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International Sale Contract:

Agency Arrangements-

Agency helps principal to sell his product in a different foreign country. Agency and Principal lives in
two different country. In this process, some obligations are automatically gets created. Agents
responsibility is to,
A. Looking after the interest of principal,
B. To provide necessary info to principal,
C. To serve the requests of principal,
D. To keep confidential info of principal as confidential, &
E. To act in good faith with principal.

Principal has also some distinct responsibility the main of which is providing agent remuneration and
indemnifying the expenses.

In the matter of Intimation between agent and principal, agent can sign on any paper on behalf of
principal. “As agent for…” this has to be mentioned on the paper, following principal’s name.

The Convention on Agency in the International Sale of Goods , made by UNIDROIT, details in Article 14
that agent will have protection against principal's rejection about agent’s validity. If by Facts and
Circumstances it’s being proved that agent worked on behalf of a certain principal and made some
legitimate contract, principal can not reject agent’s credibility.

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