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Definition of Different Stages of Moral Development.

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Morality has been an issue of concern to humanity ever since civilization.

However, it was until the late 1950s that the scientific study of moral
development earnestly began. In its definition, moral development can be
said to involve the establishment of values that guides a person in making
right or wrong decisions (Crain, 2015). Lawrence Kohlberg was among
the first people to contribute to the scientific study of moral development.
This paper will discuss Kohlbergs moral development theory. Later,
decisions and actions of two characters will be defined based on different
stages of the theory

Lawrence Kohlbergs Six Stages of Moral Development

Kohlberg was an American psychologist who came up with six stages of

moral development in a doctoral thesis he presented in 1958. Kohlberg
developed the six stages based on the previous work that was done by
Jean Piaget regarding cognitive reasoning. In coming up with the stage
theory, Kohlberg conducted a series of interviews where the participants
were presented with moral dilemmas. The participants were then asked to
answer justifiably what they thought was the right action to take. From
the responses of the participants, Kohlberg came up with the stage theory
that had three levels of moral reasoning, with each level containing two
stages that were qualitatively distinct (Puri & Treasaden, 2010).
Level one was referred to as the pre-conventional moral reasoning. The
first stage in this level is obedience and punishment avoidance. In this
stage, Kohlberg argued that the physical consequences of any action play
a vital role in determining whether this action is right or wrong
disregarding the meaning or values that humans have on these
consequences (Kohlberg, 1971). The second stage in level one is called
the acquisition of favors. In this stage, Kohlberg argued that the right
action is what comprises of what satisfies ones needs and the needs of
others (Kohlberg, 1971). According to Kohlberg, there should be fairness,
reciprocity, and sharing on an equal basis in human relations.

The second level of Kohlbergs stage theory is the conventional level. At

this level, people view the maintenance of the expectations of their
families, peer groups, and families as beneficial regardless of the
immediate and the expected consequences (Kohlberg, 1971). The first
stage in this level is the good boy/girl orientation or the interpersonal
concordance. According to Kohlberg, good behavior pleases others, and
they approve such behavior. For this reason, a person who pleases others
maintains close interpersonal relations with them (Brent & Lewis, 2014).
The second stage in the conventional level is referred to as the law and
order (Kohlberg, 1971). In this stage, a person is exposed to authority,
maintenance of social order, and rules to be abided by. The right behavior
in this stage is fulfilling ones duties, respecting the authority, and
maintaining the required social order.

The third level of Kohlbergs six-stage theory of moral development is the

post-conventional level. This level is also referred to as the principled or
autonomous level. At this level, a person strives to know what moral
value is. A person also attempts to define valid principles and their
applications. The first stage in this level is the social-contract legalistic
orientation (Kohlberg, 1971). At this stage, a person understands that
rules are social agreements that can be changed when need to change
them arise (Brent & Lewis, 2014). The second stage in the post-
conventional level is the universal ethical principle. At this level, a person
adheres to just a small number of principles that he or she feels are right.
The decision to adhere to self-chosen ethical principles emanates from the
conscience. At this stage, a person views the right thing as one that is
logical, universal, and consistent (Kohlberg, 1971).

Analyzing the Actions of Two main Characters using Kohlbergs


One character whose moral development can be described by the

Kohlbergs six stage theory is Heinz. Heinz was a person who stole a
cancer drug from a doctor to save his wifes life. This drug was too
expensive for Heinz to afford. The dilemma that Heinz had in whether to
steal the drug or not can be explained using the Kohlbergs theory:

Stage 1 (Obedience and punishment avoidance): Heinz was faced with

the dilemma of choosing between obedience by not stealing the drug and
stealing to save his wifes life. The consequence of stealing the drug was
going to prison. On the other hand, the consequence of stealing the drug
was saving a life.
Stage 2 (Exchange of favor): Analyzing Heinzs situation using this stage,
it is clear that he was in a dilemma of being happy as a result of stealing
the drug because he would have saved his wife. On the other hand, going
to prison as a result of stealing the drugs would have exposed him to
more suffering than the death of his wife.

Stage 3 (Good boy/girl): Stealing the medicine could have pleased Heinzs
wife and make Heinz a good husband. On the other hand, Heinz was
breaking the law by stealing the drug, meaning that theft was

Stage 4 (Law and order): At this stage, the law prohibits stealing making
it illegal. However, stealing the drug could have saved Heinzs wife life
making him face the consequences of breaking the law.

Stage 5 (Social contract): Heinz could have justified the stealing of the
drugs to human rights. It is everyone's right to remain alive regardless of
what the law stipulates. On the other hand, the druggist also had the right
for fair compensation for making the drug. This means that Heinz was
violating other peoples right by stealing the drug.

Stage 6 (Universal ethical principle): it is universal human ethic to save a

persons life. This reason could have justified Heinzs reason to steal the
drug for his dying wife. On the other hand, stealing the drug meant that
other patients who equally needed this drug could have died (Kohlberg,

The other main person whose actions and decision can be explained using
the Kohlberg theory is the Martin Luther King, Jnr. Luther advocated for
the principles of justice where the claims of everyone should be treated
fairly and impartially while their dignity is respected. The decisions and
actions of campaigning for principles of justice can be ranked on the third
level of Kohlbergs theory. Luther was assassinated because of this
campaign which indicates that it can be dangerous to act on moral
principles at times. It can thus be said that it takes courage to have post-
conventional behaviors (


Brent, E. E., & Lewis, J. S. (2014).Learn sociology. Burlington,

Massachusetts : Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Crain, W. (2015).Theories of Development: Concepts and

Applications.Psychology Press.
Hayes, N. (2005). Foundations of psychology. London: Thomson

Kohlberg, L. (1971). Stages of moral development.Moral education, 23-


Kohlberg, L. (1985). Kohlbergs stages of moral development.Theories of

development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 118-136.

Lawrence Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Reasoning - Leadership Skills and

Values.(n.d.).Retrieved May 19, 2016, from

Puri, B. K., & Treasaden, I. H. (2010).Psychiatry: An evidence based

text. London: Hodder Arnold.

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