Production Breeding Lentil: F. J. W. S. L. R. J

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F. J. Muehlbauer,'W.J. Kaiser,2S. L. Clement,zand R. J. Summerfield3

!United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Grain Legume Genetics and Physiology Research Unit
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington 99164
'United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Regional Plant Introduction Station
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington 99164
Department of Agriculture
Plant Environment Laboratory
University of Reading
Shinfield Reading, Berkshire RG2 9AD, United Kingdom

I. Introduction
11. Background
111. Origin, Taxonomy, Cytology, and Plant Description
A. Origin
B. Taxonomy
C. Cytology
D. Plant Description
IV.Production of Lentil
A. Land Requirements
B. Seed Quality and Seed Treatment
C. Seedbed Preparation
D. Seeding
E. Lentil Cultivars
V. Fertilization and Weed Control
A. Fertilizers
B. Weed Control
VI. Principal Uses
A. Food
B. Fodder
C. Green Manure
VII. Major Constraints to Production
A. Insects
B. Diseases
C. Environmental Stress

d d u m i r a in A p n o v y , Volitm~54
Copyright0 1995 by Academic Press, Inc. .All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

VIII. Hybridization Methods

A. Hybridization
B. Environmental Conditions
C. Equipment Needed
D. Emasculation of the Female Flower
E. Pollination
F. Other Considerations for Crossing
IX.Genetic Resources
A. Germ Plasm Collections
B. Collection and Utilization of Wild Species
X. Genetics
A. Qualitatively Inherited Traits
B. Quantitative Inheritance
XI. Interspecific Hybridization
XII. Methods Used for Lentil Breeding
A. Pure Line Selection
B. Bulk Population
C. Pedigree Selection
D. Single Seed Descent
E. The Backcross Method
XIII. Breeding Objectives
A. Seed and Straw Yields
B. Diseases
C. Root Rot/Wilt Complex
D. Orobanche
E. Insects
F. Quality
G. Adaption to Mechanical Harvesting
H. Other Objectives
XTV Summary


Since domestication in the Near East, lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) has held
a prominent place in cropping sequences in semiarid regions of the world and has
provided an important source of dietary protein. Despite the great importance of
the lentil crop to local populations, the crop has often been relegated to marginal
areas where it is grown without the benefit of fertilization, herbicides to control
weeds, pest control chemicals, or irrigation. The crop nevertheless has remained
popular in those areas possibly because of tradition but more importantly because
lentil may be one of only a few crops that can be grown.
Research on improvement of the lentil crop has been minimal until the recent
establishment of the international agricultural research centers and particularly

the establishment of the International Center for Agricultural Research in the

Dry Areas (ICARDA) in 1978 and their mandate for lentil crop improvement.
Landraces of lentil and related wild species have been collected and are being
maintained at ICARDA, at national research centers, and at the US.Department
of Agriculture, Western Regional Plant Introduction Station at Pullman, Washing-
ton. The availability of germ plasm has been instrumental in the development of
improved cultivars that have become of increasing importance in the production
of the crop.
Oram and Agcaoili (1994) have pointed out a significant increase of lentil pro-
duction throughout the world during the 1980s because of yield increases and
increases of area sown. The area sown to lentil has continued to increase in Can-
ada, Turkey, and Australia. The lentil crop, including production practices, germ
plasm constraints to production, breeding, genetics, and uses, is reviewed and


Lentil is one of the principal food crops cultivated in the semiarid regions of
the world, particularly in the Indian subcontinent and in the dry areas of the
Middle East. The crop is a dietary mainstay in those areas and is mostly consumed
by local populations. Of the countries that produce lentil, India is the largest pro-
ducer followed by Turkey, Canada, and Syria. Ethiopia and Morocco are also
major producers of lentil. Other countries of the Middle East such as Egypt, Jor-
dan, Iraq, and Lebanon are major consumers of lentil but not major producers.
World production in the areas of major use has declined in recent years as a result
of a dramatic shift toward the production of cereals, with legume crops being
relegated to more marginal areas with poorer soils and limited rainfall. Another
major factor in the decline of lentil production in the Middle East, except for
Turkey, has been the high cost of labor for harvesting the crop. In most of
the countries of the Middle East, the crop is harvested almost entirely by hand
(Khayrallah, 1981; Haddad and Arabiat, 1985). Turkey, on the other hand, has
increased its production through partial and, in some areas, complete mechaniza-
tion. Crop residues from lentil are valuable as livestock feed in many regions
where grazing is limited. In dryland farming systems, the lentil crop offers farmers
an alternative to cereal grains and it contributes to the nitrogen budget of infertile
soil by fixing dinitrogen in symbiosis with Rhizobium.
World production of lentil increased by 72% during the 1980s (Oram and
Agcaoili, 1994), representing an increase of 95 1,000 tons. This dramatic increase
of lentil production resulted from a 4% increase in area sown and an overall in-
crease of 4% in yield per hectare. Production in 1990 was estimated at nearly

2.3 million tons. Major increases in production have been recorded from Canada
and Turkey. Significant shifts in lentil production have taken place throughout the
last 25 years. For example, the area sown has declined sharply in Syria, Jordan,
Iraq, and Ethiopia.
Production in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh has remained relatively constant,
even though the crop is harvested almost entirely by hand; however, labor is
readily available in those countries.
Average lentil yields have varied widely from a low of 660 kg ha ' in India to

over 2100 kg ha - I in Egypt (Oram and Agcaoili, 1994) where the crop is grown
under irrigation. Yields have averaged over 1000 and 800 kg ha-' in the United
States and Canada, respectively.
Lentil production has increased to more than 600,000 tons annually in Turkey
(Oram and Agcaoili, 1994) and nearly doubled between 1984 and 1990 (FAO,
1991). Turkey is now the world's largest lentil exporter. The increased production
was brought about by fallow replacement in cereal production systems where suf-
ficient rainfall is received to permit annual cropping (AGikgoz et al. 1994).
Of the lentils produced in the United States, over 85% are exported; however,
there is an aggressive marketing program underway which is designed to increase
domestic usage. Chile and Argentina are also major exporters in the western hemi-
sphere. Canada has recently become a significant producer of lentil, and of the
nearly 230,000 tons produced annually in that country (FAO, 1991), nearly all
are exported. Canada has very quickly become the world's second largest lentil
Lentil has been produced on a commercial basis in the Palouse region of the
United States since 1937 (Youngman, 1968). The Palouse region, located in east-
ern Washington and northern Idaho and characterized by loess-rolling hills with
elevations of up to 900 m, is the major production area in the United States. In
that region, the crop is most often grown in rotation with cereals where lentil offers
a needed alternative to break cereal disease cycles, provides a crop where grassy
weeds can be adequately controlled, and, through nitrogen fixation, reduces the
demand for nitrogen fertilizers.




Cultivated lentils originated in the Near East arc and Asia Minor (Zohary, 1972;
Williams et al., 1974; Ladizinsky, 1979a, 1993; Zohary and Hopf, 1988). Lens
culinaris ssp. orientalis (Boiss) Handel-Mazzeti, which closely resembles the cul-

Figure 1. Typical habitat of wild L. orienrulis.

tivated species L. culinaris, is widely accepted as the progenitor species. L. culi-

naris ssp. orientalis has an extended range and can be found throughout the Near
East and as far east as Afganistan. The species is found in rocky and stony habitats
with very little soil (Fig. 1) and in association with other annual legumes, such as
the medics, and annual grasses. The conclusion that the cultivated lentil originated
in the Near East arc from L. culinaris ssp. orientalis is based on discoveries of
carbonized remains of apparent cultivated lentils in the same region over which
L. culinaris ssp. orientalis is distributed. Such carbonized remains have appeared
in early Neolithic settlements that date back to 7000-6000 BC (Helbaek, 1959).
Evidence for the center of origin and domestication of lentil has been reviewed by
Ladizinsky (1979a, 1993).

Cultivated lentil ( L . culinaris) belongs to the genus Lens which is associated
with other genera of the Vicieae tribe (Kupicha, 1981). The Vicieae tribe com-
prises Lens, Vicia L., Pisum L., Lathyrus L., and Vavilovia A. Fed. Cicer L. had

previously been considered as part of the Vicieae, but anatomical and morpho-
logical evidence indicates that Cicer is quite different from other members of the
tribe and it is now classified in the monogeneric tribe Cicereae Alef. (Kupicha,
1975, 1977; Clarke and Kupicha, 1976).
In the Vicieae, Lens is described by Davis and Plitmann (1970) as holding a
position that is intermediate between Vicia and Lathyrus, but closer to Vicia sec.
Ervum. Lens is distinguished from Vicia by calyx morphology, stylar characters,
and pod and seed shape. The calyx tube in Lens is subequal while the calyx tube
is oblique in Vicia. Other calyx traits that distinguish the two genera include the
lengths of the calyx teeth relative to the corolla tube.
The primary gene pool of L. culinaris comprises ssp. culinaris and its pre-
sumed wild progenitor ssp. orientalis (Ladizinsky, 1993). Three other wild Lens
species are recognized in the secondary gene pool and include L. odemensis Ladi-
zinsky, L. nigricans (M. Bieb.) Godron, and L. ervoides (Brign.) Grande.
Medikus is considered the authority for cultivated lentils because the publica-
tion of L. culinaris Medikus predates that of L. esculenta Moench. (Slinkard,
1974). L. montbretii (Fischer and C. Meyer) Davis and Plitm. has been removed
from the genus Lens based on the work of Ladizinsky and Sakar (1982) and placed
in the genus Vicia. Morphological and karyological information indicated consid-
erable divergence between L. montbretii and other Lens species. Their foremost
observation was that L. montbretii has 2n = 12 chromosomes whereas the other
Lens species have 2n = 14. Based on that information, it is clear that L. montbretii
is more appropriately classified as a species of Vicia. For karyotypes of L. culi-
naris, L. nigricans, and L! montbretii see Ladizinsky ( 1 993).
Stipule shape is a major characteristic used to distinguish the wild Lens species
(Ladizinsky et al., 1988). L. culinaris ssp. orientalis has stipules that are lanceo-
late entire and similar to those of L. culinaris ssp. culinaris and L. ervoides. L.
nigricans and L. odemensis have semihastate or dentate stipules. The stipules of
L. nigricans are oriented parallel to the stem while those of L. odemensis are
oriented perpendicular to the stem and is a distinguishing feature used to differ-
entiate between the two species (Ladizinsky, 1993).
Synonyms used by Barulina (1930) for the Lens species include: L. esculenta
Moench for L. culinaris; L. lenticula (Schreb.) Alefed. for L. ervoides; and L.
kotschyana (Boiss.) Alefed. for L. montbretii (now L! montbretii). A more com-
plete list of synonyms can be found in Barulina (1930) and in Cubero (198 1).

All Lens species are diploid annuals with 2n = 14 chromosomes. They also
have similar karyotypes consisting of three pairs of metacentric or submetacentric
chromosomes, three pairs of acrocentric chromosomes, and one satellited pair

of chromosomes (Sharma and Mukhopaday, 1963; Ladizinsky, 1979a; Slinkard,

1985). The karyotypes of L. culinaris and L. nigricans have been presented by
Ladizinsky (1993).

Plants of L. culinaris ssp. culinaris are herbaceous annuals with slender stems
and branches (Fig. 2 ) . Plant height usually ranges from 25 to 30 cm for the ma-

Figure 2. Typical plant of L. culinaris.


jority of genotypes, but may vary from 15 to 75 cm depending on genotype and

environmental conditions (Saxena and Hawtin, 198I). Plants have a slender tap
root with fibrous lateral roots. Rooting patterns range from a much-branched shal-
low root system to intermediate types that are less branched and more deeply
rooted (Nezamuddin, 1970).The tap root and lateral roots in surface layers of the
soil have numerous, indeterminate nodules that vary in shape from round to elon-
gate (Saxena and Hawtin, 1981).
The herbaceous stems of lentil plants are square and ribbed and are usually thin
and weak. Primary branches arise directly from the main stem and may emerge
from the cotyledonary node below ground or from nodes above ground. Second-
ary branches arise from primary branches, but plant habit is plastic depending on
available space; the number of primary and secondary branches can vary depend-
ing on the genotype, the stand density, and prevailing environmental conditions
(Malhotra et al., 1974; Wilson and Teare, 1972).
The leaves are relatively small compared to those of other large-seeded food
legumes. They are described as pinnate or imparipinnate and comprise as many
as 14 sessile, ovate or elliptic, or obovate or lanceolate leaflets that vary in length
from 1 to 3 cm. Each leaf is subtended by two small stipules and it may or may
not terminate in a tendril. The entire stipules are oblong lanceolate and unappen-
daged (Davis and Plitmann, 1970; Summerfield et al., 1982).
The flowers are borne singly or in multiples on peduncles that originate from
the upper nodes of the plant. Each peduncle normally bears from one to three,
rarely four, flowers, although seven flowers per peduncle have been reported for
plants grown in a controlled environment (Hawtin, 1977).
The individual flower is complete and has a typical papilionaceous (“butterfly-
like”) structure (Fig. 3). Flowers are small (4 to 8 mm long), white, pale purple,
or purple blue. The flower has a calyx comprised of five equally elongated sepals

Figure 3. Typical lentil flower (A) and pods and seeds (B).

that equal or exceed the length of the corolla of the unopened flower. The corolla
has a standard two wings and two lower petals that lie internal to the wings and
are united at their lower margin to form the keel (reviewed by Muehlbauer et al.,
1980; Summerfield et al., 1982). The stamens are diadelphous (9 + 1) with the
upper vexillary stamen free. The ovary is flat and glabrous; it normally contains
one or two ovules that alternate along the margin and terminate in a short curved
style. The style is pilose on the inner side, it usually develops at a right angle to
the ovary, and is flattened on the outer side (reviewed by Muehlbauer et al., 1980;
Saxena and Hawtin, 1981; Summerfield et al., 1985).
The fruits (referred to as pods) are oblong, laterally compressed, 6 to 20 mm
long and 3.5 to 1 1 mm wide, and usually contain one or two, rarely three, seeds
(Saxena and Hawtin, 1981).
Seeds are lens shaped and weigh between 20 and 80 mg. Seed diameter ranges
from 2 to 9 mm and the testa may be light green or greenish red, gray, tan, brown,
or black. Purple and black mottling and speckling of seeds are also common in
some cultivars and accessions (Duke, 1981; Saxena and Hawtin, 1981; Vanden-
berg and Slinkard, 1990). Seed size differs according to genotype, and researchers
frequently follow the classification of Barulina (1930), who grouped lentils as:
“macrosperma” with large seeds that range from 6 to 9 mm in diameter and
“microsperma” with smaller seeds that range from 2 to 6 mm in diameter. The
macrosperma types are common to the Mediterranean basin and in the Western
Hemisphere, while the microsperma predominate throughout the Indian subcon-
tinent and in parts of the Near East. Other groupings of cultivated lentils have
been described and include europeae, asiaticae, intermediate, subspontaneae,
aethiopicae, and pilosae. Detailed descriptions of these groups are available in
Muehlbauer et al. (1985).


In the United States, lentil crops are sown in the spring in rotations that include
winter wheat and barley. Lentils are commonly followed by winter wheat which
is planted in the fall because the land is in very good condition following the
legume. In the Palouse region, soil moisture is usually fully recharged by fall and
winter precipitation. Barley, which is usually spring sown, follows the winter
wheat crop. Alternatively, the lentil crop is planted in alternate years with winter
wheat in a 2-year rotation.
Lentil crops in the Palouse have better yields when they are planted on well-

drained soils on south- and east-facing slopes. Yields on the tops of the usually
eroded hills are poor when compared to that obtained on the slopes. However,
yields in the low-lying areas of fields can also be poor because of an excess of
fertility and moisture. Under such conditions the lentil crop develops abundant
amounts of vine and foliage at the expense of seed yield.


For optimum stands and yields it is recommended that producers use certified
seed with greater than 90% germination and treated with seed protectants. Foun-
dation, registered, and certified seed of improved cultivars is generally available.
Seed treatments with appropriate fungicides such as Captan ' or Apron aid in pre-
venting damping-off and ensure good stands. Treatment of the seed with an insec-
ticide such as Lindane is beneficial for the control of wireworms and seedcorn
maggots. Molybdenum is often applied to the seed along with other seed dress-
ings. Molybdenum is recommended for crops in the Palouse region, where the
soils are known to be deficient in the element and where the crop is known to
respond to small amounts when applied to the seed. In areas where there is no
deficiency, the crop is not likely to respond.
Lentils require inoculation with the proper strain of Rhyzobium leguminosarum
for good root nodulation and dinitrogen fixation. When planting fields for the first
time or when there has been a period of time without lentil, it is important for
good fixation that the crop be inoculated.
Seeds of K sativa have occasionally appeared in seed lots of lentil harvested
throughout the region. Vicia seeds are unwanted contaminants found in many len-
til landraces. These contaminants are inadvertently carried with seed that is used
to plant new production areas (Erskine et al., 1994). The seeds of the Vicia con-
taminants have approximately the same size, shape, and color as the germ plasm
that they contaminate. These Vicia rogues can be distinguished by their blunt seed
edges and by the hilum area which is generally more pronounced than in lentil.
In the field, Vicia rogues are conspicuous for their large blue or purple flow-
ers, pointed pubescent leaflets, and elongated pods containing six to eight seeds.
Vicia seeds are considered contaminants in lentil crops and contribute to reduced
grades; however, the Vicia rogue problem can be greatly reduced or eliminated by
the use of certified seed. Hard seeds of the Vicia and their germination in lentil
seed fields over a period of years are the primary means of contamination of seed

'Mention of this trade name or any other trade names does not imply endorsement by the
USDA-ARS to the exclusion of other products which may also be effective.

Land intended for lentil is usually rough tilled in the fall either by mold board
or chisel plowing. The latter is recommended in order to keep previous crop resi-
dues on the soil surface to reduce soil erosion. Fall tillage is recommended to
promote water infiltration into the profile and reduce runoff (Papendick and Mil-
ler, 1977). When soils are sufficiently dry in the spring, fields are harrowed and,
after one or two tillage operations, herbicides are applied and incorporated by
cross tillage. Soil temperatures above 6”C are needed for good germination and
seedling growth.


Lentils are often planted as early as possible in the spring with the same equip-
ment used to plant cereals. The yield advantage from early spring planting can be
substantial, provided seeds are not planted when the soil is too wet (Muehlbauer
and Slinkard, 1981). Seeding depths of 4 to 5 cm are optimal for germination and
growth, but deeper plantings are sometimes used either to provide better access to
soil moisture or to place the seeds below the zone of incorporated herbicides.
Despite some success with deeper plantings, particularly when soils are dry, lentils
do not generally emerge well from deep planting, especially if the soils become
crusted from heavy rains.
Lentil seeds can germinate in light or in darkness and in constant or fluctuating
temperature regimes. However, the rates of germination, emergence, and seedling
growth are markedly affected by temperature (Summerfield et al., 1982). Opti-
mum rates of germination and growth vary with cultivar, age, and size of seeds;
smaller-seeded cultivars germinate more rapidly than larger ones at temperatures
between 15 and 25°C (Saint-Clair, 1972).
The successive stages of canopy formation (stem elongation, leaf initiation, leaf
expansion, and branching) have different optimal thermal regimes (Summerfield,
198I ). This may help explain the so-called “dormant phase” referred to by farm-
ers in which lentil seedlings, once emerged, often grow slowly, for several days or
even weeks. This indicates that successive stages of vegetative development have
warmer temperature optima.
Lentil yields are remarkably stable over a wide range of population densities;
the plants are able to fill available space by initiating lateral branches and can
readily compensate for poor emergence and thin stands. Recommended seeding
rates for farmers in the Palouse region of the United States are 65 to 80 kg ha I~

for the most commonly grown cv. ‘Brewer.’ Elsewhere, seeding rates vary from
15 kg ha - I for the microsperma types used in northern India to 115 kg h a - ’ for

the larger-seeded types used for irrigated crops in Egypt (Hawtin et al., 1980).
Optimum plant density has been estimated (Muehlbauer, 1973) at 90 plants m - 2 .
Smaller-seeded cultivars appear to have greater tolerance to drought; they gen-
erally mature earlier than larger-seeded cultivars and avoid drought stress. In
many of the dry regions of the world, the smaller-seeded cultivars, with their
earlier maturities, are prevalent, possibly because they are considered more toler-
ant of drought and are able to avoid extreme water stress. The development of
drought-tolerant cultivars has been given priority in lentil research programs in
dry areas.

Lentil cultivars with improvements for one or more traits have been developed
at a number of locations throughout the world. The most prominent program in
lentil breeding was established in 1978 and is located at ICARDA located in
Aleppo, Syria. That program has a world mandate for the genetic improvement of
the lentil crop. Major emphasis has focused on the harvesting problem in tradi-
tional production areas and the need to develop germ plasm and cultivars that
can be harvested mechanically. Improved germ plasm is provided to programs
throughout the world for use in breeding programs. The ICARDA program has
been active in the collection and preservation of wild Lens species in the center of
origin and in the collection of landraces in the traditional production areas.
The lentil cultivars released prior to the 1980s were mostly selections from
germ plasm collections and were not from hybridization programs (Hawtin et al.,
1980). However, current national and international lentil improvement programs
now provide improved resources for hybridization and selection. These programs
acknowledge the importance of collecting, introducing, exchanging, and main-
taining germ plasm to provide as wide a range of genetic diversity as possible for
breeding programs. Improved cultivars with a larger yield potential have been a
direct result of these efforts.
Cultivars used by growers in the Palouse have undergone a transition from an
introduced landrace (‘Chilean’) that was used to initiate commercial production
in the 1930s to cultivars developed by pure line selection and, more recently, from
hybridization. The cultivars in use in the United States are described as follows.
‘Chilean 78’ is a composite of pure line selections from ‘Chilean’ which were
made to remove unwanted variation and Vicia rogues from the seed stock. The
Chilean stock from which the selections were made was the most commonly
grown type in the region until the release of Chilean 78.
‘Brewer,’ released in 1984 (Muehlbauer, 1987), has largely replaced common
Chilean and Chilean 78. Brewer has uniform large seeds with yellow cotyledons

and is 4 to 7 days earlier to mature when compared to Chilean 78. Brewer has
consistently given higher yields when compared to Chilean 78. At present, it is
the main cultivar grown in the Palouse region and occupies over 90% of the
production area.
‘Redchief‘ is a large red cotyledon type with nonmottled seed coats (Wilson
and Muehlbauer, 1991). Yields of Redchief have been consistently better than
Chilean or Chilean 78. Large red cotyledon types are entirely new and it has been
necessary to develop markets for the Redchief type. The demand for the large red
type has slowly but consistently increased in the United States.
‘Emerald’ is a bright green-seeded cultivar with distinctive green cotyledons
(Muehlbauer, 1987). Production of Emerald has been extremely limited because,
similar to Redchief, market demand needs to be created for green cotyledon types.
‘Palouse’ is a yellow cotyledon cultivar with large seed size, an absence of seed
coat mottling, and early maturity (Muehlbauer, 1992). It produces yields compa-
rable to Brewer and even though it is larger seeded it has resistance to mechanical
damage during threshing and processing.
‘Crimson’ is a small-seeded, red cotyledon cultivar (Muehlbauer, 199I). Crim-
son is well adapted to Palouse conditions and gives comparable yields to Brewer;
however, the cultivar also performs well in drier areas. Crimson was derived
by pure line selection from ‘Giza-9,’ a cultivar developed in Egypt. Crimson
was developed for use as an export commodity for markets that prefer the small
red type.
‘Tekoa’ was the first lentil cultivar to be released in the United States (Wilson
et al., 1971). The cultivar has large nonmottled seeds with yellow cotyledons. The
cultivar has not been widely grown in the United States because of excessive
amounts of mechanical damage during harvesting and processing. However, Te-
koa has been produced successfully in Chile where its apparent resistance to rust
has given the cultivar a distinct advantage.
‘Spanish Brown’ or ‘Pardina’ is a small yellow cotyledon cultivar with brown
and speckled seed coats. The cultivar was introduced from Spain and is now being
produced extensively in the Palouse. It has produced exceptionally good yields;
however, recent observations indicate susceptibility to Ascochyta blight caused by
Ascochyta fabae f. sp. lentis.
Cultivars developed in Canada include ‘Laird’ (some Ascochyta blight resis-
tance with large, yellow cotyledon, nonmottled seed) (Slinkard and Bhatty, 1979),
‘Eston’ (small, pale-colored seed), ‘Rose’ (red cotyledons), and ‘Indian head’
(small seeded with black seed coats; used primarily as a green manure lentil).
Cultivars developed elsewhere include ‘Precoz’ (an early maturing cultivar) from
Argentina (Riva, 1975); ‘Araucana-INIA’ (rust tolerant) from Chile (Tay et al.,
1981); ‘Pant L-234’ (Fusariurn resistant) (Kamboj et al., 1990), ‘Pant-209,’ and
‘Pant-406’ from India; and Giza-9 from Egypt (Hawtin et al., 1980).


Nutrient requirements of lentil crops have not been adequately determined for
the major lentil production areas. However, certain applications have been worth-
while. The periodic use of molybdenum as a seed dressing in the Palouse region
of the United States is essential for good nodulation and dinitrogen fixation.
Applications of sulfur are important for increasing concentrations in the seeds
of sulfur-containing amino acids which are nutritionally limiting in lentil seeds.
Phosphorus is applied to ensure good symbiotic performance and overall plant
growth. Occasionally potassium is applied. Application rates of fertilizers rec-
ommended to growers are:

Molybdenum: Sodium molybdate applied as a seed dressing at 35 g ha -I.

Sulfur: Applied to other crops grown in rotation with lentils at 17 to 22 kg
ha - I on deficient soils.
Phosphorus: If soil tests (acetate extraction method) reveal phosphorus con-
centrations at 4 parts per million (ppm) or less, it is recommended that 44 to
66 kg ha - I be applied. Responses to phosphorus applications are commonly
evident on severely eroded soils.
Potassium: On sandy or severely eroded soils, 22 kg ha - I of potassium oxide
has proved beneficial for yield and may also improve the cooking qualities of
seeds (Wassimi et al., 1978).
Nitrogen: Well-nodulated lentil crops seldom respond to applications of in-
organic N fertilizer.

The “nitrogen hunger” phase, which is often experienced by grain legumes

when crops are seeded early into cool, wet soil before significant symbiotic dini-
trogen fixation begins, can be avoided by the application of a small starter dose of
10-25 kg ha - I inorganic nitrogen placed adjacent to, but not in contact with, the
seeds (Saxena, 1981).
Inoculation with an appropriate strain of R. leguminosarum is necessary when
lentils are seeded into fields for the first time or after a lapse of several years.
Special care should be taken when using fungicide seed dressings potentially toxic
to Rhizobium.

Lentils are poor competitors and good weed control is essential for successful
production. Lentil growth rates are slow during early stages of vegetative growth
and weeds can quickly overgrow the crop if not adequately controlled.
Hand weeding is practiced in traditional production areas, but is impractical in
the extensive production systems used in the United States. It is therefore neces-
sary that effective herbicides be used to reduce unwanted competition.
Certain herbicides have been effective in controlling broadleaf and grass type
weeds in lentil crops; however, only a limited number are registered for use in the
United States. Wild oat can be controlled with preplant-incorporated applications
of triallate (Far-go). However, triallate does not control other annual grasses. After
crop emergence, sethoxydim (Poast) applications control both annual and peren-
nial grass weeds.
For broadleaf weed control, imazethapyr (Pursuit) can be applied prior to plant-
ing, followed by shallow incorporation or applied preemergence soon after plant-
ing. Metribuzin (Lexone/Sencor) can be applied preemergence, postemergence,
or as a split application. Metribuzin gives good or excellent control of a wide
spectrum of broadleaf weeds with few exceptions. Reemergence applications of
both herbicides require adequate rainfall in order to distribute the herbicide into
the zone where weed seeds germinate. Under conditions of excessive rainfall and
on soils with minimal organic matter, metribuzin may leach deeper into the profile
and cause crop injury. Injury is the most severe on the tops of eroded hills where
soils have minimal organic matter and where lentils may have been seeded too
shallow. Dry conditions reduce the effectiveness of soil-active herbicides and
weed control may be poor.


A major food use of lentil is as dhal, decorticated and split lentils, which is a
principle ingredient in soups and other dishes prepared on the Indian subcontinent.
Besides their use in soups, whole lentil seeds are often ground into flour and added
to cereal flour in the preparation of breads and other baked products. Lentils are
also used in dishes containing rice and cereal grains. When combined with cereal
grains, lentil provides a nutritionally well-balanced diet for consumers. The rela-
tively large concentrations of lycine compensate for the minimal concentrations

in the cereal grains while the cereal grain compensates for the minimal concentra-
tions of sulfur-containing amino acids in lentil.

Feed for livestock is an important use for the residues from the lentil crop. In
the traditional production areas of the Middle East, West Asia, North Africa, Ethi-
opia, and the subcontinent of India, residues from threshing of the lentil crop are
essential for livestock feeding. In some years the residues have commanded prices
equal to or greater than that of the grain.

A green manure lentil cultivar (Indian head) is used to a limited extent in Can-
ada. The cultivar is capable of producing an abundance of foliar material which
can be incorporated and improve soil nutritional status.


Lentils are attacked by a variety of insects during crop development and in
storage (van Emden et al., 1988). The principle soilborne insects, which attack
seeds and developing seedlings soon after planting, include seedcorn maggots [ De-
lia platura (Meigen)], wireworms (Limonius spp. and Ctenicera spp.), and cut-
worms (Agrotis spp.). The larvae of leaf weevils (Sitona spp.) feed below ground
on the root nodules which inhibits nitrogen fixation. A variety of insects feed on
the leaves, stems, and flowers: thrips (Frankliniella spp.), aphids [Aphis cracci-
vora (Koch) and Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)], leaf weevils [Sitona lineatus
(L.)], lepidopterous larvae (Helicoverpa and Spodoptera spp.], and grasshoppers.
The most important insect pests of the pods and seeds include lygus bugs (Ly-
gus spp.), bruchid beetles (Bruchus spp. and Callosobruchus spp.), and lepidop-
teran pod borers [(Helicoverpaarmigera (Hub.), Cydia nigricana (F.), and Etiella
zinckenella (Treitschke)]. Bruchid beetles are also major postharvest pests, except
in the United States.
Economically important pests of lentil in the Palouse region are the pea (A.
pisum) and cowpea aphids (A. craccivora), lygus bugs, the western yellow-striped
armyworm [Spodoptera praejica (Grote)], and, to some extent, seedcorn maggots

and wireworms. Lentil fields in the Palouse can be devastated by aphid-vectored

pathogenic viruses (see subsequent section) and aphid-induced feeding damage
when pea aphid densities intermittently reach outbreak levels. The cowpea aphid
(black and smaller than the light green pea aphid) damages lentil through direct
feeding: its role in vectoring viruses is poorly understood. Several factors seem to
favor pea aphid outbreaks: (1) fall buildup of aphids on alfalfa and other perennial
host plants: (2) mild fall and early winter temperatures favoring abundant egg
laying by aphids, and thus a large overwintering population; (3) mild winter tem-
peratures: and (4) spring conditions conducive to early movement of aphids from
overwintering hosts to lentils (Homan et al., 1991). Aphids have many natural
enemies, including lady bird beetles, parasitic wasps, lacewings, and syrphid flies,
but chemical control may be necessary if these insects do not combine to keep
aphids at subeconomic levels. Insecticide treatment for pea aphid control is con-
sidered when an economic threshold of 30 to 40 aphids are collected per 180”
sweep of a 38-cm-diameter insect net, with few natural enemies present, and aphid
numbers do not decline over a 2-day period (Homan et al., 1991).
Lygus bug feeding on the immature reproductive structures of lentil causes seed
and pod abortion as well as a serious seed quality problem known as “chalky
spot” in crops grown in northern Idaho and eastern Washington in some years
(Summerfield et al., 1982). Lygus bugs feed with piercing-sucking mouthparts
and inject toxic saliva into the immature seed. This action results in the formation
of a depression around the feeding area and a chalky blemish. Adult lygus bug
activity can be monitored during bloom and podding by making 25 of 180”sweeps
in at least five randomly selected places in a field. Chemical control is warranted
when 7 to 10 adult lygus bugs are collected per 25 sweeps (O’Keeffe et al., 1991).
The western yellow-striped armyworm is usually a late season pest. When heavy
infestation develops, larvae can defoliate plants and consume pods.

Some of the more serious disease problems of lentil include the following.

1. The Root Rotmilt Complex

Probably the most important disease problems of lentils worldwide are root rots
and wilts caused by P-ythium, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, and Fusarium species
(Kaiser, 1987). Research is underway toward selection for resistance to the various
components of the root rot/wilt complex. Reports on the inheritance of resistance
to Fusarium wilt have been made in germ plasm from India (Kamboj eral., 1990).
Two other important diseases of lentil in many countries, especially in wetter
areas or during years with heavy rainfall, are rust and Ascochyta blight.

2. Rust

Caused by Uromyces viciae-fabae Pers., rust is a serious problem in areas

where mild temperatures and humid conditions favor development of the disease.
Some sources of resistance have been identified and progress toward developing
resistant cultivars is being made (Khare, 1981). Fortunately, rust of lentils has not
yet 'appeared in the Palouse region of the United States.

3. Ascochyta Blight

Blight caused by Ascochyta fabae Speg. f.sp. lentis Gossen et al., a seedborne
disease, causes severe damage in many cool, wet regions (Fig. 4). Work in several
countries has identified good sources of resistance and these lines are being incor-
porated into breeding programs. Ascochyta blight is becoming a major problem
in the United States and it continues to be an economic problem in the lentil-
producing areas of Canada. Breeding programs have been initiated to introduce
into other lentil cultivars the resistance shown by the cultivar Laird (A. E. Slin-
kard, personal communication). Thiabendazole seed treatment can reduce the in-
cidence of seedborne A. fabae f. sp. lentis, but the compound is not registered for
use on lentil in the United States (Kaiser, 1987).

4. Seedborne Fungi

In the Palouse, reduced seed quality can result from infection of seeds by dif-
ferent pathogenic fungi, some of which are also pathogens of chickpea and pea
(Kaiser, 1992). The incidence of fungi associated with commercial lentil seeds in
the Palouse varies greatly from year to year and is influenced by weather condi-
tions, particularly rainfall. The seedborne pathogens most frequently isolated from
discolored Palouse grown lentil seeds are Botrytis cinerea, Phoma medicaginis
var. pinodella (= Ascochyta pinodella), and two Fusarium species ( E acumina-
turn and E avenaceum). The amount of rainfall during July, when the crop is
approaching maturity or is about to be harvested, appears to affect the incidence,
prevalence, and severity of seedborne pathogenic fungi. If excessive rainfall oc-
curs during harvest or when plants are drying in windrows, lentils that remain on
or near the moist soil surface may have discoloration of their seeds resulting from
these conditions that favor colonization and infection of the pods and seeds by
several pathogenic and saprophytic fungi.

5. Viruses

Viruses are a major lentil disease problem in the Palouse. The viruses that infect
peas also infect lentil: alfalfa mosaic, bean (pea) leaf roll (BLRV), bean yellow

Figure 4. Ascochyta blight of leaves (A), pods (B), and seeds (C) of lentil.

mosaic, pea enation mosaic (PEMV), and pea streak. These viruses are transmit-
ted by pea aphids, generally from infected alfalfa and clover plants. Control of the
aphid vectors can reduce infection, but the economic thresholds are not known
and insecticides are often ineffective in preventing the spread of stylet-borne
In the Palouse region, PEMV and BLRV are the most important virus diseases
of lentil, but the crop is also a host of pea seedborne mosaic virus (PSbMV).
Indeed, PSbMV may cause stunting and malformation of leaves, stems, flowers,
and fruits. There may also be a reduction in yield and the production of smaller,
misshapen seeds. Fortunately, PSbMV of lentil has not been found under field
conditions in the Palouse. Sources of resistance to PSbMV have been identified
and are being used in the development of lentil cultivars (Kaiser, 1987). Sources
of tolerance to PEMV have been identified (F. J. Muehlbauer, personal observa-
tions) and are currently being incorporated into improved cultivars.


Drought is considered to be the major environmental stress that limits lentil

yields. Lentil crops are often grown in marginal areas where limited rainfall and
deficient soil moisture are encountered. The relegation of lentil to marginal lands
is a consequence of the increased area sown to more renumerative crops (e.g.,
wheat). It is not surprising then that average lentil yields have declined in those
regions. In general, drought and heat stress are commonly encountered by lentil
in the Middle East region and are experienced during the reproductive period (Er-
skine, 1985a). Drought-tolerant cultivars are required to stabilize lentil production
and also to extend lentil cultivation into those areas that receive less rain.
As with other crops, success in screening for drought tolerance is not yet pos-
sible because of the lack of efficient screening techniques and knowledge of what
to screen for. Late planting has been used to simulate drought and heat stress;
however, meaningful comparisons between late and normally planted lentil might
be difficult because of the difference in plant growth duration. A line source irri-
gation system was used to create a moisture gradient in an area with otherwise
insufficient rainfall (Karaki, 1986). Under the line source system, there was con-
siderable variation among 10 lentil genotypes in response to moisture stress which
gives encouragement for further work.
Another approach to drought resistance screening is to select for drought avoid-
ance through early maturity. This could be a suitable approach when the major
moisture stress occurs toward the end of the growing season. However, in seasons
that receive adequate rainfall, early genotypes may not have the ability to respond
to above-average moisture if and when available.
Agents that simulate moisture stress have been tested for use in drought resis-
tance screening. Haddad et al. (1987) screened 40 lentil genotypes by growing

1-week-old seedlings in different concentrations of polyethylene glycol (PEG) so-

lutions that created different degrees of moisture stress. These genotypes were
grouped into strongly resistant, moderately resistant, and susceptible types.
Landraces are potential sources of drought tolerance because they have dem-
onstrated their ability to survive under extremely stressful environments. The wild
species such as L. culinaris ssp. orientalis might also have considerable drought
tolerance. These potential sources of drought tolerance need to be considered by
Hot weather is thought to cause aborted seeds, empty pods, and reduced yields
in Brazil (Manara and Manara, 1983). Elsewhere, cold tolerance and salt toler-
ance, if found, could be used by breeders to extend the range of adaptation of the
crop. Jana and Slinkard (1979) found differences in salt tolerance in the cultivated
lentil, but the level of tolerance was too small to be of any breeding value.


Lentil flowers are cleistogamous and naturally self-pollinated, with extremely
infrequent natural cross pollination (estimated to be less than 0.8%)which is pre-
sumed to be caused by small insects such as thrips (Wilson and Law, 1972).
Hybridization of lentil flowers with hand emasculation and pollination is diffi-
cult because they are small and delicate and must be handled with care. However,
the selection of flowers in the correct development stage followed by careful
emasculation and pollination can lead to a high percentage of successful cross
pollinations. To obtain successful hybridizations it is essential that the reproduc-
tive system crossing techniques and environmental conditions be fully understood.

Environmental factors play a major role in the degree of success in lentil hy-
bridization. Flowering and seed set, for example, are improved by a photoperiod
(16 hr or longer) and good irradiance. Flowers usually open before 10.00 hr on
cloudless days, but when the sky is overcast, they may not open until 17.00 hr.
The corolla petals fade within 3 days, and pods are visible 3 or 4 days later
(Meimandi-Nejad, 1977; Muehlbauer et al., 1985; Summerfield et al., 1985).
Lentils are considered to be either long-day or day-neutral plants (Shukla, 1955;
Moursi and Ab El-Gawad, 1963; Saint-Clair, 1972; Summerfield et al., 1985).
Under greenhouse and growth chamber conditions, day temperatures of about
25" C and night temperatures of about 18"C are reasonable combinations for good

plant growth and seed set. Seed set can also be improved by maintaining relative
humidity at about 50% (Wilson, 1972).

The equipment used to hybridize lentil consists of magnifying glasses (usually
7 or 10 X ), sharply pointed forceps, small tags, and 95% alcohol. Persons with
keen eyesight can hybridize lentils without the aid of magnification. The forceps
used for emasculation and pollination are immersed in the alcohol between crosses
to prevent contamination by unwanted pollen. Tags are used to record the parents,
the date of the cross, and sometimes the initials of the person who made the cross.


Emasculation is necessary to prevent self-pollination.Flowers in which the co-

rolla has reached a length equivalent to about 75% of that of the sepals (Fig. 5A)
are generally at the proper stage for emasculation. At this stage of development,

Figure 5. Cross-pollination in lentil.


the anthers are intact and the stigma is receptive. When the lengths of the corolla
and sepals are equal, the flowers generally will have pollinated.
The flower bud selected for emasculation is held between the thumb and fore-
finger so that the suture of the keel is accessible. The peduncle holding the flower
is weak and tender and must be handled with care. The sharply pointed forceps
are used to remove the sepals closest to the keel. The wings and the standard are
folded back and held between the thumb and forefinger. The keel is then split
longitudinally to expose the staminal column and stigma. While carefully holding
the flower, the stamens are removed by grasping the filaments with the forceps
and breaking them free from the staminal column to complete the emasculation
(Fig. 5B).

Pollination should be performed immediately after emasculation for best results
(Wilson, 1972; Malhotra et al., 1978; Muehlbauer et al., 1980; Muehlbauer and
Slinkard, 1981). Flowers in which the corollas have elongated to a length about
equal with that of the sepals are selected as sources of pollen (Fig. 5C). The flow-
ers at this stage of development are open or slightly so and have anthers that have
very recently dehisced. Viable pollen suitable for transfer is identified by its bright
orange-yellow color and is contained in flowers in which the keel and wing petals
are turgid. Pollen retains its viability for several days if flowers are collected im-
mediately after anthesis, placed in petri dishes, and stored in the dark at 4- 10”C.
The flower chosen as a source of pollen is held between the thumb and fore-
finger and the standard and wings are folded back and held. At this point, two
methods of gaining access to the pollen can be used and are equally successful.
One approach is to grasp the keel with the forceps and remove it from the flower
to expose the pollen laden stigma. This pollen laden stigma can then be used as a
“brush” to apply pollen to the emasculated flower to complete the crossing pro-
cedure (Fig. 5D). Another method is to puncture one side of the keel with a single
prong of the forceps and peel the keel away from the stigma. This approach often
leaves more pollen on the stigma compared to the former approach. Pollination of
the emasculated flower is performed as described earlier. Sufficient pollen should
be applied to the emasculated flower so that it is readily visible on the stigma; this
may require several male flowers. The petals of the pollinated female flower are
then carefully returned to their original position to protect the stigma. Pollinated
flowers seldom need protection from foreign pollen.
After pollination has been completed, a tag is fixed to the internode directly
below the pollinated flower to identify the cross. An alternative method of identi-
fying crosses is to use color-coded thread tied to the peduncle of the flower or to
the internode directly below.

Successful pollinations and seed setting vary according to individual skill and
prevailing environmental conditions. Wilson (1972) reported up to 82% success-
ful manual pollinations in a greenhouse environment. Success in that study was
achieved with adequate irradiance, about 50% relative humidity and tempera-
tures between 15 and 25°C. Pollination success greater than 80% was obtained
by Slinkard in controlled environment chambers with dayhight temperatures of
21"/15"C (Muehlbauer and Slinkard, 1981).
The percentage of successful pollinations decreases under field conditions, es-
pecially during hot weather with dry air. Malhotra et al. (1978), for example,
reported 27 to 43% success under field conditions in India. Mera and Erskine
(1982) found that enclosing plants in perforated polyethylene bags improved the
success rate compared to unbagged controls. They also discovered that pollina-
tions of the first flowers on a plant had a 44.8% success rate compared to only
17.3% when later-formed flowers were used.


A reliable genetic marker for the identification of F, hybrid seed is red cotyle-
don color, a trait controlled by a single dominant gene. In using this marker, F,
hybrid seeds from crosses between yellow cotyledon female parents and red coty-
ledon male parents can be identified by their red cotyledons. Seeds with yellow
cotyledons can be discarded as selfs. The gs gene for stem coloration is also a
useful marker to identify F, hybrids where the male parent has Gs for purple stems
and the female parent has gs for green stems.
Because of the differences in seed size between lentil accessions, it is advisable
to use large-seeded parental lines as the female parents. This reduces losses from
shattering since the pod of the large-seeded parent can accommodate the hybrid
seed while that of the small-seeded parent often cannot. Erskine (personal com-
munication) uses the reverse because the smaller-seeded parent will often yield
two hybrid seeds when used as the female. However, timely harvest is necessary
to prevent losses due to shattering. Pod and seed development can be observed
within 3 days of pollination. When cross-pollination is successful, ovary devel-
opment is rapid and the swelling seeds in the pod are obvious. But, when cross-
pollination is unsuccessful, the ovary often enlarges but aborts later even when
the developing pod may have reached as much as 50% of its potential size.
Harvesting and separating the seeds from the pods are always done by hand, as
soon as the pods become yellow-brown, so as to avoid seed losses from pod
dehiscence. Harvested pods should be allowed to dry completely in envelopes or
bags before removing the seeds. Hybrid seeds can usually be kept at room tem-
perature provided they are to be sown in a reasonable period of time. For long-

term storage, lentil breeding material may be stored at about 10"C with 30% rela-
tive humidity or in a freezer at - 20" C.


Germ plasm resources for lentil improvement programs are maintained at a
number of places, including the USDA-ARS Regional Plant Introduction Station
located at Pullman, Washington (Table I). Large collections are also maintained
by ICARDA and by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in New Delhi,
India. Smaller collections are maintained by programs in several countries. [For
more information on germ plasm collection, curators, and addresses, see Bettan-
court et al. (1 989).] These germ plasm collections comprise the landraces and, in
the case of the larger collections, the related wild species (Muehlbauer, 1992).
The ICARDA collection is by far the largest and comprises over 6000 acces-
sions, including wild species from 53 countries. The USDA collection numbers

Table I
Lentil Germ Plasm Collections

Number of
Institute/location accessions

1. Ethiopian Genebank/Addis Ababa, 413

2. ICARDA/Aleppo, Syria 6000
3. National Seed Storage Laboratory/ 702
Fort Collins, CO
4. Pakistan Agricultural Research 144
5. Regional Plant Introduction Station/ 1973
Pullman, WA
6. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry/ 2470
St. Petersburg, Russia
7. ZG Kulturpflanyenforschung/Gaters- 160
leben, Germany
8. Institute of Crop Germplasm Re- 336
sourceslBeijing, Peoples Republic
of China
9. Indian Agricultural Research Institute/ 3000
New Delhi, India

over 3500 accessions and includes more that 150 accessions of related wild Lens
species. The collection maintained at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in
New Delhi exceeds 3000 accessions. Samples for breeding and other research
purposes are available on request.
An evaluation of 4500 accessions from ICARDA’s collection suggested the
presence of considerable variation for important agronomic traits such as grain
yield, straw yield, 100 seed weight, seed number per pod, time to 50% flowering,
time to maturity, plant height, height of lowest pod, and pod number per peduncle
(Erskine, 1985b). Thus, significant variation for important traits is available for
breeding purposes.


All of the recognized wild Lens species have been collected and are being main-
tained in germ plasm repositories, including L. culinaris ssp. orientalis, L. ervoi-
des, L. nigricans, and L. odemensis (Ladizinsky, 1979c; Muehlbauer, 1981). The
wild material has been the basis of a series of genetic and cytogenetic studies
(Ladizinsky, 1979a,b). Recent efforts have concentrated on collection and preser-
vation to ensure that the wild relatives are available for future breeding. Even
though collections have been made in southern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia
Minor, wild species are still relatively underrepresented in the germ plasm collec-
tions (Muehlbauer, 1981; Erskine, 1985b). It is believed that the wild species will
contribute to the improvement of pest resistance, seed quality, and tolerance to
environmental stress.



Lentil genetic information has progressed from relatively few characterized

genes in 1981 (Muehlbauer and Slinkard, 1981) to the characterization of addi-
tional genes, isozyme loci, restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs),
and random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) (Zamir and Ladizinsky, 1984;
Havey and Muehlbauer, 1989; Simon et al., 1993). A genetic linkage map for
these loci now contains nearly 100 loci (Simon et al., 1993). The map (Fig. 6) has
shown considerable conservation with the linkage map for pea (Weeden et al.,
1994). The described genes of lentil are listed in Table 11.
1 2 3 4 5
EMH14b Fk


PM H l 1l c

CMHS2a Aat-m

Adh Est-1
Rp122 Gal-2



Dashed lines indicate regions showingsimilar

linkage in pea. Regions have been situated to [=Ten centimorgans
correspond to placement on the pea map. with the
following exceptions.
A: Linkage region found on chromosume5 or pea \indicates suspected arrangement based on the pea map
B: Linkage region found on chromosome 3 of pea

Figure 6. The lentil genetic linkage map.

Table I1
List of Gene Symbols in Lentils

allele Character Reference

Fn Number of flowers per inflorescence Gill and Malhotra (1980)

Gh Plant growth habit Ladizinsky (1979b)
Gs Epicotyl color Ladizinsky (1979b)
I Cotyledon color Slinkard (1978b)
0 Cotyledon color (synonymous with Yc) Singh (1978)
Ggc Gray seed coat ground color Vandenberg and Slinkard (1990)
TRC Tan seed coat ground color Vandenberg and Slinkard (1990)
P Flower color La1 and Srivastava (1975)
Pi Pod indehiscence Ladizinsky (1979b)
Sbv Resistance to pea seedborne mosaic virus Haddad et al. ( 1978)
SCP Seed coat spotting Ladizinsky (1979b)
V Flower color La1 and Srivastava (1975);
Wilson and Hudson (1978)
W Flower color Wilson and Hudson (1978)
YC Cotyledon color Slinkard (1978b)
GlP Glabrous pod Vandenberg and Slinkard (1989)
GrP Green pod color Vandenberg and Slinkard (1989)
Tnl Tendril-less leaf Vandenberg and Slinkard (1989)
Chl Chlorina chlorophyll mutant Vandenberg and Slinkard (1989)

1. Cotyledon Color

Tschermak (1928) determined that the red cotyledon color of lentils was domi-
nant to yellow. This finding was later confirmed by Wilson et al. (1970). Hybrid
seed from reciprocal crosses indicated that the red cotyledon color was completely
dominant to yellow. The F,, which segregated into 3 red to 1 yellow, confirmed
that the red cotyledon color was controlled by a single dominant gene. Wilson
(1972) also noted that red cotyledon seeds resulting from crosses between yellow
cotyledon maternal parents and red cotyledon paternal parents were readily distin-
guishable from selfed maternal seeds with yellow cotyledons and that the cotyle-
don color trait would be a valuable genetic marker in hybridization programs to
confirm that resulting seeds were indeed hybrids.
Both Singh (1978) and Slinkard (1978b) confirmed the mode of inheritance of
cotyledon color. Singh (1978) referred to the red cotyledons as orange and pro-
posed the gene symbols 0 for orange and o for yellow cotyledons. He also noted
that the intensity of the orange cotyledon color did not vary in reciprocal crosses
and so concluded that there was no cytoplasmic effect on gene expression. In
addition to the inheritance of red and yellow cotyledons, Slinkard (1978b) re-
ported on the inheritance of green cotyledons. Crosses between red cotyledon par-
ents and green cotyledon parents produced F, progenies that contained red, yel-
low, and green cotyledon types. Those progenies indicated that red was dominant
to both yellow and green, and that yellow was dominant to green. A study by
Muehlbauer and Short (manuscript in preparation) confirms the findings that red
cotyledon color is dominant to both yellow and green, and that yellow is dominant
to green. However, there was no evidence for the presence of a recessive color
inhibitor as suggested by Slinkard (1978b). The data clearly show that dominant
red cotyledon color is epistatic to both yellow and green. The gene symbols pro-
posed are: Yc = red cotyledon regardless of the presence of I or i. In the absence
of dominant Yc, yellow and green cotyledon types are expressed such that y c yc
I- = yellow cotyledons and yc yc i i = green cotyledons.

2. Flower Color

Flower color in lentil is reportedly controlled by two genes. La1 and Srivastava
(1975) obtained F, ratios of 3 violet: 1 white from crosses of violet- and pink-
flowered parents. However, when pink- and white-flowered parents were crossed,
a F, ratio of 9 violet: 3 white: 3 pink : 1 rose was obtained which indicated the
presence of two independent genes with complete dominance and no epistasis.
The gene symbols proposed were: V for violet flower with color expressed only
in the presence of P; p produces pink flowers in the presence of v; and the double
recessive vv p p produces rose-colored flowers. Thus, the homozygous genotypes
and phenotypes are W PP (violet), W p p (white), vv PP (pink), and v v p p (rose).

Wilson and Hudson (1978) studied the progenies of crosses between white- and
violet-flowered parents and obtained a F, ratio of 9 violet: 6 intermediate : 1 white,
suggesting additive effects of the genes involved. They noted that the intermediate
class consisted of two types that were difficult to distinguish from each other: one
was darker and had pale violet standards and white wings and keels while the
other type was lighter with a pale violet standard and white wings and keel. The
white flowers often had pale pink or pale violet veins deep within the throat of the
standard. They proposed V as the symbol for violet and ww for white. The ho-
mozygous genotypes and phenotypes were suggested as follows: WW W (violet),
W w w and vv WW (intermediate),and vv ww (white).
Gill and Malhotra (1980) obtained a 3 violet: 1 white flower color ratio in F,
progenies which was the same as found by La1 and Srivastava (1975). They also
studied the linkage between genes for flower color, presumably V, and the gene
for the number of flowers per inflorescence ( F n ) and found no association be-
tween the two genes.
The differing results between the studies of La1 and Srivastava (1975) and those
of Wilson and Hudson (1978) suggest that additional work is needed on the ge-
netics of flower color in lentils. The complexity of flower color inheritance in
other grain legumes suggests that a similar complex system may exist in lentils.
The work done by Ladizinsky (1979b), using interspecific crosses of L. culinaris
ssp. culinaris with the closely related L. culinaris ssp. orientalis, indicates that
genes in addition to the Vgene may be involved in the inheritance of flower color.
In those interspecific crosses, he found what appeared to be an additional gene, a
conclusion he based on segregation for bluish flower color which he presumed
was different from the two genes previously reported (La1 and Srivastava, 1975).

3. Seed Coat Color

Seed coat coloration is controlled by several genes, and pleiotropic action is

likely for epicotyl and flower color because of what appears to be concurrent vari-
ability for the traits. Pleiotropic action of genes for coloration is expected and has
numerous parallels in other genera, including Cicer and Pisum. A single gene for
seed coat spotting was proposed by Ladizinsky (1979b), who found a 3 : 1 ratio of
F, plants with spotted and nonspotted seedcoats and proposed the symbol Scp for
the gene controlling this trait. Nonspotted individuals would have the scp scp
genotype. Five alleles of the Scp gene have been reported (Vandenberg and Slin-
kard, 1990).
The background color of lentil seed coats is reportedly (Vandenberg and Slin-
kard, 1990)controlled by two genes. Dominant Ggc determines gray ground color
while the dominant Tgc gene produces tan ground color. When both dominant
genes are present (Ggc Tgc), brown seed coat color is produced. The double re-
cessive for these genes (ggc fgc)has a green seed coat color.

Vaillancourt et ul. (1986) reported a recessive gene tun for zero tannin in the
seed coat. The trait appears to be useful in the development of lentil cultivars in
which the seeds do not darken with aging. Vandenburg and Slinkard (1987) re-
ported a recessive gene xun for a xantha mutant. The xun gene is epistatic to and
independent of the two loci conditioning cotyledon color. Thus, cotyledons of
seeds homozygous for xantha are yellow regardless of the genotype for cotyledon
color. A chlorina chlorophyll mutant was reported to be controlled by a single
recessive gene designated as chf (Vandenberg and Slinkard, 1990) and produces
pale yellow foliage.

4. Epicotyl Color

Epicotyl color is simply inherited with purple epicotyl dominant to green epi-
cotyl (Ladizinsky, 1979b). The trait is useful as a genetic marker to identify F,
hybrids. The gene symbol Gs has been proposed with purple epicotyl having the
Gs GS genotype and green epicotyl having gs gs. The intensity of the pigmenta-
tion is suspected as being influenced by environmental conditions (e.g., tempera-
ture, irradiance, and soil fertility). These environmental effects can sometimes
make classification of plants difficult.

5. GrowthHabit

Erect, intermediate, and prostrate growth habits were found in ratios that indi-
cated a single gene with incomplete dominance (Ladizinsky, 1979b). Based on
that study, the prostrate type was designated as gh gh and the erect type as Gh Gh.
This gene has significance for lentil breeders who are attempting to develop up-
right and lodging-resistant cultivars. A single recessive gene designated as tnl by
Vandenberg and Slinkard (1990) reportedly controls the presence or absence of
tendrils on the ends of the leaves. This trait also has significance for lentil breeding
in that good tendril activity is important for canopy formation and lodging resis-
tance by the plants with tendrils being able to intertwine and provide mutual

6. Flower Number

In crosses of parents with two-flowered racemes with parents with three-

flowered racemes, Gill and Malhotra ( 1 980) obtained a F2ratio of 3 two-flowered :
1 three-flowered plants. They proposed that the gene symbol Fn be used for the
trait, with Fn Fn being two-flowered andfnfn being the three-flowered genotype.

7. Pod Indehiscence

Genes which are expressed in the pod include Glp and Grp (Vandenberg and
Slinkard, 1990). The dominant allele of Glp produces pod pubescence while the
homozygous recessive allele (glp) produces glabrous pods. The dominant Grp
gene produces red pods while the homozygous recessive grp allele produces
green pods.
Pod indehiscence is the major distinction between wild and cultivated species
of Lens and is considered to be the trait most critical to domestication of the
species. In crosses of the putative progenitor, L. culinaris ssp. orientalis, with L.
culinaris ssp. culinaris, Ladizinsky (1979b) found that pod indehiscencewas con-
trolled by a single recessive gene and assigned the symbol pi. Therefore, the
indehiscent-cultivated types were designated as pi pi and the wild progenitor, L.
culinaris ssp. orientalis, as Pi Pi. Variability for shattering susceptibility within
cultivated germ plasm, even in the presence of recessive pi, indicates the presence
of genes that modify the indehiscent pod trait. Breeders of the crop need to im-
prove shatter resistance, which has proved troublesome in certain circumstances.

8. Virus Resistance

Resistance to PSbMV was found in lentil germ plasm (Haddad et al., 1978). In
crosses of two resistant accessions (PI 368648 and PI 212610) with known sus-
ceptible cultivars, they obtained a F2 ratio of 3 susceptible: 1 resistant, indicating
that a single recessive gene conferred resistance. The recessive gene for PSbMV
resistance was designated as sbv with dominant Sbv conferring susceptibility.
Similarly, Aydin el al. (1987) found resistance to pea enation mosaic virus in lentil
germ plasm. Resistance to PEMV does not exhibit an immune response to the
virus; however, symptoms on inoculated plants were extremely mild, indicating a
very useful degree of tolerance. Short (1994) has shown that resistance to PEMV
is conferred by a single recessive gene.

9. Isozymes

Polymorphisms at isozyme loci have become an important tool for studying

genetic variation and for lentil improvement. Using isozymic variation in con-
junction with morphological genes, genetic linkage maps have been established
that should prove to be useful tools in the future.
Linkage of enzymic and morphological genes in lentil was first reported by
Zamir and Ladizinsky (1984). The inheritance of eight isozyme loci was deter-
mined and two linkage groups involving five loci were established, one of which

included epicotyl color (Gs).Linkage between Gs and an isozyme of glutamate-

oxaloacetate-transaminase (Got-2) (14 map units apart) and between Gs and an
isozyme of Malic enzyme ( M e - I ) (25 map units apart) was shown. Linkage be-
tween Got-3 and an isozyme of alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh-I) (21 map units
apart) was also shown. Segregation for epicotyl color in the hybrids confirmed
that epicotyl color was controlled by a single gene, previously designated as Gs
with purple dominant to green. Codominance was evident for the alleles at the loci
involved in the control of the isozymes.
Additional linkage groups and preliminary gene maps of lentil were subse-
quently reported (Muehlbauer et al., 1989; Havey and Muehlbauer, 1989). Allo-
zymic polymorphisms for 18 loci and the genes for four morphological traits were
analyzed by Muehlbauer et al. (1989) to produce a linkage map for lentil consist-
ing of six linkage groups. Havey and Muehlbauer (1 989) constructed a more de-
tailed map for lentil by including RFLPs. This latter map contained 34 loci ar-
ranged in nine linkage groups. Simon and Muehlbauer (1992) reported a lentil
linkage map (Fig. 6) containing over 100 loci that include morphological and iso-
zymic markers, RFLPs and RAPDs.


Estimates of genetic parameters for quantitative traits are very useful since they
provide information on the inheritance of such traits and help to identify appro-
priate breeding methods. Such parameters include the subdivision of genetic vari-
ance into proportions resulting from additive, dominance, and epistatic effects
of genes. Moreover, parameters like heritability, expected genetic advance in re-
sponse to selection, and the degree of association between traits are also important
for the design of more effective breeding and selection programs.

1. Genetic Variance

In lentil, a self-pollinated species, genetic variance is expected to be primarily

additive; however, the nonadditive proportion of genetic variance could also be
important. Singh and Jain (197 1) observed heterosis in F, hybrids for the respec-
tive numbers of branches per plant, pods per plant, pod clusters per plant, and also
for seed yield, indicating nonadditive genetic variance for these traits. Similarly,
Sagar and Chandra (1980) found nonadditive genetic effects that influenced seed
yields in the F,’s and F,’s of nine lentil crosses. On the other hand, Goyal et al.
(1976, 1977) reported greater variances due to general combining ability effects
(GCA) than to specific combining ability effects (SCA) for seed yield, number of
seeds per pod, seed size, and number of primary branches, indicating the impor-

tance of additive genetic effects for those traits. Their SCA variances were also
significant. GCA and SCA were equally important for the respective number of
pods per plant and of secondary branches. Surprisingly, there was no heterosis for
plant height.
Haddad et al. (1982) estimated genotypic variances for several traits in three
lentil crosses and partitioned them into components due to additive, dominance,
and additive X additive variances. Additive genetic variance was a major com-
ponent of total variance in one of the crosses for all traits examined except for
plant height and mean seed dry weight. Dominance variance estimates were un-
expectedly large in two of the crosses. Where parental means were similar, addi-
tive genetic variance estimates were small and, in many cases, negative. Where
the parents differed appreciably, additive genetic variance was the major compo-
nent of total variance for days to flowering and days to maturity, height to the
lowest pod, and growth habit. Significant dominance variance estimates were ob-
tained for plant height in all three crosses and for mean seed dry weight in two
Sakar (1983) estimated the genetic effects for several lentil traits by using two
lentil cultivars that differed for plant height, maturity, and seed size. Using the F, ,
FZ,B ,, and B2populations, he found that additive genetic effects were significant
for days to first flower and mean seed dry weight. Additive and dominance genetic
effects were large and equally important for both plant height and basal pod height
with small additive X additive epistatic components. Nonadditive genetic effects
were important for flowering duration (the number of days from first flower to the
last flower), days from first flower to maturity, days from sowing to maturity, and
seed yield per plant.
In his study, Sakar (1983) estimated that three genes were responsible for the
variation in plant height in the cross of ‘Laird’ (Slinkard and Bhatty, 1979) with
‘Precoz’ (Riva, 1975). Four genes were estimated to be responsible for variations
in basal pod height, and at least two genes were responsible for variations in mean
seed dry weight. As expected, the same genes were considered to influence plant
height and basal pod height (i.e., they influenced node number per stem, internode
length, or both).
Current information on the components of genetic variance in lentil suggests
that additive genetic effects are the major component of the genetic variance for
most traits and that a considerable nonadditive component can be anticipated in
early generations.

2. Heritability Estimates

Most of the heritability estimates (Table 111) reported thus far for lentil are based
on single experiments conducted at one location and in only 1 year. Therefore, the

Table 111
Heritability Estimates for Important Traits in Lentils

Range of heritability estimates

Trait Broad sense ' Narrow sense

Yield and yield components

Seed yield per plant 0.42-0.80 0.07'
Weight of 100 seeds 0.59-0.98 0.52-0.68
No. of seeds per pod 0.74'
No. of pods per plant 0.45-0.80
Plant traits
Plant height 0.16-0.83 0.0-0.38
Height of lowest pod 0.17-0.67 0.36'
Plant type (growth habit) 0.05 -0.44
No. of secondary branches
per plant 0.55'
Reproductive traits
Days from sowing to first
flowering 0.47-0.78 0.53c
Days from sowing to maturity 0.54-0.96 0.42'
Quality factors
Cooking time 0.82'
Protein concentration (%) 0.71''

'Sources for these broad-sense heritability estimates are from Erskine et al.
(1985), Haddad (1979). Muehlbauer (1974). Sakar (1983), and Sindhu and
Misra ( 1982).
bSources for narrow-sense heritability estimates are from Haddad (1979)
and Sakar (1983).
'Only one estimate was considered.

estimates of genetic variance on which they are based are likely biased by the
inclusion of environmental variance components. Nevertheless, the estimates pro-
vide an indication of the relative ease of making progress through breeding. The
estimates for seed yield and its components are moderately large which indicate
that good progress can be expected from effective selection. The small narrow-
sense estimate of 0.07 (Sakar, 1983) indicates some difficulty in selection for yield
in the hybrids he used. The heritability of several plant traits was quite variable
and sometimes small, indicating that selection progress for traits such as plant
height and height of the lowest pod will depend heavily on the variation available
in the source material and on the effects of climate and weather. Reproductive
traits, such as days from sowing to flowering and to maturity, had moderately large
heritabilities, indicating that these traits would respond to selection. Quality fac-
tors such as seed size and seed thickness seemed to be strongly heritable.

3. Association among Traits

Larger and more stable yields are primary goals in most lentil-breeding pro-
grams. However, selection for productive genotypes can be difficult because of the
large number of genes involved and the relatively small heritabilities.
Correlations between traits in lentil need to be given very careful consideration
and interpretation by plant breeders because the degree of association between
traits might well differ according to the type of correlation measured. Correlations
between seed yield and the numbers of pods per plant, seeds per pod, and second-
ary branches per plant; plant height; and straw yield have been positive and sig-
nificant (Muehlbauer, 1974; Haddad, 1979; Chauhan and Sinha, 1982; Kumar
et al., 1983; Sanvar et al., 1982; Tyagi and Sharma, 1985). Seed yield was nega-
tively correlated with mean seed dry weight and with times to flowering and ma-
turity in a range of locations (Muehlbauer, 1974; Haddad, 1979; Sakar, 1983;
Tyagi and Sharma, 1985).
Path coefficient analysis applied by Chauhan and Sinha (1982) indicated that
the number of pods per plant and the number of secondary branches per plant
were the most important characters contributing to large seed yield in lentil. How-
ever, Singh ( 1977) and Kumar et al. ( 1983) found that pod number per plant and
plant height have the greatest direct effects on seed yield. On the other hand, Tikka
et al. (1977) found that pod length had the largest direct effect on seed yield,
followed by plant height, days to flower, and number of secondary branches per


Based on the crossability studies of Ladizinsky et al. (1984), L. orientalis ssp.

and L. odemensis share a common gene pool with the cultivated lentil; interspe-
cific hybrids between the cultivated lentil and L. culinaris ssp. orientalis and L.
odemensis are easily obtained. Slight chromosomal rearrangements may cause
partial sterility, but there are still ample opportunities for gene flow and for the
utilization of these wild forms for breeding purposes.
L. nigricans should not be overlooked as a source of needed germ plasm for
breeding cultivated lentils. The lack of success in hybridizations with the cultigen
is a significant barrier, but these difficulties in hybridization can be overcome by
embryo rescue (Cohen et al., 1984) as was possible, for example, in the cross of
the cultigen with L. ervoides that yielded partially fertile F, hybrids. Thus, all the
wild Lens species can be considered as belonging to a common gene pool with
the cultigen.


Lentils are of ancient origin and were probably one of the first plant species to
be domesticated (Zohary, 1972; Ladizinsky, 1979~; Muehlbauer et al., 1985). De-
spite this antiquity, lentil breeding is a recent endeavor when compared with
breeding efforts devoted to cereals or some of the other food legumes. Landraces
still occupy most of the cultivated land sown to lentil in the major producing
countries (Erskine, 1985a). Moreover, most of the cultivars released to date have
been derived from selection within heterogenous laridraces and are not the result
of hybridization (Muehlbauer, 1992). Nevertheless, it is expected that new and
improved cultivars will become available in many lentil-producing areas due to
the increased efforts in lentil breeding in both national and international programs.
The methods of breeding lentil are similar to those utilized in breeding other
self-pollinated crops and include pure line selection or hybridization followed by
the bulk method, the pedigree method, the single seed descent, or some modifi-
cation of these procedures.

Mass selection and pure line selection within introduced germ plasm accessions
or local landraces have been the principle methods of lentil improvement in de-
veloping countries. Also, as the lentil crop has been introduced to relatively new
production areas (United States and Canada), the initial cultivars used were devel-
oped from selection within introduced landraces. Genetic variability in the germ
plasm collections worldwide has not been fully exploited to improve important
agronomic traits.
Mass and pure line selections have provided improved cultivars in a number of
cases. Examples include ‘Tekoa,’ a pure line selection from the PI 25 1784 (Wilson
et al., 1971); ‘Chilean 78,’ a cultivar developed by mass selection for large seed
size and desirable color (Muehlbauer and Slinkard, 1981); and Crimson, a small
red cultivar developed by pure line selection from Giza-9 introduced to the United
States from Egypt. ‘Laird,’ a pure line selection derived from PI 343028, was
developed and licensed in Canada (Slinkard, 1978a). Laird was selected for its
high yield and large seed size. In India, the cultivar Pant-L-406 was selected from
P-495, an Indian genetic stock, and has improved yield potential and resistance to
rust and wilt (Pandya et a/., 1980). ‘Araucana-INIA,’ a cultivar released in Chile,
was developed by mass selection from N-1284, an accession from the Chilean
Germplasm Collection. The cultivar is tall, has a good tolerance to rust, and yields
well (Tay et al., 1981).

Bulk population breeding has been the preferred method for lentil because of
its ease of application and because of the problems involved with alternative meth-
ods. The method is simple, requires minimal record keeping, and is not labor
intensive. Simplicity makes it attractive for programs that are designed to develop
cultivars adapted over a wide geographical area because subsamples of popula-
tions can be widely tested. The advantage of wide testing includes the possibility
of natural selection favoring genotypes adapted to particular local environments.
However, caution is needed when using the system to ensure the survival of de-
sirable genotypes through successive generations of bulking. It is expected that
seed size differences between parents and the larger numbers of seeds produced
on small-seeded genotypes compared with those on large-seeded genotypes may
cause rapid shifts in a bulk population toward a preponderance of small-seeded
types. To increase the proportion of desired phenotypes, populations can be sub-
jected to mass selection either on the basis of seed size or color or on plant traits
such as, for example, flowering time, plant height, branching characters,or disease
resistance. Selection in early generations, such as in the F, to F4,might be effective
in eliminating many undesirable genotypes. Selected plants can then be grown in
bulk for several generations, followed by reselection after the populations have
reached homozygosity.
Because of the problems of genetic shifts during generation advance, modifi-
cations of the bulk population method have been devised. These include mass
pedigree, modified bulk, single seed descent, and other schemes designed to con-
trol genetic shifts or to channel the shifts in the desired direction.
ICARDA uses a bulk pedigree method in which crosses are advanced in bulk
to the F4, after which the pedigree method is used. The generations advance by
bulking, which allows an early evaluation and selection of bulks on which to con-
centrate efforts. Selection of plants in the F4is based only on highly heritable plant
characters, and thereafter the progenies are managed by the pedigree method. Vi-
sual selection of F4 plants according to available selection criteria should lead to
greatly improved types.


The pedigree method of breeding is not the choice of most lentil breeders for
managing lentil-breedingmaterial. However, if the method is used, between 5 and
15 F, plants are sufficient to provide from 200 to 2000 F2 seeds. To allow for
successful selection, lentil plants need to be widely spaced so that individuals can
be observed for possible selection. The plastic branching habit of lentil plants is a

disadvantage of this method because when widely spaced for observation, their
performance may be entirely different from that in more densely sown stands as
used in commercial production. Also, for pedigree selection to succeed, readily
identifiable traits need to be available, which is not the case in lentil. However,
selection of the F, plants for traits with large heritability estimates (such as flow-
ering date, relative maturity, and seed size) is likely to be successful.
Characteristics that are considered desirable in lentil, such as upright growth
habit, greater branch number, earlier flowering, and suitable maturity dates, should
be readily distinguishable among F4families.
The F5 provides the first opportunity to observe selections in comparison to
standard check cultivars. Selected F, lines are usually sown in multirow plots that
have within- and between-row spacings similar to those used in farmer’s fields.
Preliminary yield trials may also be conducted. With this approach, line charac-
teristics can be observed in solid sowings and yield potential can be gauged. Lines
that meet the selection criteria of plant type, relative earliness, degree of branch-
ing, seed size and color, and yield are then retained and entered into advanced
yield trials in succeeding generations.
Slinkard, in Canada, has proposed a modification of the bulk method in which
individual F, plants are selected and evaluated for yield in the F, and later genera-
tions. The method, designated as the “F,-derived family method,” places early
emphasis on yield potential with the expectation that genes for yield can be ac-
tively selected for in early generations (Muehlbauer and Slinkard, 1985).

Single seed descent, in contrast to bulk population breeding, is not affected by
the method of plant culture since it does not depend on the numbers of seeds
produced by the genotypes involved. Therefore, this method is suitable for rapid
generation advance in greenhouses and growth chambers and, since only a small
population is needed, less time and space for advancing generations are required.
Haddad and Muehlbauer (1981) found that more genetic variability was main-
tained in the single seed descent method when compared to the bulk method and
that natural selection was operated in the bulk method against less competitive,
short-statured lentil genotypes. The single seed descent-derived populations had
10, 9, and 13% more erect lines in three hybrids when compared with the same
hybrids advanced by the bulk method.

The genes for resistance to pea seedborne mosaic virus and similar simply in-
herited genes in lentil are well suited to transfer to acceptable cultivars by means

of the backcross method. Good sources of resistance are available and resistant
plants are easily identified in segregating populations. Nevertheless, the backcross
method has not been widely used in lentil improvement programs.


Lentil-breeding programs throughout the world have similar objectives with

larger and more stable seed yield being the most important. Adaptation to stress
environments,especially to drought, and resistance to diseases and insects are also
major breeding objectives. Priorities and breeding goals usually differ between
regions depending on specific problems and special considerations related to
farmers’ needs and consumer demands. In the developing countries, for example,
one of the major breeding goals is the development of genotypes suitable for me-
chanical harvesting. Moreover, improving straw yield is also important because
of the value placed on lentil straw as animal feed and as residues for the control
of soil erosion. On the other hand, increased seed yield, improved disease resis-
tance, and improved seed quality are principal breeding goals in the major export-
ing countries.
Current objectives for lentil breeding in the major producing areas are as follows.


Increased seed and straw yields with acceptable quality are the principal objec-
tives in lentil breeding, but strategies for improvement differ. In North America,
Muehlbauer (1992) and Slinkard (1985) have emphasized the importance of en-
vironmental adaptation and disease resistance. In the Middle East, where erratic
and limited rainfall prevails in the lentil-producingareas, genotypes better adapted
to drying soil and hot weather are desired. Erskine (1985a) suggested that im-
proved yield could be achieved through the exploitation of genotype X environ-
ment interactions to identify genotypes for specific local environments instead of
relying on fewer genotypes that are more widely adapted.
Selection for improved yield and wider adaptation can be practiced within
landraces; however, little progress in yield can be anticipated when compared to
adapted landraces. The introgression of microsperma with macrosperma types
holds promise for crop improvement because the two types evolved from and be-
came important in different ecological regions and, therefore, are likely to possess
different genes and adaptive complexes. Summerfield (1981) pointed out that no
single factor has been or is likely to be identified that explains relative adaptation
to environments and that well-adapted genotypes would probably be endowed

with several individually unspectacular traits, the best combinations of which are
difficult to predict.
Larger straw and seed yields are often emphasized in those developing coun-
tries where straw is important for feed. The correlation between seed and straw
yields is strong and positive so simultaneous selection for both traits should be

The diseases of lentil are, in general, relatively less damaging than those of
most other food legume crops. However, there are some important and potentially
devastating diseases that include the wilthoot rot complex in the Indian subconti-
nent, rust in India and South America, and Ascochyta (Ascochytafabae f. sp.
lentis) blight and viruses in North America. Lentil genotypes resistant to various
races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis have been identified and can be used in
breeding programs (Kannaiyan et al., 1978; Khare, 1980). Screening for resis-
tance under field conditions can best be accomplished in wilt-sick plots (W. Er-
skine, personal communication).
Lentil rust ( U f a b a e ) is an important disease in India, Morocco, Pakistan, Ethi-
opia, Argentina, and Chile. Infection of susceptiblecultivars has caused up to 70%
yield losses in Chile and total field losses were observed in Morocco (Sakr,
198913). Sources of resistance have been identified in cultivars such as ‘Tekoa,’
‘Laird,’and ‘Arancana-INIA,’which are now in use in South America, as is ‘Pant-
L-406’ in India and ‘Precoz’ in Morocco (Pandya et al., 1980; Tay er al., 1981;
Muehlbauer and Slinkard, 1985; Sakr, 1989a).Several other lines resistant to rust
in India and Morocco have been used in breeding programs (Agrawal er al., 1976;
Khare et al., 1979). “Hot spots” for rust, such as Debre Zeit in Ethiopia and
Pantnagar in India, were suggested (Erskine, 1985a) to be useful locations for
establishing screening nurseries for rust resistance. Chemical control of rust was
very effective using Dithane-M45 as a foliar spray (Singh er al., 1985; Sakr,
Lentil Ascochyta blight attacks the leaves, stems, and pods and is an important
disease in parts of western Canada where frequent rains occur between flowering
and harvest. According to Gossen (1983, the fungus can be found in Argentina,
Brazil, Syria, Greece, Chile, and Pakistan. When seeds from 30 countries were
screened for Ascochyta infection, the fungus was isolated from seeds of 16 coun-
tries, including Australia, Canada, Ethiopia, Hungary, India, Italy, Morocco, Rus-
sia, Spain, Turkey, and Yugoslavia (Kaiser and Hannan, 1986). In some cases,
infection of seeds is so severe that lentils are unmarketable (Kaiser, 1981; Gossen
and Morral, 1983). Resistance sources have been identified in North America;
Laird, ILL 5588, and ILL 5684 have good resistance to the prevailing race(s) and

are used as resistant parents in crosses. Resistance in Laird is controlled by a

single recessive gene, ral,, while that of ILL 5588 and ILL 5684 is due to two
dominant genes, Ral, and Ral,. ILL 5588 also carries the ral, gene (Tay, 1989).
Natural infection, which can be obtained in cooler, moister parts of Saskatchewan,
is used for making selections. The mode of inheritance of resistance is not yet
Several viruses are reported to infect lentils (Kaiser and Eskandari, 1970; Kai-
ser, 1972; Haddad et al., 1978), and PSbMV is potentially serious because it can
be seedborne and is transmissible by aphids. Screening of the U.S. Department
of Agriculture collection indicated that PI lines 212610, 151786, 297745, and
368648 were immune to the virus. Jermyn (1980), in New Zealand, confirmed PI
2 12610 as resistant to aphids, pea seedborne mosaic virus, and other viruses. Even
though PSbMV has not been detected in farmers’ lentil fields in the United States,
Muehlbauer has begun to develop breeding materials immune to the virus. Incor-
poration of multiple disease resistance into breeding material and acceptable cul-
tivars is possible with the use of resistant germ plasm already identified. Pea ena-
tion mosiac virus, a natural pathogen of lentil, became a serious problem in lentil
production in the United States during the late 1980s and, as a result of screening
germplasm, PI 472547 and 472609 were identified as tolerant (Aydin et al., 1987).


Root rot/wilt caused by E oxysporum f. sp. lentis, Rhizoctoma solani, and Scle-
rotium rolfsii is an important disease complex of lentil in India where several
resistant lines have been identified (Pandey et al., 1988). Resistance to E oxy-
sporum in India was controlled by two dominant genes with duplicate interactions
in one line (L234) and complementary effects in two other lines (IL446 and
LP286). The genes in L234 were not allelic to those found in either ILL446 or
LP286 (Kamboj et al., 1990).
Root rot caused by Thielaviopsis basicola was first noticed in 1984 under field
conditions in eastern Washington and northern Idaho by Bowden el al. (1985).
Sources of partial resistance were identified in lentil-breeding lines.


Lentil is susceptible to several species of Orobanche, including 0. crenata and

0. ramosa (Basler, 1981). 0. crenata is the most important species, especially in
Mediterranean countries (Erskine, 1985a). Control of Orobanche is difficult be-
cause of the large number of wind-blown seeds which can be produced each year
and which may remain dormant in soil for several years thereafter.

Research at ICARDA has shown that lentil accessions can have different sus-
ceptibilities to the various Orobanche species. This finding suggests that selection
for resistance or tolerance should be possible (Basler and Haddad, 1979). Sauer-
born et al. (1987) have developed a rapid test to screen lentil for resistance to
Orobanche under laboratory conditions. After 35 days of incubation of lentil
seeds at 20-25" C in clay-filled petri dishes, Orobanche attachments to lentil roots
can be counted directly. Several lentil genotypes from India have shown satisfac-
tory tolerance to 0. crenata at ICARDA, but were poorly adapted to the cooler
weather of the Mediterranean region (Erskine, 1985a). Therefore, this resistance
source and others which might come to be identified in the future should be re-
combined with locally adapted material.

Little progress has been made in the identification of insect-resistant lentil germ
plasm (Clement et al., 1994). It is expected, however, that breeding for insect
resistance will become more important if insect problems increase with the spread
of newly developed cultivars.

Cultivars proposed for release must have quality that is acceptable to farmers
and consumers. Lentil quality is either related to obvious seed characters such as
seed size, testa, and cotyledon color or to the nutritional quality of seeds such as
their protein and methionine concentrations. Breeders in the Americas are con-
cerned about the development of large-seeded (macrosperma) lentils with yellow
cotyledons and light-green seedcoats (Muehlbauer and Slinkard, 1985) because of
export market demand. However, small-seeded red cotyledon lentils are often de-
sired elsewhere.
Evaluation of germ plasm for nutritional quality and seed decortication has be-
gun at ICARDA. Variability for each of these characters is available in the germ
plasm collection (Solh and Erskine, 1981).
Erskine et al. (1985) studied 24 small-seeded lentils and found a small range
in protein concentration of between 25.5 and 28.9% and a negative correlation
of protein concentration with seed yield ( r = - 0.94). However, increased seed
yield could be found without a significant decrease in protein concentration. In
the same study, they found that cooking time is more related to seed size and less
to environment, with a positive genetic correlation ( r = 0.92) between the two

Development of germ plasm that can be mechanically harvested is a principal
goal for many breeders in national programs within the Middle East, Southwest
Asia, and at ICARDA. Several traits are considered to be important for the suc-
cess of mechanical harvesting and include increased plant height, pods borne well
cabove the soil surface, erect growth habit, improved standing ability, reduced pod
dehiscence, and reduced pod drop.
A clearance of about 15 cm between the soil surface and the lowest pod is
considered necessary for successful mechanical cutting or pulling of lentil plants
(Khayrallah, 1981). This leads to the view that mechanical harvesting of lentil
would be facilitated by the introduction of tall cultivars with the lowermost pods
borne well above the soil surface (Solh and Erskine, 1984). Considerable genetic
variability for plant height and lowest pod height was found in the ICARDA col-
lection with ranges from 10 to 45 cm and from 6 to 30 cm for the two traits,
respectively (Solh and Erskine, 1981). It was also found that the two traits are
positively correlated (Haddad, 1979; Sakar, 1983) which indicates that selection
for both traits is possible. However, tall plants had a tendency to lodge (Haddad,
1979) and the traits were highly influenced by the environment (Saxena and Haw-
tin, 1981).
Relative pod indehiscence has been identified in lentil, and selection was fea-
sible for this trait simply by delaying harvest and allowing breeding materials to
be exposed to conditions conducive to seed and pod shatter followed by selection
of the most indehiscent plants. However, significant variability for pod retention,
which accounts for as much as twice the loss caused by pod dehiscence, does not
seem to be available (Erskine, 198%).
Nonlodging lentil cultivars could be a very important development toward the
success of mechanical harvesting in stony areas and also to reduce losses in those
areas where lentil is mechanically harvested. Erskine (1 985a) suggested that stem
thickness, stem lignification, and greatei tendril production may be important con-
tributions to lodging resistance in lentil.
Tall erect lentil types considered important for successful mechanized harvest
of lentil may have reduced yield potential. In the experience of the authors, erect
genotypes with acute branch angles tend to be relatively poor yielders and do not
compete well with weeds. Their poor competitive ability is the result of a reduced
ability of strongly erect genotypes to fill available space with a spreading branch
habit. By not covering the soil surface as rapidly as more spreading types, there
can be losses of limited soil moisture. Also, the slower rates of canopy closure in
upright types tend to provide an advantage to weeds, which then deplete water
even more. Genotypes that rapidly cover the soil surface and develop a full can-
opy should allow for successful mechanical harvest of acceptable seed and straw

It seems that variability for several traits contributing to successful mechanical

harvesting is available in lentil germ plasm. However, for traditional farmers in
the developing countries, mechanization of lentil harvest is a multidimensional
problem that can only be solved by careful attention to the cultivars in use and
by the local management practices employed. Proper equipment that provides a
smooth seedbed, planting with seed drills to ensure good crop establishment, and
harvesting equipment that is designed to collect the maximum amount of biomass
are all necessary for successful mechanical harvesting of lentil.

There are several other objectives which are either important for certain areas
or have been recently identified by breeders and which might be given more atten-
tion in the future: photothermal insensitivity, resistance to MCPB herbicide, re-
duced tannin concentration in testa, cytoplasmic male sterility, development of
lentil as an annual green manure crop, improving the seasonal fixation of nitro-
gen, and understanding the empty pod syndrome (Slinkard, 1980; Vaillancourt
and Slinkard, 1983; Erskine, 1985a; Muehlbauer and Slinkard, 1985).


The accelerated progress made in recent years toward a better understanding of

the genetics of lentil and the relation among wild forms should be the basis for
substantial future gains by breeding. Several topics that are in obvious need of
attention by breeders include: larger and more stable seed and biological yields;
resistance to diseases and insects; and better tolerance to heat and drought. The
germ plasm pool for lentils has been expanded by the availability of the wild
species and by the research that has shown that all the related forms of Lens share
a common gene pool. This common gene pool has not yet been exploited to any
significant extent for lentil crop improvement, but several programs are actively
utilizing the wild species for genetical studies and progenies are being evaluated
for important traits.
The limitations on lentil yields brought about in some regions by the crop being
grown on progressively poorer land because of the competition imposed by more
remunerative crops is a barrier that may be impossible to overcome.
Breeding programs have not focused on improving nitrogen fixation by lentil
crops. Estimates of fixation are small and indicate only nominal contributions to
the nitrogen status of the soil. However, the ability of lentils to fix some nitrogen

in marginal areas, albeit small amounts, may represent important contributions to

farming systems.
Breeding efforts have resulted in the development and release of cultivars which
have distinct advantages over previously grown landraces. These efforts have
been based on the ready availability of germ plasm and on accumulating genetic
information. Expanding efforts on genetics and genetic markers hold particular
promise for the eventual development of marker-based selection for genes that are
difficult to identify and manipulate. Excellent communication among lentil re-
searchers has developed and is fostered by the annual newsletter. The Lentil Ex-
perimental News Service (LENS), published by ICARDA, is available to all inter-
ested researchers on request.

Research on lentil at the University of Reading is generously supported by a grant to Rodney J.
Summerfield from the Overseas Development Administration of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth
Office-Plant Sciences Programme Adaptive Project R5496cb.

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