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Philippine Normal University Visayas

The National Center for Teacher Education

& Civic

Bachelor in Social
Science Education
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

“By 2030, ensure that all

learners acquire the knowledge
and skills needed to promote
sustainable development,
including, among others, through
education for sustainable
development and sustainable
lifestyles, human rights, gender
equality, promotion of a culture
of peace and non-violence, global
citizenship and appreciation of
cultural diversity and of culture’s
contribution to sustainable
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

• Education is understood as a tool

with transformative power to
contribute towards sustainable
• The transformation of our societies is
crucial for ending poverty, protecting
our planet and improving the lives and
prosperity of everyone (UN, 2015).
Where is • To overcome current challenges such
EDUCATION in as the pandemic and different crises of
sustainability (e.g. climate,
achieving this SDG4- humanitarian and inequalities), active
7? individuals that are equipped with
critical knowledge and skills are
needed (Bridge 47, 2020: 3).
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

Education should provide people NOTE: It is no longer enough

for education to provide basic
with the knowledge, skills and literacy and numeracy; now it
values they need to take part in should equip individuals to be
resolving the interconnected agents for sustainable change
and to be able to tackle the
challenges of the 21st century global challenges.
(UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, 2012).
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education


• This theory operates under the idea that learning
is more than merely the acquisition of
information. Rather, it is a process where
learners critically reflect on life experiences,
including culture, religion, etc…Learning
encourages learners to dramatically rethink their
position in the world and how they approach
Jack Mezirow was an American sociologist
situations & challenges
and a professor of Adult and Continuing
Education at Teachers College and • Transformation occurs when we assimilate new
Columbia University. He is one of the major experiences that result in some sort of change
theorists of the Humanism theory of
Transformative Learning. Mezirow is
from our previous interpretation of experience.
notably considered the founder of
Transformative Learning
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

What is “transformative education”?

Transformative education involves teaching

and learning geared to motivate and
empower happy and healthy learners to take
informed decisions and actions at the
individual, community and global levels.
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

• For transformative learning to happen, critical reflection of mental perceptions

of the world, one’s own experiences, predispositions, assumptions, actions etc.
and their change is required (Balsinger et al. 2017). UNESCO (2019) recognizes
three interrelated dimensions of learning:

• Cognitive learning - refers • Social and emotional Behavioural learning -

to acquiring knowledge, learning - refers to having refers to acting
understanding and critical a sense of belonging to a responsibly for a more
thinking about global, common humanity, with peaceful and sustainable
regional, national and local shared values and world.
issues, interdependencies, responsibilities, empathy,
and the different aspects solidarity and respect for
of sustainable differences and diversity,
development. and having a sense of
responsibility for the future.
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education


Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

The phases of
These phases are key in helping adult education learners
transform their prior notions as they get new information and
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

The phases of transformative learning

A disorienting dilemma
v It is a situation where a learner finds that what they thought or
believed in the past may not be accurate. This is the first part of
transformational learning.
v This can be an “a-ha” moment where a student hears or consider
something they may not have understood before. This
disorienting dilemma can be uncomfortable or challenging for
students but is the key spark in starting a fire of transformational
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

The phases of transformative learning

vAfter a disorienting dilemma, students will do a self-
examination of their beliefs and understanding.
vThey will think about their past experiences and how they
connect to this disorienting dilemma. This can create a
perspective transformation, where students understand
that their perspective may not be the only perspective.
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

The phases of transformative learning

Critical assessment of assumptions.

v Students in this phase of transformational learning are able to
take amore comprehensive look at their past assumptions and
review them critically.
v They are able to accept that perhaps some of their past
assumptions were wrong, and are thereby more open to new
information and thoughts – creating perspective transformation
as they are able to look with more unbiased eyes at their own
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

The phases of transformative learning


vAfter students understand how their past assumptions and
beliefs may have been wrong and have a perspective
transformation, they are able to plan a course of action.
vThey are able to consider what kinds of learning they will
now need to more fully understand a problem or situation.
They will be able to have a strategy for learning new things,
seeing new perspectives, talking to new people, and more.
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

The phases of transformative learning

Acquisition of knowledge or skills to carry out
new plan.
Now is the time for
students to carry out
their plan and get
further in their
learning. They may
have to learn new
things and consider
different perspectives
in order to fully
enhance their learning.
This may take
extensive work and
effort, but this is where
the real learning is
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

The phases of transformative learning

Exploring and trying new roles.

vAs part of transformational learning, we need to act.

vIn transformative learning, exploring and trying to
understand changes is key to success. It goes beyond
just learning about something, but actively working
to understand and experience new things for
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

The phases of transformative learning

Building self-efficacy in new roles and

vSelf-efficacy involves us being able to make our own
decisions and have our own beliefs. As we follow
transformative learning phases it’s extremely important to
build confidence in our beliefs and understanding, and to
continue to practice this transformative cycle as we move
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

Jennifer Rietbergen-McCracken
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

What is Civic Education?

Ø Civic education (also known as citizen education or
democracy education) can be broadly defined as the
provision of information and learning experiences to
equip and empower citizens to participate in democratic

Ø The education can take very different forms, including

classroom-based learning, informal training, experiential
learning, and mass media campaigns.
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

What is Civic Education?

•Civic education can be targeted at children or

adults, in developed or developing countries, and
at the local, national or international level.

•As such, civic education is an approach that

employs a range of different methods, and is often
used in combination with other participatory
governance tools.
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

What is Civic Education?

• The overall goal of civic education is to promote civic
engagement and support democratic and participatory

• The idea behind civic education is to promote the demand

for good governance (i.e. an informed and engaged public),
as a necessary complement to efforts to improve the
practice of good governance.

• Civic education has been used to address a wide variety of

political and governance issues (e.g. corruption, civic
apathy or post-conflict reconciliation) as well as important
social issues (e.g. domestic violence, drug abuse, and
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

What is Civic Education?

Civic education is concerned with:

a. Civic knowledge - refers to citizens’ understanding of the workings

of the political system and of their own political and civic rights and
responsibilities (e.g. the rights to freedom of expression and to vote
and run for public office, and the responsibilities to respect the rule of
law and the rights and interests of others).

b. Civic skills - refer to citizens’ ability to analyze, evaluate, take and

defend positions on public issues, and to use their knowledge to
participate in civic and political processes (e.g. mobilize other citizens
around particular issues).

c. Civic dispositions - are defined as the citizen traits necessary for a

democracy (e.g. tolerance, public spiritedness, civility, critical
mindedness and willingness to listen, negotiate, and compromise).
Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education

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