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TE Computer Engineering

Artificial Intelligence
(Course 2019)
Question bank for UT-II

1. Describe foundations of Artificial Intelligence

2. What is intelligence? Define AI and discuss characteristics of AI problems
3. Define rationality and rational agent. Evaluate rational action performed by any
intelligent agent with example
4. What is Artificial Intelligence? Explain different definitions of AI according to different
5. What is the state of the art in AI problem solving
6. Analyse the properties of agent task environment
7. Explain in brief risks and benefits of Artificial Intelligence
8. Write note on History of Artificial Intelligence
9. Explain types of AI with example
10. How a problem is formally defined
11. Explain various real time applications of AI
12. What is a toy problem? Formulate vacuum world problem as a sensor less problem
13. Write short note on properties of Agent task Environment
14. Define Intelligent Agent. What are the characteristics of Intelligent agent
15. Describe problem solving, explain problem solving agent
16. Explain goal based agent with example
17. Write note on Learning agent Define Artificial Intelligence and elaborate the
applications of Artificial Intelligence in the real world
18. Write algorithm for Breadth first search, Apply it for below graph

19. Explain hill climbing algorithm with example, also analyse it for advantages and
20. Explain vacuum cleaner problem in detail
21. Discuss any two informed search methods
22. Analyse the difference between Informed search and uninformed search algorithms
23. What are various domains of AI?
24. Explain Depth limited DFS with an example, analyse important parameters
25. Prove that A* is optimally efficient for any given heuristic
26. Apply and analyse A* algorithm for 8-puzzle game
27. With an example explain A star algorithm, state the properties of A star algorithm
28. Compare and explain Breadth first search and Depth first search methods
29. Explain Iterative Deepening Depth first search (DFID) and justify its parameters based on
time complexity, space complexity
30. What is the difference between blind search and heuristic search? Explain with example
31. Explain utility based agent with block diagram
32. Explain Hill climbing algorithm, Explain Local maxima, Global maxima and Plateau for
an example
33. Write note on relaxed problems
34. Apply Uniform cost search algorithm for below graph, Enlist its benefits over other
uninformed search algorithms

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