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> you are cutting a dash.
> your dressing sense is very unique.
> your formals are very unique.
> your smile is very contagious.
> you look awesome while smiling to keep your smile ever with you.
> say hello.
> treat everyone like you want to be treated and love others fromyour end don't
expect any love from others.
> I won't smoke .
> I won't chew tabacco.
> I won't speak hindi in english class.
> I won't spoil hard earned money.
> I won't play ducks& drakes with my money.
> I won't spoil my father hard earned money.
> I won't spoil my preciuos time.
> I won't throw garbage.
> I'm an old head on young shoulders.
> my brother is an old head on young shoulder.
> you are an old head on young shoulder.
> I won't cheat in an examination.
> I won't do rash riding because i abide by traffic rules.
> I won't keep my face glommy throug out the day. {gloomy=udas}
> I won't spill water while drinking.
> I won't let electric appliances switched on before leaving the room.
> I won't do this work.
> I won't drink water before having the food.
> I won't stare my female friends on the way.
> I won't spit just like that at any place because i m civilized.
> I won't skip english class ever because i m very keen to improve my communication
> are u looking for a job change?
> yes I'm looking for a job change?
> why are u looking for a job change?
> because my project has become over.
> tell me the other reason?
> for better work opportunity and to grow in my vocational life.
> how come u had this experience?
> what's is your current ctc?
> what's is your current experience?

> won't you go to criscon today?
> it's raining cats and dogs outside?
> won't u install machine in your laptop?
> won't u go for a walk ?
> no no i don't go for walk bcs a good colise up.
>chintu won't u have a breakfast today?
> no no bcs i m in hury to go to office today.
> won't u send an email to your boss for leave sake?
> no i dont send email to my boss bcs i have talk only to my boss moreover i have
good speaking term to my boss.
> first of all i reached office on time,then i opened laptop and check mail and
resolve tickets . i also manage or monitor servers.
>i'll be attending the weddding of my sister.
> I'll be going criscon to give my HR round.
> I won't be throwing garage on the road side bcs its very bad.
> I won't be chewing tabacoo bcs its causes cancer.
> I won't be cheating in criscon paper bcs its a matter of my life.
> I won't be speaking hindi atleast 1 hr daily.
> I won't be kidding in english class bcs its a matter of my life .
> I won't be driving rashly bcs its a matter of my life.
> i won't be spoiling my precious time in adult talks.

> i won't be playing duck&drags with my harden money.

> Tell me about your self?
> what is your greatest strength ?
> i keep my self motivated in hard times , i never giveup bcs i m optimistic , i
never loss any opportunity to prove my self an apt(suitable) person for the task.
> what is your weakness ?
> i m not amiable (friendly) by nature.
> tell me about a time when u r successful?
> when i joined technoturf as a junior linux administartor i was able to focus on
my tasks so that i resolve all the tickets in stipulated time . I got the best
employee award in a quaterly function along with promotion with in 3 months.
> why do u want to work here ?
> this is the best platform to perform and i would get an opportunity to prove my
worth moreover an opportunity to work here would hone my skills to grow in IT
sector by leapes and bounts.
"I am drawn to your company's reputation for innovation, commitment to cutting-edge
technology, and the opportunity to contribute my skills to a dynamic team."
>>>>I am enthusiastic about the prospect of joining this esteemed organization as
it is widely recognized as a premier platform for professional growth. I am eager
to contribute my skills and expertise to the team, and I believe that the
challenging and dynamic environment here will provide an ideal opportunity for me
to demonstrate my capabilities. Moreover, I see this as a valuable chance to
enhance my skills and make significant strides in my career within the thriving IT
sector .
> why do u want leave organization/current role?
> my project has become over and for better work opportunities in my vocational
life .
>>>>>>>>."I seek new challenges and growth opportunities that align with my career
goals and skill set."
"I am seeking new opportunities for professional growth and development, where I
can contribute my skills and expertise to make a meaningful impact, aligning with
my career aspirations and the strategic objectives of the organization."
> describe the most challenging project you had ?
> patching , disc failure , trellix agent , update firmware
> where would you like to see yourself in next five years ?
> i would like to see myself as a asia head in next 5 years.
> tell me about a time when u create a goal and achieved it
> when i joined technoturf i set a goal to becoome a best employee of the
organizational and i achived it and it was the feather in my cap .my manager
appreciated me and gave me the best employee award.
>>>>>>In a previous role, I set a goal to enhance the efficiency of our network
infrastructure. I identified areas for improvement, created a detailed plan, and
worked collaboratively with the IT team. Through meticulous implementation and
troubleshooting, we successfully optimized the network, resulting in a 20%
improvement in data transfer speeds. This achievement not only streamlined our
daily operations but also demonstrated my ability to set and accomplish strategic
goals in the IT sector.
> tell me about a time , you had to handle a pressure ?
> when my client/TL was in dire need to get the project completed as a team member
I led the team come up with authentic solution of the problem.
> I'LL be attending my interview come what may.
>I won't be having anything if u through a party bcs i know u r miserly person.
> I won't be speaking hindi after english class.
> mercury is very down that's why i won't be taking a bath today.
2024--------------------------------------- <INTERROGATIVE
>Is your birthday celebrated in January ?
> YES ! my birthday celebrated in january.
>why u have celebrated in january?
>Is your birthday was celebrated in january bcs i was born.
>is lunch had about 1p.m in orasol ?
> yes lunch is had 1 pm in orasol.
> are cultural activities perfomed in sursadan .
> yes all cultural activities performed in sursadan its an public auditorium.
> why is it done ?
> are traffic rul efollowed in agra ?
> yes traffic rules are follwed in agra if we don't follow we'll have to pay
> are celebration done in orasol ?
> yes celebration are done in orasol .
> why are celebration done in orasol?
> for entertainment sake.
> Is OS taught in orasol ?
> yes os thaught in orasol
> why?
> for entertainment sake.
> ohh! i see they offered u iphone
> ohh! i see he was j.p sir he gifted an iphone
> did u dance on j.p. sir

> ohh ! i see health is well .

> which store did u purchase shoes from?
2024;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PRESENT
> it is being done. {formula}
> vegetable is being cooked.
> game is being played.
> sweater is being knitted.
> Basantpanchmi is being celebrated.
> test is being taken by student.
> children are being bettened.
> saloni is being honoured.
> wishes are being offered to saloni by students.
> passives of present continuous are being made by students.
> basking is being done by people in agra bcs sky is bright and clear after a long
> Laptop are being sold at knockdown price at sanjay palace.
> Birthday is being celebrated.
> students are being trained to operate OS in criscon.
> football is being kicked by mr.tenali ram.
> movie is being shot by dharma production.
> Flute is being played by LORD krishna at the bank of yamuna
> used up winter clothes are being purchased by Alok sir to distribute among
> bus conductor is being suspended.
> dance is being performed .
> The report is being written by the team leader.
>New software is being installed on all company computers.
>The project is being discussed in the conference room right now.
>A new marketing campaign is being developed by the marketing team.
>The company's financial statements are being audited by external auditors.
>The product specifications are being reviewed by the quality control team.
>Training sessions are being conducted for the new employees.
>The annual budget is being prepared by the finance department.
>A new website is being designed by the web development team.
>The construction of the new office building is being supervised by the architect.

> Fees submission it has been done .
> Server migration has been done.
> new software for o/s operation has been installed.
> project has been completed by team in criscon.
> docker filesharing has been cancelled.
> aws application has been created.
> aws account has been COMPROMISED.
> XFS filesystem has been created.
> #hostname umserv01 has been runned.
> belonging have beenpicked up.
> dashingattires have been put on.
> car has been parked at the parking.
> laptop has been switched on.
> summersible has been switched on.
> mails have been checked.
> tickets have been resolved.
> watertank has benn filled.
> teamleader has been informed about resolving tickets.
> lunch has been had/eaten.
> gossips have been done.
> technical work has been resumed.
> high tea has been haved.
> prattle talks.
> offer letter has been released .
> training session has been conducted for the new employees.
> new website has been designed by web development team.
> flight has been taken off.
> prominent politician has been short done.
> movie has been made on how to be it smart.
> girls have been empowered by ministry of HUMAN RESOURCE & DEVELPOMENT.
> news paper has been read by people.
> Ram mandir has been constructed in ayodhya.
> plants have been watered
> fascinated movie has been released on disney plus hotstar.
> kohli's all world cricket have been brokened.
> winter cap is put on in winter.
> os is thaught in criscon .
> bag is offered to student in criscon.
> Resume is designed by shivam sir IN CRISCON.
> food is cooked in my family both morning & evening .
> teeth are brushed.
> elections are held in india.
> HOLi is celebrated across india .
> the RAM name is chanted by us .
> t.v is switched on english class everyday.
> cap is put on in winter.
>laptop is connected to tv in egnlish class everyday.
> dry fruits are eaten in winter.
> new year is celebarted every year in crison.
> song are played in leisure time.
>boys and Girls are thaught how to operate unix in criscon.
>26 january is celebrated everyyear on the terrace.
> carrot juices drunk in winter on the juicepoints.
> carrot pudding is had/eaten in winter.
> flag is hoisted by j.p sir and di
> coldrink is drunk in summers.
> traffic rules are n't followed in india.
> is it done ?8
> is republic day celebrated in criscon.
> are gifts offers on birthdays ?
> plants are planted for the sake of green nature.
> helmet is put on before riding the bike.
> laptop are operated to operate linux by student in criscon.

Que: Can you please describe the responsibilities of the position?

Que: What are the biggest challenges of this job?
Que: Is this a new position?
Que: Can you please describe the company's management style?
Que: What are the prospects for the growth?
Que: When can I expect to hear from you?
Que: If I want to extend the job offer, how soon would you like me to start?
Que: What is the best part of working for this company?
Que: Is there any possibility for relocation?
Que: How much travel is expected?
Que: Why are you applying for this job? (or)Why this role attract you?
Que:Would you like to work overtime or odd hours?
Que:What is more important to you: the money or the work?
ANS. "Money is always important, but the work is most important for me."
I would say that work is more important. If we work and achieve Company goals then
obviously money would follow. I believe work to be prior.
Que:What do you know about this organization?
Que:Why did you leave your last job?
Que: Why should we hire you?
Que:What are your salary expectations?
Que:Assume you are hired, then how long would you expect to work for us?
Que:How would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10?
Que:What are your achievements in life?
Que:What is your objective in life?
Que:What are your strengths?
Que:What are your weaknesses?
Que:BEYOND TECHNICAL / What are your hobbies?
Que:Explain, how would you be an asset to this organization?
Que:Would you lie for the company?
"It depends on the situation if my lie creates a positive impact on the company and
It was useful for many people, then I will lie."
Que:Are you applying for other jobs also?
Que: How do you get to know about our company?
QUE:What does success mean to you?
If I put a smile on someone face and make him happy, it is a success for me.If I
feel I am making a difference working with a team of people to make a more
profitable company. It is a success for me.
QUE:Describe yourself in one word?
Original, genuine, logical, incredible, focused, curious, active, quick, balanced,
achiever, etc.
QUE: What is the difference between confidence and overconfidence?
QUE:What is the difference between smart work and hard work?
QUE: Just imagine that you have enough money to retire right now. Would you?
"No sir, I don't think so. I am a professional, and I love my work, so there is no
question to leave my work. Yes, it may be that I would take a break to spend
quality time with my family."
QUE: Don't you think that you are overqualified for this position?
QUE: Do you have any blind spot?
QUE:How do you handle stress, pressure, and anxiety?
QUE: What is the disappointment in your life?
QUE:What makes you angry?
QUE:What was the most difficult decision you have made in your past life?
QUE:How did you know about this position/ vacancy?
QUE:What gets you up in the morning?
que:How do you deal with an angry or irritated customer?
que:What is your greatest fear?
que:Explain the difference between group and team?
que:What will you do if you don't get this position?
que: Describe the three things that are most important for you in a job?
que:What are your expectations from the company?
que:On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer?
que:Who is your role model? What have you incorporated into your life from him/her?
que:Do you have any questions for me?
----------> goddess sarawati is being worshipped on the occasions of basant
> road is being constructed.

> prayer is being offered to god.

> cricket is being played.
> interview is being conducted.
> dirty/filthy clothes are being washed.
>floor is being mopped.
>TICKET is being resolved.
>mail are being checked.
>service now tool is being deployed.
>prasad is being distributed.
> children are being thaught.
> preparation of interview is being done.
> colors are being distributed.
>files is being shared.
>error is being resolved.
>load average is being increased.
>monitoring is being done.
>kubernetes namespace is being deleting.
>new server is being installed.
>docker is being depracted.
>dockers are being replaced.
>APPRISE- to inform.
>BESIDE- bagal m
>BESITES- including
>beneficiary- labhdayak
----------> interview was conducted yesterday there after offer letter will was
> student from criscon was hired as an administrator yesterday.
> i can work for ten hours at length.
> i can work over night.
> i can do rash riding.
> i can install trellix agent without anyone's help.
> i can earn my bread & butter bcs i have joined orasol.
> i can speak fluent english because i try night & day.
> i can get my ticket to contest from agra bcs i have access to bjp high comp.
> i can persist data by a dockerfile.
> i can give treat to my frnd bcs i have lots of money.
> i can offer surya tubelight to every body to save electricity.
> i can migrate lvm.
> i can arranging the records in a particular order by SORT command.
> i can break his treat.
> i can build my muscles bcs i go to g7m everyday.
> there is scarecity of electricity in up by goodees i have lot of many so i can
> i m spentrifth and magnanimous so i dont have any prob. of spending mpney on my
> i m a good statsmen /moralist/politician and most popular person in agra
everybody loves me they want to be the minister of bjp gov. so i can get my ticket
to contest from agra bcs i have
> i m on speaking terms{ acquainted with} with dm of agra that why i have a vip
card to visit taj mahotsav agra & i canfreely enjoy in every ride.
> Mastering a language is no easy feat, but with relentless determination, fluency
becomes attainable. In my pursuit of fluency in English, I have dedicated countless
hours, both day and night, to honing my skills.Every moment spent conversing,
reading, and writing has contributed to my linguistic journey.
english is indespenable thats by we learning it
on criscon .i can speak fluent english because i try night & day.
---------- {MIGHT - least possibilty /MAY- /MUST} POSSIBILTY
> it might rain.
> i might learn how to speak english bcs i go to class once in a month.
>i might have stayed home today because the weather was bad.
> i might learn how to operate linux bcs i don't practice at all.
>accidents might take place bcs governer is in agra.
> i might have headache after the class because the class is going well/running
> i might think its foolish bcs of its works.
> my mother might come to criscon to meet jp sir bcs i m a regular student.
> it might be holiday today bcs of mahasivratri.
> i might crashed the party bcs i m not invited.
> you might think i m crazy bcs of my talks.
> it tuesday today i might offer praise to hanuman ji .
> my father might be bringing something tasty for me bcs its just the begginning
of the month.
>i informed the police about a theft so police might arrest.
>I warned her, "You might not do well on the test.
>i have purchased this laptop from an unauthorized person so it might get out of
order tomorrow.
> i might catch the train bcs I'm trapped in traffic jam.
> i might passsed the exam bcs their is no cheating in examination centre.
> my bestfrnd has no money so he might gift me something on my birthday.
> i am very energetic so i might yon in class.
>winter has gone so winter wear might be sold at knockdown price .
> there is mahasivratri tomorrow it may be holiday tomorrow.
> Everyday Grammar team says - May you find our articles useful.
> I'm hungry so i may cook food on my own.
> Tomorrow is interview scheduled at 1PM so i may attempt english class.
> i dont know how to write email so i may answer my boss through mail.
> all players are out on 150 so india may wini the match.
> my project is over so i may embrace new opportunities.
> you may use my car if your car is out of order.
> I have perform welled in quartly results so jp sir may gift me a vaccation in the
> ravi is stingy person so he may bring sweets on kriti's birthday.
> If I get a job in 2027, I will hardly be able to do a master's degree.

----------> "are smart phone killing camera's"
> "what cant computer do"
--> MR.vishnu must get an opportunity to work in I.T SECTOR bcs he has join ORASOL.
> You must listen to ALOK SIR, because if you don't, you don't know what to do.
> i must chnat oMNAMASHSIVAYE: bcs stoday is mahashivratri.
> stories must be play bcs of saturday tommorrow .
> Tomorrow is activity day. There will must be a story session or question answer
session tomorrow.
>he must be an it engineer bcs he joined orasol.
> my mother & my sister must keep fast on MAHASIVRATRI .
> holi is approaching so their must be 3 days holiday.
> i must cut the cake on my birthday.
> i must go to shanidev temple bcs of saturday tommorrow.
> i must learn how to operatelinux bcs I'm a would be linux admin.
> i must go to get a spectacles made bcs my spectacles are broken.
> i must have fruit bcs i have kept fast today.
> i must watch Krack bcs it is holiday today.
> you must speak english on&on if you are not good at speaking english.
> I used to learn how to operate linux and solaris.
> I used to speak hindi in my day to day lifetime.
> I did not used to do it.
> i didn't use to know how to operate linux.
> I didnt used to coding, but now it feels like a habit bcs of apache.
> I didn't use to read the newspaper.
> my father didn't use to scold me after doing mischief.

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