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NIM : 202362201032

Answer these questions below !

1. What must we pay attention when we get job interview in English ?( 3 answers).
(Apa saja yang harusdiperhatikanwaktu interview)
2. a. Interviewer is .......
b. Interviewee is ....
3. What are your skills !
4. Can you tell me about your last education ?
5. Can you tell me about your working experience ?
(Write one or two working experience)
6. In what company do you want to apply a job ?
Why do you want to apply a job in that company ?
7. How much salary do you want to get ?
8. What are your strengths ?
9. What are your weaknesses ?
10. What position do you want to apply? Why do choose that position ?

Answer !!!
1. a) On time.
b) Be polite.
c) Be confident.
2. a) Orang yang Pewawancara.
b) Orang yang diwawancarai.
3. a) I can use Powerpoint.
b) I can use Microsoft Excel.
4. In September 2023, I continued my Bachelor’s degree in Jakarta, specifically at Utpadaka
Swastika University, majoring in Accounting.
5. Since April 2021-2023 August, I have been working at PT. SUKA JAYA MAKMUR as car
6. a) I really want to apply to other well-known and largest companies such as PT. Pertamina
(Persero), PT. Astra InternasionalTbk (ASII), PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (INDF), PT.
Unilever Indonesia Tbk, BCA (Bank Central Asia), PT. Bank MandiriTbk, PT. Bank Rakyat
Indonesia (BRI).
b) Maybe according to our knowledge, experience, abilities, and skil, we have to know
what field the company operates in and know how the system work also.
7. Equivalent to my job, even according to the salary in general.
8. a) Flexibility.
b) Responsible.
c) Strong work Ethic.
d) Honest.
9. a) too perfectionist.
b) Impatient.
10. Staf Accounting and CEO.

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