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Serial No: 003942 University of Okara TRANSCRIPT. rogram Name: BSEnghoh Sesion: aosas Name ofCandste: AU Asad Rolle; ——-FID.SE-Eap-GE-si29 Fathers Name: MABbas Regisratlon Ne: 19-00-4913, Trai] Ova [course Code [Course Tite Ma ag | Grade eit | Grade Later] Smear fa 275) NG BS FIO [invoducion to Unga 5 a a = ENGBS FIO [invoduton to Engh Lice (Pocky and Dama) x 7. 0 z favo aS Ci00r Jeagsk x 7 as = [ENG nS E1036 [inematna Rtons z 7 340 3 FENG BS E1065 [Socotog z 7 335 3 [ENG BS Coos [Poi Sis 2 @ 295 € Semester Spring 2020 fen ns c1o0 fengion q = as x FENG BS FIOT> [Mistry of Engl Lier (Medieval w Romantic) x ar 35 x JENGBS F101) [Poneies and Possiogy — x 0 a0 a FENG BS E1066 [Poti Scene x 7 320 = [ENG HS E064 [as Communion 3 a, 35 x FENGIBS Coo2 [sane Ss 2 = 399 x Semester. Fal 200) ERO BS FIOL [nvedsioaw Engin erase Wel Soran ws) — 3 ai 7 ro ENG BS E1074 [Anioplny x 0 350 x FENG HS E1073 [ose tex 2 a 00 a [ENG.BSFI01s Notley wn SeaNT 3 7 335 B [ENG ws Coos fein = 3 @ 29 c FENG AS C1006 [ntodsnons Compass 3 7 320 = Semeser-V Spring 221) jasc nS E107s [Law z 7% aa a FENG RS Flor [Semantics 3 a 3s 3 [ENG BS C07 [Advance Academie Renting and Wing 3 72 0 8 Jena ns E1071 [soit Wor 3 ae ‘0 a [ENG HS E107 |Homen Rigs Creat 3 0 “0 A exc os rove [i of Eels irae TT Canny Rela wo : F co > Cortera Tes) Seeste-v (Fal 2021) " ¥ feN ws F108 [Licey Cem 5 az @ 7 < feNc ns F015 [Pacey Ch 18% Cena x98 3 70 360 = [EN Bs F020 [Nove (18 and 19% Cem) = zt 3 74 320 B ENG 0S F102 [Socios z a o 330 * FENG nS Fitz |Morpiogy an Snax ¥ x a a0 € JENG.BS Fi0z» [Dicore Anais 3 s 39 c SemesteV Spring 203) Zz ENG HS FI0D8 [Levial Suis z a as c ENG nS F100 [psycotmgsstes 7 & 0 € ENG RS F10DT [To Comury Poet x 7 a5 = ENGS Fina [cisicsn Dans 3 71 305 B [ESBS FOES [Lier Cried Toor z 3 2a D Semester. V1 (Fall 2022) [ENG BS 10st [20 Cena Ciera (Poet and Drama) a a 7 c JENG BS E1057 [ravsltion Ton ad Lier Sis 3 w 25 € FENGS E1036 [Sou Asin Lire = > Ea 235 D ENG BS E1055 [American Lire x 7 305 ® FENG ws ose [Pais Lieramre 3 9 2A D Semester Spring 203) [ENG 8s £1059 [Teaching of eran z 7 a = JENGIBS Fost [20m Cem Fiction nd Now Feion x rn 305 3 FENG BS E1000 [Lier Spisis 3 6 200 € JENG BS F061 [Literary Discourse and oonalai Wath 3 7 sas B ENG BS E1035 [scence Fiona 3 7 305 = 733 _[ 3327 4500, Date ot tewe: 3 errs Omon cepted y Prepared By: CZ.7 creed By: 9. —* ‘The following is given to assist the reader inthe interpretation of the Transcript ACADEMIC SESSION ‘The academic session for BS English is of four-year duration and comprises eight semesters. SEMESTER DURATION 2 ‘The duration of each semester is 18 weeks including the time taken for examination. ‘CREDIT VALUE DEFINITION A course of credit represents one hour of lecture. MARKS, ‘A) Each course carries 100 marks and its 1. Mid Term Examination 30% 2. Assignments/Presentations 20% 3. Final Term Examination/Summative Test 50% Total B) Minimum passing marks requirement in each course is, 50% } LEGEND | Grade Letter GP/Points Marks Range At 4.00 F ‘90% above A 3.50 103.99. 80-89% B 3.00 10 3.49 70-19% eo 2,50 102.99 60-69% D 2.00 10 2.49 50-59% 5 BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION, SAHIWAL S7ha957 mepee R957. Roll Nosese ema cani7g ee eeune Result___Pass_ Registration No. 3429604747 PROVISIONAL RESULT INTIMATION INTERMEDIATE (PART-I/ I) ANNUAL EXAMINATION, 2019 GROUP PRE-ENGINEERING NAME ALLASAD FATHER'S NAME MUHAMMAD ABBAS INSTITUTION/DISTRICT _PUNJAB COLLEGE FOR BOYS, DEPALPUR He/She has secured the marks as deteiled below aga ‘each subject se] name ot uyean 7 avis Obtained ae ame of Subject xi No. Marks TREO Practical! Total | 1 | Part-i Partdl 1 Jurbu 200 65 64 129 r Pp 2 ENGLISH 200 65 7 162 Pp P 3. |ISLAMiC EDUCATION 50 40 40 P @ [pmastan sTuDies Pi rs 7 3 5 |PHYSICS 200 38 39 22 99 r e 6 |CHEMISTRY 200 46 38 18 102 Pp Pp 7 [MATHEMATICS 200 36 40, el 76 P P : » | | TOTALOVERALL GRADE | 1100 4 7 | se7 | Grade c ‘The candidate has passed and obtained marks Five Hundred Eighty Seven, \ NOTE: (0) The provisional reeutintmaton sued as note only. Ary ony appearing ia doesnot self confer any night ar prvlege independent forthe ant of proper certcate which willbe issued later on undor the les. (i) The star ()indeates hat the candidate has passed the subjecUs with concessional marks under Rule of the Board's Calendar In case hele is not wiling to accept the concessional mars, necessary permission to reappear inthe subjacUs may be obtained win the schedule for suiting the admision forms ofthe next examanaton. The cardia wil have lo atach the allestd copy of revsed result intimation wih the ‘Admission Form and an afidavitthathashe wil not cai forthe previous result incase of aur (i ft rest inition is ost, upticate resut card may be obtained by te cankale on payment of prescribed fee (ror & Omissions neal OAs Stee L ttf Sin LG Sg Checked by Dated 04-SEPTEMBER-2019 CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION, SAHIWAL B srno._5451496- Rott No,_119591 | Pass 34112148315 Result : Registration No. PROVISIONAL RESULT INTIMATION SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE PART (I/lt) (ANNUAL) EXAMINATION, 2017 Group IN roe ALI ASAD Fathers Nome; MUHAMMADABBAS 2S Date of Binh; 206-898 TWENTY NINTH JUNE NINETEEN HUNORED NETY EIGHT) rte: GHAZI PUBLIG BOYS HIGH SCHOOL PUL AWAD ABAD OHOOL GHOHR (OKA {GHAZI PUBLIC BOYS HIGH SCHOOL PUL AHMAD ABAD DHOOL GHOHR (OKARA) Has secured the marks as detailed below against each subject es ; exam Warks Obtained Seats No. lame of Subjects _tiwen—fractcal| Total | sm | 17m 7 [URDU 70 | 50] sa T100[ 2 |encusH 150 | 43 | 38 | at | P 3 [ISLAMIVAT(COMPULSORY) 100 | 3 | 3 we 4_| PAKISTAN STUDIES 100 | 34 | a7 a | P 3 [ MATHEMATICS eo |e | © v4 6 | PHYSICS 10 | «| 3 | 2 | 1 |e 7 | CHEMISTRY 450 40. | 35 22 a [Pe 3 | BIOLOGY ao | 2 | 2 | 2 =| git | P “The candidate has passed and obtained marks Seven Hundred Ninety Three. 7 x Note: (0) This provisional est intone a ce ot Ary erry pearing in does not sal confer any ght or prvige independent for he nt of proper cerfate which wipe sued later on under the res, (th Toe stor ¢) mentee Pat the candidate hos pased the subjects wih concessional masks under Rul ofthe Boats Calendar. Incase ‘ole pot wing o aoept he cancnesional mari, necessary permission 10 reappear nthe subjects may be cbsined witin the schedule for sutiting we admission ors ‘Admission Form and an afi tht ale wl tcl fr he previous est in caso of fae. rer komt amend, Le neti SiS Terie Kiel orn Checked by iv GE 25-JULY2017 S. 182930 BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION SAHIWAL PAKISTAN SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE ANNUAL, 2017 Roll No. 449531 ‘Reg No. 34442148315 Group: SCIENCE Certified that ALTASAD Son/Daugiterof MUHAMMAD ABBAS Date of Birth 29-06-1998 (TWENTY NINTH UNE NINETEEN HUNORED NINETY EIGHT) School fistrice PN2EPUBLIC HIGH SOIOOL POL AHAGHEAD (DROOL HORE) DEPALPUR (OKRA) fas passed AS AWHOLE the Secondary School Certificate Examination as a REGULAR candidate. DETAIL OF MARKS a Marks: = Maximum [URDU 150 ENGLISH 150 ISLAMIYAT(COMPULSORY) 100 PAKISTAN STUDIES 100 MATHEMATICS 150 PHYSICS (CHEMISTRY 50 BIOLOGY ~ TOTAL MARKS (In Figures) (In-Words) _Seven Hundred Ninety Three. Internal Gra Sahiwal, Result Declared on: 25-July-2017 el CONDITIONS OF ISSUE ‘This cemtficate is and remains the property of the BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION, SAHIWAL at all times and is issued on the following conditions: (2) Any alteration / erasure to this certificate renders it invalid, (b) This certificate must be delivered to the BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION, SAHIWAL whenever demanded. GRADING FORMULA PERCENTAGE OF MARKS GRADE REMARKS 80% and above At Exceptional 70% and above but below 80% A Exeelient 60% and above but below 70% B Very Good 50% and above but below 60% c Good 40% and above but below 50% D Fair Below 40% to minimum pass marks E Satisfactory NOTE:- Mark (*) against a subjecusubjects indicates the award of the concessional grace mark/s, This/These concessional mark/s has/have not been included in the aggregate Extemal Grade: Awarded by the Board. Zz Internal Grade:- Awarded by the Institution. Printed by M. Adnan Sattar (0.8.0) /, Name with Designation 000 Signature Verified by iM : : aki . Nenewindesoain ETA BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION SAHIWAL PAKISTAN ce =) INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE go us ANNUAL, 2019 Roll No, 348428 Reg. No. 3420624717 Group: PRE-ENGINEERING Contified that ALE ASAD Son/Daughter of | MUHAMMAD ABBAS Institution/District Punjab College For Boys, Depalpur has passed ASAWHOLE the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination asd REGULAR candidate. DETAIL OF MARKS ty Marks Maximum ‘URDU 200 ENGLISH Fs 200 ISLAMIC EDUCATION 50 PAKISTAN STUDIES 50 PHYSICS 200 (CHEMISTRY 200 MATHEMATICS, 200 TOTAL MARKS (In Figures) 1100 Subjects Sr. No. (In Words) Five Hundred Eighty Seven. Internal Grade Sahiwal, . Result Declared On September 04,2019 Note: This certificate is issued without alleaton/erasure & Pe I CONDITIONS OF ISSUE . ‘This certificate is and remains the property of the BOARD OF INTERMEDIAT! AND SECONDARY EDUCATION, SAHIWAL at all times and is issued on the following conditions: (a) Any alteration / erasure to this certificate renders it invalid AND SECONDARY EDUCATION, SAHIWAL whenever demanded (b) This certificate must be delivered to the BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE | NOTE: Mark (*) against a subjecUsubjects indicates the award of the concessional grace marlds. This/These concessional mark/s has/have not been included in the aggregate, External Grade:- Awarded by the Board. Internal Grade:- Awarded by the Institution ee es PERCENTAGE OF MARKS GRADE REMARKS 80% end above AY Exceptional 70% and above but below 80% A Excellent (60% and above but below 70% B Very Good 50% and above but below 60% c Good 40% and above but below 50% D Below 40% to minimum pass marks Et pbia7 Printed by Namne with Designation Atta sions checked by : Name wit Desgntion sigue __S Verified by

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