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GRADE 8 2024.

Creative arts and sports are intergral components of human culture and society,serving as
Dynamic avenues for expression,engagement and enrichment.These two share profound
significance in shaping individuals lives fostering social cohesion and contributing to the
cultural and economic vibrancy of communities worldwide.
Creative Arts : as we all know, the creative arts has a diverse range of disciplines ,including
Visual arts,performing arts,literature,music,film and more.Through various mediums and
forms,individuals engage in creative expression,exploring themes,emotions,and ideas that
resonate with the human experience.The creative arts serves as mirrors reflecting society’s
values,beliefs and aspiratons.They evoke emotion,provoke thought,and ignite
imagination,enriching lives and stimulating dialogue across cultures and generations.
Sports : Sports on the other hand,encompass a wide spectrum of physical activities and
competitions,ranging from individual pursuits to team based endeavors.Whether on a
field,court,track,or arena,sports captivate audiences with displays of athleticism ,skill, and
strategy.Beyond mere entertainment,sports play a pivotal role in promoting health and
fitness,fostering sportsmanship and instilling values like discipline,perseverance and
respect.Sports unite people of diverse backgrounds,transcending boundries of
geography,langunge and culture.
Intersection of creative arts & sports.

While seemingly different creative arts and sports intersect in meaningful ways,often inspiring
and influencing one another.Athletes embody grace and athleticism akin to dancers,while
stadiums and arenas serve as stages for both athletic feats and artistic performances.
Creative arts and sports are essentil threads woven into the fabric of society,enriching
lives,fostering connections and igniting passions.whether on a canvas or a field of play,the
pursuit of creativity and excellence transcends boundaries,uniting individuals.
Both creative arts and sports encompass various components that contribute to their rich and
diverse landscapes.
Creative Arts ;
1. Visual Arts
2. Performing Arts;
-Circus arts
3.Literary Arts;
4.Media Arts;
-Video games
5.Design Arts;
-Graphic design
-Industrial design
-Fashion design
-Interior design.

1.Individual sports;
-Athletics (track and field)
2.Team Sports;
3.Combat sports;
-Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
4. Racket sports;
-Table tennis

5.Water sports;
-Canoeing /kayaking
-Water polo
Outline the social and economic roles of C.arts & sports in society,

-Cultural expression,reflects society’s values,beliefs and traditions.
Community building,fosters a sense of belonging and shared identity.
Education and Awareness,raises awareness on social issues and historical events.
Emotional expression,provides a platform for individuals to express emotions and
Employment opportunities,supports jobs in various sectors like visual arts,performing
arts,design etc.
Tourism and cultural industries attracts visitors and contributes to local economies through
events,galleries, and museums.
Innovation and technology,drives innovation in fields like digital media,gaming and
design,contributing to economic growth.
Intellectual property,generates revenue through copyrights,trademarks and licensing
Health and well being ,promotes physical fitness,mental health, and overall well-being.
Social Cohesion,fosters teamwork,sportsmanship among individuals and communities.
Identity and pride,enhances national and local pride through sports achievements and
Inclusion and diversity,provides opportunities for people of diverse backgrouds to
participate and excel.
Sports industry,generates revenue through ticket sales,broadcasting
rights,sponsorships,merchandise and endorsements.
Job creation supports employment in various sectors such as
coaching,administration,sports medicine and facilities management.
Tourism and hospitality ,attracts tourists for events,tournaments and sports related
activities,benefiting local economies.
Infrastructure development stimulates investments in sports facilities,stadiums and
infrasructure projects.

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