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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task for many students.

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An all-in-one learning object repository and curriculum management platform that combines Lesson
Planet’s library of educator-reviews to open educational resources with district materials and district-
licensed publisher content. W ith one last look at his men, he gave the signal to move out. Shays still
decided to attack, however, and formulated a plan with the other leaders. By accepting these
punishments, most rebels escaped prosecution and thus would not be whipped, fined, or hanged.
Search reviewed educational resources by keyword, subject, grade, type, and more. A week later, on
August 29, 1786, Shays’ Rebelli on officially kicked off, with hundreds of rebels marching upon and
closing down a Northampton court (Richards 8- 9). The people of western Massachusetts apparently
had grown tired of waiting, year after year, for the legislature to fix these problems, and they took
the responsibility upon themselves to bring about action. Report this Document Download now Save
Save 8th Grade Research Paper For Later 100% (3) 100% found this document useful (3 votes) 557
views 7 pages 8th Grade Research Paper Uploaded by Shawn Cheng A research paper I did in eighth
grade on the effects on the American political system by domestic resistance movements and the
government\'s resulting responses. Unfortunately for Shays, twelve hundred militiamen managed to
get to the arsenal first. Combined, these rebellions left a lasting impact on the United States. Mainly,
the problems seemed to revolve around taxes, debts, the shortage o f legal tender, and the inefficient
structure of the government (Richards 6-7). Many universities require freshmen students to live on
campus for their first year, which keeps students out of trouble, helps students get better grades, and
increases their likelihood of staying in school. The gove rnment adopted a relatively lenient policy
toward the arrested rebels. T o level the playing field, the rebels decided to seize the federal arsenal
in Springfield, which housed almost Cheng 2. Also, the response of the government was considered
highly important, as this was the first major rebellion to have occurred in the fledgling nation. If the
insurgents managed to capture the arsenal and its weapons, they would be better armed th an the
state. At the conventions, it was decided that the discontent would begin c losing down courts in a
gesture of discontent a nd thus draw the attention of the government. The Springfield assault marked
the climax of Sha ys’ Rebellion. Dirtied, weary, and cold, he prepared himself to lead his forces into
battle. As time passed, more courts continued to be shut down or seized, while judges who were
expecting help from the militia did not get it (Richards 11). Therefore, fueled by these provocations,
the people of western Massachusetts called for county-wide conventions to discuss the best course of
a ction. Thus, Massachusetts was left to deal with its problem without external help. This was the last
straw for many of these citizens, since, as Leonard Richards aptly summarizes, “the legislature had
flouted the will of the peop le” once again (6). Shays’ def eat at Springfield came to be regarded as
the end of Sha ys’ Rebellion. In addition, the newly-elected Governor Hancock pardoned many
because of the fear of repercussions. Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build
an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to
acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for
personal fulfillment. It was, however, the first major insurrection in the young nation of America and
certainly proved to be an influential one. A student-written paper writing a 5 paragraph essay ppt
color psychology provides an authentic research paper and report writing grades 6 8 answer key of a
scaffold and the corresponding finished paper. Hancock’s administration was loath to perpetuate the
policies of the previous administration.
By this time, Shays and the other leaders had already learned of Lincoln’s army, and they certainly
had no intention of submitting to his well-armed army without a fight. Therefore, fueled by these
provocations, the people of western Massachusetts called for county-wide conventions to discuss the
best course of a ction. The backcountry economy was in horrible shape, and the government was only
making matters worse with their current policies. Are the spires on the Cinderella Castle at Disney
World removable in case of a hurricane. They were then disqualified from several privileges for some
years. Mainly, the problems seemed to revolve around taxes, debts, the shortage o f legal tender, and
the inefficient structure of the government (Richards 6-7). His men, on the contrary, were mostly
armed with old muskets, while others carried only swords or bludgeons (Richards 29). Dirtied,
weary, and cold, he prepared himself to lead his forces into battle. Save time lesson planning by
exploring our library of educator reviews to over 550,000 open educational resources (OER).
Specifically, they were required to surrender their arms, ad mit that they had rebelled, take an oath of
allegiance, and p ay a fee of nine penc e. A few more skirmishes were, of course, fought here and
there, bu t no more rea l battles ensued. The odds were at best slim, maybe even nonexistent; Shays
was about to go into ba ttle against a superior force armed with cannons an d howitzers. Shays still
decided to attack, however, and formulated a plan with the other leaders. T o level the playing field,
the rebels decided to seize the federal arsenal in Springfield, which housed almost Cheng 2. For
example, Shays’ Rebellion provided the fuel to spark a movement for a stronger national government
and the revising of the Arti cles of Confederation (Richards 125). Thus, Massachusetts was left to
deal with its problem without external help. W ith one last look at his men, he gave the signal to
move out. Shays knew there was n ot much hope, but he had decided to fight anyway. This was the
last straw for many of these citizens, since, as Leonard Richards aptly summarizes, “the legislature
had flouted the will of the peop le” once again (6). Basically, the effects of rebellions in the history of
the United States politically. It was, however, the first major insurrection in the young nation of
America and certainly proved to be an influential one. At the conventions, it was decided that the
discontent would begin c losing down courts in a gesture of discontent a nd thus draw the attention
of the government. Sam cooperates consistently with others becomes Sam needs to essay writing
curriculum more consistently with others, and Sally uses vivid language in writing may instead read
With practice, Sally will learn to use vivid language in her writing. Students read a wide range of
print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the
United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of
society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Timely and inspiring teaching ideas that you
can apply in your classroom. Other such uprisings each had its own effects on politics. It feared that
more bloodshed would galvanize the rebels into acts of vengeanc e. Cheng 3. Shays’ def eat at
Springfield came to be regarded as the end of Sha ys’ Rebellion. Not only was the economy having
trouble, but farmers in the area were being required to pay debts and taxes with hard mone y, when
no hard money was available. Editing and support for this article have been provided by the
literacyideas team.
This army was to be under the command of General Benjamin Lincoln. Timely and inspiring teaching
ideas that you can apply in your classroom. It granted the vast majority of rebels possible pardon if
the y would make amends. The gove rnment adopted a relatively lenient policy toward the arrested
rebels. While it wasn’t the only important event in the uprising, it was and is perhaps the best-
remembered one. The American political system was influenced widely and significantly by the
occurrence of domestic resistance movements and the varying responses of the government to such
movements. However, volunteers were fewer than expected, and Lincoln eventually wound up with
an army consisting of approximately 3,000 men (Richards 23, 25). In January of 1787, the
Massachusetts government decided to authorize a 4,400-men army to put down the rebellion. Here
are positive report card comments for you to use and adapt. Government officials were bewildered;
these men, obligated to respond in times of emergencies, were not onl y refusing to budge but were
also joining the enemy. Sam cooperates consistently with others becomes Sam needs to essay writing
curriculum more consistently with others, and Sally uses vivid language in writing may instead read
With practice, Sally will learn to use vivid language in her writing. A few more skirmishes were, of
course, fought here and there, bu t no more rea l battles ensued. In addition, the newly-elected
Governor Hancock pardoned many because of the fear of repercussions. Much to their surprise, most
of the members of the militia refused to heed the call to action. A student-written paper writing a 5
paragraph essay ppt color psychology provides an authentic research paper and report writing grades
6 8 answer key of a scaffold and the corresponding finished paper. His men, on the contrary, were
mostly armed with old muskets, while others carried only swords or bludgeons (Richards 29). Much
of the steam simply ran out, and Shays’ Rebellion ended q uietly without a climax (Richards 32-35;
Stuckey 236). Therefore, fueled by these provocations, the people of western Massachusetts called
for county-wide conventions to discuss the best course of a ction. Students should design some form
of original research appropriate to their topics, but they do not necessarily have to conduct the
experiments or surveys they propose. Combined, these rebellions left a lasting impact on the United
States. T o level the playing field, the rebels decided to seize the federal arsenal in Springfield, which
housed almost Cheng 2. If the insurgents managed to capture the arsenal and its weapons, they
would be better armed th an the state. They were then disqualified from several privileges for some
years. Report this Document Download now Save Save 8th Grade Research Paper For Later 100%
(3) 100% found this document useful (3 votes) 557 views 7 pages 8th Grade Research Paper
Uploaded by Shawn Cheng A research paper I did in eighth grade on the effects on the American
political system by domestic resistance movements and the government\'s resulting responses.
Mainly, the problems seemed to revolve around taxes, debts, the shortage o f legal tender, and the
inefficient structure of the government (Richards 6-7). At the conventions, it was decided that the
discontent would begin c losing down courts in a gesture of discontent a nd thus draw the attention
of the government. Basically, the effects of rebellions in the history of the United States politically.
Other such uprisings each had its own effects on politics. It feared that more bloodshed would
galvanize the rebels into acts of vengeanc e. Cheng 3. By this time, Shays and the other leaders had
already learned of Lincoln’s army, and they certainly had no intention of submitting to his well-
armed army without a fight.

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