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Ever since the Industrial age commenced, the humanity had encountered daunting questions, to

identify the sustainable means to persist in their prevailing mass production industrial activities.

In a way, the product lifespan has enlarged by almost 10 years, while the human population has

multiplied four times in the past one century. The big question we are facing is how to manage

the overburden of overcrowded cities, extensive air, and water pollution, while meeting the food,

clothing, and shelter using tremendous resources for everyone. Eventually, how to persevere the

strong health of our planet (Adebola, 2006).

The depletion of natural resources, and its associated waste production, has been linked to

unsustainable human attitudes and behaviours (Oke, 2015). Nevertheless, an understanding of

the thought processes and activities behind the generation of waste may offer new perspectives

on how to encourage waste prevention, including resource conservation efforts, without a

dramatic change to human behaviours and lifestyles. Waste production is a complex issue

confronting local, national, and international governments (Barr, 2000). Its management may

require the integration of inter-disciplinary worldviews while its understanding may be further

enhanced using various socio-cultural perspectives (Stern, 2000). As a result, numerous studies

have been conducted within the realms of waste management, many of which focused on socio-

demographic and psychological aspects of waste production and management. Findings from

these studies have inspired different environmental policies, including legal frameworks that

instigated the design of many waste management strategies around the world. Nevertheless, a
survey of 2000 households in England suggests that a considerable amount of people (about 30%

of the survey participants) are still confused about what and where to recycle (Moore, 2015).

The method of recycling and status of the people may be different in many ways. This research

therefore assesses psychological characteristics of the households in two ways. Foremost, the

household’s awareness about waste management and waste materials from households was

identified. That was possible by examining the habit households’ exhibits toward recycling

activities by relating habitual behaviour of households who recycle and those who do not

recycle. Habits are characteristically interpreted as acquired, specific, achievable acts that

become involuntary answers in certain circumstances (Aarts, Verplanken, & Knippenberg,

1998). Instinctive reactions are observed as an act executed with unconscious cognitive

reasoning in a specific period. This research, therefore, viewed character as an act that the

recycle households and non-recycle households exhibit when they are met doubt of whether the

solid waste materials are recyclable or not.

The various dimensions of the solid waste problem have also been examined by analysts. Kagu

(1997), Momodu, Dimuna, and Dimuna (2011), Selim (2013) Agwu (2012), have emphasized

various aspects of solid waste management in Nigeria. Kagu examined the generation and

disposal of solid waste by households in Maiduguri and posited that open refuse dumps is

common in the city leading to health related issues of foul odour, breeding of insects and rats and

pollution of the environment.

In a similar manner, Momodu et al. (2011) observed that improperly sited refuse dumps deface

several cities in Nigeria, thereby endangering public health while Agwu examined the problem

from behavioural point of view, From the point of views of existing studies and policy and from
the realities of the green situation on the ground within the urban centres; fuller understanding of

the solid waste problem is lacking. Studies have been confined to a few areas and to different

aspects of the waste management.

Policy makers and other stakeholders are therefore confronted with the task of appealing to the

subjective and cautious reasoning of individuals in order to instill a waste prevention, reuse,

recycling, and/or upcycling ethos. In practice, one of the challenges confronting waste

management policy makers and planners is to establish whether recycling information would

achieve its intended objectives. Another challenge includes the extent (in terms of format,

structure, and frequency) at which recycling information should be provided in order to influence

behaviours. As a result, this research was designed to provide a pragmatic guidance for the

design of a well-informed communication strategy by exploring the roles and importance of

recycling information in modifying recycling behaviour using people’s perceptive. On the one

hand, the intention was to contribute to the existing knowledge on the effects of information on

recycling behaviours and to make recycling more accessible and convenient for people to

perform. On the other hand, the research was to encourage a more pro-environmental

consciousness and deliberate decision making that could impact on the existing consumers’

culture and its associated throw-away attitudes.


Waste materials often pose very dangerous and profound health and environmental problems.

They further elevate insects breeding like flies, mosquitoes, Feachem 1993, Cairn cross, rats,

mice. They are also hazardous to cause fire, flooding, and flow of wastewater streams. When

they enter the soil, they further can percolate to join the underground water streams, to develop

odor problems, aquatic weeds, breeding a variety of insect nuisance, and many more. As stated
by Pichtel (2005), the waste materials generate environmental impact, as they normally cluster

into dangerous six groups, including photochemical and oxidant creation, global warming,

enhance natural process caused due to the effect of climate change, depletion of Abiotic

resource, Acidification, and Eutrophication. Such various major constituent-related related

problems can further impact the recycling stages and that bring a strain on preserving the natural

environment (Ahmed & Ali, 2019).


The Aim is to ascertain and establish the impact of recycling in environment preservation.

The specific objectives are to:

i) To discover the additional recycling impact and help in the environment preservation;

ii) To ascertain the impact of solid waste supervision and management practices around the


iii) To assess the government role in waste management

iv) To investigate the advantages of solid waste management on the environment


i. What impact does recycling has to preserve the environment?

ii. What is the relationship between environment pollution and solid waste?

iii. What is Government role in waste management?

iv. What are the advantages of solid waste management in the environment?


The study scope covers the waste recycling impact on environmental preservation. However, we

observed that during the study, the researchers may encounter certain constraints and that will

limit the study scope.


It is considered that the study results will provide a significant value and scope of the federal

environment ministry, in dealing with and deliver the recycling challenges as a way of solid

waste management in the country. The findings will further provide sufficient database and

information to the environmental management system and the agency, because the acquired

results will help them prepare a strong structure to design a model to monitor and organize to

command solid waste system of management, using systematic recycling process.


1. Recycling: Recycling is the process of collecting, processing, and turning used materials into

new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce energy usage, and

decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Resource Conservation: Resource conservation refers to the sustainable management and

efficient use of natural resources such as water, minerals, energy, and forests to meet the

needs of current and future generations without depleting or degrading these resources.

3. Waste Diversion: Waste diversion is the practice of diverting waste materials from landfills

or incineration facilities and redirecting them toward recycling, composting, or other

beneficial uses to minimize environmental impact and conserve resources.

4. Circular Economy: The circular economy is an economic model that aims to maximize the

loop of resources by promoting the reuse, repair, remanufacturing, and recycling of products

and materials to minimize waste generation and create a more sustainable system.
5. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): Extended Producer Responsibility is a policy

approach that holds manufacturers, producers, or importers responsible for managing the

end-of-life disposal of their products and packaging, encouraging them to design products for

recyclability and reduce environmental impact.

6. Curbside Recycling: Curbside recycling is a convenient method of collecting recyclable

materials from households by providing designated bins or containers that are picked up by

waste management services for processing and recycling.

7. Landfill Bans: Landfill bans refer to regulations that prohibit the disposal of specific

materials, such as recyclables or hazardous waste, in landfills to promote recycling, waste

reduction, and environmental protection.

8. Renewable Resources: Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished or

regenerated over time, such as solar energy, wind power, and timber, which can be

sustainably harvested and used without depleting the resource.




In industrial society, waste generation and dumping have become an intrinsic role. The domestic

and commercial waste sources have increased considerably all around the world in the last ten

years. The householders, commercial establishments, industries, and various small and big stores

constantly contribute to the tremendous amount of waste. The waste products can be measured as

millions of tons, while the population living in urban and city limits has increased 400% in the

past 20 years. This enormous population growth has contributed tremendous liquid and solid

waste, and it is a matter of national as well as a global concern. The waste volume is not a big

problem, but the inability of individuals, society, governments, together with the disposal of

waste management companies have failed to manage the task of waste reduction and

environmental safety. The dirty environment affects the aesthetic sensibilities, living standards,

health of human beings, implicating the quality of lives. Improper waste storage and disposal can

create hazards to society through air pollution, water, and land (Ado, & Muktar, 2011).

When waste tires of vehicles are above 360,000,000 number get accumulated in Europe, it is

possible to travel around the world with this quantity. These recycling tires are the main waste

challenge and they are trying to turn them into a highly valuable and sustainable resource, to

make it a completely circular economy. Also, they try to prevent the release of Microplastic. The

recycling process entirely relies on the type of waste materials, and some of them is unable to use

directly. However, they are possible to convert to a new set of raw materials or products through

the transformation process. For example, utilized papers can be recycled to make envelopes,

files, greeting cards, and so on. More energy can be obtained by recycling process through:
Pyrolysis process, which is waste combustion without oxygen to generate liquids, gases, and

dense compounds, by incineration process of combustion with the oxygen present to develop

oxidized compounds, pellet formation, gasification, anaerobic digestion, and so on. By the

composting process of chemical and biological organic waste degradation in small enterprise, a

large centralized basis (Recycling, 2019).

Existing studies are also fundamentally broad, hiding the problem as it happens at the level of the

neighbourhoods, defective in measurements and rely essentially on what people say. A study

based on measurement of the waste generated by households will be important in understanding

the full scale of the problem in order to find sustainable solutions that will address solid waste as

a problem and as an industry (Stock, 2010).

2.1.1 Concept of recycling

The recycling process converts and transforms waste and discarded materials into something new

objects and materials of further use. Hence, it becomes a good alternative to any waste of

―conventional‖ nature of disposal and it has a capacity to save from using other material and this

process can help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, as related to plastic production, for

instance. The procedure of Recycling can avoid the waste going to the landfill and which has the

potential as a useful product or materials and that reduces the fresh raw material consumption,

thereby reduces further usage of energy, air pollution due to incineration, air and water pollution

by avoiding going to landfill. Hence, the Recycling process has become the crucial waste

reduction component of the modern era and turned out to be the third factor of the waste

hierarchy, ―Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle‖ (Recycling, 2019).

Wastes are always surplus discarded and useless unusable materials. Any substance considered

as waste, which is redundant after its initial use, and hence become defective, worthless, and

therefore, useless. The instances involve MSW- municipal solid waste, household refuse and

trash, wastewater hazardous waste, like sewage, radioactive waste, containing bodily wastes like

urine, feces, surface runoff, and others (Recycling, 2019).

Solid waste

The sludge refuse, any garbage, are considered as the solid waste coming out of the wastewater

treatment factory, treatment plant of water supply, out of air pollution and control facility, also

from any other useless, redundant materials that include semi-solid, liquid, solid, or

contaminated gaseous materials, coming out of commercial, industrial, agricultural, mining

operations (Canon Hygiene, 2017).

Air and Water Pollution

The contaminants, chemicals, obnoxious gases enter the air, land, or water, pollution takes place,

introducing these materials into the atmosphere, land, water, or natural environment to cause

adverse changes. Any kind of pollution in the form of energy, waste materials, liquid, chemical

substances, heat, noise, or light. Any pollution component and pollutants can come in the form of

energies or foreign substances, naturally happening contaminants. They can come in the form of

pollution from classic point sources of pollution from non-point sources (Canon Hygiene, 2017).

2.1.2 Economic Approaches on Recycle

Recycling is a process, where used, discarded materials (waste) are transformed into new

products in order to achieve the reduction of raw materials consumption, energy usage and

air/water pollution (avoiding incineration or landfilling).

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ―Recycling (including

composting) is the preferred waste management option to further reduce potential risks to human

health and the environment, divert waste from and fills and combustors, conserve energy, and

slow the depletion of non-renewable natural resources‖.

Recycled content is defined by ISO 14021 (International Organization of Standardization). It is

the proportion, by mass, of recycled material in a product or packaging … Thereof, only pre-

consumer and post-consumer materials shall be considered as recycled content, consistent with

the following usage of the term (ISO 2016).

Pre-consumer material is considered to be the material diverted from the waste stream during a

manufacturing process. Excluded is the reutilization of materials such as rework, regrind or scrap

generated in a process and capable of being reclaimed within the same process that generated it.

Post-consumer material regards the material generated by households or by commercial,

industrial or even institutional facilities in their role as end-users of the product. That material

can no longer be used for its intended purpose. Several articles modeled the economics of

recycling from different stakeholders’ standpoint, however, there are still a lot of issues to be

settled until a consensus to be achieved among them. By examining all the feasible optimal

solutions under certain constraints, such as the quality demand and some other criteria such as

the environmental impact, a consensus statement or collaborative decision making, among

stakeholders could be reached.

A general model for evaluating the economic and environmental performance of electronics

recycling systems is developed (Dahmus, 2008). This model comprehends the three main

functions in a recycling system-collection, processing, and system management and aims to

enable quantification of the impact of the activity and penetrate to the system structure of

electronics’ recycling systems performance. Different modeling techniques are used ad hoc,

including process-based cost models, to evaluate the economic performance, and life cycle

assessment tools, to evaluate the environmental performance.

Integrated Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM) allows studies of complex and multi-

dimensional systems in an integral way (Guerrero, et al, 2013). The model was developed at the

beginning by waste consultants of urban environment and development and partners or

organizations working in developing countries in themid-1980s. It was further developed by the

Collaborative Working Group (CWG) on solid waste management in the mid-1990s. The model

acknowledges the importance of three-dimensional analysis and developing or changing the

waste management system. The defined dimensions are:

1) The stakeholders that have an interest in solid waste management;

2) The elements or stages of the movement or flow of materials from the generation points

towards treatment and;

3) Final disposal and the aspects of ―lenses‖ through which the system is analyzed.

2.1.3 Future Prospects of Recycling

According to the EU report regarding the Thematic Strategy on the Prevention and Recycling of

Waste, some interesting predictions and future guidelines of recycling were announced. The

ever-growing population combined with stronger emerging economies lead to a total

consumption increment which will increase the pressure on all resource uses in particular, related

to biotic materials, minerals and metals, affecting the environment and health impact. Thereof

the demand for raw materials in the EU will continue to grow, and given the EU dependence on
the importation of many raw materials, the role of recycling will become even more important

(DSM Environmental, 2009). REACH Regulation already contributed to reducing hazardous

waste generation aiming at a higher percentage of biowaste diversion from landfilling offering

new energy content exploitation alternatives for composting and gas production. On top of the

expected effects as an outcome of e.g. Landfill Directive implementation (European Council

(1999), prevention strategies and upgraded recycling systems could lead to additional significant

benefits. Full implementation of EU waste legislation and increased prevention and recycling

could lead to additional GHG emission reduction corresponding to a significant part of the

European climate reduction targets. Recycling will continue to offer economic opportunities

whilst contributing to the resource efficiency of the EU economy, apart from the expected new

job openings in the waste recycling sector.

2.2 Current Economic Development and Recycling

Economic development is a key driver of environmental degradation, as the treadmill of

production theory (Givens, J.E. and Jorgenson, A.K. (2011). Affluent countries, regardless of

their current state of higher development, are not developing as fast as the less affluent nations.

Global researchers suggest that more affluent nations are being able to externalize part of the

degradation caused by consumption and production to less affluent countries. Although

degradation is of levelled importance in all countries, affluent nations experienced the same

growth rates in degradation as less affluent countries. It seems that GDP growth positively

affects individual-level environmental concerns (Givens, J.E. and Jorgenson, A.K. (2011).

Cities, as engines of economic growth and social development, require large quantities of natural

resources to meet their inhabitants’ economic and social needs. Good infrastructure and reliable

service provision are key elements to reach sustained cities’ development. In this regard,
investment opportunities and service access to vulnerable populations are being enhanced. In

response to the lack of sanitation infrastructure, many governments, development agencies and

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), usually implement programmes to provide latrines to

poor and vulnerable populations.

These programmes often do not link infrastructure provision with its necessary management

requirements. As a result, the majority of ―latrine-based‖ cities do not have a reliable solution for

emptying latrines, and for faecal sludge and wastewater transportation and treatment. Once these

infrastructures are available, they are disconnected from business opportunities that use resources

such as water, nutrients or biosolids for their productive activities. This lingering failure in

sanitation is putting a huge financial burden on municipalities that have to rely on permanent

subsidies to operate and maintain infrastructures. The recent WHO guidelines on the safe use of

wastewater, excreta and greywater, allow reuse alternatives besides agricultural irrigation.

Therefore, we’re leading to a new paradigm which is urban sanitation management needs linkage

with cities’ economic development agenda.

2.3. Recycling in Industries

Recycling brings in the foreground mainly short-lasting consumer goods from households.

Industries, however, due to increasing prices of raw materials are laid great emphasis on overall

operational costs and are oriented even more towards sustainability practices during the recent

decades. As a result of sustainable ―green policies‖ large quantities of different origin ―wastes‖

are reused as secondary raw materials in their production processes.

Driving forces for recycling are, for instance, the high purchase value of noble metals like gold

and platinum with manifold appliances in modern industry, the scarcity of certain
technologically important elements like tungsten and rare earth, the energy saving in production

processes like those for aluminum, steel, glass and paper and the avoidance of unsustainable

impacts to the environment such as the utilization of coal ash in cement industry and re-

integration of demolition waste. In all cases, energy use and secondary material production are

closely coupled, even when, in cases like gold recovery, the amount and cost of energy used are

economically not the most important target (Miranda, R. and Blanco, A. 2010).

There are numerous industrial recycling processing routes, which are already in full swing in

building and minerals industries, in pulp and paper processing and in many non-ferrous

metallurgical industries. Industries of plastics and glass processing are also in high demand of

recycling, so are wooden pallets industries. Consequently, all manufacturing industries, such as

automotive industries, are affected.

2.4 International Trade and Recycling

The international trade of waste products is remarkable and has grown even more in the past

decade. Already in the distant 2007, were traded globally more than 191 million tons of waste

(Kellenberg, D., 2012). Domestic wastes and Domestic economy are defined and considered to

be interrelated through three potential dealing alternatives. 1) recycling; 2) exportation to other

countries; 3) disposal. Recycled material is redirected back to the Domestic Economy to be

reprocessed or to be consumed. However, few waste products are 100% recyclable. Some waste

currents, inevitably end up back in the domestic waste stream either to be recycled once more

(possibly for different recyclable components), to be exported or disposed-off domestically.

In most countries, waste domestically disposal, involves a combination of landfill or

incineration. Nonetheless, countries with lax environmental regulations turn a blind eye to
environmentally detrimental actions, such as direct waste disposal to the environment. Waste is

exported for two possible reasons: to be recycled for materials in the foreign country-destination

or to achieve energy recovery or even to be disposed of. The empirical approach to estimate the

effect of environmental regulation differences on waste trade is based on the gravity model.

2.5 Employment and Recycling

Recycling nowadays appears to be functioning on industrial basis which reduces the waste

disposal and thereof natural resource consumption and energy efficiency improvement. As a

result, it sustains an economic and business interest for entrepreneurs all over the world. The EU

held a 50% world tonnage share of the waste and recycling industries. EU eco-industries sector

gained a turnover of around 227 billion €, corresponding to 2.2% of EU GDP in 2007. This

includes waste treatment (€52 billion) and recycling (€24 billion, over 500,000 jobs). The

recycling sector is made up of over 60,000 companies; the profile of which is categorized into

the following percentages i.e. 3% large; 28% medium; 69% small.

2.6 Tax Policies to Address Environmental Problems

Economists have developed certain policy options for addressing environmental problems. There

are two main market-based instruments as ―regulators‖ for reducing greenhouse gases (GHG)

emissions; 1) the cap-and-trade system and 2) the GHG (carbon) tax Cap-and-trade was

introduced to the industrial market as an innovative policy at that time, to provide economic

motives for achieving GHG emission reduction.

The definition given from Stavins (2003) for the afore-mentioned approach is the following

―Under a tradable permit system, an allowable overall level of pollution is established and

allocated among firms in the form of permits.

Firms that keep their emission levels below their allotted level may sell their surplus permits to

other firms or use them to offset excess emissions in other parts of their facilities.‖

A tax imposed on greenhouse gases (GHGs) is a ―Pigovian tax‖ that can be used to achieve a

cost-effective reduction in GHG as a whole and not particularly upon CO 2 emissions. Similarly,

GHG taxes use the power of market price trends to encourage GHG emission reduction from a

variety of production source.

According to Scorce (2010), these policies are not controversial at first glance, in terms of

theoretical standpoint; Problems emerge upon implementation and surely in the details to start

running properly. Both, GHGs taxes and cap-and-trade system are subjected to political

compromises which could seriously undermine the effectiveness of the outcome (Scorse, J.


2.7 Welfare and Environment

Undoubtedly, industrial progress incurs environmental degradation which is considered to be

unavoidable. The question though that arises is stated as ―how much is the impact of

environmental damage to well-being‖. To answer this question in a persuasive manner,

economists introduced the Measure of Economic Welfare (MEW).

MEW takes GDP as a starting point and is adjusted to the value of leisure time and the amount of

unpaid work (positive impact), as well as the value of the environmental damage caused by

industrial production and consumption (negative impact). Daly and Cobb (1989) developed a

broader macroeconomic index based on MEW (Daly, H.E. and Cobb Jr., J.B., 1989) i.e. the
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW), to overcome, e.g. values of household labor

that GNP excludes it, which spans economic, social and environmental dimensions. ISEW

adjusted national accounting practices to encompass a broader set of welfare determinants, which

include deductions for military spending, environmental degradation and depreciation in natural

capital. Computation of an ISEW usually starts from the value of personal consumption

expenditures which is a sub-component of GDP.

A characteristic example was presented by a U.S. study (Cobb, C.W. and Cobb, J.B., 1994).

According to them, weighted personal consumption expenditures were taken into account in

which were added household labor estimates. Furthermore, net private investment was added and

the placement of U.S. net international investment position. Many of expenditures regarding

health, education and defense were subtracted, as well as estimates of commuting, car accidents,

water & air environmental degradation, noise pollution, loss of wetlands and farmlands, non-

renewable resources depletion and long-term environmental damages due to greenhouse CO 2


The ISEW is simply the sum of the weighted personal consumption expenditures incorporating

all the mentioned corrections (Fischer, C. and Werge, M., 2009).

2.8 Waste Management

Significant concerns over the environmental impact of waste have emerged in recent decades.

Managing waste has a wide range of potential environmental impacts. These impacts depend

upon the amount and composition of waste streams as well as on the methods adopted for

treating them (landfilling, incineration etc.). Improper waste management in numerous cases
incurs soil and groundwater contamination, threatening the natural ecosystems and the health of

the exposed population (Banerjee, S. et. al, 2013)

Other problems related to the waste management are the existing disposal facilities, which are at

the end of their operational design and cannot be expanded further-reaching saturation. The

determination and establishment of new land-fill locations or even incineration plants are

intercepted by the local protest movements due to the widespread belief of the local

communities, in many parts of Europe, that the negative impact of such an establishment will

surely affect the environment and the health of the dwellers at a close distance. The increased

movement of waste, both within and outside the EU, needs to be carefully monitored for the risk

posed to human health and to the environment by some waste stream shipments (Eurostat 2010).

Two major ―green‖ waste management options that seem to be the only viable and sustainable

solutions, in terms of energy saving, and environmental friendliness is the ―recycling‖ and the

―reuse‖. Reuse differs from recycling in the fact that there’s no need to change the physical

properties of the material. Consequently, reuse is more energy efficient in contrast with


2.9 Recycling Benefits to the Environment

2.9.1 Recycling Positive Effects

It basically helps Conserve Resources

The Global Foundation of Recycling, in 2017, reported that people should make the utmost use

of natural resources in merely 8 months. They made new products by raw material extraction by

cutting trees and mining. Therefore, they understood that the recycling process helps conserve

the most essential raw materials to be used in the future (Environment, 2020)
Less is always more organization revealed that there is a positive recycling impact to conserve

natural resources, the format is as follows: (Environment, 2020).

i) The recycled 1 ton of plastic can save 16.8 oil barrels;

ii) By recycling 1 tom office papers can save 18 trees, can reduce oil 474 gallons, and save

water of 7,400 gallons;

iii) 1 ton steel can be recycled to save 1.78 oil barrels and avoid the landfill space of 4 cubic


It helps provide Importance to People

 The landfill space gets filled quickly, and within some years, there will be no additional

space to dump the waste materials. Recycling is the best method to control and manage the

waste generated.

 Producing the fresh and new products require the use of natural resources in sizeable

quantities. Hence, recycling can curtail the raw material need and helps reduce the

consumption of energy. Also, recycling helps preserve natural resources that will help our

future generations.

 The manufacturing cost of fresh products is prohibitive. However, when the recycling

method is used to make products, the product cost will be less. Hence, the process of

recycling will reduce the financial burden and help economy by investing in various other

schemes (Environment, 2020)

2.9.2 Benefits of Recycling

1) It Saves Energy
By using recycled materials for manufacturing applications, the quantity of energy utilized is

very less. In case the below mentioned recycled materials are used, a significant quantity of

energy can be saved:

 In the case of Paper recycled: 62% reduced, energy can be consumed;

 In the case of Aluminum recycled: 94% reduced, energy can be consumed;

 In the case of Cardboard recycled: 27% reduced, energy can be consumed;

 In the case of Plastic and glass recycled: 37% reduced, energy can be consumed

(Environment, 2020).

2) Recycling can help Protect our Environment

To produce new products, there is a need to extract raw materials. Thereafter, they should be

refined, cultured, and processed. The process creates water and air pollution to generate

greenhouse gases, which are emitted during all these manufacturing processes, to cause global

warming and environmental problems. In such cases, recycling can decrease the raw material

needs, thus decreasing pollution. Moreover, it saves energy, while reducing the release of

greenhouse gases, to help tackle climate change.

3) Helps Reduce Landfill

The EPA- Environmental Protection Agency projects that recycling 37% of created waste, will

decrease the landfill space by 65%. This is because, by using the recycling method, a reduced

quantity of waste reaches the landfill (Agunwamba, 2018).




This study makes used of survey research design.


The area of this study will be carried out within some selected neighborhoods of Abeokuta

metropolis, Ogun State Nigeria.


The population of the study consisted of 100 respondents drawn from 24 neighbourhood of

Abeokuta metropolis, Ogun State Nigeria.


The stratified random sampling technique was employed for the study. The metropolis of

Abeokuta ware divided into 24 neighbourhoods from which 6 neighbourhoods (25%) were

selected. A total of 100 questionnaires were used based on Abraham, Barr, and Bryman (2001)

method of selecting sample size based on 1991 National Population Census (NPC, 1996) that

provided the neighbourhood population of Abeokuta metropolis.


The data for this study was collected through questionnaire. The options to the questions in the

questionnaire were arranged in a likert scale continuum of 1 to 5 with the following options:

Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD).

The data collected was analyzed in sequential order; there were two levels of analysis carried

out. The first analysis was on thematic analysis that conducted by the procedure laid down by

Braun and Clarke (2006). The socio-demographic data were presented using descriptive and

inferential analysis. There was the correlation of the result to indicate the relationship and

interaction between the habit and recycling process, attitudes, behaviours, barriers, motivation

and psychosocial and demographic characteristics of respondents.


Due to involvement of human subjects, the researchers acquired a research permit from the local

government authorities as well as from the institutions under investigation. The researchers

ensured that names, identity and information provided by respondents remained confidential.

The researchers did not disclose any name of respondents in the final report.


The finding from the research study shows that recycling has a positive impact on the

environment by reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and conserving natural resources.

It helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving energy, and protecting wildlife

habitats. Additionally, recycling creates job opportunities and stimulates economic growth in the

recycling industry. Overall, recycling plays a crucial role in sustainable waste management and

contributes to a healthier and cleaner environment for current and future generations.

Recycling is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to conserve valuable natural resources

such as trees, water, and minerals. By recycling materials like paper, plastic, and metal, we can

reduce the need for extracting raw materials from the earth. Secondly, recycling helps to reduce

waste and alleviate pressure on already overflowing landfills. This not only saves space but also

reduces the harmful environmental impact of waste disposal. Additionally, recycling helps to

reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of new

products. Overall, recycling plays a crucial role in preserving the environment, conserving

resources, and promoting sustainability.


In this research, the need for coherent and all-encompassing waste-recycling information was

discussed and presented. Using the research participants’ views and findings from the literature,

we argued that coherent information creates scheme awareness and also provides opportunities

for planners to design effective schemes that may be more attractive in encouraging

participation. In addition, this study deliberately re-positioned waste recycling responsibilities

based on the acceptable and legal definitions of waste and recycling. According to this study, the

definition of recycling absolves individuals from any responsibilities of recycling. Instead,

preparation of materials for collection was argued in this research to be the major responsibility

of individuals or householders. Recycling is more than tossing materials in dedicated bins: it

requires additional efforts such as chemical, thermal, or mechanical processes. On this basis, this

study presents recycling as a technical activity that could only be performed by specialised waste

management (or recycling) firms with appropriate facilities or capacities for recycling. Further,

this research extends the on-going discussion on the legality of the existing definition of waste

and identifies key recyclables that householders or individuals could prepare for recycling.


Based on research studies on the importance of recycling, the following recommendations can be


1. Invest in Public Education Campaigns: Develop and implement targeted public education

campaigns to raise awareness about the environmental benefits of recycling and the

consequences of improper waste disposal. Use evidence-based messaging to effectively

communicate the importance of recycling to diverse audiences.

2. Enhance Recycling Infrastructure: Allocate funding for the improvement of recycling

infrastructure, including the expansion of curbside recycling programs, the establishment of

recycling centers in underserved communities, and the implementation of innovative

technologies for waste sorting and processing.

3. Support Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Programs: Advocate for the

implementation of EPR programs, which hold manufacturers responsible for the collection,
recycling, and proper disposal of their products at the end of their life cycle. Encourage

collaboration between producers, retailers, and consumers to ensure the success of EPR


4. Promote Circular Economy Practices: Encourage businesses to adopt circular economy

principles, such as designing products for recyclability, using recycled materials in

manufacturing, and promoting resource efficiency throughout the supply chain. Support

research and development efforts to advance sustainable product design and materials


5. Strengthen Policy and Regulatory Frameworks: Advocate for the implementation of

policies and regulations that incentivize recycling, such as landfill bans on recyclable

materials, mandatory recycling requirements for businesses and households, and economic

incentives for recycling companies. Support evidence-based policy-making informed by

research findings on the environmental and economic benefits of recycling.

6. Foster Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration: Facilitate collaboration between government

agencies, industry associations, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and

community groups to develop comprehensive recycling strategies and initiatives. Encourage

knowledge sharing, best practices exchange, and joint efforts to address systemic barriers to


By implementing these recommendations based on research findings, policymakers, industry

stakeholders, and the public can effectively promote the importance of recycling and contribute

to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious society.


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