BC-Group 6-Advanced Finance 63A

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Group 6: Trần Duy Anh 11210756

Bùi Quang Anh 11210274
Triệu Nguyệt Hương 11212557
Triệu Đạt 11211288

Class: Advanced Finance 63A

Instructor: PhD. Lê Thị Thu Mai

Ha Noi, May 2023

Table of contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................... 3
Content ...................................................................................................................................... 4
I. Sai Gon J.S Commercial Bank (SCB) ......................................................................... 4
A. Overview of SCB ........................................................................................................... 4
B. Case of SCB: SCB deluded customers by advising them to buy insurances instead
of saving money in bank accounts ...................................................................................... 4
1. Description ................................................................................................................. 4
2. Reasons for studying this case .................................................................................. 6
3. Reasons for this case ................................................................................................. 6
4. Consequences for this case ....................................................................................... 8
5. Resolutions of company ............................................................................................ 9
6. Suggestions:.............................................................................................................. 10
II. OT Motor Vina ............................................................................................................ 10
A. Overview of OT Motor Vina ...................................................................................... 10
B. Case of OTO Motor Vina: Korean Manager physically abused a Vietnamese
worker because of multicultural conflict ......................................................................... 11
1. Description ............................................................................................................... 11
2. Reasons for studying this case ................................................................................ 13
3. Reasons for this case ............................................................................................... 13
4. Consequences for this case ..................................................................................... 14
5. Resolutions of company .......................................................................................... 15
6. Suggestions ............................................................................................................... 16
III. Expect to learn in general........................................................................................... 16
References ............................................................................................................................... 18


Miscommunication occurs frequently in both the personal and professional spheres.

Nowadays, communication issues are a common occurrence in Vietnamese businesses, which
has a negative impact on their relationships, growth, and reputation. and clients.
Two cases involving the SCB bank and the OTO Motor Vina company will be used to
analyze and clarify various aspects of the problems in greater detail. At SCB, bank employees
gave customers incorrect and honest advice about services, which caused misunderstandings
and significant losses for both the bank and the customers. Customers are also partially to
blame for the loss because they did not pay close attention when using the service and signing
the contract.
Due to cultural and communication barriers, there was a fight at the OTO Motor Vina
Company, which had an impact on the morale and health of the workers. Furthermore, this
unnecessary altercation was partially caused by the attitudes of both sides. More importantly,
this incident made many workers feel uneasy and anxious while they were at work.
The incident, its causes, and its effects will all be examined in the report. In order to assist in
resolving ongoing issues in numerous businesses and prevent reoccurring incidents that have
an adverse impact on working relationships, professional growth, and future relationships,
solutions for each case will also be mentioned.


I. Sai Gon J.S Commercial Bank (SCB)

A. Overview of SCB
On December 26, 2011, the Governor of the State Bank granted License No. 283/GP-NHNN
on the establishment and operation of Sai Gon J.S. Commercial Bank (SCB) from the
voluntary merger of three banks: SCB, Ficombank, TinNghiaBank. SCB officially came into
operation on January 1, 2012. This was considered an important turning point in the historical
development of the three banks, marking a comprehensive change in scale of total assets,
network, technology and personnel, etc. The bank currently has a network of 239 outlets in
28 major provinces/cities with a total number of over 7,000 employees.
B. Case of SCB: SCB deluded customers by advising them to buy insurances
instead of saving money in bank accounts
1. Description
120 SCB clients filed a group grievance with Manulife in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, on
February 21, 2023.
The staff at SCB, who are frequently consulted and taken care of, allegedly offered the
savings product "Investment Mind" to numerous people as a result of their affiliation with
Manulife. A death benefit is reportedly included when using this product, according to the
staff. Other instances show that the consultant failed to mention that this is life insurance.
Ms. Do Nhu Huong, a Saigon Bank (SCB) client, claimed that
SCB staff had advised her to switch to a flexible investment
savings plan with a 6-year term that allowed for early
withdrawal and higher interest rates. SCB staff continued to
insist that "this product is not life insurance but savings
combined with investment." She responded "no savings here"
when she received a notice from the insurance provider
Manulife requesting an additional payment of VND 50 million
to maintain the insurance policy. A total of 110 million dong
have been invested in Manulife's combined investment
insurance product, of which 50 million dong represent the
basic annual premium and the remaining 60 million dong
represent the investment-linked fund.

She claimed that although the bank staff claimed to offer an interest rate of 9.5% annually,
this is untrue. It turns out that when investing, I have to accept all risks, even if this
investment occasionally loses tens of percent, Huong said.
The fact that the customer only received a photocopy of the contract is another noteworthy
detail. Even as of the middle of 2002, the terms were only available online at the Manulife
company website. Despite the fact that retirees make up the majority of customers, they
hardly ever use the Internet.Customers claim that they only dealt with banks—not insurance
companies—when purchasing products from Tam An Investment. In which, a lot of clients
admitted that because they were ignorant at first and had limited knowledge, they had
complete faith in the consultant. They are also constantly assured that the bank will bear all
liability because the contract bears the bank's logo.

Additionally, there was a

misunderstanding between SCB bank
and Manulife insurance company.
Manulife actually admitted that they
were unaware of how much of SCB
customers' savings deposits were
turned into cash to pay for insurance.
Manulife Vietnam reported that it had
observed a situation where some
customers were not entirely satisfied
with their participation in the unit-

linked insurance product, known by the company's trade name "Tam An Dau Tu." Manulife
Vietnam has asked to cancel the insurance policy in advance because it is distributed by its
partner Saigon Commercial Bank (SCB).
2. Reasons for studying this case
Currently, many employees in some businesses prey on customers' subjective psychology
when negotiating and signing contracts, which causes customers to fall into the trap of
employees and businesses. The report will discuss potential unethical workplace conduct as
well as common communication problems faced by multinational corporations. An example
of how miscommunication in business, whether intentional or not, can have serious
repercussions is when a SCB banker knowingly provides a customer with false information
about a service.
3. Reasons for this case
- AIDA serves as an example of how SCB deceives people into purchasing "tam a
dau tu" life insurance:

+ Attention: SCB gains customers’ attention by offering an attractive type of

investment when their saving book went off. The investment will generate 8,7-15%
revenue based on the money they decided to put on.
+ Interest: After gaining the customers’ attention, the Board and employees now
shows their customers numerous benefit of for investment: Accident insurance, life
insurance, discount when using hospital’s services, etc
+ Desire: Now sales employees will demonstrate how these benefits will improve
their lives. How the customers would benefit on their investment
+ Actions: SCB staff provide a fantastic interest rate and the sum repaid following a
period of saving. Additionally, this will be investment savings rather than insurance.
Employees also have the behavior of drafting long, complicated contracts and urging
customers, making customers not have time to read specific contracts.
- Communicate orally with consumers may leads to miscommunication
When having external communication, in reality, SCB should have provided customers with
project-specific information via email or other channels, so that they could comprehend the
project. In contrast, SCB only provides the customer with information about the project
through the direct consultant's words. Customers are specifically advised to invest in projects
in order to save money and earn interest. Employees commit to this investment product for a
term of only 6 years at an interest rate of 8.7 to 15%, which is higher than the bank. However,
no information is provided to the customer via any other channels. Additionally, SCB staff
members mislead clients with their advice. After signing, the new client learns that it is an
insurance policy and that they must pay yearly maintenance fees, which causes significant
property damage.
- SCB is unethical in persuading
According to the theory of “Ethical communicator”, an ethical communicator or persuader
must be truthful, label opinions, be objective, communicate clearly, use inclusive language,
and give credit.The banker doesn't appear to be a skilled communicator yet based on those
standards. They offer their clients unbiased and false advice.
Additionally, they speak vaguely and
unauthentically instead of using inclusive
words, which makes it difficult for customers
to understand what they are saying.
SCB bankers engaged in serious misconduct,
as evidenced by their ethical decisions,
particularly at work. Fraudulent activity is
categorically forbidden in Vietnam under all
laws. In terms of values belief and ethical
reasoning, they have abused customers' trust by
coercing them into purchasing insurance and
misusing their money.
- SCB failed in the writing 3x3 process
● Prewriting: Failing to properly research, research, and implement the project, and
receiving unfavorable customer feedback
● Drafting: Too focus on profits, showing utter disdain for clients' savings and
investment advice
● Revising: Lack of an accurate and truthful assessment of the effects of customer
financial abuse
- SCB failed to commit legal action to follow contract with Manulife and
Misunderstanding between Manulife and SCB

SCB and MANULIFE decided to collaborate with each other since 2015 to sell products for
manulife and generate revenue based on sales. Since then, numerous products have been
introduced to the customers: Tam An Dau Tu, Tam An 360, Tam An Thinh Vuong, etc. The
introduction of “Tam An Dau Tu” from MANULIFE and authorize SCB to sell the product.
SCB fail to mention the risks that customers might face and customers have to put money in
annually to maintain their investment. SCB also failed to confirm with Manulife about the
advice that they give to customers. Resulting in numerous scandals for the two companies.
Moreover, in fact, Manulife has no intention of scamming clients with SCB, despite wanting
to get the most contracts.
4. Consequences for this case
Many customers' property was damaged as a result of the incident. Customers will
specifically lose their investment savings and switch to insurance; customers will also have to
pay an extra 50 million VND for the next term to maintain the insurance package. Moreover,
on April 20, more than 100 people went to the Ho Chi Minh City Police's Office of the
Investigation Police Agency (PC01) to lodge a complaint. This unit had previously received
dozens of complaints with similar information. Otherwise, the contracts will be terminated.
Additionally, there was a significant decline in customer loyalty and trust. When they find out
that the money they put into savings has been misused, many people react negatively.

Moreover, the bank's reputation slowly declined, which will negatively affect future growth.
Given this information, the number of SCB customers in the future may decline as a result of
their concern over numerous issues and preference for other banks as a more reliable option.
Especially, The SCB scandal has been the subject of numerous articles recently and has
negatively impacted the company's reputation.

Other banks' insurance projects and services were significantly impacted by the SCB case.
Customers will be hesitant to use insurance services from banks that have business
relationships with insurance providers or to invest in high-profit ventures after learning about
the SCB case. Banks will receive less commissions.
5. Resolutions of company
SCB has not yet provided customers with a clear explanation, a formal apology letter,
solutions, or compensation. SCB customers allegedly have also not gotten their money back.
As a result, many clients now find it contentious and urgent that SCB has not offered a
Manulife's side has responded, promising that this issue will be fully resolved. Leaders of the
Manulife Vietnam insurance company held a press conference on the afternoon of April 26 at
the company's headquarters in Ho Chi Minh City to discuss problems with "Investment peace
of mind" insurance that customers have previously complained about, as well as expressed
sympathy to so-called victims.

Manulife has taken strict action against the individuals involved in cases where there was
evidence of misconduct during the consulting process. To begin the discussing and resolving
complaints beginning on April 30, 2023, Manulife Vietnam will get in touch with SCB
customers participating in and having submitted complaints about the "Confidence of
Investment" insurance product. They aim to fairly resolve the conflict between the two
parties, including contract cancellation and refund if justifiable grounds exist.
6. Suggestions:
- For the customers:
• They need to improve awareness when communicating about the important deals,
terms, and conditions of contracts, et cetera as well as developing soft skills such
as listening or reading as well as widening knowledge about business problems
and aspects before making decisions are also important.
• Keeping up to date in this modern era like today will be crucial to making
investment decisions in the future.
- For banks and other intermediaries:
• They should improve the consultative department and customer service
department as well as offer clearer, explicit, and professional advice initially. SCB
needs to suggest ways to reconcile and deal with customers after being
• Specific tactics should be used to build trust from customers, especially in a
competitive era today. To begin with, SCB need to formally apologize to the
customer, which lessens the psychological crisis the customer is experiencing.
Next, SCB must develop customer compensation plans, such as money-back
guarantees, etc. To guarantee that the incident won't happen again, SCB needs to
specifically guarantee future services to customers. occurs again. Additionally,
SCB can give customers priority when it comes to investment opportunities in
upcoming projects.
• MANULIFE and SCB must discuss with each other ways to sell their product to
customers ethically to avoid misunderstanding between the two companies and
customers. The 2 companies should also be aware of the employees’ training
sessions to provide customers with more satisfactory services in order not to be
involved in scandals like the mentioned case.
II. OT Motor Vina
A. Overview of OT Motor Vina
An organization from Korea by the name of OT MOTOR VINA, also referred to as OT
Motor Vina Company or OT MOTOR CO., LTD. is originally a Korean company owned by
1976-founded WONTAE die-casting.The company uses 100% capital from Korea. OT

MOTOR VINA's primary specialties include producing electronic components for
automobiles, as well as casting aluminum and zinc products. It includes ZF, Gates, Autoliv,
and other companies as one of its suppliers to BMW, Audi, Ford, Kia, and Hyundai. The
company’s factory in Vietnam is located in Nhon Trach 6 Industrial Park, Long Tho, Nhon
Trach, Dong Nai province.
B. Case of OTO Motor Vina: Korean Manager physically abused a Vietnamese
worker because of multicultural conflict
1. Description
Ms. Nguyen Thi Anh Thu, a 32-year-old purchasing officer and the director of the purchasing
and sales department at OT Motor Vina Co., Ltd., was the victim of the assault in this case.

The incident occurred on February 28 at the company around 8 am, according to the report
provided to the authorities. After a disagreement, Mr. Seon Chang Hwa beat Ms. Thu (who
had just returned to work after returning from maternity leave and had a baby who was seven
months old). Ms. Thu was knocked to the ground after being struck in the face by Mr. Seon
Chang Hwa with his hand. Only after the office staff stepped in and removed him from the
situation did the incident end. Miss Thu stated: "On February 28, when Mr. Seon Chang Hwa
arrived to deliver the job, I was holding the phone in my hand. Mr. Seon Chang Hwa
objected, believing that it was improper to use a personal phone to assign work, but I kept the
phone nonetheless. I was yelled at, hit repeatedly in the head, had my hair grabbed, and was
nearly knocked out by Mr. Seon Chang Hwa.”

Before going on maternity leave, Ms. Thu worked in sales and purchasing, but when she
returned to work after the break, she was moved to the warehouse department where she had
to carry and arrange a lot of heavy, inappropriate items. Health of new mothers.
The husband of Ms. Thu, Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung, stated: "Right now, my wife is still
experiencing psychological panic, headaches, and vomiting. Such improper behavior is not
acceptable to me. I beg the authorities to step in so my wife can get justice again.” The
incident was caught on camera and in front of a large number of office workers.
After the incident, the police allegedly extended an invitation to Mr. Seon Chang Hwa to join
the force. He also admitted to assaulting Ms. T. at the police station, citing uncontrollable
conflicts at work as the reason.
In order to aid in the investigation and management of the case, the police also provided Ms.
Thu with a report on her injuries.

2. Reasons for studying this case
Since Vietnam adopted a "open door" policy, Korean businesses have invested more money
there than ever before. Many of them have experienced a variety of challenges, most notably
some severe labor strikes that were frequently brought on by the significant cultural gaps
between Vietnamese workers and Korean supervisors at their places of employment. Such
differences may have a significant impact on not just the internal relationships at work but
also on how Korean-invested businesses in Vietnam are run, and ultimately on the level of
output and financial performance. This report focus on the cultural distinctions between
Korea and Vietnam and how they impact business administration practice. It also
demonstrates negative sequels and suggests some ways to lessen or harmonize these
3. Reasons for this case
- Cultures and communication disparities
This situation happened mainly
because of the diversity of culture and
communication. As illustrated, when
people come from different cultures,
special sensitivity and skills are
necessary. OT Motor Vina’s
employees, despite working in a
profuse in culture workplace,
apparently were not trained properly to
adapt. This caused a significant
misunderstanding between Mr. Seon Chang Hwa and Ms. Nguyen Thi Anh Thu, mentioned
above. Since culture combines the visible and the invisible, the differences in body
languages, gestures or behaviors et cetera might be easy to notice; yet, there are still many
unspoken rules, defined by a complexity of factors that are complicated to comprehend. In
this case, Ms. Thu’s holding the phone in her hand while talking to the manager, being the
higher position in Korea’s culture was inappropriate and disrespectful. This is considered one
of a reasons for Mr. Seon’s violent actions towards Ms. Thu.
Besides, her argument about whether to resign might have been blamed for escalating the
current situation. It may seem paradoxical, but neither Mr. Seon’s nor Ms. Thu’s behavior is
acceptable. Manager Seon was legally wrong, having abused Ms. Thu verbally and
physically, causing severe injury. Seon Chang Hwa also appeared to not be someone who is
open-minded to be able to understand and interact suitably with people from other cultures.
Lacking of cultural self-awareness from both parties has created such chaos in a multicultural
- Low professionalism and business etiquette skills at offices.

Professionalism should include the ability to
communicate, work well with others, solve problems,
make ethical decisions and appreciate diversity. Here in
this circumstance, Seon Chang Hwa broke most of the
procedures, making him very unprofessional. He did not
meet the basic standard to be an effective manager. Ms
Thu was to be blamed for the same reasons above.
In terms of etiquette skills in business, it is more about
attitude than about formal rules of formal behaviors. Both
Mr. Seon and Ms. Thu, however, presented not very
acceptable attitudes towards others in the conversation. These attitudes might include
sounding uneducated, crude, or adolescent in their speech habits.
All of those shorts in etiquette skills and professionalism have resulted in such abusive

4. Consequences for this case

OT Motor Vina has considerably lost their reputation after the incident. Most people have
done the survey saying that they would feel uncomfortable and under pressure to work under
such toxic company culture, created by high-leveled foreign administrators like OT Motor
Moreover, this incident has instilled fear in many workers during the course of their work,
particularly regarding the abuse of authority to assault workers as well as any cultural or
communication barriers. Even though it was fortunate for the company since there were no
notable losses or damages recorded, people involved in the affair had to overcome quite a lot
of unfavorable problems.

For Mr. Seon Chang Hwa, he was forced to be suspended for one month for investigating
purposes and had to work with the authorities for his illegal behaviors. Regarding Ms. Thu,
she was sent to the local hospital to have her wound assessed, and kept track of her physical
and mental health status.

However, Ms. Thu continues to experience physical and mental trauma, which could have an
impact on the future caliber of her work. Not only Ms. Thu, but other company employees
will experience pressure and discomfort while working.
5. Resolutions of company
On the afternoon of March 7, Mr. Duong Quoc Binh, chairman of the Labor Confederation of
Nhon Trach district (Dong Nai), confirmed that OT Motor Vina Co., Ltd. had suspended the
Korean manager who beat the female worker to be hospitalized.
Specifically, Mr. Seon Chang Hwa - Korean manager, director of purchasing and sales
department of OT Motor Vina Co., Ltd. (Nhon Trach 6 Industrial Park, Nhon Trach district) -
suspended work for a month while waiting for the results of the investigation and handling of
the functions of the authorities.
After the incident, the Board of Directors of OT Motor Vina Co., Ltd. went to Long Thanh
Area General Hospital - where Ms. Thu was being treated - visited, took responsibility for the
incident, and apologized to the female worker.

6. Suggestions
- For the higher authority:
• They need to be aware of having more professional, appropriate behavior and
more proper ways to deal with the situation as well as be aware of cultural
differences. In this case, it’s crucial for the Korean manager to understand how
to handle themselves and what to anticipate when negotiating with a
Vietnamese. He should also think about how to deal with verbal and textual
communication with Vietnamese people. The manager can behave rationally
and communicate efficiently with Vietnamese personnel if the manager learns
Vietnamese culture, even though the manager may never totally overcome
linguistic and cultural barriers or bias.
• Notably, taking necessary actions to enhance the relationship between foreign
employees/ employers and domestic ones also plays a vital role. For example,
organizing bonding events will be a effective way to connect people in the
company and help them to become more persuasive.
- For the employees:
• It is essential to adapt suitably to cultural differences in the workplace,
developing soft skills to avoid or deal with conflicts and abuse. In this
situation, OT Motor Vina employees should be trained about the cultural
differences by some basic training and orientation on Korean culture, Korean
people's traits, and corporate culture, business customs, and norms of each
company. This can be considered a proactive and effective way for
multicultural companies, not being passive towards negative affairs.
• They should also behave mindfully and cautiously towards other employees
and employers. The ability to treat the "improper behavior" of their senior
Korean managers with tolerance may help them avoid any conflicts brought
on by their own behavior.
III. Expect to learn in general
The two cases of SCB and OTO Motor Vina demonstrate the need for solutions to
miscommunication-related issues to lessen and prevent significant losses.
First, an essential component of communication is accurately, completely, and objectively
communicating information. This is crucial because clear communication will prevent

misinterpretations and guarantee that the listener will receive the information completely. In
fact, communication is only successful when both the speaker and the listener are on the same
page regarding the issue at hand. On the other hand, communication will be unsuccessful if
the information provided is not supported by any fact or verification.
Additionally, it's vital to take in information accurately and selectively. One of the
fundamental rules for using social networks is that users must identify and validate
information before posting it, especially if it is harmful or malicious. They should also decide
how they will use the information to prevent it from spreading carelessly or inaccurately and
harming nearby work.
Moreover, people should voluntarily take part in training programs to advance their soft
skills, such as communication, listening, and reading comprehension. Managers and
employees will be able to understand and identify problems more quickly and accurately if
there is better communication, especially at work. In particular, people can understand each
other better, which will help them be more persuasive, connect with others, and improve the
quality of their work.
Many advantages will result from effective exchange and communication. However, there
will be training, and experience required to achieve.


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