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Law and tes na abated OA Unit 1 Justice in Globalising World A. Globalisation as Process Gtotatetion efes to the process of recess of ners nt and integration of cour aoe iro feo, ney ed eas and ‘world, It involves the free flow of goods, services, capital, technol ; tnd people cen ational Dordr, eittd by advancement ‘transportation, communication, and information technologies. q ‘The process of globalization has been driven by various factors such “Trade iteration: The emoval oferta such tri ‘quotas, and other restrictions eithated on ingots ad expo: as el the growth of international trade. 7 anes Tectologial Advances: Advices ia tnmsporaton and communion tchosopes fave ade Hct and hepe Foods, itrmaton be nmpored usb Inverness Capi Flows Tnreased flows across national borders hs iecan et geal cba facial ie pow o ‘markets and the integration of national economies. seen Mignon The movement ofp ‘ped fea sand veggie ie ‘Tepro f haonhr ad see epi end ‘cultural implications. On the ec it BGs gow Sti met, nse omg pee ea St eon Tis seule lower pf Comes sot ‘Breater efficiency in the production of goods and a = Law and Justice Ina Globaised World ation has also led to the displacement of workers tries, ag jobs move to countries with lower labor ited in growing income inequality, a8 the have not been distributed equally. However, global in developed coun oats It as also res benefits of globalization pot, loblztion bas le to geste interdependence amon ell Suntes become mae reliant on ech ter fr tad ston and resource. It hs als ed tote emeraenes of eaba inven auch a the Work Trade Organization (WTO) and ies Monetary Fund (ME), which fei inten Gpoperation and coordination. 1 focliteted the spread of ideas, values, carat practices across borders. This has led to seater cla anand divest, bat sot the homogenization of uti aS Sacra ature dominates global media and entertainment ‘cuttrally, globalization be Giobalizati growth of multinational corporations, Giobaliomate across national borders and control significant von of global economic city. These corporation bys en rorya advanage of globalization by sourcing inputs nd 56 seein multpe counter, which has enable them 10 rede ont and increase profits. fon has als led tothe rfivence of multinational corporations have their impact on national sovereignty, labor Sighs andthe enviroment. Cris, argue that rutinstiong ‘eemGraions often operate in countries with weak lsbor 298 corernmental regulations, and that they have a disproportionate {afluence on the policies ad regulations of developing oountes- Globalization bas also hod significant environmental implications a5 caarnad evonomic nctivity and transportation have fed to bigher Teets a greenhouse gas emissions and environmental Gepedation. ‘Rdaitonally, the growth of global soppy chains bas made it more However, the power and i also razed concer about ee Ad Taw and Justice in a Globalised World iffcult to track and regulate the environmental Sie to pul impact of prog re countries has On the ‘one hand, globalisation has provided develo, be ute emf po he emi and ee ae aooemore oe ‘resources in ‘loping countries, and has rat soars sahiconm cm rer count lomingnse Insecent years teres ayes Sowing ash asin pinay dip! unt, many were Sale by lol compton. Ti ha le tee of pop oe ana ‘movements, which have called tr pad and the reversal of globalisation, However, mag} xyes age ttc polices could be din __ Seonomic growth and cooperation. wuts mal ote He across national ovgh migaton fee ee desi I borders, whether through migratior pach Shc aout eens nen in feanenatacetos e Another aspect of globalisation ig ‘the growth so eae 2 ‘inet The ieinoge he fing ma eee Coen et so er echoes, bat hve ae eg OE Serty, and the spread of ming asst, Br 3 mig) vin | tow and Justice in Globatised World dpe COVID-19 pandemic bas highlighted both the fobelisation. While the pandemic has allenges of sl 2 af intemational cooperation and solidarity ved border closures, protectionism, and cated global economic and te sext ween and Sone Wo hoes Pah have fate com tarts: uo nd sigan impli foe bet cs tll spy ino oe xh ower aac Ts bs recrn ge mney ts re cea gc cpp enorme cri, arling ot ape gout of bl ply ei alo ee soweet e arth Cciy meeting te ve chia ae may be we T as 0 ihr ene en owt, ey eee ee snd econ pal Globalsstion market, as it as I ‘eocation of Gotalisation has also had significant implications forthe financi aoa bas facilitated the growth of global capital markets and cto een of capital across national borders. This has enabled ‘pester aor to finance fr businesses and individuals but has also Brbuted to financial instability and the spread of economic crises cron borders “Moreover, globalisation has created new opportunities for cultural aehange and the spread of ideas, bat has also ed to concems about ‘Stra imperialism and the homogenisation of eultre. There have been debates sbout the role of global media and entertainment in hoping cultural values and identity, particularly in developing Finally, globalisation has contributed to the growth of global {inequality asthe benefits of globalisation have not been distributed 4 law and Justice in a Globaised World sually aero countries and within societies. While some and individuals have benefitted significantly from globe, ‘others have been let behind or have experienced negative na suchas job los, displacement, and environmental depradatign ‘Summary in pointers: ‘+ Globalization refers to the prooess Of in inteeonnectedness and integration of counties, econo, ‘and cultures around the world. ‘s| + Mk has been driven by various factors such as tag liberalization, technological advances, investment ag capital flows, and migration + The economic implications of globalization include the growth of global markets, increased compet specialization of production, resulting in lower prices fx consumer and reser fine inh prodhtion of od However, globalization has also led to the displacement of ‘workers in developed countries, growing income inequaliy, 1nd concems about the impact of multinational corporations ‘on national sovereignty, labor rights, and the environment. + Globalization has also had significant environmental ‘implications, as increased economic activity and \wansportation have led to higher levels of greenhouse gas ‘missions and environmental degradation, * Theimpact of globalization on developing countries has been ‘ined, providing them with sccess to new markel investment, and techn an system, ology, but also perpetuating the of developed counties inthe plobal economic stice ina Globalsed World Law and ustice i aston season nse th eo +n a ent rer psi et faa r alization. mee 8 rece zs of in he ews One fhe ope aro natal odes he ot we Stu, FEE apna + Smt ante and osetia got tn creed en Io dol spy ea a + Tee worth of ny developing ues WA two gone be we - ego ein ao contd tte om + ltatnton Nt lion hve mk Sed eal complexed mane oe i ec mls xsi ss B. Existing Scenari ising oo sd td balan ome ogi nae eg ce al eae Eeonomic issues: (obaisation has rout many economic beef, ach as ing trae, invesnent, and technolo! proses, lesding to econ, row nd inproved ving sans fer ary pope Hone has also created significant economic challenges and iene Panicuarly rented to income init, job dsplacones vironmental degrditio, and financial nai. Income inequality: One of the main economic issues related wp slobalisstion is income inequality. The benefits of globalisation have ‘been unevenly distributed, with the guns concentrated in the hands ‘of few individuals and countries, while others have been left behing ‘This has led toa growing gap between the rich and poo, both wikis and between countries. In developed countries, income inequality has been increasing since the 1980s, while in developing countries, ‘income inequality hes remained hig, with a small elite capturing ‘most ofthe benefits of globalisation 4Job displacement: The growth of global supply chains and the ‘location of rodueton counties with lower labor ents av et ‘job losses in developed countries, particularly nthe manufacturing ‘sector. This has contributed to unemployment, particularly among low-skilled workers, and bas created challenges for workers who have been displaced by globalisation, While globalisation has also ened new job opportunites, particulary in developing counties, fe panels of these opportunities have not always. been evenly isibuted and some workers have beea left behind Environmental degradtion: eaneea (or (Goblin has contibuted to Particularly through the growth of 7 aw and Justice na Globatses worm st ee ee cant re se eran Temi et eye Clee ‘regulations and standards may be weaker, om em eet Seon ° = yep of i ee te mie ier nas Ce oe foc am an ean we tal cane eon eee ee cen aa ge Ce 2 a ‘inna inst — ton tan Wot Sic oan aac noe i Su sa chee pests se we thane ea an cae Homopsnan . for ctrl identity: Globalisatign bas ereted new opporuniis fs St eachmgs, bu thas lo et to the Temoestnin SP Satur, The spread of label mes fashion, and come fase oh eso of to tn a relly in developing coun, This srs cones rae cnt! ent nth preevaon of hu sci nega: Te efi of lisation ave nok ‘fanbuted, leading increased social ineuaity within and pw Sounves. Cloatbaon bas ced ew HRMS a, individuals and groups, while Teaving otbes 8 Law and Justice in a Globalised World inereased socal tension and inequality, particularly in deyq countries where aecess to education, healtheare, and conan te om Labor standards and human rights: The growth of globaj chains has created new opportunities for workers, but it has Pay ‘to concems about labor standards and human rights abuses, ye let developing counties, workers may be exploited and forced 4g Jong hous for low orages, wit itl jb seeurity oF protection, ‘has raised concerns about the rights of workers and the San labor standards and protection. “ore Health and welling: Globalisation b sation Bas had both pos ‘pe pac hae Oh einen intend oo mein ha ako continued 5 ‘of diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and CO\ a trowth of gael tafe and proton he also ‘omc environmental degradation, which can hav o inpoan public health, can eve mega Epc Miptin sod dil Migaon ad digas: Glbsaton his 110 migaton an dpeset opine aces borden a a ynomic opportunities or flee conflict and perse a Ti See al ed neato, sv coon, nd coal 3. Scial eobeson, and “ jars and refuges may face de arginalisation, and exclusion in their new he aaa st communities Education and ki nd skill development: Globalisation has created new opportunities for education an *Pregual for elucton nd kil evelopment bat ths lo ed aw and lstice in Globalised World ration has contributed to the growth of tisshowe to cites in search of better economic Merja led to challenges related to wrbsn planning, tomment, and. social inclusion, as cities may cere aewvices and opportunities to all residents. urbanisation: Global fnrastructure struggle 10 provide B deity and soil cohesion: Globalisation has I he ei of ae gts andthe eration of new forms of soul NY ip. This has raised concerns about social Shen as global eitizenshi sh 3 ably of individuals and communis 1 meine cohesion cloning and identity sm an ineeasingly labled wort sues related to globalisation are complex ‘and integrated approach feation on different tn conclusion, the sonal is we Smakifgceted, requiring a comprehensive and Mlgnsiders the diverse impacts of obs soe Sor social ite. Addressing these ses requires a comnisnet esr ene, equality, and inclusion, as wel asthe develope we oreios and inttives that promote sustainable and equitable forms of plobalisation. Political issves: Globalisation has had significant political implications, both atthe eal and intcmational levels. While it has rested new Gpportunities for political cooperation and coordination, it has a Taito new challenges related to politcal stability, governance, and sovercigaty. + Globalisation has crested new challenges to political stability, as the increased inteconnectedness of countries End economies has ereated new vulnerabilities to economic shocks ‘tad political instability. In some eases, globalisation has contsibuted to politcal instability and conflict, particularly in counties with weak ‘governance and institutional capacity. Govemance and accountability: Globalisation has created new challenges for governance and accountability, as the increasing 10 it mored "MIS to regulate and control if ce economic activity, Tt em abe This ge hn the erosion of national sovercany aq ‘eraments to respond othe needs and dems ands of their gan International Nae ‘cooperation: Globalisation has OPPortunities for intemational cooperation and Particuleely inthe areas of trade, finance, and security. created coordina ‘as slo created new challenges to dntematonal cooper ‘Suntries may pursue their own interests and priorities, eo ‘conflicts and tensions. on) Den cy ek pos Gaon Sa td ‘implications for democracy and Political anticipation wat increased power of gabe ctr, sh at multinational erg sinensis nae ‘concentration of power and the influence. of money i am has mised question about the ability of eons ve ete Th pte decrogd alee won and pptin:Gstnin ta cava foto pen tne co Homan rights: Globai human rights, has created new chal} * lenges to national and Se lnsesing mobility of people, gods u Law and Justice in a Globalised World ‘ad ideas has made it more dificult o regulate and contol borders ‘and protect against the spread of transnational threats, such as terrorism, cybercrime, and infectious diseases, This has led o new ‘demands for intermational cooperation and coordination inthe areas fof security and law enforcement. Environmental sustainability: Globalisation has had significant ‘environmental implications, as the increased production and Consumption of goods and services has led to environmental ‘degradation, climate change, and biodiversiy loss. This has raised feoncers about the sustainability of economic growth and the ability ‘of global actors to address global environmental challenges Geopolitical competition: Globalisation has contributed to new forms of geopolitical competition, as countries seek to assert their influence fand power in an increasingly interconnected world. This includes ‘competition for acess to resources, markets, and strategie alliances, ‘as well as competition over norms and values. Digital governance: Globalisation has led tothe emergence of new digital tecknologies and platforms that have fundamentally transformed the way people interact, communicate, and conduct business. This has created new challenges for digital governance, including issues related to data privacy, cyber security, and the regulation of digital markets and platforms. ‘Migration and mobility: Globalisation has contributed to inereased tigration and mobility, as people move across borders in search of| ‘economie opportunities, security, and socal stability. This as led 10 new challenges related to migration policy border contrel, and the integration of migrants into hos societies Global health: Globalisation has had significant implications for ‘lobal health, as the increasing mobility of people and goods bas ‘contributed tothe spread of infectious diseases and other health sks. ‘This has led to new demands for intemational cooperstion and 2 Law anasuse coordination inthe aras of global health including the deve Gf vaccines and other bealth technologies. Peg Clobatisation has contributed 10 in Eeonomic ie, a the Beefs of ECONOMIC gro ‘retrain hve ot hen equally stb S088 sociig acre tis aslo new demands for polices and nity ree nvronmic pow an ede ECONOMIC nk [Eeonomic inequali: Summary in plate:

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