Child Rights and Indian Constitution, A Critical Study

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| CNTRODUCT ION Chilean are meremrarily entitled 1» various apieifio: provoions ta Tyolia ana aero the word , bul thei proper timpleneritamery Cau ony Lendl te tly Aualnatinn « Viotarin oy nits oy betinnt Cow be see tw te foun oy abuse , tral: | inaciagqwal battle Laat + wraleutritiew, aud 400. “The UN eon ew child Riga tea to developmed? plan , ntvasergia acl vanlons ony Programs to carbs Ae Violétior oy enlld nights + A Lilee Swokies, withy the populatiow level requires ,vetde iow to enrforeing au te Aeginlations 7, poachers Bele a agulatione tnaer Cira eu ot wathnations ie alee ‘kena motwsewceng prom tome Te time. Despite Yur premnen 45 Honteurational and National Apanolarda , child Awa O- Valinbraies Autiow of the redely ti aed of mpeclal Care and protection The taunery net to interpret ede reiThon 5 A pct iy its cowtert ound overcorne Ua Mwai by {hobiy nneaina ts provide equal ores te ednnstiow do a. Thronraly alrnative action onanol oid by tye eenstibilian Trotters, we Can Mope to achior ah round development ‘t. being, ay olvurw country , improvement Aras always been w ” oma some ANCA fyaue Come Up well dv thy development dui while own are Mi staggeiug behind . Mow and were - children Ode wadlnewrished “teddy, ana these Urn “te be arorersed for a were comprehensive framework - Ae por D044 Com ,te growly w Ue Aten Gy child tv Tndiy G sunbed 1 we coll Ape Wo grew a were pepe Lmpleraontalvow of Ce Laws. Wal oar Chile, Rights ? The woost Unaie weeds of the children Mert bare wets of ebildatn cv Ld te a igh Aight aw speecalincd tart right ‘thal apply Ha ab aan Lueings volow tv age ob 48. Accovaling to thw United Nations Conventions ov the Regn» of the chin (UNERE, 1999) Chita, ge ane wmininuum entillemuds ond freedenu that showlde toe afford te ol powers below tu age of AB anllen of ABAL » Color,’ Language , selignow » opivioms , ougins , wealthy » birt stale Or ability and tuntow Apply to All people ovenupuriunte « Te Apesiatiacd ght found by Gam ane Right to Anwival Palio nce relerred, to a4 aigiite Te eer my — [cute tama Geomroting sto Aiticle 4 of CRC, A child mean wv the Age of 18 yoo lentes. under te Law apptir & wmarority. Go attained Colin. The Article tw grant U cowntdia a duyaretion te debeuntne by Law whutter obildlood earer OW 12/14/16 ov what age b found appwpriate. The, way Obfeel of Uw Chill Laboww Aol 1999 i te addres the coneruy oul tke ormpleyiment of onda div Mreryardous Undurtaitn whore are bela the age oy Sh. The Ad wnt Aceliins 13 gives HY wilihnin childaw anc envitled te while Chey ane eamployed Ol aloo Mati Wirtely Crowle cont then + Fagauu Act (949 , The Rood aver Cigay Woe fat 1966, PhanbAbiny Labov et 1954 .amd Dowastie Worker Act 2008 Container lv Urom relevavily Pruovindors soley Te Acetrom endeared tw tre Aegitatiow , Change ty the foun of Arwenduurile Move bean mode tiv thw Ontid! Labour Act of 1996 withy Tow whew tre dnoluatow of were exdwriue provinions wos Kealiseds . The Aer pals Ue power to wide ples Our fb ont ste the Contral Governinent and the Aowtermed madly Whe trawe coe out Wit previdons a4 ds and voanpalion Unit nildatw caw engage Od gue Atabing to tne poraimn Het Tu 0 ov te comp Haat employs the child may -baue te face ly they viovak iy weums of the Act. The National Powe ow chilel Labour , Angn® 148% contalns the erhow Phar for taceing he iste oy eddy Latte ue Violence [Child Vireriuue of Danrertier Chile Yee ef Domestic Veoluter: Dontorie Wolunee othe comse Wheely atfeats Ue Edweatiin oy the ohiidnun Patlewy oy abi Qed evereive boreviowr op ontonnaG pains boy Watng » plupteal , sevuat aural payolurtageral atbacks Redbucsd, acaclewiv Progress anol tverrated CliuLptiue ov wf orned closer beravioun for children , adeuscovs , and teenager » hilar From dypprmcional ewniiien ane Ls Uideely fowetion, Succeed ylley a Ach wot + ee Twenty Jiathee dhe Tawenile Twtico (core and Pretection of children) Act, 2015 Fmeniler uv conyviel luv Law and childran dw requirement OF Can ourcl protection. The Law saw ie towne Aud, proved To be quite Unpul wit several comwiels bem Meld ov The Commision of {fener MWrder the Het of 2000, whic eter Wend unmeticed clue To abienree of dy spel Low tv edb regard . TE th Not No+2 af 2.016 onl wor enacted dv prruoure Of Convention ow tino Righty oy Us child , us United, Nations Aarolerd Minti Rules for Ue foministration. Py Trurencs Twatice 1295 Cle Becpiing Rete) «tae Unica, Natiovs Pues tov the Protection of -Thweniies Depuined mp they bey the Hoque Cowwention bw Protedrion Of Chitdasn tuvcl Com oprration tin Rerpeet oy Tuter- Commtry, Adopien (1993) ance her rele Gtermahonal tntrrmente « “The Chitdven Act, 1160. Te th dget of tee protection of thu Aight ry obtain uv the Urrton errckoude, cr fet was anacted The Long Tile: Op the Atk reads, Aw Aet te previo for tw cove, protection maalulena? ar, troiming. , edrcatuow dnl relation, * OF namlecocd Oe delcranent olilduw aml 1 the Wal Ap dobingqnent Chitdun iy the Untow berribome - Chika Weare Proands Chileliun Court ans established, under Avion 4 ind 5 Off th hee, respectively « Chapter Woh UH et talker ay debeil about Dokinquent chiles » dwt bale and aseernphonns Aslan, te ie . a a vital Hel emanated wy mexpel of Tawentle Delinguen: Se — CONCLUSION Te Trdte , chile commest “be separate frewe thety familie» Parent and ehildiew extr tegetheh On aw Tmiikvtion anal 40 che dovelopmnentt tiv child nights canal a beter enildinerd for ila cl be seonshed, owl wit’ aaggiclen guwareneys WY ‘te family ered willy me inkrodwction Of yew selemes auvel Programe . Gpoxt {ro the govern qnthoihies and wer Blganivtraomr ty way the solely jp Aapedl wwe aha cleo ow ehilduen’s pene of vlew the wew bent pewuies Mourn anol Concent Lagatation tum OF th be sgn 4 claw thaty comer out, Lndie Caw rows -fowign couiaies whicly neers off AWOL -

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