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Name: _________________________ Grade & Section: _________


A. Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer in each number. Use a
separate of paper for your answers.

1. You receive an email from a person you do not know, that asks you if you would
like to sign up to their website (in the subject). What do you do?

a. Open the email.

b. Ignore the email.
c. Sign up to their site.
d. Click the link but do not sign up

2. Which of the following does NOT involve skimming?

a. reading the initial sentence in each paragraph

b. looking quickly for words you're not familiar with
c. looking at photographs in an article
d. reading the first and last paragraph in a newspaper article

3. People are NOT scanning a text effectively when they ________.

a. look for content words or visual clues

b. read every word in a text
c. know what they are looking for
d. read blocks of words

4. Which of the following is a TRUE statement?

a. You are free to copy information from the web.

b. You do not cite the web sources used in your research.
c. Navigating website is a waste of time.
d. Web sources must be cited in your research.
5. To ensure the reliability of your web search, you should not pay attention to:

a. date of the article

b. reading beyond the headline
c. source of the article
d. political and commercial links

B. Look at the sample online article below then answer the following questions
on a separate of paper.
1. The purpose of the text is to...

a) give information about phobias

b) give instructions for people with phobias
c) persuade people with phobias to seek help

2. The number of people who have phobias is...

a) five out of ten people

b) ten people
c) 10 percent of the population

3. Which of these phobias is not mentioned in the text?

a) Arachibutyrophobia
b) Arachnophobia
c) Amathophobia

4. What is the main message of this article?

a) Some people have phobias and live in fear of certain things.

b) If you have a phobia you should see a therapist.
c) What a phobia is and how to treat it.

5. Phobias...

a) are logical
b) are not logical
c) can be logical or not logical

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