Bilinear Transformations

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_1 1near transf ormation
A transformation of the form w = T(z) = qz+:
... (1)
where g, b, c, q are complex constants and
ad-bet- 0 is called bilinear transformation or
Mobius transformation.
Inverse of (1) r- 1 (w) = z = -dw+b
If Tis a bilinear transformation then r- 1 is the inverse
mapping of T.
•:• i.e.) (To r- 1 )(2) i = (T- 1 o T )(Z)
•:• If Sand Tare Mobius Transformations, then (To S ),
(composition of T and S) is also a Mobius Transformation.
•:• A I}_ecessary condition for a bilinear transformation is
ad- be* 0
•••• A b1·11near
· trans formahon · sa1· d to be
· w = az +db 1s
cz+ .
normalized if ad - be = 1
•:• All the elementary transformation (translation, rotation,
magnification or contraction, Inversion) are bilinear
~ ~ Any bilinear transformation can be expressed as a
product of translation, rotation magnification or
contraction and inversion.
•:• Under a bilinear transformation drcles and straight lines
are transformed into circles and straight lines.
•:• Under each of the elementary transformation circles and
straight lines are transformed into circles and straight
7 ...
Cross ratio
Let z1 , z2 , z3 , ~ 4 be four distinct points in the extended
plane. The cross ratio of these four points denoted by
(~, Zz, Z3, z1) defined by
(zi-z3)(z2-z4) .f f .
(z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 =(
) )( ) I none O Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 IS 00
----- Z1-z;4 Z2-Z3
•:• Any bilinear transformation preserves cross ratio.
•:• Four distinct points z1 , z 2 , z 3 , z4 are collinear or
con-cyclic iff (z1 , z 2 , 3 , 4 ) is real.
•:• The bilinear transformation which map the three points
z 1 , z 2 , z 3 to three points w1 , w2 , w3 is given by
(z, Z1, Z2, Z3) = (w, W1, W2, W3)
~ Find the bilinear transfoJD1ation which maps the points
z 1 = 2, z 2 = i, z 3 = -2 onto w 1 =1, w2 =i, w 3 • -1 respectively.
Solution: w -_ C>.. 2... \ 's:>
(w, W1, Wz, W3) = (z, Z1, Z2, Z3) c....2 ._,\

(w, 1, i, -1) = ( z, 2, i, -2 )
(w-i)( l + l ) = (z-i)(2+2)
(w+ l )( l-i ) (z+2)(2-i)
2(w-t) 4 (z-i)
w-iw+ 1-i 2z+4-iz-2i
(w - t) (2z +4- iz - 2i) = 2(z - i) (w - lw + 1 - i)
2zw + 4w -iZ\V -2iw -2iz - 4i -z-2 = 2z\v - 2izw + 2z - 2iz -2iw-2\,, - 2i-2 =O
w(iz+6) = 3z+2i
w = --1s . :I 1-·1·
3z+2i . a requtrel l'l 1near t rans fo rma t 10
· n.
Find the bilinear transformation which DYps the points
z 1 • oo, z 2 • i, z 3 • 0 onto w 1 • O, w 2 •i, w 3 • oo respectively.
(w, 0, i,oo) = ( z, oo, i, 0)
(w- i) = (z-i)
(O- i ) (z - 0)
z(w-i) = -i(z-i)
zw - iz = -iz -1
zw = -1
Fixed point
If w = _!tz) is any transformation from the ~lane to
w-plane, the fixed points of the transformation are the solutions
of the equation z = f(z)
The fixt"d points or invariant points of the bilinear
transformation are given hy the roots of the equation
z"" =-
~ cz 2 +(d - a)z - b = 0
•:• c *
*O; (d - a) 2 + 4bc 0 => 2 finite fixed points
•!• c 0 ; (d - a) 2 + 4bc = 0 => Cl!)! finite fixed point
•!• c = 0 & a d =>.~nd 9ne finilr fixed point
•!• c = 0 & a = d => oo is the only fixed point
a •
•:• The points which coinside with their transforms under
a bilinear transformation are called fixed points or
invariant points.
•:• A bilinear transformation has a,tmost two fixed points.
•:• A bilinear transformation w = f(z) with more than two
fixed points in the extended complex plane must be the
identity transformation

Find the fixed points of the transformation w = ~
w = f(z) = z
2z - z 2 -z = 0
z - z2= 0
z(l-z) = 0
z =Oor z =l_
The fixed points are .Q_and L.
C =,: 0 ; (d - a ) 2 + 4bc =,: 0

Find the fixed points of the tranafo1n1t1tion w = ,z-


w = f(z) = z
6%-9 2
z = -%- ~ z - 6z + 9 = 0
(z - 3)( z - 3)= 0
z = 3, 3
The fixed point isJ.
..... _,
• -u 9
Find the fixed points of the transformation w = ,z-
w = f(z) = z
6%-9 2
z = -- ~ z - 6z + 9 = 0
(z - 3)( z - 3)= 0
z = 3, 3
The fixed point isj.
Find the fi.x ed point of the trans£ormation w = z + 3
Put w = z
z = z+ 3
The fixed point of the transformation is 29
Normal form
•!• w_= z + k ~ oo is the only fixed point
where k = b/a
•!• w - a = k (z - a) ~~and one finite fixed point a
•!• :-; = k; ; ~ 2 finite fixed points 'JJI!..
where k = a-c;
- + k ~ one finite fixed point a
1 1
= -
z-a -
where k = c
Nature of B.T
•:• Any bilinear transformation having ~ as the only_ fixed point
is a translation.
•:• A bilinear transformation with only one finite fixed point is
called parabolic.
•:• Any bilinear transformation having two finite fixed points 9
w-a z-a
and Q can be written in the form ~ =Ji~
• If I k I = 1 then b.t is called elliptic
• If k = real then b.t is called ~ erholic
•:• The linear transformation that is neither hyperbolic, elliptic
nor parabolic is said to be loxodromic.
A bilinear transform ation T = «z+b is said to normalize d
_,. - cz+d
if ad - be = 1 then
•:•Tis elliptic iff -2 < a+d <1_
•:•Tis ~arabolic if a+d = + 2
•:• Tis hyperbolic if a+d <_:_2 & a+d > 2
~ Find the normal form of the bilinear transformation.
Yf = 4z + 3
C . .h
ompanng wit w = az+b
a = 4 , b = 3, c = 0, d = 1
Here c = 0 and a d *
~ is one fixed point and the finite fixed point is
z = 4z + 3 ~ z = -1
The normal form is w - a = k (z - a) , k = :
_, k = ~
Substitute a= -1 1 = 4

~ Find the normal form of the bilinear transformation.
·--- z
2- z
. .h az+b
Comparing wit w = cz+d
a = 1 , b = O, c = -1, d = 2
Herec *0
z =~
2- z
=> 2z - z 2 - z = 0
=> z 2 - z = 0
=> z(z -1) = 0
~ z = 0 and z = 1
. w-a z-« a-ca
The normal form 1s w- p = k -(J z-
where k = a-c
a = 1 , b = 0, c = -1, d = 2 , a = 0, p = 1
k = a-ca = l+l{O) = .!.
w-o _ (.!.) z-o

w-1 2 z-1

~ - (1)~
w-1 2 z-1

k =~(real)
Hence w is hyperbolic.
. .....
Check whether the transformation is parabolic,
elliptic or hyperbolic.
. .h az+b
Comparmg wit w = cz+d
a 3 , b = -4, c = 1, d = -1
ad - be= 3(-1) - (-4)(1) = 1
Hence w is normalized.
Therefore w is parabolic,:_
Check whether the transformation is parabolic, elliptic or
C . .h az+b
ompar1ng wit w = cz+d
a = 0, b = 1, c = 1, d = -2i
ad - be = 0(-2i) - (1)(1) =_:!
Hence w is not normalized.
z = ~ ~ z 2 -2iz -1 = 0 ~ ( z - i) 2 = 0 ~ z = i
z-2, -
Here i is the only fixed point.
Therefore w is parabolic ..

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