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Submitted by



In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of


Computer Engineering

Sigma Institute of Engineering

Bakrol, Ajwa Nimeta Road, Vadodara-

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

Sigma Institute of Engineering
Bakrol, Ajwa Nimeta Road, Vadodara-


This is to certify that the project report submitted along with the project entitled ART
GALLERY has been carried out by GODAVALE DHRUVESH VIJAYBHAI under
my guidance in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer
Engineering, 8th Semester of Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad during the
academic year 2021-22.

Dr. Sheshang Degadwala Dr. Sheshang Degadwala

Internal Guide Head of the Department

Company Certificate :
Sigma Institute of Engineering
Bakrol, Ajwa Nimeta Road, Vadodara-


We hereby declare that the Internship / Project report submitted along with the Internship
/ Project entitled ART GALLERY submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering in GODAVALE DHRUVESH VIJAYBHAI to Gujarat
Technological University, Ahmedabad, is a bonafide record of original project work
carried out by me / us at Sigma Institute of Engineering under the supervision of Dr.
Sheshang Degadwala and that no part of this report has been directly copied from any
students’ reports or taken from any other source, without providing due reference.

Name of the Student Sign of Student

294844 Overview of company


I am deeply grateful to the individuals and organizations who provided me

with essential support and cooperation throughout my project. Without their
assistance, my efforts would not have been possible.
First and foremost, I want to express my sincere thanks to my project guide, "
Dr. Sheshang Degadwala," for their constant supervision and guidance, as
well as for sharing crucial project details. Additionally, I want to extend my
appreciation to my colleagues and friends who contributed valuable input and
support throughout the project's development.
I am also grateful to " Sigma Institute of Engineering" for providing me
with all the necessary resources and a comfortable work environment to
complete my project. I would like to acknowledge the Head of Department, "
Sigma Institute of Engineering," for their encouragement and support in my
Overall, I am incredibly thankful to everyone who played a role in this
project's success, and
I could not have accomplished it without their generous help and support.

Gujarat Technological University 1 Sigma Institute of Engineering

294844 Overview of company


The aim of our project is to create a website for painters to sell their paintings
online. In our project we provide some features that are not available right now
on current system. We provide exhibition detail for interested people, who want
to know about the exhibition and need to check for newspaper for finding our website there will be a function of exhibition in which the painters
provide their detail for exhibition.

A digital web portal for artists to upload their paintings and for customers to
purchase them is an online platform that allows artists to showcase and sell their
artwork to a wide audience. The portal serves as a virtual gallery, where artists
can display their paintings in a visually appealing manner and customers can
browse through the collection and make purchases.

The digital portal can have various features such as a user-friendly interface,
easy navigation, and search options that allow customers to find the paintings
they are interested in. Artists can create profiles that showcase their portfolio,
and they can upload images of their paintings along with details such as the
medium used, dimensions, and pricing. Customers can browse through the
paintings and select the ones they want to purchase. They can also communicate
with the artist through messaging systems, which can be integrated into the
portal, to ask questions or discuss the paintings.

Overall, a digital web portal for artists and customers is a valuable tool for
artists to showcase their work and sell it to a wider audience. It provides a
convenient platform for customers to browse and purchase artwork and
communicate with the artist directly, leading to a more personalized and
engaging buying experience.

Gujarat Technological University 2 Sigma Institute of Engineering

294844 Overview of company

List of Figures
Fig 2.3.1 Waterfall Models...........................................................................................14
Fig 2.4.1 Requirement phase........................................................................................15
Fig 2.4.2 Analysis phase...............................................................................................16
Fig 2.4.3 Design phase..................................................................................................16
Fig 2.4.4 Implementation phase...................................................................................17
Fig 2.4.5 Testing phase.................................................................................................17
Fig 3.7.1 PERT/Gertt chart(first month)......................................................................24
Fig 3.7.2 PERT/Gertt (second month)..........................................................................25
Fig 3.7.3 PERT/Gertt (third month).............................................................................25
Fig 5.1.1 Element of Use case diagram........................................................................34
Fig Use case for admin.....................................................................................35
Fig Use case for seller.......................................................................................36
Fig Use case for customer.................................................................................37
Fig 5.1.2 Element of Sequence diagram.......................................................................38
Fig Sequence diagram for admin......................................................................39
Fig Sequence diagram for customer.................................................................40
Fig Sequence diagram for seller.......................................................................41
Fig 5.1.3 Element of Activity diagram.........................................................................42
Fig Activity diagram for admin........................................................................43
Fig Activity diagram for seller.........................................................................44
Fig Activity diagram for customer...................................................................45
Fig 5.1.4 Element of Class diagram..............................................................................46
Fig Class diagram for proposed system............................................................47
Fig 5.1.5 Element of ER diagram.................................................................................48
Fig ER diagram for proposed system...............................................................49
Fig 5.1.6 Element of Data Flow diagram.....................................................................50
Fig Level 0 for admin.......................................................................................50
Fig Level 1 for admin.......................................................................................51
Fig Level 1 for customer...................................................................................52
Fig Level 1 for seller........................................................................................53
Fig 5.2.1 cart.................................................................................................................54

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Fig 5.2.2 checkout.........................................................................................................54

Fig 5.2.3 city.................................................................................................................55
Fig 5.2.4 ci_sessions.....................................................................................................55
Fig 5.2.5 customer........................................................................................................56
Fig 5.2.6 exhibition_details...........................................................................................56
Fig 5.2.7 favorite...........................................................................................................57
Fig 5.2.8 order..............................................................................................................57
Fig 5.2.9 order_details..................................................................................................58
Fig 5.2.10 order_items..................................................................................................58
Fig 5.2.11 paintings......................................................................................................59
Fig 5.2.12 registration...................................................................................................59
Fig 5.2.13 payment.......................................................................................................60
Fig 5.2.14 shipping.......................................................................................................60
Fig 6.3.1 Login.............................................................................................................64
Fig 6.3.2 Registration....................................................................................................64
Fig 6.3.3 Home Page....................................................................................................65
Fig 6.3.4 Categories.....................................................................................................66
Fig 6.3.5 Exhibition......................................................................................................67
Fig 6.3.6 Cart................................................................................................................67
Fig 6.3.7 Payment.........................................................................................................68
Fig 6.3.8 About Us.......................................................................................................68

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List of Tables
Table 7.2.1 Test case for admin......................................................................................78
Table 7.2.2 Test case for seller.......................................................................................79
Table 7.2.2 Test case for customer.................................................................................80

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PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

API Application Programming Interface
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
JS JavaScript
SQL Structured Query Language
UI User Interface
UX User Experience
CMS Content Management System
MVC Model-View-Controller
CDN Content Delivery Network
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
OOP Object-Oriented Programming
CRUD Create, Read, Update, Delete
JSON JavaScript Object Notation

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Table of Contents
List of Figures...............................................................................................................iii
List of Tables..................................................................................................................v
List of
Table of Contents.........................................................................................................vii
1. Overview of the Company.....................................................................................1
1.1 History......................................................................................................................1
1.2 Different product / scope of work.............................................................................3
1.3 Organization chart....................................................................................................7
1.4 Capacity of plant.....................................................................................................10
2. Overview of different plant/unit/department/shop of the organization and
Layout of theproduction/process being carried out in company.....................13
2.1 It includes the details about the work being carried out in each department..........13
2.2 List the technical specifications of major equipment used in each department.....13
2.3 Prepare schematic layout which shows the sequence of operation for
manufacturing of end product................................................................................14
2.4 Explain in details about each stage of production..................................................15
3. Introduction to Project.........................................................................................19
3.1 Project / Internship Summary – Key To a good summary is the FIRST sentence,
which MUST contain the most essential information that you wish to convey.....19
3.2 Purpose...................................................................................................................19
3.3 Objective.................................................................................................................19
3.4 Scope (what it can do and can’t do).......................................................................20
3.5 Technology and Literature Review........................................................................21
3.6 Project / Internship Planning..................................................................................22
3.6.1 Project / Internship Development Approach and Justification......................22
3.6.2 Project / Internship Effort and Time, Cost Estimation..................................23
3.6.3 Roles and Responsibilities.............................................................................24
3.7 Project / Internship Scheduling (Gantt Chart/PERT/Network Chart)....................24
4. System Analysis.....................................................................................................25
4.1 Study of Current System.........................................................................................25

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4.2 Problem and Weaknesses of Current System.........................................................25

4.3 Requirements of New System................................................................................26
4.4 System Feasibility...................................................................................................27
4.4.1 Does the system contribute to the overall objectives of the organization? . 27
4.4.2 Can the system be implemented using the current technology and within the
given cost and schedule constraints..............................................................28
4.4.3 Can the system be integrated with other systems which are already in place?
4.5 Activity / Process in New System / Proposed System............................................29
4.6 Features of New System / Proposed System..........................................................30
4.7 List Main Modules / Components / Processes / Techniques of New System /
Proposed System....................................................................................................31
4.8 Selection of Hardware / Software / Algorithms / Methodology / Techniques /
Approaches and Justification..................................................................................32
5. System Design.......................................................................................................34
5.1 System Design & Methodology..............................................................................34
5.2 Database Design / Data Structure Design / Circuit Design / Process Design /
Structure Design.....................................................................................................35
6. Implementation.....................................................................................................61
6.1 Implementation Platform / Environment................................................................62
6.2 Process / Program / Technology / Modules Specification......................................62
6.3 Finding / Results / Outcomes..................................................................................64
7. Testing....................................................................................................................69
7.1 Testing Plan / Strategy............................................................................................69
7.2 Test Results and Analysis.......................................................................................70
7.2.1 Test Cases............................................................................................................70
8. Conclusion and Discussion...................................................................................73
8.1 Overall Analysis of Internship / Project Viabilities...............................................73
8.4 Dates of Continuous Evaluation (CE-I and CE-II)................................................74
8.5 Problem Encountered and Possible Solutions........................................................75
8.6 Summary of Internship / Project work...................................................................76
8.7 Limitation and Future Enhancement......................................................................77

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294844 Overview of company

1.0 Overview of the Company

1.1 History

BrainyBeam Technologies Pvt Ltd is established in 2009-10. We believe to work with

less but highly qualified and experienced developers. We have small team of 80+
developers. We follow standard software development process. We are well known for
on time delivery of high quality and secure products.

Company follows standard software development process. We are well known for on
time delivery of high quality and secure products. We implement standard security
protocols for software development.

BrainyBeam is an innovative web and mobile app development company in India and USA
that has specialization and expertise in developing Web and Mobile application for
organization in various verticals such as Retail, Travel, Construction, Entertainment,
Lifestyle, Social Networking and Education.

Experienced Team
Developers love what they do and the people they work with. The team is half-split between

developers, designers, quality analysts and project managers. All of them who work at

BrainyBeam share the vision and values of development community. Developers are driven by the

idea that the best work is born when diligence mixes with fun and creativity mixes with

professionalism, which makes their process unique.

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Certified Developers
Company has highly skilled certified
developers in different technologies.

 Java Certified developers

 Microsoft (MCSD)
 Amazon Web Services (AWS
Certified Developer - Associate
 Cloudera (CCDH)
 Oracle (APEX)
 Red Hat
 Salesforce Developers
 Professional
Scrum Developer I (PSD I)

BrainyBeam understand importance of punctuality in software industry and

they believe to deliver high quality and secure products on time.

BrainyBeam have good record to prepare project timeline and deliver work on defined
timeline. Team has a good track record in last 5 years. Developers haven’t delayed a single
app/web project in past 5 years. BrainyBeam have good combination of technical
department and management to make sure that developers are punctual for delivery and
client meetings.

Management Team
Company has highly experienced
management team responsible for project
management, sales, delivery and client
meetings. There are several causes for
project delay from management side. Our
team works smart to avoid delays. We
have policies for management team to
avoid delay in client meetings and

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1.2 Different product / scope of work

On the following Technologies company is providing the solution of the clients

Android Development
Convert your ideas with Android app! We have highly
qualified and experienced team of Android apps
development. We have worked on wide range of
customized and user friendly

iOS Development

Convert your ideas with iOS app! We have elegant

team to develop iPhone, iPad, iWatch applications. Our
team is capable to work with wide range of customized
and user-friendly apps.

IoT Development
We have elegant team for IoT Development including
apps and hardware. We are working on IOT since
2014. Device to device connectivity (Internet of
Things) is currently revolutionizing the

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Windows Development
We have experienced small team for Windows
development. We deal with Windows desktop,
tablet and phone application development. We
are working with latest technologies like
XAML and

Web Development
We have highly skilled team of web and
eCommerce developers. We work with latest
technologies like Core PHP, WordPress,
Drupal, Joomla, Magento, AngularJS, ROR,
Html 5, .NET and Java.

Enterprise Solutions
Our team has good understanding of
marketplace and enterprise. We never miss
our deadline and our team never
compromise on our standards to achieve best
quality of work

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We offer website development services

in affordable price accordingly to the
client's expectations completely. Our
website development services are the
most successful services in providing
cost effective solutions for website
development solutions. Our web
development services are highly reliable,
secure and scalable web development
application solutions in affordable price
accordingly to the expectations of clients
completely. Our web development
services are highly superior and
professional services to reach the global
identity for successful business for web
development services. We have a team of
experienced web developers for PHP,
ASP .Net, and Open sources like Joomla,
WordPress and Magento and PHP web
development software
solutions to the clients completely.

Creative design for your


We gained the experience of working with

leading MNCs to build internet- based
software application and in turn to increase
their efficiency.
As the modern programmers, we are
familiar with all the latest techniques of
PHP programming with creation of database
in My SQL. We make use of the

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294844 Overview of company

technologies of AJAX application as it can

reduce the interaction time online by
introducing AJAX Engine as a mediator
between the user and the server. The
ultimate goal of a successful online
endorsement is to have a user-friendly site
which is listed top in the search engine
results while providing a rich user
experience to its visitors. Our qualified team
of developers and graphical user interface
design experts can blend your portal
creation and search engine marketing goals
into one organized approach.

 Gaming Solution  Corporate solutions

 E-commerce solutions  Event solutions
 Real Estate solutions  Health solutions
 Social networking

Website development at BrainyBeam Pvt Ltd.

As a web development company, we provide professional website designing and website

development services, ecommerce website development, web application development,
web design, offshore website design and development (PhP,, MySQL, MS SQL
server, java Script, Oracle, HTML/XML, visual basic), Flash design and Development, Flash
custom animation, Tutorials, Corporate Presentations, CBTs, Logo Designing Graphics and
Print Design Solutions etc. Effectiveness, high motivation, and high level of professional
expertise are three major keys, which help [Company's] experienced web application and
software developers open the doors to a successful completion of all their projects, from
simple to intricate.

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 Able understand both back-end  Invests time in explore and

and front-end development development
 Do not specialize in only one  Pliable to change
back-end technology
 Has an exhaustive testing
 Must follow best exercises process, including automated
 Apply source control tests
 Understanding of advertising
schemes encompassing the

1.3 Organization chart

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1.4 Capacity of plant


Planning is crucial to ensure expected output and our team of strategists,

developers, designers, marketers and administrators hatch out a detailed plan
for the entire development process for every single app. WE understand
Deeply below points before we start project:

 Understand Concept of Project

 Conceptualizing the Idea
 In-depth Research and Planning
 Requirement And Estimation Approval

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Design and Develop

To us, design is much more than just the aesthetics. It's about the functionality. We want
your users to have the best experience with your digital business, so we focus on making
user experience intriguing, addictive, intuitive and friendly. And With error free, clean
coded and highly customizable development being high in demand, we follow agile
application development process to address errors and issues with concurrent testing and
proactive fixes at every step.

 Study Demographics and Use Cases

 Emotional design with colors
 UX Personalization
 Release Plan
 Coding with stipulated timeframe
 Full stack backend development

Now starts the real excitement, when you can see your website or app being brought to
life! We put the whole developed plan into action by creating a beta version of your
product. Each module of the project is scrupulously tested and goes through multiple
testing phases under various environments and conditions to ensure the best result.

 Unit Testing
 Desktop/Mobile App Testing
 Web Application Testing
 Prototype Testing
 Test Automation
 Performance Testing
 Functionality and Usability Testing
 Integrated Systems Testing
 Device Compatibility
 Cross-browser Testing
 Cloud-based Testing
 Security Testing

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Get ready to see your finished masterpiece! After all of the testing has been completed
and after incremental quality assurance, our experts deploy the end product on respective
app stores and web browsers, assuring the passing of the fickle approval process and the
standards of the online stores.

 Release to live environment

 Ensure integrity
 Post-deployment maintenance and support

We boast of a highly experienced support team to help our customers achieve business
objectives through the app. We ensure guiding your app to success with continuous post
development support.

 Lifetime support
 Dedicated team for maintenance
 Dedicated team for bug resolving
 Dedicated developers for future changes

Gujarat Technological University 20 Sigma Institute of Engineering

294844 Overview of process being carried out in company

2. Overview of process being carried out in company

2.1 It includes the details about the work being carried out in
each department.
Data Science Department:

The Data Science department typically focuses on the analysis of large and complex data
sets using various techniques such as statistical analysis, machine learning, and data mining.
They work on developing models that can help predict outcomes or find patterns in data that
can be used to improve business operations. They also collaborate with other departments to
integrate data-driven solutions into various products and services.

Android Department:

The Android department is responsible for developing applications for the Android
operating system. They work on designing, developing, and testing mobile applications that
can run on a variety of Android devices. They also collaborate with other departments such
as UX/UI designers to ensure that the app is user-friendly and visually appealing.

Web Development Department:

The Web Development department typically focuses on creating websites and web
applications. They work on designing, developing, and maintaining websites and web
applications using various technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side
scripting languages like PHP, Python, or Ruby. They also collaborate with other
departments such as UX/UI designers to ensure that the website or application is user-
friendly and visually appealing.

2.2 List the technical specifications of major equipment used in each

Data Science Department:

Python: An open-source programming language used for data analysis, machine learning,
and scientific computing. It supports multiple programming paradigms and has a large
ecosystem of libraries and tools.

R: A programming language and environment used for statistical computing and graphics. It
provides a wide range of statistical and graphical techniques and has a large collection of

Jupyter Notebook: A web-based interactive computing environment used for creating and
sharing documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text.

Tableau: A business intelligence and data visualization tool used for creating interactive
dashboards and visualizations. It supports various data sources and provides a drag-and-drop
interface for creating visualizations.

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294844 Overview of process being carried out in company

Android Department:

Android Studio: An integrated development environment (IDE) used for developing Android
applications. It provides a visual layout editor, code editor, and debugging tools.

Java: A programming language used for developing Android applications. It provides a rich
set of libraries and tools for building mobile applications.

Kotlin: A programming language that can be used for developing Android applications. It
provides concise syntax, null safety, and interoperability with Java.

Gradle: A build automation tool used for building and managing Android projects. It
provides a flexible and customizable build system.

Web Development Department:

HTML: A markup language used for creating web pages. It provides a set of tags and
attributes for defining the structure and content of web pages.

CSS: A stylesheet language used for describing the presentation of web pages. It provides a
set of rules and properties for styling web pages.

JavaScript: A programming language used for creating dynamic and interactive web pages.
It provides a rich set of APIs for manipulating the HTML and CSS of web pages.

PHP: A server-side scripting language used for developing web applications. It provides a
rich set of functions and libraries for handling web requests and generating dynamic content.

2.3 Prepare schematic layout which shows the sequence of operation

for manufacturing of end product.

Fig 2.3.1 Waterfall model diagram

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294844 Overview of process being carried out in company

2.4 Explain in details about each stage of production.

Process Model: Ultimately, the goal of any software development model be to Provides
dependable software that cater to the needs of any given client. The software engineering
development team uses a number of methods to produce a reliable and cost-effective model.
This section Provides an overview of the many approaches used in the software development
life cycle.

Waterfall Model: In software development, the Waterfall model is the most elementary
paradigm for ensuring the continuity of individual steps. This model easily be understood
and processed by oneself. It also prevents any duplication of effort across departments.
This model uses linear flow in which each stage is completed before moving on to the next.
Several stages not be completed simultaneously.

Requirements: The customer requirements for the end product are gathered at the beginning
of the project and compiled into a requirements document to guide the process. These
requirements generally list what the application should do without considering how it will be
accomplished. By gathering the requirements at the start of the project, it eliminates the need
for further customer involvement and allows the team to plan every other phase.

Fig 2.4.1: Requirement phase diagram

Analysis: This is the stage when you review the requirements and develop a design to meet
them. Once the requirements have been gathered, the system is then evaluated to gauge the
tools needed and to create the models that will be used in the finished application. Here, your
team identifies the path it will take to deliver a solution and the relevant specifications.

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Fig 2.4.2: Analysis phase diagram

Design: During this stage, designers gather any and all requirements that may arise for the
built system and define them in a document known as a requirement specification. The
system's needs and the collected data from the previous stage are analyzed during this stage.
Following the data collection stage is the analysis stage. It was also employed in the
development of several product designs and the system's overall architecture. These designs
are critical for comprehending the Hardware and software requirements that must be
addressed throughout product development.

Fig 2.4.3: Design phase diagram

Implementation: It is during this phase that the actual code is written to meet the
specifications, models and requirements that were outlined in the previous phases. Some
testing may take place, and if significant changes are required during this stage, this may
mean going back to the design phase.

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Fig 2.4.4: Implementation phase diagram

Testing: Once the code has been written, beta testers, quality assurance and any other
relevant testers explore the application systematically to discover any issues or defects within
the software. This phase, also known as the verification phase, usually necessitates a repeat of
the coding phase to address any bugs that are found. Occasionally this phase also involves the
customer, allowing them to test the product to ensure that all requirements have been
appropriately met.

Fig 2.4.5: Testing phase diagram

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Maintenance: After testing has been completed, the application is ready to be released. This
final phase often consists of ongoing support by keeping the application current and
functional, as well as addressing any bugs or errors when they are found.

Fig 2.4.6: Maintenance phase diagram

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294844 Introduction to project

3. Introduction to Project
3.1 Project / Internship Summary

The art gallery project is a web-based application developed using PHP programming
language that aims to showcase various artworks and exhibits. The project includes features
such as user registration, login, and profile management, where users can create and manage
their profiles, upload their artworks, and view other users' artworks. Additionally, the
project includes an admin panel, where administrators can manage the contents of the
website, such as adding new exhibits, approving user submissions, and managing user

The art gallery project utilizes PHP's powerful server-side scripting capabilities to provide
an interactive and engaging user experience. The project is designed to be scalable, efficient,
and easy to use, making it an ideal solution for art galleries and museums looking to
showcase their collections online. With its robust set of features and intuitive user interface,
the art gallery project is sure to attract and engage users who appreciate art and culture.

3.2 Purpose

The purpose of developing an Art Gallery project using PHP is to create an online platform
that allows artists to showcase their works to a wider audience and to provide art enthusiasts
with a convenient way to purchase artwork. The project aims to create a community of artists
and buyers, where artists can get exposure for their works and buyers can discover and
purchase unique and beautiful artwork online.

By developing an Art Gallery project using PHP, the project will have the ability to manage
user accounts, store artwork details and transaction records, and provide a secure shopping
cart system for buyers to make purchases. PHP is a popular programming language for web
development, and it has the capability to handle large amounts of data and create dynamic
web pages, making it an ideal choice for developing an online Art Gallery.

Furthermore, the Art Gallery project in PHP will allow administrators to manage user
accounts, approve or reject artwork submissions, and monitor transactions, making it easier to
maintain and manage the platform.

In summary, the purpose of developing an Art Gallery project in PHP is to provide a platform
that connects artists and buyers, allowing them to showcase and purchase artwork online
conveniently and securely.

3.3 Objective
There are several objectives of developing a digital platform where artists can upload their
paintings and customers can communicate with the artist. Some of them are:

Providing a platform for artists to showcase their work: By creating a digital platform,
artists can showcase their work to a global audience. This platform can enable them to reach
more customers than they would have through traditional galleries.

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294844 Introduction to project

Creating a community of artists and customers: The digital platform can serve as a
community where artists and customers can interact, communicate and share their views.
This can create a sense of belonging for both groups and help in fostering a better
understanding of the art world.

Facilitating sales: By allowing artists to upload their paintings and providing a platform for
customers to communicate with them directly, the platform can help facilitate sales. This can
also eliminate the need for intermediaries and make the transaction process smoother.

Providing a range of options for customers: Customers can browse through a range of
paintings uploaded by artists and select the one that suits their preferences. This can give
them a wide range of options to choose from, which may not have been available otherwise.

Encouraging collaboration: The digital platform can encourage collaboration between

artists and customers. Customers can communicate with the artists and provide feedback,
which can help artists improve their work. This can also lead to the creation of customized
artwork, which can be a unique selling point for the platform.

Overall, the development of a digital platform where artists can upload their paintings and
customers can communicate with the artist can help in creating a vibrant community of artists
and customers, while also providing a platform for artists to showcase their work and
facilitate sales.

3.4 Scope (what it can do and can’t do)

The scope of developing an Art Gallery project using PHP includes the following

Artist Profile Management: The project will allow artists to create profiles and upload
images of their artwork, as well as provide descriptions of their work.

Artwork Showcase: The project will allow artists to showcase their works to potential
buyers, and buyers can browse through categories, such as paintings, sculptures, or

Shopping Cart System: The project will provide a shopping cart system for buyers to make
purchases securely and conveniently.

Secure Payment System: The project will provide a secure payment system for buyers to
make purchases using various payment methods.

Administrator Dashboard: The project will have an administrator dashboard, where

administrators can manage user accounts, approve or reject artwork submissions, and monitor

However, there are certain limitations to the scope of the Art Gallery project in PHP, including:

The project does not include the physical delivery of artworks. It only provides a platform for
artists and buyers to connect and make transactions online.

The project does not include any authentication or authorization mechanisms, such as login or
user roles. Users can browse and purchase artwork without having to create an account.

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The project does not include any shipping or handling functionalities. It is the responsibility
of the buyer and the artist to make arrangements for the delivery of the artwork.

In summary, the Art Gallery project in php provides a platform for artists to showcase their
work, buyers to purchase artwork securely, and administrators to manage user accounts and
monitor transactions.

3.5 Technology and Literature Review

Literature Review
There has been significant research on the development of digital platforms for artists to
upload their paintings and for customers to communicate with them. Here are some

In a study published in the International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile

Computing, researchers developed an online platform where artists can upload their paintings
and customers can purchase them directly from the artist. The platform also allowed
customers to communicate with the artists and provide feedback. The study found that the
platform was effective in facilitating sales and improving customer satisfaction.

In a research paper published in the International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
Invention, researchers studied the impact of digital platforms on the art market. They found
that digital platforms had a significant impact on the art market, enabling artists to reach a
wider audience and creating new opportunities for sales.

In a study published in the Journal of Business Research, researchers examined the impact of
digital platforms on the relationship between artists and customers. They found that digital
platforms helped to strengthen the relationship between

Indeed, online trading of art is not a new phenomenon, as many websites were founded
during the “ boom” era in the 1990s (Adam, 2014, p. 121). However, the majority of
these sites have disappeared because trading artworks requires “proximity and physical,
tactile interactions” between consumers and artworks (Veldhuis and Curioni, 2015, p. 18).
Moreover, at that time, the aesthetic experience of users was often disturbed by technical
difficulties (Horowitz, 2012). Despite these significant changes in the art market, the
adoption of the internet for trading artworks has been much slower than in other product

Nevertheless, existing research pays little attention to the online market for transactions of
artworks (henceforth referred to as the online art market), with the exception of Khaire
(2015) who has analysed the functional characteristics of online firms by analyzing the
operating systems of firms rather than their users. In this current study, we will address this
gap by examining user participation in the online art market with respect to the valuation
system of contemporary art. Given the challenge of evaluating artworks for their uncertain
value (Hirsch, 1972), the examination of the process by which the value and meaning of
visual artworks are generated in the online market could provide valuable insights to scholars
working within the field of arts marketing and branding (Hewer et al., 2013; Kerrigan et al.,
2011; Lee et al., 2018; Lee and Lee, 2016; Muñiz et al., 2014; Preece et al., 2016; Preece and
Kerrigan, 2015; Rodner and Preece, 2015; Schroeder, 2005).

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Technology Review
The technology review for developing an Art Gallery project using PHP includes:

PHP: PHP is a server-side scripting language that is widely used for web development. It is
ideal for developing dynamic web pages, handling forms, and interacting with databases.

MySQL: MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. It is widely

used for web development because of its stability, reliability, and ease of use. MySQL can
handle large amounts of data, making it ideal for storing user information, artwork details,
and transaction records.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: HTML is a markup language used for creating web pages.
CSS is a stylesheet language used for controlling the visual appearance of web pages, and
JavaScript is a programming language used for adding interactivity to web pages. Together,
they are used for the front-end design of the website.

Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that provides a set of pre-designed UI

components, such as forms, buttons, and navigation bars. It can help speed up the
development process and ensure that the website is responsive and mobile-friendly.

Payment Gateway: A payment gateway is a service that allows buyers to make payments
securely. Popular payment gateways include PayPal, Stripe, and Braintree.

Web Server: A web server is a software application that processes HTTP requests from
clients and sends responses back. Popular web server include Apache.

Code Editor: A code editor is a software application used for writing and editing code.
Popular code editors include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom.

In summary, the Art Gallery project in PHP requires the use of PHP and MySQL for the
back- end, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front-end design, Bootstrap for UI
components, a payment gateway for secure payments, a web server for processing HTTP
requests, and a code editor for writing and editing code.

3.6 Project / Internship Planning

3.6.1 Project / Internship Development Approach and Justification

The project development approach for developing an Art Gallery project using PHP is a
waterfall model. The waterfall model is a linear approach to software development that
follows a sequential process of requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, and

Justification for using a waterfall model includes:

Clear requirements: The waterfall model is suitable when the project requirements are well-
defined and understood, which is often the case with an art gallery project.

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Predictable timeline and budget: The waterfall model allows for a predictable timeline and
budget as each phase has a clear objective and timeline.

Documentation: The waterfall model emphasizes documentation, making it easier to

understand the project's history and future development.

Stability: The waterfall model is less prone to changes as each phase must be completed
before moving to the next, making it easier to manage the project scope.

Well-defined deliverables: The waterfall model emphasizes the delivery of specific, well-
defined deliverables at each phase, making it easier to monitor progress.

In summary, the waterfall model is suitable for developing an art gallery project using PHP as
the requirements are well-defined and understood, and a predictable timeline and budget are

3.6.2 Project / Internship Effort and Time, Cost Estimation

The effort and time required for the Book Space - A web Application for the art gallery PHP
project will depend on various factors such as project complexity, team size, technical
requirements, and project development approach. However, based on our initial planning and
estimation, we anticipate the following effort and time requirements for the project:

Project Planning: 2 weeks

The project planning phase will involve gathering and analyzing requirements, creating a
project plan, and identifying project risks.

Design: 2 weeks

The design phase will involve creating wireframes, designing the user interface, and creating
the database schema.

Development: 4 weeks

The development phase will involve implementing the frontend and backend functionality,
integrating APIs and payment gateways, and testing.

Testing: 2 weeks

The testing phase will involve testing the application for functionality, usability, and security.

Deployment: 2 weeks

The deployment phase will involve deploying the application on a web server, configuring
the server, and ensuring the application is ready for production.

Overall, we anticipate a total effort of 12 weeks for the Art Gallery project.

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Cost Estimation
Cost estimation for developing an Art Gallery project using PHP will depend on several
factors, including the size and complexity of the project, the number of features, the number
of developers, the time required to develop the project, and the hourly rate of the developers.

Some of the key cost factors to consider are:

Developer Fees: The developer's fees depends on the hourly rate charged by the developer or
development team, the number of hours required to complete the project, and the level of
expertise required.

Project Management: The cost of project management depends on the complexity of the
project, the number of team members, and the amount of time required to manage the project.

Infrastructure: The infrastructure required for the project, such as servers, hosting, and
domain names, will also contribute to the cost.

Design and Graphics: The cost of design and graphics depends on the level of expertise
required, the number of designs required, and the amount of time required to complete the
design work.

Testing and Quality Assurance: The cost of testing and quality assurance depends on the
complexity of the project and the amount of time required to complete the testing process.

3.7 Project / Internship Scheduling (Gantt Chart/PERT/Network Chart)

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4. System Analysis
4.1 Study of Current
An existing manual system where artists can upload their paintings and customers can
communicate with the artist to purchase those paintings can involve physical galleries, art
exhibitions, or social media platforms.

Physical galleries and art exhibitions allow artists to showcase their paintings and attract
potential customers. Customers can visit the gallery or exhibition and view the paintings in
person. They can communicate with the artist to ask questions and discuss the artwork. If the
customer is interested in purchasing a painting, they can make the payment directly to the
artist or the gallery.

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest also provide a manual
system for artists to upload their paintings and for customers to communicate with the artist
to purchase the paintings. Artists can create pages or accounts to showcase their artwork, and
customers can browse through the paintings and communicate with the artist through direct
messaging or commenting on the artwork. If the customer is interested in purchasing a
painting, they can communicate with the artist to arrange the payment and delivery of the

However, the manual system may have limitations such as the reach and visibility of the
artwork to a limited audience. Physical galleries and exhibitions are often location-based and
may not be accessible to a wider audience. Social media platforms may have limitations in
terms of the size and quality of images, and it may be difficult to verify the authenticity and
quality of the artwork. Payment and delivery can also be challenging, as it requires
communication and trust between the artist and the customer.

A digital web portal for artists and customers can overcome these limitations by providing a
more accessible and convenient platform for artists to showcase their artwork and for
customers to purchase directly from the artist.

4.2 Problem and Weaknesses of Current System

The manual system where artists can upload their paintings and customers can communicate
with the artist to purchase those paintings can have several problems, including:

Limited Reach: Physical galleries and exhibitions are often location-based, which means
that the audience for the artwork is limited to those who are able to visit the gallery or
exhibition in person. Social media platforms may also have limitations in terms of the
audience reach, depending on the number of followers or connections an artist has.

Limited Visibility: Physical galleries and exhibitions may have limited opening hours, which
can make it difficult for customers to view the artwork. Social media platforms may have
limitations in terms of the size and quality of images, which can make it difficult for
customers to see the details of the artwork.

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Communication Challenges: In a manual system, communication between the artist and the
customer may be limited to in-person or social media messaging, which can be inefficient
and time-consuming. This can make it difficult for customers to ask questions or discuss the
artwork with the artist.

Authenticity and Quality: In a manual system, it may be difficult for customers to verify the
authenticity and quality of the artwork, especially if they are unable to view the artwork in
person. This can lead to a lack of trust and confidence in the purchase.

4.3 Requirements of New System

There are several differences between a manual system where artists can upload their
paintings and customers can communicate with the artist to purchase those paintings, and a
digital web portal where artists can upload their paintings and customers can communicate
with the artist to purchase those paintings. Here are some of the key differences:

Reach and Visibility: In a manual system, the reach and visibility of the artwork are often
limited to the physical location of the gallery or exhibition, or the number of followers or
connections on social media platforms. In contrast, a digital web portal can potentially reach
a wider audience, as it is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

Convenience: A digital web portal provides a more convenient way for artists to showcase
their artwork and for customers to browse and purchase artwork, as it is accessible 24/7 and
from anywhere. In contrast, a manual system may have limited opening hours or require
physical travel to view the artwork.

Communication: A digital web portal provides integrated messaging systems that allow
customers to communicate directly with the artist, which can be more efficient and
personalized compared to a manual system, where communication may be limited to in-
person or social media messaging.

Authenticity and Quality: A digital web portal can offer measures to verify the authenticity
and quality of the artwork, such as ratings and reviews from previous customers. In contrast,
a manual system may rely on the customer's judgment and personal experience.

Overall, a digital web portal for artists and customers provides several advantages over a
manual system in terms of reach, convenience, communication, payment and delivery, and
authenticity and quality.

4.4 System Feasibility

4.4.1 Does the system contribute to the overall objectives of the organization?
Yes, the Art Gallery project developed using PHP contributes to the overall objectives of the
organization. An Art Gallery project can help an organization in several ways, such as:

Increase Revenue: An Art Gallery project helps an organization increase revenue by

allowing them to sell artwork online, reach a wider audience, and expand their customer base.

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Brand Awareness: An Art Gallery project helps an organization increase brand awareness
by showcasing their artwork and providing information about the artists they represent.

Improved Customer Experience: An Art Gallery project improves the customer experience
by providing a user-friendly interface for browsing and purchasing artwork, and offering
features such as search filters, reviews, and ratings.

Streamlined Processes: An Art Gallery project helps an organization streamline their

processes by automating tasks such as inventory management, order processing, and payment

Data Collection and Analysis: An Art Gallery project helps an organization collect and
analyze data on customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing habits, which is used to
improve marketing strategies and product offerings.

Overall, an Art Gallery project developed using PHP contributes to the overall objectives of
the organization by improving revenue, brand awareness, customer experience, and business
processes, while also providing valuable data for analysis and decision-making.

4.4.2 Can the system be implemented using the current technology and within the
given cost and schedule constraints

To ensure that the system can be implemented within the given constraints, it is important to
carefully evaluate the technology stack and tools to be used, as well as to establish a realistic
project timeline and budget. The team responsible for the project is also continuously
monitor the project's progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it stays on

Additionally, effective communication and collaboration between all members of the project
team can help ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and can help identify
and address any issues or challenges that may arise during the development process.

In summary, while it is important to evaluate the specific details of the project's technology,
cost, and schedule constraints, with proper planning, communication, and collaboration, it is
possible for the system to be implemented within these constraints.

4.4.3 Can the system be integrated with other systems which are already inplace?

Yes, the Art Gallery project developed using PHP can be integrated with other systems that
are already in place. Integration is the process of connecting different systems or
applications to work together seamlessly and share data between them.

There are several approaches to integrating the Art Gallery project with other systems,
depending on the specific requirements of the project and the existing systems.

Some common integration approaches include:

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API-based integration: APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) can be used to

integrate the Art Gallery project with other systems by providing a standard interface for
exchanging data and requests.

Middleware-based integration: Middleware systems can be used to connect different

systems and applications, providing a centralized platform for data exchange and

Database-level integration: Integrating the Art Gallery project with other systems at the
database level can enable data sharing and synchronization between different systems.

Custom integration: Custom integration solutions can be developed to meet specific

integration requirements of the Art Gallery project and other systems.

In summary, integrating the Art Gallery project with other systems is possible and depends
on the specific integration requirements and the existing systems. Selecting the appropriate
integration approach and implementing it in a scalable and maintainable manner is essential
to achieving a successful integration.

4.5 Activity / Process in New System / Proposed System

The Art Gallery project developed using PHP can be divided into several modules, each
containing its own set of activities or processes. The following is a detailed overview of the
activities involved in each module:

User Management Module:

User registration and login functionality

User profile management
Role-based access control implementation
Password management and security measures

Artwork Management Module:

Adding/editing artwork information such as title, artist, description, year, medium, etc.
Uploading artwork images or videos
Searching and filtering artwork based on various criteria
Assigning categories or tags to artwork for easy organization
Integration with third-party payment gateway for online sales

Exhibition Management Module:

Creating and managing exhibitions with details such as title, location, date, description, etc.
Associating artwork with exhibitions
Creating exhibition schedules and ticketing functionality
Adding/editing exhibition-related media such as images, videos, or audio guides
Generating and sending invitations to potential attendees

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Sales Management Module:

Managing artwork inventory and tracking sales

Generating invoices and receipts
Managing shipping and delivery of artwork
Tracking customer orders and purchase history
Integrating with payment gateway and handling payment transactions

Reporting and Analytics Module:

Generating various reports such as sales reports, visitor statistics, and exhibition performance
Analyzing data to gain insights on visitor behavior, sales trends, and exhibition success
Integrating with third-party analytics tools for advanced analytics and reporting
Implementing data visualization for easy interpretation of data

In summary, the Art Gallery project developed using PHP involves several modules, each
containing its own set of activities or processes. These modules cover various aspects of the
gallery's operations, including user management, artwork management, exhibition
management, sales management, and reporting and analytics. Successful implementation of
these modules can result in an efficient and effective art gallery system.

4.6 Features of New System / Proposed System

Reach and Visibility: In a manual system, the reach and visibility of the artwork are often
limited to the physical location of the gallery or exhibition, or the number of followers or
connections on social media platforms. In contrast, a digital web portal can potentially reach
a wider audience, as it is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

Convenience: A digital web portal provides a more convenient way for artists to showcase
their artwork and for customers to browse and purchase artwork, as it is accessible 24/7 and
from anywhere. In contrast, a manual system may have limited opening hours or require
physical travel to view the artwork.

Communication: A digital web portal provides integrated messaging systems that allow
customers to communicate directly with the artist, which can be more efficient and
personalized compared to a manual system, where communication may be limited to in-
person or social media messaging.

Authenticity and Quality: A digital web portal can offer measures to verify the authenticity
and quality of the artwork, such as ratings and reviews from previous customers. In contrast,
a manual system may rely on the customer's judgment and personal experience.

Overall, a digital web portal for artists and customers provides several advantages over a
manual system in terms of reach, convenience, communication, payment and delivery, and
authenticity and quality.

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4.7 List Main Modules / Components / Processes / Techniques of New

System /Proposed System
The Art Gallery project developed using PHP is divided into the following main modules:

User Management Module:

This module includes user registration and login functionality, user profile management, role-
based access control implementation, password management, and security measures.

Artwork Management Module:

This module includes adding/editing artwork information such as title, artist, description,
year, medium, etc. It also includes uploading artwork images or videos, searching and
filtering artwork based on various criteria, assigning categories or tags to artwork for easy
organization, and integration with a third-party payment gateway for online sales.

Exhibition Management Module:

This module includes creating and managing exhibitions with details such as title, location,
date, description, etc. It also includes associating artwork with exhibitions, creating
exhibition schedules and ticketing functionality, adding/editing exhibition-related media
such as images, videos, or audio guides, and generating and sending invitations to potential

Sales Management Module:

This module includes managing artwork inventory and tracking sales, generating invoices
and receipts, managing shipping and delivery of artwork, tracking customer orders and
purchase history, and integrating with a payment gateway and handling payment

Reporting and Analytics Module:

This module includes generating various reports such as sales reports, visitor statistics, and
exhibition performance reports. It also includes analyzing data to gain insights on visitor
behavior, sales trends, and exhibition success, integrating with third-party analytics tools for
advanced analytics and reporting, and implementing data visualization for easy
interpretation of data.

In summary, the Art Gallery project developed using PHP includes the main modules of
user management, artwork management, exhibition management, sales management, and
reporting and analytics. These modules cover various aspects of the gallery's operations,
providing an efficient and effective system for managing the gallery.

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4.8 Selection of Hardware / Software / Algorithms / Methodology /

Techniques /Approaches and Justification
Hardware Requirements:
The hardware requirements for developing the Art Gallery project using PHP depends on
the size of the project and the expected user traffic. Here are some general hardware
requirements that are considered:

Processor: A multi-core processor is recommended for better performance. A quad-core

processor with a clock speed of 2.5 GHz or higher would suffice for a small to medium-
sized project.

RAM: The amount of RAM required will depend on the size of the project and expected
user traffic. A minimum of 4 GB of RAM is recommended for a small project, while a
larger project may require 8 GB or more.

Storage: The amount of storage required will depend on the size of the project and the
number of images and media files that need to be stored. A minimum of 100 GB of storage
is recommended for a small to medium-sized project.

Other Hardware: A high-speed internet connection, a keyboard, mouse, and a monitor are
required for development purposes.

Software Requirements

The software requirements for developing the Art Gallery project using PHP are as follows:

PHP: PHP is the main programming language used for developing the Art Gallery project.
The recommended version of PHP is 7.4 or later.

Web Server: A web server is used to host the PHP code and serve web pages to the users.
The recommended web server is Apache 2.4 or Nginx.

Database Management System: A database management system is used to store and

retrieve data. The recommended database management system is MySQL 8.0

Text Editor / Integrated Development Environment (IDE): A text editor or an IDE is

used to write and edit PHP code.

Version Control System: A version control system is used to manage code changes and
track the progress of the project. The recommended version control system is Git.

Browser: A modern web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari is
used for testing and debugging.

Operating System: The Art Gallery project is developed on Windows.

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These are the essential software requirements for developing the Art Gallery project using
PHP. Other software tools and libraries may be required based on the specific needs of the


The waterfall methodology is a linear sequential approach to software development where

the project is divided into sequential phases, and each phase must be completed before the
next one can begin. The phases include requirements gathering, design, implementation,
testing, and maintenance. Here's how the waterfall methodology is applied to develop an Art
Gallery project using PHP:

Requirements Gathering: In this phase, the requirements for the Art Gallery project are
gathered from stakeholders. This includes identifying the features and functionality required
in the application, as well as any constraints, such as the budget and timeline.

Design: In the design phase, the project team creates the overall system architecture, as well
as detailed designs for each component of the application. For example, the team might
design the database schema and create wireframes for the user interface.

Implementation: The implementation phase involves actually building the application

based on the design specifications. In the case of an Art Gallery project using PHP, this
involves writing code to create the database, handle user authentication, display artwork,
and so on.

Testing: Once the implementation is complete, the application is thoroughly tested to ensure
that it meets the requirements and functions correctly. This includes testing for bugs and
errors, as well as testing for usability and performance.

Maintenance: Once the application has been deployed, it enters the maintenance phase,
where it is updated and maintained to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of its users.

Overall, the waterfall methodology is an effective approach for developing an Art Gallery
project using PHP, as long as the requirements are well-defined and the project team has
experience with this approach.

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5. System Design
5.1 System Design &
Methodology Use case Diagram
A use case diagram is a type of behavioral diagram in Unified Modeling Language (UML) that
describes the functionality provided by a system in terms of actors, their goals represented as
use cases, and any dependencies among those use cases. It is typically used to illustrate the
high-level functionality of a system and its interaction with external entities such as users,
other systems, and devices.

Fig 5.1.1: Elements of Use Case Diagram

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Fig Admin of Use Case Diagram

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Fig Seller Use Case Diagram

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Fig Customer Use Case Diagram

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Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram is a graphical representation of interactions between objects in a system.
It shows the flow of messages between objects and the order in which those messages are
sent. Sequence diagrams are typically used to model complex interactions between objects,
such as those found in software systems or business processes.

Fig 5.1.2: Elements of Sequence Diagram

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Fig Admin Sequence Diagram

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Fig Customer Sequence Diagram

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Fig Seller Sequence Diagram

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Activity Diagram
An activity diagram is a type of behavioral diagram in the Unified Modeling Language
(UML) that depicts the flow of activities and actions within a system or process. It is used to
model the behavior of a system or process, showing the sequence of activities and decision
points. The activities are represented as nodes, while the transitions between them represent
the flow of control. The diagram provides a visual representation of the steps in a process,
making it easier to understand and communicate the logic of the system or process. It is often
used in software development to model the flow of use cases or business processes.

Fig 5.1.3: Design Elements of Activity Diagram

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Fig Admin Activity Diagram

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Fig Seller Activity Diagram

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Fig Activity Diagram

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Class Diagram
A class diagram is a type of static structure diagram that shows the structure of a system by
depicting its classes, their attributes, methods, and the relationships between them. Class
diagrams are used to model the static structure of a system, and are often used in the early
stages of software development to describe the architecture of a system.

Fig 5.1.4: Elements of Class Diagram

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Fig Class Diagram for proposed system

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ER Diagram
An entity-relationship diagram is a graphical representation of entities and their relationships
to each other. ER diagrams are commonly used in database design to model the relationships
between tables, and to help visualize the structure of a database. They are typically used in
the early stages of software development to design the database schema for a system.

Fig 5.1.5: Elements of ER Diagram

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Fig ER Diagram for proposed system

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Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram is a graphical representation of the flow of data through a system. It
shows the flow of data between processes, data stores, and external entities. DFDs are
typically used to model the high-level architecture of a system, and are often used in the
analysis and design phases of software development.

Fig 5.1.6: Elements of DFD


Fig DFD Level 0 for Admin

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Fig DFD Level 1 for Admin

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Fig DFD Level 1 for Customer

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Fig DFD Level 1 for Seller

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5.2 Database Design / Data Structure Design / Circuit Design / Process

Design /Structure Design

Fig 5.2.1 cart

Fig 5.2.2 checkout

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Fig 5.2.3 city

Fig 5.2.4 ci_sessions

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Fig 5.2.5 customers

Fig 5.2.6 exhibition_details

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Fig 5.2.7 favorite

Fig 5.2.8 order

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Fig 5.2.9 order_details

Fig 5.2.10 order_items

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Fig 5.2.11 paintings

Fig 5.2.12 registration

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Fig 5.2.13 payment

Fig 5.2.12 Shipping

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6. Implementation
6.1 Implementation Platform /
Environment PHP
PHP is a popular server-side scripting language used for web development. It is an open-
source language and can run on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and

PHP is widely used for building dynamic web applications, such as content management
systems (CMS), e-commerce platforms, social networks, and web portals. It is also popular
for developing back-end systems and APIs.

Some of the key features of PHP include:

Easy to learn: PHP is relatively easy to learn and has a low learning curve compared to other
programming languages.

Interpreted language: PHP is an interpreted language, meaning that the code is executed on
the server-side without needing to compile it first.

Large community: PHP has a large and active community of developers, which has
contributed to the development of several third-party libraries, frameworks, and tools.

Compatibility with multiple databases: PHP can work with various databases, including
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.

Support for various web servers: PHP can run on different web servers, including Apache,
Nginx, and Microsoft IIS.


MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is

widely used in web development. It is a free-to-use database system that can run on various
operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

MySQL is often used in conjunction with PHP, as well as other programming languages like
Python and Ruby, to create dynamic websites and web applications. It supports SQL, which
is a standard language for managing relational databases, and can handle a vast amount of

Some of the key features of MySQL include:

Scalability: MySQL can handle large amounts of data and is capable of supporting high-
traffic websites and applications.

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Performance: MySQL is known for its speed and performance, making it a popular choice for
web developers.

Security: MySQL includes several security features, such as encryption, access controls, and
authentication mechanisms, to protect data.

High availability: MySQL supports various replication and clustering technologies, allowing
developers to create highly available database systems.

Ease of use: MySQL is easy to install and use, making it an ideal choice for beginners.

XAMPP Server:

XAMPP is a popular open-source software package used for setting up a local web server
environment on a personal computer. It is used by developers to test and develop web
applications that use PHP and MySQL, as well as other web technologies like Apache and

XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl. It includes all the
necessary components required to run a local web server, including:

Apache web server

MySQL database server
PHP scripting language
phpMyAdmin (a web-based interface for managing MySQL databases)
Perl programming language
FileZilla FTP server
Mercury Mail server

XAMPP is easy to install and configure, and it is available for various operating systems,
including Windows, Linux, and macOS. It is also regularly updated to include the latest
versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP, and other components.

6.2 Process / Program / Technology / Modules Specification(s)

The Art Gallery project developed using PHP is divided into the following main modules:

User Management Module:

This module includes user registration and login functionality, user profile management,
role- based access control implementation, password management, and security measures.

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Artwork Management Module:

This module includes adding/editing artwork information such as title, artist, description,
year, medium, etc. It also includes uploading artwork images or videos, searching and
filtering artwork based on various criteria, assigning categories or tags to artwork for easy
organization, and integration with a third-party payment gateway for online sales.

Exhibition Management Module:

This module includes creating and managing exhibitions with details such as title, location,
date, description, etc. It also includes associating artwork with exhibitions, creating
exhibition schedules and ticketing functionality, adding/editing exhibition-related media
such as images, videos, or audio guides, and generating and sending invitations to potential

Sales Management Module:

This module includes managing artwork inventory and tracking sales, generating invoices
and receipts, managing shipping and delivery of artwork, tracking customer orders and
purchase history, and integrating with a payment gateway and handling payment

Reporting and Analytics Module:

This module includes generating various reports such as sales reports, visitor statistics, and
exhibition performance reports. It also includes analyzing data to gain insights on visitor
behavior, sales trends, and exhibition success, integrating with third-party analytics tools for
advanced analytics and reporting, and implementing data visualization for easy
interpretation of data.

In summary, the Art Gallery project developed using PHP includes the main modules of
user management, artwork management, exhibition management, sales management, and
reporting and analytics. These modules cover various aspects of the gallery's operations,
providing an efficient and effective system for managing the gallery.

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6.3 Finding / Results / Outcomes

Fig 6.3.1 Login

Fig 6.3.2 Sign Up

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Fig 6.3.3 (1) Home Page

Fig 6.3.3 (2) Home Page

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Fig 6.3.3 (3) Home Page

Fig 6.3.4 Categories

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Fig 6.3.5 Exhibition

Fig 6.3.6 Cart

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Fig 6.3.7 Payment

Fig 6.3.8 About Us

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294844 Testing

7. Testing
7.1 Testing Plan / Strategy
Functional Testing: This form of testing focuses on the website's functionality. Each feature
is be tested to confirm that it works as planned. Here are some functional testing cases for a
restaurant reservation system:

 Check that users look for available tables based on the day, time, and number of guests.
 Make sure users can reserve a table and receive a confirmation message.
 Check that the restaurant personnel can see and manage user bookings.
 To check that consumer, cancel a booking and receive a confirmation message, test the
cancellation process.

Usability Testing: Usability testing focuses on the website's user experience. Testers is
determined whether the website is user-friendly and simple to navigate. These are some
situations for usability testing for a restaurant booking system:

 Check that the website is simple to use and that users can quickly find the information
they require.
 Check to see if the website is accessible to people with disabilities.
 Check the responsiveness of the website and make sure it operates well on various
platforms such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
 Check sure the booking process is simple and uncomplicated for both consumers and
restaurant workers.

Performance testing: Performance testing guarantees that the website works well under a
variety of demands. Testers is determined whether the website can manage several concurrent
visitors. Here are some scenarios for performance testing a restaurant booking system:

 Check the response speed of the website and make sure it loads swiftly.
 Check to see if the website can manage a big number of concurrent users.
 Test the website's speed and performance on various internet connections.

Security testing guarantees that the website is safe and protects sensitive information such as
credit card numbers. Here are some situations for security testing a restaurant booking

 Check if the website use SSL encryption to safeguard user data.

 To guarantee that the website's login and authentication processes are safe, test them.
 Test the payment gateway on the website to check that it is secure and adheres to
industry standards.
 Test the data backup and recovery process for the website.

Security testing guarantees that the website is safe and protects sensitive information such as
credit card numbers. Here are some situations for security testing a restaurant booking

 Check if the website use SSL encryption to safeguard user data.

 To guarantee that the website's login and authentication processes are safe, test them.

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 Test the payment gateway on the website to check that it is secure and adheres to
industry standards.
 Test the data backup and recovery process for the website.

Compatibility testing guarantees that the website operates properly on various devices and
platforms. The website is be tested across a variety of browsers, operating systems, and
devices. These are some situations for compatibility testing for a restaurant booking system:

 Examine the page in several web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet
 Check that the website operates properly on various operating systems such as Windows,
Mac, and Linux.
 Examine the responsiveness of the website on various platforms such as desktops,
laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT): UAT entails testing the website with real users to obtain
input on its functioning and usability. These are some scenarios for user acceptance testing
for a restaurant booking system:

 Request that real people try the site and provide feedback on its usability and functionality.
 Test the website with people with varying levels of technical knowledge.
 Users with varying requirements and expectations is be used to test the website.
Integration testing guarantees that the restaurant booking system website is compatible
with other systems such as payment gateways, customer management systems, and
inventory management systems. Here are some scenarios for integration testing for a
restaurant booking system:
 To ensure that payment transactions are conducted successfully, test the website's
integration with the payment gateway.
 To guarantee that user data is transferred correctly, test the website's interface with
customer management systems.
 To ensure that table availability is updated accurately, test the website's interaction with
inventory management systems.

7. 2 Test Results and Analysis

7.2.1 Test Cases (test ID, test condition, expected output, actual output,remark)

Table 7.2.1: Test case for Admin

Test Actual
Case ID Test Scenario Expected Result Result
Verify that the admin can view all The admin should be able to view
TC001 paintings all paintings uploaded by painters Pass
Verify that the admin can add a The painting should be added
TC002 new painting successfully Pass
Verify that the admin can update The painting details should be
TC003 painting details updated successfully Pass

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Test Actual
Case ID Test Scenario Expected Result Result
Verify that the admin can delete a The painting should be deleted
TC004 painting successfully Pass
Verify that the admin can view all The admin should be able to view
TC005 exhibitions all exhibitions set up by painters Pass
Verify that the admin can add a The exhibition should be added
TC006 new exhibition successfully Pass
Verify that the admin can update The exhibition details should be
TC007 exhibition details updated successfully Pass
Verify that the admin can delete The exhibition should be deleted
TC008 an exhibition successfully Pass
Verify that the admin can view all The admin should be able to view
TC009 users all users (painters and buyers) Pass
Verify that the admin can delete a The user account should be deleted
TC010 user account successfully Pass

Table 7.2.2: Test case for Sellers

Test Actual
Case ID Test Scenario Expected Result Result
Verify that the painter can create
an account on the online art The painter account should be
TC001 gallery created successfully Pass
Verify that the painter can add The painting should be added
TC002 paintings to their account successfully Pass
Verify that the painter can update The painting details should be
TC003 painting details updated successfully Pass
Verify that the painter can delete The painting should be deleted
TC004 a painting successfully Pass
Verify that the painter can add an The exhibition should be add
TC005 exhibition successfully Pass
Verify that the painter can update The exhibition details should be
TC006 exhibition details updated successfully Pass
Verify that visitors can view Visitors should be able to view the
TC007 paintings on the online art gallery painting details successfully Pass
Verify that visitors can view Visitors should be able to view the
exhibition details on the online art exhibition details and paintings
TC008 gallery successfully Pass

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Table 7.2.3: Test case for the User

Case ID Test Scenario Expected Result Actual Result
Verify that the user can search for The search results should display
TC001 a painting the painting details correctly Pass
The search results should display
Verify that the user can filter paintings within the price range
TC002 paintings by price specified Pass
Verify that the user can view the The painting details should be
TC003 details of a painting displayed correctly Pass
The payment should be processed
Verify that the user can purchase successfully, and the user should
TC004 a painting be able to download the painting Pass
Verify that the user can view their The user should be able to view
TC005 purchase history their purchase history correctly Pass
Verify that the user can rate a The rating should be recorded
TC006 painting successfully Pass
Verify that the user can view the The exhibition details should be
TC007 details of an exhibition displayed correctly Pass
Verify that the user can add a The painting should be added to
TC008 painting to their Wishlist the user's Wishlist successfully Pass
The painting should be removed
Verify that the user can remove a from the user's Wishlist
TC009 painting from their Wishlist successfully Pass

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294844 Conclusion and Discussion

8. Conclusion and Discussion

8.1 Overall Analysis of Internship / Project Viabilities
Here are some of the project viabilities for the art gallery website developed using php :

Scalability: PHP is a popular programming language and has a large community of

developers who contribute to its development and create various tools, plugins, and libraries.
This makes it easier to scale the website as the number of users, artists, and paintings grows
over time.

Customization: PHP allows developers to customize the website according to the specific
needs of the project, including the user interface, search options, messaging systems, and
review and rating systems. This customization can help create a unique and engaging
platform for both artists and customers.

Security: PHP has several built-in security features that can help protect the website from
potential vulnerabilities and attacks. Developers can also add additional security measures,
such as SSL encryption and user authentication, to further enhance the website's security.

User engagement: The website's user-friendly interface, easy navigation, and personalized
buying experience can help engage customers and increase their interest in purchasing
artwork directly from the artist. The review and rating system can also help build trust and
credibility for both artists and customers.

Revenue generation: The website's ability to showcase and sell artwork directly from the
artist can provide a revenue stream for both the artists and the website itself. The website can
generate revenue by charging a commission or transaction fee on each sale.

Overall, developing a website like the digital web portal for artists and customers using PHP
can provide many project viabilities and benefits for both artists and customers. However, the
success of the project will depend on several factors, such as effective marketing, user
adoption, and ongoing maintenance and support.

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8.2 Dates of Continuous Evaluation (CE-I and CE-II)

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8.3 Problem Encountered and Possible

Solutions Problem Encountered:

The manual system where artists uploads their paintings and customers can communicate
with the artist to purchase those paintings can have several problems, including:

Limited Reach: Physical galleries and exhibitions are often location-based, which means
that the audience for the artwork is limited to those who are able to visit the gallery or
exhibition in person. Social media platforms also have limitations in terms of the audience
reach, depending on the number of followers or connections an artist has.

Limited Visibility: Physical galleries and exhibitions have limited opening hours, which
makes it difficult for customers to view the artwork. Social media platforms have limitations
in terms of the size and quality of images, which makes it difficult for customers to see the
details of the artwork.

Communication Challenges: In a manual system, communication between the artist and the
customer limited to in-person or social media messaging, which is inefficient and time-
consuming. This makes it difficult for customers to ask questions or discuss the artwork with
the artist.

Authenticity and Quality: In a manual system, it is difficult for customers to verify the
authenticity and quality of the artwork, especially if they are unable to view the artwork in
person. This leads to a lack of trust and confidence in the purchase.

Possible Solutions:
To address the problems of limited reach, limited visibility, communication challenges,
authenticity, and quality that arised with a manual system, developing a digital web portal for
artists and customers using PHP offers several possible solutions:

Increased Reach: By creating an online platform, the reach of the artwork can be expanded
to a wider audience, regardless of their location. This can be achieved by optimizing the
website for search engines, using social media marketing, and other digital marketing

Improved Visibility: The digital web portal can provide customers with high-quality images
of the artwork and enable them to view the artwork at any time. The website can also offer
additional features, such as zooming in on specific details, that can enhance the customer's
viewing experience.

Better Communication: The web portal can include integrated messaging systems that
enable customers to ask questions or discuss the artwork with the artist in real-time. This can
help build trust and provide customers with a more personalized buying experience.

Enhanced Authenticity and Quality: The website can include features, such as artist
profiles, customer reviews, and rating systems that can help verify the authenticity and
quality of the artwork. Additionally, the website can have a system in place for artist
verification, ensuring that only genuine artists are allowed to showcase their artwork on the

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294844 Conclusion and Discussion

Secure Transactions: To ensure secure transactions, the website can use SSL encryption and
provide a secure payment gateway for customers to purchase artwork directly from the artist.
The website can also charge a commission or transaction fee on each sale to generate revenue
for the platform and ensure that the artists are paid for their work.

In conclusion, developing a digital web portal for artists and customers using PHP offers
several solutions to the problems of limited reach, limited visibility, communication
challenges, authenticity, and quality that arises with a manual system. These solutions helps
to provide artists with a wider audience for their artwork, and customers with a more
personalized and convenient buying experience.

8.4 Summary of Internship / Project work

The digital web portal for artists and customers is an online platform that allows artists to
promote and sell their paintings while also allowing customers to explore and buy artwork
directly from the artist. The portal is built with a user-friendly interface, simple navigation,
and search features to help buyers find the paintings they're looking for. Artists can build
profiles that highlight their portfolios and post photographs of their paintings with
characteristics such as medium used, dimensions, and pricing. Customers can go through the
paintings and connect with the artist via integrated messaging tools to ask questions or
discuss them. The portal also contains review and rating systems, which allow users to
express comments on the artwork and the artist, resulting in a more personalized and
engaging shopping experience. Overall, the digital web portal for artists and customers is a
valuable tool for artists to promote and sell their work to a wider audience, as well as a
simple platform for buyers to acquire artwork directly from the artist.

Learning Outcomes:

By developing a digital web platform for artists to upload their paintings and communicate
with customers, there are several learning outcomes that can be achieved:

Technical Skills: Developing a digital web platform requires technical knowledge of

programming languages, frameworks, and development tools. By working on this project,
developers can improve their technical skills and learn new technologies.

Design Skills: Designing a user-friendly digital web platform requires an understanding of

user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design principles. This project provides an
opportunity to improve design skills and learn how to create an aesthetically pleasing and
functional platform.

Project Management Skills: Developing a digital web platform requires effective project
management skills, including task management, scheduling, and communication. By working
on this project, project managers can develop these skills and learn how to manage complex
projects with multiple stakeholders.

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294844 Conclusion and Discussion

Marketing Skills: The success of a digital web platform depends on its ability to attract and
retain customers. By working on this project, marketers can learn how to develop effective
marketing strategies that target the platform's audience and increase engagement.

Business Skills: Developing a digital web platform requires an understanding of business

models, revenue streams, and financial projections. By working on this project, entrepreneurs
can improve their business skills and learn how to create a sustainable business model for a
digital platform.

Overall, developing a digital web platform for artists to upload their paintings and
communicate with customers provides an opportunity to learn valuable technical, design,
project management, marketing, and business skills that can be applied to future projects and
career opportunities.

8.5 Limitation and Future Enhancement

Limitations of the art gallery website developed using PHP technology can include:

Scalability: Depending on the size of the website and the number of users, the website may
face scalability issues. This means that as the number of users and amount of data on the
website increases, it becomes slower and less responsive. To address this, the website may
need to be optimized or migrated to a more robust server infrastructure.

Security: As the website deals with financial transactions and personal information, security
is a critical concern. The website may need to implement additional security measures such
as two-factor authentication and regular security audits to prevent data breaches.

User Experience: The website's user interface and experience may need to be improved
based on user feedback. This includes features such as better filtering options, a more
intuitive search functionality, and improved mobile responsiveness.

Integration with other platforms: To improve the website's functionality, it may need to be
integrated with other platforms such as social media, online marketplaces, and e-commerce

Future enhancements of the art gallery website developed using PHP technology can include:

AI-based recommendations: The website can be enhanced to use artificial intelligence

algorithms to recommend artwork to customers based on their browsing history, previous
purchases, and other factors.

Virtual reality galleries: The website can be enhanced to provide virtual reality galleries
that allow customers to view artwork in a virtual 3D space, providing a more immersive

Augmented reality: The website can be enhanced to provide augmented reality features that
enable customers to see how a particular artwork would look in their home or office before
making a purchase.

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294844 Conclusion and Discussion

NFT integration: The website can be enhanced to integrate with NFT (non-fungible token)
platforms, allowing artists to sell their artwork as digital assets with unique ownership

Blockchain technology: The website can be enhanced to use blockchain technology to

enable secure transactions and to provide a transparent record of ownership and provenance
for each artwork.

Overall, there are various limitations and future enhancements that considered for the art
gallery website developed using PHP technology, which can help improve the website's
functionality, user experience, and security.

Gujarat Technological University 87 Sigma Institute of Engineering

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