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1) Read the text. Complete with a word from the box.

well sing like instrument speak live music don’t play
My name’s Pedro Torres. I’m 15 years old. I’m Argentinian and I ____________ in Buenos Aires.
I ____________ music! My favourite music is hip hop. I ____________ like reggaeton.
I can ____________ and dance very ____________ but I can’t ____________ any musical ____________.
I can also ____________ English.

2) You are talking with Pedro. Write the appropriate ques on.
You: _________’s _________ _________? You: _________ you _________ music?
Pedro: Pedro Torres. Pedro: Yes, I do.
You: _________ old _________ _________? You: _________ you _________ the guitar?
Pedro: I’m 15 years old. Pedro: No, I can’t play any musical instrument.
You: _________ you from Argen na? You: _________ _________ _________ English?
Pedro: Yes, I am from Buenos Aires. Pedro: Yes, I can.

4) Look at the map. Complete the sentences.

1. There ___________ a museum.
2. There ___________ two schools.
3. There ___________ any hotels.
4. There ___________ three supermarkets.
5. There ___________ a zoo.

5) Look at the map. Complete the ques ons and answers

A: __________ __________ any hospitals? B: __________, __________ __________ .
B: Yes, there __________ . A: __________ __________ any stadiums?
A: __________ __________ any supermarket? B: No, __________ __________ .
B: Yes, __________ __________ one. A: __________ __________ an airport?
A: __________ __________ a museum? B: __________ , __________ __________ .

6) Complete the ac ons with verbs from the box

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