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Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 2010, volume 28, pages 36 ^ 39


Meeting with the microcosmos

Myra J Hird
Department of Sociology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6;

My current research attempts to build a microontologyöengaging with sciences of the

microcosmos öwithin biophilosophy (Hird, 2009). It is enlivened by Donna Haraway's
contemplation about what can happen When Species Meet. In this short review, I hope
to build on Haraway's important insights to contemplate meetings-with the Other in
circumstances when the majority of Others are not species and when this Other majority
meets without human recognition or involvement.
At the outset of her latest work, Haraway details the community of the human
``I love the fact that human genomes can be found in only about 10 percent of all
the cells that occupy the mundane space I call my body; the other 90 percent of the
cells are filled with the genomes of bacteria, fungi, protists, and such, some of
which play in a symphony necessary to my being alive at all, and some of which
are hitching a ride and doing the rest of me, of us, no harm. I am vastly out-
numbered by my tiny companions; better put, I become an adult human being
in company with these tiny messmates. To be one is always to become with many''
(page 3).
Haraway asks of these families of kin and (taxonomic) kind important questions
about the possibilities for becoming-with companion species. Here, relating precedes
identity. Not, as Haraway points out, that species do not have ontologies-in-them-
selves ``sometimes-separate heritages both before and lateral to this encounter''
(page 25). But there is contagion at work in Haraway's species-meeting: kin and
kind defined less through ``arboreal descent'' and more through ``the play of bodies''
(page 30). Haraway's companion species impregnation is metaphoric to be sure in its
weaving of histories of codependence and production, but it is more than this: a literal
enmeshing of bodies and all of their resident companion species (and those species')
in a recursive cascade that defines how we know what we know. ``Turtling all the way
down'' as Haraway, and Isabelle Stengers (1997) put it.
This incalculable enmeshment proceeds from a different, non-human-centered
ontology than Kant's sublime, Wittgenstein's lion, Lyotard's inhuman and differend,
Heidegger's Hand-Werk, Levinas's dog Bobby, and ultimately Derrida's cat, each of
whose epistemologies pivot on a comparison between humans and (the) animal that
leads to the latter's ultimate disavowal. And while the main meetings that concern
Haraway are those of dogs and humans (and all of their cascading technological,
political economic, ecological, and ethical entanglements), she is clearly sympathetic
to the fact that focusing on animals ``big like us'' (Margulis, 2007, personal communica-
tion) encourages a profoundly myopic humanism. In short, insofar as the philosophical
limit remains the human-animalöand given that humans are animalsöbacteria's
`faciality' remains obscured within the human imaginative horizon.
Microontologies concern companion species that are not species at all: companion
with not-species as it were. Populating this `unseen majority' are about 561030 bacterial
cells on Earth: that's 5000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 bacterial cells (Whitman
et al, 1998). Another estimated 1018 ö1000 000 000 000 000 000öbacteria circulate in
the atmosphere attached to dust. Most organisms are bacteria: they evince the greatest
organismal diversity, and have dominated evolutionary history. Bacteria invented all
major forms of metabolism, multicellularity, nanotechnology, metallurgy, sensory and
When species meet 37

locomotive apparatuses (such as the wheel), reproductive strategies and community

organization, light detection, alcohol, gas and mineral conversion, hypersex, and death
(Margulis, 1981). Bacteria are von Helmholtz's ``less glamorous backstage machinery
that actually produces the show'' (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Radio, 2007).
Bacteria sustain the chemical elements crucial to life on Earthöoxygen, nitrogen,
phosphorous, sulfur, and carbon, and some twenty-five other gases öthrough ongoing
(re)cycling processes that enable flora and fauna to thrive (Sagan and Margulis, 1993).
Bacteria not only evolved all life (reproduction, photosynthesis, and movement) on
Earth; they provided the environment in which different kinds of living organisms
can exist (Smil, 2002). Bacteria also invented symbiogenesis, the process through which
the cells that make up our human bodies were formed (Margulis, 1981). All eukaryotic
cells are heterogenomic (their genomes have more than a single type of ancestor).
Genetically and morphologically, eukaryotic cells are communities rather than individual
Moreover, and as Haraway's earlier quote suggests, of all the cells in a human
body, 10% are eukaryotic (derived from bacteria) and 90% are bacteria (Sapp, 2003,
page 235). So, turtling all the way down means that we are, ancestrally, made up of
bacteria. It also means that any given human/animal body is a symbiont: 600 species
of bacteria in our mouths and 400 species of bacteria in our guts, and the countless
more bacteria that inhabit our orifices and skin (Lingis, 2003). Indeed, the number of
bacteria in our mouths is comparable to the total number of human beings that have
ever lived on Earth (Margulis and Sagan, 2007). The number of microbes in our bodies
exceeds the number of cells in our bodies by 100 fold. The human distal gut contains
more than 100 times as many genes as our human genome (which has 2.85 billion base
pairs). Every living thing that exists now, or has ever lived, is bacterial (Gould, 1996;
Sterelny, 1999). Asking what bacteria have to do with humans is, in other words, asking
the wrong question, or as Cary Wolfe puts it referring to humanism, ``the `human' that
we know now, is not now, and never was, itself'' (2003, page xxiii).
This latter consideration means that meetings with the microcosmos must somehow
recognize that these species-defying organisms do precede relating. These meetings must
also somehow recognize that `I' am bacteria and that our symbiotic and symbiogenic
ancestry means that it is symbionts all-the-way-down. Microontologies further recognize
that the vast majority of microbial intra-actions have nothing to do with humans.
Humans do not even know about the vast majority of intra-actions that take place
on Earth. Moreover, symbioses are obligate for animals but not bacteria. Putting this
in larger evolutionary perspective,
``if you wiped out all multicellur life forms off the face of the earth, microbial life
might shift a tiny bit ... . If microbial life were to disappear, that would be itöinstant
death for the planet'' (Woese in Blakeslee, 1996).
Our all-too-human insistent focus on biota `big like us' obscures the rich diversity of
living structures and processes through which the biota, including animals like us,
I am curious about what this microontology might mean for Other encounters.
Jacques Derrida (1991) theorizes Other-ethics in terms of how to ``eat well''. Michael
Pollan identifies eating as a site par excellence which entangles human/animal, species,
technologies, living and nonliving, naturecultures:
``the way we eat represents our most profound engagement with the natural world.
Daily, our eating turns nature into culture, transforming the body of the world into
our bodies and minds ... . Our eating also constitutes a relationship with dozens of
other speciesöplants, animals, and fungiöwith which we have co-evolved to the
point where our fates are deeply entwined ... . It defines us'' (2006, page 10).
38 When species meet

We may think of eating in a literal sense: how organisms ingest, use, or otherwise
transform living/nonliving matter. All animals are, by definition, consumers (hetero-
trophs must use ready-made organic compounds). Many bacteria, by contrast, do not
`eat' (they `fix' or otherwise convert the elements on which all living organisms depend).
As producers, these bacteria engage in a different economy of eating and relating with
the world. This difference invokes a metaphoric sense of `eating well'öan ethics
through which ``care, respect, and difference can flourish in the open'' (Haraway,
page 287) at the same time that humans face the ``omnivores' dilemma'' (Pollan,
2006). Human `eating well' intimately depends upon bacterial encounters and entangle-
ments: bacteria produce the food we eat; bacteria inhabit the food we eat; and if not
for our bacterial gut companions, we could not digest what we eat. The beef empire
would not exist without bacteria (Smil, 2002). As Derrida observes:
``One never eats entirely on one's own: this constitutes the rule underlying the
statement `one must eat well.' It is a rule offering infinite hospitality. And in all
differences, ruptures and wars (one might even say wars of religion), `eating well'
is at stake. Today more than ever. One must eat well öhere is a maxim whose
modalities and contents need only be varied, ad infinitum ... . A discourse thus
restructured can try to situate in another way the question of what a human
subject, a morality, a politics, the rights of the human subject are, can be, and
should be. Still to come, this task is indeed far ahead of us'' (1991, page 109).
Reflecting upon what it means to `eat well', the final chapter of When Species Meet
is devoted to ``parting bites that might nourish mortal companion species who cannot
and must not assimilate one another but who must learn to eat well, or at least well
enough that care, respect, and difference can flourish in the open'' (page 287). Haraway
``What do they [species] contribute to the flourishing of the land and its critters
(naturalcultural in that sense)? That question does not invite a disengaged `liberal'
ethics or politics but requires examined lives that take risks to help the flourishing
of some ways of getting on together and not others'' (pages 288 ^ 289, original
Microontologies partake of further parting bites: who do we invite and who do we
overlook when we meet the other in ethical encounters? How might human/animal/
bacteria meet-with in the context of the current environmental crisis affecting ani-
mals? How does our current concern with human ^ animal relations obscure bacterial
intra-actions that have nothing to do with humans, and are beyond human recogni-
tion? Eating well with bacteria, for instance, complicates animal rights discourse,
vegetarianism and veganism. This task is indeed far ahead of us: we must somehow
survive humanism, if we are to survive at all.
Acknowledgements. I gratefully acknowledge funding for this project from the Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Blakeslee S, 1996, ``Microbial life's steadfast champion'' The New York Times, 15 October
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Radio, 2007 How to Think About Science
Derrida J, 1991, `` `Eating well' or the calculation of the subject'', in Who Comes after the Subject?
Eds E Cadava, P Connor, J L Nancy (Routledge, New York) pp 96 ^ 119
Gould S J, 1996 Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin (Harmony Books,
New York)
Hird M, 2009 The Origins of Sociable Life: Evolution After Science Studies (Palgrave, Basingstoke,
Lingis A, 2003, ``Animal body, inhuman face'' in Zoontologies: The Question of the Animal
Ed. C Wolfe (University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN) pp 165 ^ 182
Margulis L, 1981 Symbiosis in Cell Evolution (W H Freeman, San Francisco, CA)
When species meet 39

Margulis L, Sagan D, 2007 Dazzle Gradually: Reflections on the Nature of Nature (Chelsea Green,
White River Junction, VT)
Pollan M, 2006 The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals (Penguin, New York)
Sagan D, Margulis L, 1993 Garden of Microbial Delights: A Practical Guide to the Subvisible World
(Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque, IO)
Sapp J, 2003 Genesis: The Evolution of Biology (Oxford University Press, Oxford)
Smil V, 2002 The Earth's Biosphere: Evolution, Dynamics, and Change (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA)
Stengers I, 1997, ``Turtles all the way down'', in Power and Invention: Situating Science (University of
Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN) pp 60 ^ 74
Sterelny K, 1999, ``Bacteria at the high table'' Biology and Philosophy 14 459 ^ 470
Whitman W, Coleman D, Wiebe W, 1998, ``Prokaryotes: the unseen majority'' Proceedings of the
National Academy of Science. 95 6578 ^ 6583
Wolfe C, 2003,``Introduction'', in Zoontologies:The Question of the Animal (University of Minnesota
Press, Minneapolis, MN) pp ix ^ xxiii

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