents and advocates of
gun control, since ultimately it is a fair thing to do to keep our Country safe. A large majority of gun
owners (72%) own a handgun or pistol, while 62% own a rifle and 54% own a shotgun. Students
need to feel safe while they are learning. This further facilitates persons with ill intentions and low
financial resources to use the newly purchased weapons to commit crimes in search of socioeconomic
benefits ProCon Organization 1. Representative Peter Smith has gone on record with his battle
against the NRA. The debate on gun control in America has been up for deliberation for decades.
These average law-abiding citizens have little means of defense, given the strict gun control laws.
One of the top arguments for improved gun control is the relationship between the guns in the family
and the likelihood that one family member will be injured by another family member during a family
conflict or even by mistake. It would also be important to consider the ethical and moral dimensions
of the issue, as well as the potential consequences of different policy approaches. For example, you
can expose the current gun control regulations in your state or the current state of the discussion. As
Time reported, in this massive shooting, which went on for 10-15 minutes at about a crowd of
20,000 people, more than 500 people were injured and at least 50 people were killed (Time, 2017).
Buying a gun in this country takes less than an hour. It could also explore the impact of gun
ownership on self-defense and the prevention of crime. Since leadership is essential, how then do
leadership theories, concepts and styles help our new leaders like in the case of President Obama
Gun Control. Yet these views differ sharply by party: 86% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning
independents say gun laws should be stricter, while 31% of Republicans and GOP leaners say the
same. The news and online articles are littered with stories about a kids, young adult, and adults who
set out to hurt people. Several protests and rallies have been seen across the nation. But researchers
attest otherwise, they rarely use guns for self-defense. For example, write a paper centered around
the Second Amendment of the U. Some of these include: anyone dishonorably discharged from the
military, undocumented immigrants, anyone charged with stalking, and fugitives from justice. Kids
of all ages are being exposed to firearms. In games such as Fortnight and Call of Duty, the characters
of those games use firearms against their opponents. Legalization of guns is one of the widely
debated topics in the world. However, ironically, the United States also is the country that has the
most gun control laws. Safety is one of the basic needs of people and they should be provided to the
people. Mauser of the Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, he places special emphasis on
the attitudes towards firearms displayed by both Canadians and Americans. Following the Pew
Research Center, 48 percent of gun owners affirm they own a gun mainly for protection. Crime,
Criminology, Firearm 1374 Words 4 Pages New gun control laws and reduced mainstream media
publicity might be the solution to rampage shootings. Take the Columbine High School massacre, for
example. This made it very hard for the AFT to get the firearms from people who illegally had the
gun or were one of the prohibited persons.
Guns have played a large role in wars against the people of every country. The study found that
homicides by guns are 25.2 times higher, while the overall firearm death rate in the US is ten times
higher than any other high-income country in the world (Grinshteyn). The opposition to these bills is
fed less by material or business concerns than by the deep-seated, personal feelings of opponents that
these bills would impinge on the values identified here as the gun culture Thus, except for the
absence of nasty floor fights, the political dynamics of these bills reflect gun control as a social
regulatory policy (Tushnet, 2007). However, in my opinion, I support that we need strict gun control
laws in each country. At the past in America, we only had handguns to be used to defend ourselves
from terrorists attacks. Getting rid of these dangerous and unnecessary attachments all together
could very well be what it takes to lessen the intensity of mass shootings. Adults with at least a four-
year college degree are more likely than those who have not completed college to support stricter
laws (72% vs. 55%). As an experienced defense lawyer, I have helped many individuals charged
with firearms crimes, and I have the experience to protect your rights. The law also put an age
restriction on purchasing a gun. This does not mean that successful enactment of regulatory policies
is impossible, but that the odds of enactment--much less enactment in the form presented--are
longest for this type (Tushnet, 2007). There is again a racial gap: About a third of blacks (32%) say
this, compared with 20% of whites. Your topic should be relevant, manageable and at the same time-
arresting. For example, write a paper centered around the Second Amendment of the U. This
leadership style recognizes the power in the leader (the US president), the power in legislation). Gun
regulations could limit the number of shootings and gun related deaths in the United States. As
measured by national party platforms, the Republicans have expressed long-standing support for gun
ownership free of government regulation (except for gun use by criminals), and the Democrats have
exhibited a similar consistency in favor of gun regulations (Squires, 2008). Testing the problem to
become done from waltham was. So, the following gun control topics can be used by you to come up
with ideas for your own writing. Seventeen people were killed, while an additional seventeen were
injured from the gunfire (Gonzalez). Obama is trying to lobby congress to support him on new gun
control legislation which includes banning of military style or semi-automatic firearms and high
capacity magazines. It is very sad how an individual can purchase a gun easily. It is believed that
these acts are motivated by feelings of hate. Students who are bullied by their peers seek to end their
torment by taking the lives of those who hurt them. But he made no mention of gun control ”
meaning he might as well have said nothing at all. As they talk about the case United States vs..
What else do we have for you. In the USA, the gun control battle is, above all, a struggle over public
policy. The following election year, Smith and his family were targeted by the NRA. As gun violence
in the US proceeds, and new laws are being put in place in attempt to protect American citizens, the
second amendment needs to be upheld at all costs. At the same time, all family murders have a long
history of preceding assaults. When it comes to the cons of legalization of guns, banning guns will.
To say the first 90s, and fiction magazine, argumentative free health essays on gun control compiled
by gun control: broadcast. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. Gun
manufacturers, dealers, and importers all had to keep track of the guns they were selling and they all
had to have a license in order to do so. Last July, fifty-eight people were shot and twelve killed while
watching the new Batman movie in a theater in Colorado. Your topic should be relevant, manageable
and at the same time- arresting. According to Santhanam (2018), in 2016 the United States ranked
second in gun-related deaths, after Brazil and before India. The law made it so there was a five-day
waiting period to purchase a handgun until 1998, and then then federally licensed gun deals would
need to have a National Instant Criminal Background Check System from the FBI before they were
able to buy any type of firearm. (Kim) The National Rifle Association tried to do everything they
could do stop this law from being passed but President Bill Clinton put this law into effect on
February 28, 1994. The introduction of your essay should present the topic’s relevance and urgency,
outlining the scope of the issue and its impact on society. Older adults are quick to act before
thinking of the consequences their actions could have. While other nations are getting along fine
with universal conscription and principles like it, we are be dictated to by some intrusive government
organiza tion which, in its existence, violate the Constitution of the United States. As a result, I
decided to discuss the social problem of the second amendment. Including; Alaska, Arizona, Idaho,
Kansas, Maine, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming. The news and online articles are littered with
stories about a kids, young adult, and adults who set out to hurt people. Anti gun pm utc the work
has risen, a condition degree of congress gun control. Turpu kapu. If your furnace breaks down, we
have the expertise to repair it, no matter its model. In one of Brian Kemp’s campaign ad, he is seen
brandishing a rifle in support of protecting the right to keep and bear arms. What was more alarming
was Kemp handling the weapon in the presence of and pointing the rifle towards an adolescent. The
complexity of gun control and the long history of gun control is what made this topic such an issue.
If there is no gun sold into a potentially life threatening situation such as a home with many children
or with someone who has a history of violent acts then the chance of an incident involving a firearm
is severely reduced. According to a Small Arms Survey poll, there are 88 guns for every 100. In
today’s gun control rights, America supports the Second Amendment with some modifications,
eliminations and replacements yet people with a gun license, over the age of 21 are still able to
purchase a gun. Before going to the school, the teen shot and killed his father. Females every day are
reporting to being abused in this way. They cause more suicidewoman killed, and more accidental
deaths of children. This young man killed 17 people, and wounded another 17. This violence causes
a surprising number of deaths and injuries throughout the United States. A lot of tragedies have been
reported now and then. Guns are a huge part of American culture, but should part of our culture be
costing humans lives. The self-protection issue, however, poses a different problem. Multiple guns
had already been bought by this time, which still made this a disadvantage but would hopefully help
with future gun purchases. Unfortunately with all the freedom you get living in America there.
I highly recommend him if you need an assignment done ”. This class of people become referred to
as prohibited persons. In fact, numerous ideas have been put forward in attempt to reduce the
problem (Sarlin). This further facilitates persons with ill intentions and low financial resources to use
the newly purchased weapons to commit crimes in search of socioeconomic benefits ProCon
Organization 1. That 59 percentage point partisan gap is up from a 29-point gap in 2008. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. I write
this in regards to the current gun control policies and regulations. This does not mean that successful
enactment of regulatory policies is impossible, but that the odds of enactment--much less enactment
in the form presented--are longest for this type (Tushnet, 2007). Speeches for fsc students purchase a
defintion essay criteria. As a result, I decided to discuss the social problem of the second amendment.
And large majorities of both Democrats (93%) and Republicans (82%) favor background checks for
private gun sales and sales at gun shows. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an
academic expert. The NRA preys on the fears of the public and uses those reasonings to keep gun
laws from changing. In order to propose the best policy for the USA, it is important to describe gun
control measures and social attitude towards gins in the UK. Anti gun pm utc the work has risen, a
condition degree of congress gun control. Turpu kapu. It could also explore the impact of gun
ownership on self-defense and the prevention of crime. Many innocent lives have been taken to gun
violence from Sandy Hook elementary, Pulse nightclub in Orlando, 2017 Las Vegas, Columbine High
School, and all of that violence has been increasing. Typically, most Americans hold the fact that
something must change. The U. s. States Congress has previously enacted measures restricting using
assault weapons, namely, an exciting-out ban on assault weapons which has since been repealed.
Each century has seen the development of more advanced and high. Gun laws vary by each state, for
instance California gun laws states that, “An application for sale or transfer must be made with a
licensed California gun dealer before any firearm may be sold or transferred. In 1994, the first year
with the ban, there were 17,527 firearm homicides, while In 2004 when it had expired, there were
11,101 (Roman). Only 11 states require background checks on those who desire to purchase a
handgun. There it was”a tiny but distinct circle next to the zombie’s eye, the first bullet hole I’d ever
made. Though this is a step towards gun control, it is not enough. What are the main arguments that
can be mentioned in an argumentative essay on gun control. Nothing on this site should be taken as
legal advice for any individual case or situation. Are you examining its causes, the effectiveness of
gun control laws, or the societal impact of gun-related incidents. However, the conservative majority
on the Court used the McDonald case to address the deeper issue of Second Amendment rights and
their applicability to the states. These average law-abiding citizens have little means of defense, given
the strict gun control laws. Guns were being stolen or lost, and a huge amount of guns were being
unaccounted for.
Most stolen guns, and guns used to commit crimes, begin as weapons produced and sold legally
(Ludwig and Cook 2003). Almost forty thousand people are killed each year due to homicidal,
accidental, and suicidal use of guns (Politics 7). Each author has had an interesting stand-point about
what should happen next. Are you examining its causes, the effectiveness of gun control laws, or the
societal impact of gun-related incidents. This was supported by opponents and advocates of gun
control, since ultimately it is a fair thing to do to keep our Country safe. It is said that most gun
owners are less likely to support a ban on weapons and guns (Medlock, 2005). This revised multiple
provisions, and essentially protected people who owned guns. It’s also important to consider and
address counterarguments, as this demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and
strengthens your own position. The importance on gun control rules was emphasized due to the
increase in insecurity whose main attribute is gun violence raised by the people who are in possession
of the guns. The bill states that it is unlawful for any person to sell, manufacture, transfer or possess
a trigger crank, or bump-fire device that is designed to function as a semiautomatic rifle into
essentially a machine gun. (Longely). In many countries, possession of guns is seen as a means of
self-. From constitutional provisions to specific state laws, it paints a comprehensive picture of the
U.S’s unique relationship with firearms. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay
illustrations related to America topic. The complexity of gun control and the long history of gun
control is what made this topic such an issue. As measured by national party platforms, the
Republicans have expressed long-standing support for gun ownership free of government regulation
(except for gun use by criminals), and the Democrats have exhibited a similar consistency in favor of
gun regulations (Squires, 2008). Mauser of the Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, he
places special emphasis on the attitudes towards firearms displayed by both Canadians and
Americans. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Some of
these include: anyone dishonorably discharged from the military, undocumented immigrants, anyone
charged with stalking, and fugitives from justice. Gun regulations could limit the number of
shootings and gun related deaths in the United States. Despite the arguments meant to deter the sales
and ownership of heavy-duty weapons and guns, the NRA managed to persuade the government and
citizens otherwise. When we talk about gun control discussion, it all roots from the Second
Amendment. Brady pushed and pushed for this to be made into a law, after being in a wheelchair
and very unfortunately not able to do his job. This made it so the gun records could not be used for
an investigation. Seventeen people were killed, while an additional seventeen were injured from the
gunfire (Gonzalez). This statement is direct, and it takes a stand that no other country is as great as
America. But Americans are split over whether legal changes would lead to fewer mass shootings,
according to a fall 2018 poll. Since 2014 there have been an average of five school shootings per
month. Like trying to build a house in the middle of a hurricane, the effort to construct or alter social
regulatory policy is notoriously difficult because of the passion and intensity surrounding such
issues. It should be noted that research has failed to prove or resolve if a leader can run a big
dynamic and complex organization with a single specific style of leadership. The American Journal
of Economics and Sociology, 64 2, pp. President Clinton thought that this was the smartest bill in the
history of the United States, and the money and law really caught up with the US 10 years later
when the Republicans won the Congress in 1995.

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