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Science Activities

Projects and Curriculum Ideas in STEM Classrooms

ISSN: 0036-8121 (Print) 1940-1302 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/vsca20

Attacking a Dense Problem: A Learner-centered

Approach to Teaching Density

Austin M Hitt

To cite this article: Austin M Hitt (2005) Attacking a Dense Problem: A Learner-centered Approach
to Teaching Density, Science Activities, 42:1, 25-29, DOI: 10.3200/SATS.42.1.25-29

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.3200/SATS.42.1.25-29

Published online: 07 Aug 2010.

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Abstract. Density is a difficult concept for students to learn but they do not connect volume with density (Driver,
because it is abstract and because it is derived from the concepts Squires, Rushworth, and Wood-Robinson 1994).
of mass and volume. The solution is to address density at each of Density is an important concept for students to learn
the three levels of scientific understanding: macroscopic, particle/ because it has many applications in the physical and bio-
modeling, and symbolic. This article demonstrates how to help logical sciences. The significance of density is underscored
students gain a conceptual understanding of density by by its inclusion in the National Science Education Stan-
combining the three levels of scientific understanding and the 5E dards (NSES). In grades 5–8, density is listed under the
Learning Cycle. strand Properties and Changes of Properties of Matter,
which indicates that students should understand density,
Key words: density, learning cycle, modeling, models
boiling point, and solubility as intrinsic properties of matter
(NRC 1996).
tudents find density “too deep” to understand and

S “too theoretical” to have any meaning for their

lives. Density is confusing because it is abstract and
because it is derived from two other concepts: mass and vol-
ume. Despite having some understanding of mass and vol-
In order for students to understand density and other
scientific concepts, they need to learn these concepts at
three different conceptual levels: macroscopic, particle or
modeling, and symbolic (Gabel 1999; Johnstone 1991).
The three conceptual levels of scientific understanding are
ume, students do not develop a conceptual understanding of
interconnected, and each level is necessary for concept
density. For example, a review of the science education
mastery (see Figure 1).
research reveals that students ages 14–22 relate density to
The macroscopic level is the easiest level for students to
the arrangement, concentration, and mass of matter particles
understand because it involves the five senses. An example
of conceptual understanding at this level that relates to den-
AUSTIN M. HITT is an assistant professor of science education sity is comparing two objects of the same mass but with dif-
at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, South Carolina. He is ferent volumes. The particle or modeling level refers to phe-
a former high school science teacher and currently teaches sec-
ondary science methods at Coastal Carolina University. The focus nomena that are not observed. To visualize these
of his research is teaching science through models and model con- phenomena, students need to build models that they can see
struction in grades K–12. and manipulate. In the case of density, students can create


graphs displaying the relationship between the mass and vol- accurately describe density in response to open-ended ques-
ume of a metal. The symbolic level is the most abstract level tions. The problem was that the students memorized the mate-
and consists of the formulas, equations, and definitions that rial but did not have a conceptual understanding of density.
represent phenomena. An example of the symbolic level is This paper presents an instructional approach that com-
the formula for density, which is equal to the mass divided bines the 5E Learning Cycle and the three levels of concep-
by the volume (D = M/V). tual understanding. I discuss the implication of this
approach for teaching density and other scientific topics.

Macroscopic PROCEDURES
Macroscopic Level – Activity 1: Sinking and Floating
Students observe what happens when sodas are placed in
three aqueous solutions and measure the mass and volume
of the sodas and the aqueous solutions.
1. Divide the class into groups of 3–4 students and give
each group a diet and a regular soda (for materials, see
Symbolic Model/Particle figure 2).
2. Have students make predictions for the sinking and
FIGURE 1. Conceptual levels of scientific understanding. floating behaviors of the sodas in tap water, salt water,
and rubbing alcohol.
Generally, students are not taught density using all of the 3. Tell the students to record their predictions in their note-
conceptual levels of scientific understanding. For example, books and in a class data table.
when I taught ninth-grade physical science I omitted instruc-
tion at the modeling level. I introduced density by having stu-
dents weigh an object and determine its volume using water 1. Use the three 2-liter soda bottles with the tops removed
displacement. Next, I presented the density formula, and as a as the containers for the tap water, salt water, and rub-
class, the students solved density problems. Finally, I assigned bing alcohol (see Figure 3). The sodas are placed in
the students additional practice problems for homework. each of the containers.
This approach appeared to be effective, but my students’ 2. Lead a discussion on the experimental results and explana-
responses on tests revealed that they had only a superficial tions for the behavior of the sodas in the different solutions.
understanding of density. My students could solve for the 3. Most students believe the sodas sink or float because
missing variable in the density formula, but they could not they are heavier or lighter than the solutions in the con-

Activity 2:
Activity 1: the density of an Activity 3:
Sinking and floating unknown metal Layering liquids

Balance Balance Balance

Can of regular sodaa 100 ml graduated cylinder Plastic straw
Can of diet sodaa Metal pellets Cooking oil
10 ml graduated Plastic cup Corn syrup
cylinder (diluted to 50%)
3 plastic 2 liter soda bottles Tap water Food coloring
Rubbing alcohol Pipette
Saturated saltwater Potato slice
Tap water Saturated saltwater
Tap water

The sodas should be a regular and diet of the same brand.

FIGURE 2. List of materials for the density experiment.


6. Tell them to add metal pellets to the graduated cylinder

until the volume of water inside the cylinder rises 5 mL.
7. Using the balance, ask them to re-weigh the graduated
cylinder and record the mass of the pellets inside of the
graduated cylinder (see Table 2).
8. Let them repeat steps 6 through 8 until the volume of
water in the graduated cylinder reaches the 100 mL mark.
9. Students plot the data on graph paper and draw a line-
of-best-fit (see Figure 4). Because mass and volume are
directly proportional, the data points approximate a
FIGURE 3. Sinking and floating of a regular soda. The straight line that extends through the origin. The stu-
solutions from left to right are tap water, saltwater, and
rubbing alcohol. dents can observe this pattern and realize that density is
a constant. However, to scientifically explain the trend
tainers. To address this misconception, the students they need to describe density at the symbolic level.
need to find and compare the densities of the sodas, tap
water, saltwater, and rubbing alcohol. Students measure Elaborate (Determining the density of a metal,
10ml of each liquid using a graduated cylinder, deter- continued)
mine the mass of the liquids using the balance, and 10. The students determine the density of the metal pellets
record the results in a data table (see Table 1). by applying the slope-intercept formula, y=mx + b
4. After comparing the densities of all the liquids, the stu- (symbolic level). By having students interpolate and
dents uncover the pattern for sinking and floating and extrapolate from the graph, they can see that density is
connect it to density. At this phase of the lesson the stu- not affected by changes in overall mass. When students
dents understand density at the macroscopic level, but solve for the unknown masses or volumes, they prove to
they do not have a conceptual understanding. To truly themselves that density is a constant.
understand density, they need to visualize it by building
graphical models that demonstrate the relationship Combining the Three Conceptual Levels
between mass and volume. Symbolic Level – Activity 3: Layering Liquids

Table 1. Example Data Table for Mass and Volume

Students measure the mass and volume of unknown liquids,
Measurements of Sodas, Tap Water, Saltwater, create graphical models to represent mass and volume, and
and Rubbing Alcohol use mathematical formulas to determine density.
Type of liquid Mass (g) / 10mL Mass / mL
11. Evaluate the students individually and in groups using
Diet soda 9.65 .965
the layering liquids activity. The activity consists of
Regular soda 10.21 1.021 determining the density of unknown liquids and of
Tap water 10.00 1.00 devising a plan for placing the liquids in a straw without
Saltwater 10.60 1.06 mixing the layers. The unknown liquids are tap water,
Rubbing alcohol 8.75 .875 salt water, alcohol, 50% corn syrup, and cooking oil.
The identities of the liquids are disguised using food
Modeling Level and Symbolic Level – Activity 2:
12. Using the balance, the students determine the masses of
Determining the Density of a Metal
the five different volumes of each of the unknown liquids
Students create a graphical model for the relationship (macroscopic level).
between mass and volume and determine the density of the 13. Each student graphs the mass and volume data (modeling
metal using the y-intercept and density formulas. level), draws a line-of-best-fit, and determines the density
(slope) of each liquid using the y-intercept formula (sym-
bolic level).
5. Have students fill a 100 mL graduated cylinder with tap 14. The students check the accuracy of their density calcu-
water up to the 75 mL mark and weigh the graduated lations by layering the liquids in a straw (see Figure 5).
cylinder. (The weight of the cylinder and the water is They push a plastic straw into a potato slice that serves
then subtracted from all measurements for the mass of as a base. Then they use a pipette to drizzle the liquids
the metal pellets). down the sides of the straw. The liquids should be

Table 2. Example of Mass, Volume, and Density Table

Starting mass
of the graduated
cylinder and New mass Starting mass– Volume Massa / Volume
75ml of water (g) (g) New mass (mL) (g/mL)

115.4 154.8 39.4 5 7.88

192.3 76.9 10 7.69
225.7 110.3 15 7.35
270.2 154.8 20 7.74
309.3 193.9 25 7.76

Use the difference between the starting mass and the new mass.

detail. Within groups, the students are evaluated based on

Mass vs. Volume the success of their liquid-layering experiment.

The conceptual levels of scientific understanding are
easy to insert within the framework of the 5E Learning
Mass (g)

Cycle (see Figure 6). At the initial stages of the learning

cycle, the students engage and explore phenomena at the
macroscopic level through experiments and demonstra-
50 tions. In the explanation stage of the 5E Learning Cycle, the
students explain a phenomenon by building a model (mod-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
eling and particle level). At the elaboration stage, students
Volume (mL) represent a phenomenon in the context of scientific sym-
bols, such as mathematical formulas or scientific terms.
FIGURE 4. Example graph of the relationship between Finally, during the evaluation phase of the learning cycle
mass and volume. students are assessed at all three conceptual levels of scien-
tific understanding.



Elaborate Explore

Symbolic Modeling

FIGURE 5. Series of liquids layered in the straw.

placed in order of their densities, most dense to least

dense. The students will know if their density calcula- Explain
tions are correct if the colored layers do not mix.
15. The students are assessed individually and in groups on FIGURE 6. Model demonstrating the integration of the
different parts of the assignment. Individually, the content 5E Learning Cycle and the three conceptual levels of
of the students’ notebooks are evaluated for accuracy and scientific understanding.

This combination of the 5E Learning Cycle and the three of scientific understanding and the 5E Learning Cycle can
conceptual levels of scientific understanding are advanta- be easily combined to create authentic inquiry-based
geous for two reasons. First, this approach is conducive to the instruction. Students are challenged to think and approach
way students learn science. Students make observations at the problems scientifically, which results in more engaging and
macroscopic level, construct personal understandings by realistic science instruction. This approach can make many
building models, and apply the appropriate scientific symbols. science subjects “less dense” for students.
Second, the combination of the three conceptual levels of
scientific understanding and the 5E Learning Cycle creates
lessons that gradually evolve from simple science process Driver, R., A. Squires, and V. Wood-Robinson. 1994. Making
sense of secondary science: Research into children’s ideas.
skills, such as observing and predicting, to more complex London: Routledge.
ones needed for experimenting and testing. Therefore, stu- Gabel, D. 1999. Improving teaching and learning through chem-
dents are challenged to think at increasingly higher cogni- istry education research: A look to the future. Journal of Chem-
tive levels as the lesson progresses. ical Education, 76(4): 548–554.
Johnstone, A. H. 1991. Why is science so difficult to learn? Things
National and state science standards focus on the need for
are seldom what they seem. Journal of Computer Assisted
inquiry and the need for critical thinking skills. This article Learning 7(7): 7583.
presents a method that can meet both objectives, and it can National Research Council (NRC). 1996. National Science Edu-
be applied to diverse science topics. The conceptual levels cation Standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

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