Resons of Child Labor Taimur

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The Reasons for The Children Joining Labor in Pakistan

• Negligence of parents in registering their children: Only 35% of the children under 5 are
registered. This creates age-related issues. Mostly in villages the people make the legal
documents of the child which have a false age; children are 9 years, but their age is 13 on the
B.form. This makes children treated like adults.
• Economic issues: Pakistan does not have a solid economic foundation. Every 3 out of 10 people
are unemployed. Furthermore, the income disparities make the children (poor class) work. 42% of
the country's income is taken by the rich elite (10%) and 50% of the population of poor people
get the country's income of 13%. This makes poverty arise and makes the children not go to
school and work for their parents to get enough money to make the circle run.
• Educational Issues: The schools are not particularly developed in the rural area of Pakistan. The
Government has not taken many steps for the development of the educational infrastructure of
Pakistan. This makes the child more focused on child labor rather than going to school. Due to
poverty, the parents cannot afford the fees of the child. Also, primary schools have extremely
high dropout rates, which are exceedingly high for girls, specifically, in the rural areas. They
sometimes force the children to work and help them in fulfilling the daily needs of the house.
• Lack of Implementation of Law in Pak: Regardless of Pakistan’s introduction of the Bonded
Labour System (Abolition) Act 1992, bonded labor still exists due to the country not having
enough resources to enforce child labor laws. This allows the employers to make the children
work forcibly and the parents to put pressure on them to work.
• Lack of awareness in people: People usually focus on ‘Roti, Kapra aur Makaan.’ They do not
really think about the betterment of life and just work for their survival.
• Lack of opportunity: Pakistan has high birth rate and the population growth rate. It makes a high
competition for an increasing number of people.
• Major Political Factors: The politicians have failed to execute major social reforms to improve
the issue of child labor. This has made multiple people go below the poverty line. Most
importantly the corruption in the funds given to make education infrastructure.
• Outmoded social norms and customs.
• Forced: They are forced by their parents. Their condition forces them to work. Lastly the people
who have power in the region blackmail or threaten to make the children work; which is mostly
in brick kilns and factories.

~Taimur Malik

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