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Philippine Normal University Visayas

The National Center for Teacher Education

Citizenship &
Citizenship Education
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education


• In a democracy, the source of all authority -- the

legitimate basis of all power -- is the collective
body of the people, the citizens.

• A citizen is a full and equal member of a polity,

such as a democratic nation-state (Mouffe 1995,
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

Conditions of being a citizen:

a. “Jus suli” - is based on the place of a person's birth

b. "jus sanguinis" - is based on the citizenship of one’s
c. Some countries use both bases for ascribing
d. Further, most democratic states have established
legal procedures by which people without a
birthright to citizenship can become naturalized
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education


Section 1. The following are citizens of the Philippines:

[1] Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption
of this Constitution;
[2] Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines;
[3] Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect
Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; and
[4] Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education


Section 2. Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens of the

Philippines from birth without having to perform any act to acquire or
perfect their Philippine citizenship. Those who elect Philippine citizenship
in accordance with paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall be deemed
natural-born citizens.
Section 3. Philippine citizenship may be lost or reacquired in the manner
provided by law.
Section 4. Citizens of the Philippines who marry aliens shall retain their
citizenship, unless by their act or omission, they are deemed, under the
law, to have renounced it.
Section 5. Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the national interest
and shall be dealt with by law
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

…citizenship is more than the relationship between
states and their members. It is also about citizen-
citizen relations and involves certain obligations of
citizens to each other and to the society. These would
include not just the legal obligations imposed by states
but also a moral obligation to participate in, and
contribute to, the shared life of the community.
Citizens are also considered to be the inheritors and
trustees of the culture and natural resources of the
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

Citizenship education can be
defined as educating children, from
early childhood, to become clear-
thinking and enlightened citizens
who participate in decisions
concerning society. 'Society' here is
understood in the special sense of a
nation with a circumscribed
territory which is recognized as a
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

Education should provide people NOTE: It is no longer enough

with the knowledge, skills and for education to provide basic
literacy and numeracy; now it
values they need to take part in should equip individuals to be
resolving the interconnected agents for sustainable change
challenges of the 21st century and to be able to tackle the
global challenges.
(UN Secretary-General, 2012).
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

Global Citizenship Education (GCED) aims to empower learners of
all ages to assume active roles, both locally and globally, in building
more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive and secure societies.
GCED is based on the three domains of learning - cognitive, socio-
emotional and behavioural.
• Cognitive: knowledge and thinking skills necessary to better
understand the world and its complexities.
• Socio-emotional: values, attitudes and social skills that enable
learners to develop affectively, psychosocially, and physically and
to enable them to live together with others respectfully and
• Behavioural: conduct, performance, practical application and
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

Global citizenship education seeks to achieve the following learning outcomes:

• Develop an understanding of global governance structures,

rights and responsibilities, global issues and connections
between global, national and local systems and processes;
• Recognize and appreciate difference and multiple identities,
e.g. culture, language, religion, gender and our common humanity, and develop
skills for living in an increasingly diverse world;
• Develop and apply critical skills for civic literacy, e.g. critical
inquiry, information technology, media literacy, critical
thinking, decision-making, problem solving, negotiation,
peace building and personal and social responsibility;
• Recognize and examine beliefs and values and how they
influence political and social decision-making, perceptions
about social justice and civic engagement;
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

Global citizenship education seeks to achieve the

following learning outcomes:

• Develop attitudes of care and empathy for others and

the environment and respect for diversity;
• Develop values of fairness and social justice, and skills
to critically analyze inequalities based on gender,
socio-economic status, culture, religion, age and other
• Participate in, and contribute to, contemporary global
issues at local, national and global levels
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

1973 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines

Section 1. It shall be the duty of the citizen to be loyal to the Republic and
to honor the Philippine flag, to defend the State and contribute to its
development and welfare, to uphold the Constitution and obey the laws,
and to cooperate with the duly constituted authorities in the attainment and
preservation of a just and orderly society.
Section 2. The rights of the individual impose upon him the correlative duty
to exercise them responsibly and with due regard for the rights of others.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of every citizen to engage in gainful work to
assure himself and his family a life worthy of human dignity.
Section 4. It shall be the obligation of every citizen qualified to vote to
register and cast his vote.
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

National Consciousness
National consciousness National consciousness plays
relates to the state. of an important role in socio-
awareness of one's economic and political
environment and the developments in many
necessary feeling of nations. Mostly, national
collective identity, unity
consciousness promotes
and bonding among the
national unity, sustainable
people within a particular
country. National development, peace, respect
consciousness implies for diversity, patriotism, and
that individuals see others. Most of the variables
themselves as part of a mentioned are acquired
particular group through the study of
(Anderson, 1983) national history.
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

National Consciousness
National consciousness is a feeling of necessary social cohesion which establishes a unique character,
image and identity for a nation. National consciousness demands the:
(a) Making sacrifices to sustain the group’s interest, norms, values and cultural orientations;
(b) Obedience to constituted authorities and laws;
(c) Defending against external threats and internal divisions and injustices,
(d) Giving substantial economic support to strengthen the nation’s economic and social base,
(e) Supporting the political structure for autonomy, secured life and general well-
(f) Initiating and espousing ideas that can foster meaningful transformation,
growth and development.

This means that the interest of the nation comes first before individual preferences. Without national
consciousness, a nation claim to be truly united, coordinate, focused and progressive. That is why some
political philosophers insist that national consciousness is the key in building a resourceful and virile
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

To achieve this, nationality integrity
National integrity means being demands:
honest to ourselves and basing 1. Honest dealing with other citizens no
our actions, visions and missions matter their ethnic inclination.
on strong moral principles. It also 2. Truthfulness.
means a state devoid of division, 3. Trustworthiness.
segregation and oppression. 4. Leader and citizenry with sound moral
Pursuing nation integrity entails upbringing and disposition.
being kind-hearted, open-hearted, 5. Unity arising from our obvious cultural
truthful and empathic in relating and social differences. This unity should
with other people outside our be seen as a resource and point of strength
own clan or ethnic group. It instead of a point of weakness.
means finding a base for unity, 6. Understanding and tolerating other
togetherness and co-operative people’s way of life.
efforts at nation-building. 7. Justice, equity, fairness and political
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

“…national unity’ celebrates the differences in a multiethnic
society. National unity, according to Amienyi (2005) is a sense of
belonging among people from different ethnic, religious, and socio-
cultural backgrounds focusing on the collective attention of having
relations with the national community for the attainment of mutually
beneficial national goals. In this light, ‘national unity’ is closely
related to the idea of national cohesion. National cohesion occurs
when people of a multicultural society have shared values and
norms, acknowledged their collective identities, and their
interdependence among members of the society (Najafpour &
Harsij, 2013)”
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education


Citizenship education is a school subject/course/program

that develops knowledge, skills and understanding that
pupils need to play a full part in democratic society, as
active and responsible citizens. Learners are taught about
democracy, politics, parliament and voting. They also learn
about human rights, justice, the law, media and
information literacy, climate change and sustainability,
personal finance and the economy.
\ Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education


Political literacy is developed alongside the skills

of active citizenship through practical opportunities
to address issues of concern by taking different
forms of responsible, democratic action and
campaigning. Throughout the subject teaching is
brought to life using real, topical issues and case
studies in local to global contexts.

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