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OPINION Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis for single
gene disorders
Stephanie Allen, Elizabeth Young, and Benjamin Bowns

Purpose of review
Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis for single gene disorders is coming to fruition in its clinical utility. The
presence of cell-free DNA in maternal plasma has been recognized for many years, and a number of
applications have developed from this. Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis for single gene disorders has
lagged behind due to complexities of technology development, lack of investment and the need for
validation samples for rare disorders.
Recent findings
Publications are emerging demonstrating a variety of technical approaches and feasibility of clinical
application. Techniques for analysis of cell-free DNA including digital PCR, next-generation sequencing and
relative haplotype dosage have been used most often for assay development. Analysis of circulating fetal
cells in the maternal blood is still being investigated as a viable alternative and more recently transcervical
trophoblast cells. Studies exploring ethical and social issues are generally positive but raise concerns
around the routinization of prenatal testing.
Further work is necessary to make testing available to all patients with a pregnancy at risk of a single gene
disorder, and it remains to be seen if the development of more powerful technologies such as isolation and
analysis of single cells will shift the emphasis of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis. As testing becomes
possible for a wider range of conditions, more ethical questions will become relevant.
cell-free fetal DNA, fetal cells, next-generation sequencing, prenatal diagnosis, single gene disorder

INTRODUCTION and the current state of play with regard to

The development of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis clinical implementation.
(NIPD) for single gene disorders (SGDs) has been
slow in comparison with noninvasive prenatal test-
ing (NIPT) for aneuploidy and NIPD for fetal sexing
and fetal Rhesus status. This is largely due to the It is worth noting that fetal DNA can be retrieved
complexity of testing required and the relatively noninvasively from three sources – cffDNA in
small numbers of patients with individual disorders, maternal blood, circulating fetal cells in maternal
some of whom have unique mutations. Rare dis- blood and transcervical trophoblastic cells. Most of
orders are however collectively common. One in 17 the published work to date focuses on circulating
people (7% of the population) will be affected by a cffDNA derived from placental trophoblasts and we
rare disease at some point in their lives [1], so there is will therefore discuss this first. Some recent
a clinical need to make NIPD testing available to this
patient group regardless of the investment required.
West Midlands Regional Genetics Laboratory, Birmingham Women’s
Since the discovery of cell-free fetal DNA Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
(cffDNA) in maternal plasma in 1997 [2], there Correspondence to Stephanie Allen, PhD, FRCPath, West Midlands
have been reports in the literature showing case Regional Genetics Laboratory, Birmingham Women’s NHS Foundation
studies and proof of principle NIPD assays on a Trust, Birmingham, UK. Tel: +44 121 627 2710; fax: +44 121 627 2711;
number of SGDs on relatively small numbers of e-mail:
patients (reviewed by Wong and Lo [3]). This review Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2017, 29:73–79
updates on the more recent publications in this area, DOI:10.1097/GCO.0000000000000347

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Prenatal diagnosis

nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) into different infor-

KEY POINTS mative categories based on parental zygosity. Phasing
 The majority of studies on NIPD of SGDs still involve of parental SNP haplotypes is achieved by comparison
testing of cffDNA, although circulating fetal cells and of genomic DNA samples from the mother, father and
more recently transcervical trophoblast cells are being affected proband in each family. Analysis of sequenc-
explored as an alternative. ing data from cell-free DNA (cfDNA) enables the
detection of the mutant or normal haplotype in the
 Methods currently used include next-generation
sequencing, RHDO, digital PCR, COLD-PCR, real-time fetus. Figure 1 shows the principle of this method
PCR and minisequencing. using maternally heterozygous SNPs in X-linked dis-
orders (Fig. 1a) and categories 3 and 4 SNPs in auto-
 Clinical implementation is ongoing in some places, but somal recessive disorders (Fig. 1b). Xu et al. [4]
is challenging due to the number and diversity of
performed NIPD on eight pregnancies at risk of the
disorders requiring validation of samples and
assay design. X-linked recessive disorder Duchenne muscular dys-
trophy (DMD) in this way, using target enrichment
 Studies investigating ethical and social issues are and massively parallel sequencing. Analysis of SNPs in
generally positive but raise concerns such as the the maternal cfDNA using a Hidden Markov Model
routinization of testing, the associated increased
correctly identified the high-risk or low-risk maternal
pressure to have prenatal testing and the potential
increase in terminations. haplotype in all cases, as confirmed by conventional
prenatal diagnosis. Yoo et al. [5] carried out a similar
study with four DMD families, correctly identifying
one unaffected and three affected fetuses.
developments in the use of circulating fetal cells in Other groups have reported the use of these
maternal blood and transcervical trophoblastic cells methods for the diagnosis of autosomal recessive
will then be reviewed. disorders. Chen et al. [6] expanded on their previous
Table 1 lists recent publications that describe work, in which they had developed haplotype-based
techniques for NIPD of SGDs by analysis of cffDNA. strategies for the NIPD of DMD and congenital deaf-
These are grouped by testing method, and we will ness, to further investigate five families with preg-
look in more detail into a few of the more com- nancies at risk of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). The
monly reported technologies. analysis identified two unaffected pregnancies,
two carriers and one affected fetus, which were all
confirmed by invasive testing. Another report fol-
HAPLOTYPE-BASED NEXT-GENERATION lowed a family with GJB2-associated hearing impair-
ment [7 ]. NIPD was combined with preimplantation
An increasing number of studies are reporting the use genetic diagnosis, NIPT for fetal aneuploidy and
of haplotype-based analysis to determine the inher- invasive confirmation by amniocentesis. Although
itance of parental mutations in a linkage type manner. this provided an effective management strategy for
This approach requires the grouping of single the family, the cost of providing this combination of

Table 1. Techniques for analysis of cell-free fetal DNA for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of single gene disorders

Technique Disorders Reference Number of reports

Haplotype-based NGS/relative Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular [4–6,7 ,8 ,9–12] 9

& &

haplotype dosage atrophy, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, GJB2-associated

hearing impairment, Gaucher disease
Droplet digital PCR CF, neonatal diabetes and achondroplasia [13–15,16 ] 4

Minisequencing Achondroplasia [15] 1

Bespoke/targeted NGS Achondroplasia, thanatophoric dysplasia and lethal skeletal [17,18 ] 2

COLD-PCR and microarray CF, beta thalassemia [19] 1
Fragment analysis Huntington disease [20] 1
Allele-specific real-time PCR b-thalassemia [21,22] 2
cSMART Wilson disease [23] 1

Articles within the review period reporting NIPD of SGDs by analysis of cell-free fetal DNA. These are categorized into methods used for testing and disorders
tested. Source: original. CF, cystic fibrosis; COLD, coamplification at lower denaturation temperature; cSMART, ciruclating single-molecule amplification and
resequencing technology; NGS, next-generation sequencing; NIPD, noninvasive prenatal diagnosis; SGD, single gene disorder.

74 Volume 29  Number 2  April 2017

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Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis for single gene disorders Allen et al.

FIGURE 1. Principles of relative haplotype dosage. (a) Relative haplotype dosage analysis for X-linked disorders showing how
over-representation of informative single nucleotide polymorphisms on the X chromosome is used to show whether the fetus has
inherited the mutant or normal copy of the gene. Adapted from [8 ] (open access). (b) Relative haplotype dosage analysis for

autosomal recessive disorders (original).

tests was considered prohibitively high in terms of single gene disorders study that was aimed at devel-
clinical application. oping tests with a level of affordability to enable
The haplotype-based approach was taken fur- clinical implementation. Two publications from the
ther during the noninvasive prenatal diagnosis for study detail the development of assays for NIPD of

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Prenatal diagnosis

Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD/BMD) of monogenic disorders. They performed NIPD SNP
and SMA [8 ,9]. Methods were similar to those genotyping in 55 maternal plasma samples, achiev-
above, except that analysis of cfDNA to determine ing 100% accuracy for detection of paternal alleles
the fetal haplotype was done by relative haplotype and 96% accuracy for diagnosis of alleles with
dosage (RHDO). The predicted fetal haplotypes were maternal origin by RMD. They conclude that
in agreement with known outcomes in each of the their study demonstrates the potential of ddPCR
nine and 16 pregnancies tested. Importantly, by for NIPD fetal genotyping independently of inher-
combining these two assays into a panel [and with itance pattern.
assays for cystic fibrosis (CF) and congenital adrenal
hyperplasia (CAH) in development], the authors
state that it is possible to test up to three patients BESPOKE/TARGETED NEXT-GENERATION
simultaneously for any of three single gene dis- SEQUENCING
orders. This significantly reduces the cost to the Two recent publications describe the use of targeted
point that the DMD/BMD and SMA tests are now next-generation sequencing (NGS) for NIPD of
available as a clinical service. skeletal dysplasias [17,18 ]. Skeletal dysplasias may
The RHDO method has also been adopted in a be diagnosed by ultrasonography, and therefore a
recent study for NIPD of CAH [10], with the fetal noninvasive test is beneficial for diagnosis without
genotype correctly predicted in all five cases putting the pregnancy at risk. NIPD can be a useful
reported so far. Haplotype-based NIPD of CAH has aid to clinical management as it allows a definitive
been explored previously with similarly promising diagnosis, differentiation between lethal and non-
results, as summarized in a recent review article by lethal forms, and the option of a surgical termin-
Kazmi et al. [11]. ation as a postmortem is not required. It can also be
Haplotype-based methods have been used in a helpful in twin pregnancies to avoid putting the
slightly different way by Zeevi et al. [12]. They unaffected twin at risk. Alternatively, there may
demonstrated a universal strategy for NIPD in the be a family history of the disorder, and where this
Ashkenazi-Jewish population using SNPs to con- is apparently de novo (i.e. not detected in either
struct a haplotype around a prevalent mutation parent), or paternally inherited, then NIPD for the
on a common haplotype background in that mutation can be offered very early in pregnancy.
particular population. Chitty et al. report on the development of an NGS
panel covering 29 known disease-causing mutations
in the FGFR3 gene, associated with achondroplasia
DROPLET DIGITAL PCR and thanataphoric dysplasia. Dan et al. developed a
There have been several studies that have utilized targeted capture sequencing method for de-novo
droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) for NIPD. ddPCR is mutation detection in 16 lethal skeletal dysplasia
based on partitioning of the sample into tens to genes. They analyzed maternal and paternal
hundreds of thousands of droplets, which each con- genomic DNA alongside maternal plasma cfDNA
tains one or no copies of the target gene. When for each pregnancy, using a bioinformatics algor-
compared with real-time PCR, the partitioning ithm developed for low-frequency mutation detec-
increases sensitivity and specificity because of the tion and a strict variant interpretation strategy to
reduced effects of competition of target molecules. A identify de-novo mutations in the plasma data.
positive reaction in a droplet indicates the presence Their assay was shown to be successful in three
of a single molecule, and the proportion of positive pregnancies in which variants identified were
droplets is used to estimate the concentration shown to be identical to those identified in amniotic
of target. fluid from the pregnancy.
The majority of studies using ddPCR have dem-
onstrated detection of paternal or de-novo disease-
causing mutations including CF (CFTR gene) [13], OTHER METHODS
neonatal diabetes (KCNJ11) [14] and achondroplasia Galbiati et al. [19] looked at the application of
(FGFR3) [15]. Perlado et al. [16 ] have taken this one COLD-PCR and microarray analysis for NIPD for
step further and have also looked at detection of both b-thalassemia and CF. They tested 87 and 40
maternal alleles by relative mutation dosage prenatal diagnoses, respectively, studying detection
(RMD). One difficulty with validating NIPD assays of the paternal allele only. Their results showed
is the availability of clinical samples for rare disorders complete concordance in all cases with invasive
and individual mutations, which they have prenatal diagnosis. They comment that they would
addressed by carrying out a proof of principle study recommend that NIPD be performed by two inde-
using a SNP strategy to mimic the inheritance pattern pendent methods and this is why they investigated

76 Volume 29  Number 2  April 2017

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Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis for single gene disorders Allen et al.

this approach, and that both methods are inexpen- through amplification of the SRY gene and fluor-
sive and easy to develop and perform in clinical escence in-situ hybridization to determine fetal sex
laboratories. and to demonstrate trisomy 13, 18 or 21. The
To date, very few studies have reported on the authors estimated that the cost of the clinical pro-
development of NIPD for trinucleotide repeat vision of this analysis would be equivalent to cur-
expansion disorders. This is largely due to the tech- rent NIPT techniques; however, they acknowledge
nical issues associated with detecting repeat expan- that it is currently impractical for use as a screening
sions within highly fragmented cfDNA. Direct technique.
detection of paternally inherited normal and inter-
mediate-sized CAG repeats in maternal plasma
has been demonstrated ([20] and references TRANSCERVICAL TROPHOBLASTIC CELLS
therein); however, there is difficulty in detecting Bolnick et al. [26] first published their trophoblast
large Huntington disease repeats in the expansion retrieval and isolation from the cervix (TRIC) in
size range. 2014, in which they demonstrated that they could
Several groups have recently published details of use trophoblast cells accumulating in the endocer-
assays developed for NIPD of b-thalassemia. These vical canal at the beginning of pregnancy to accu-
reports concerned the use of allele-specific real-time rately determine fetal sex from 5-week gestation. In
PCR with and without high-resolution melt analysis contrast with cffDNA, it has been shown that the
to detect the presence or absence of the paternal yield of fetal cells from TRIC is not affected by
mutation in the maternal plasma [21,22]. These gestational age (5–20 weeks), maternal BMI, parity
assays showed a high level of accuracy but again or maternal age [27]. The same group has since used
are only applicable to paternal inheritance and this technique to identify fetal sex in a pregnancy at
require different mutation alleles to be present in risk of CAH [28], determine fetal genotypes using
the mother and father. Despite the limitations, there NGS [29] and to evaluate altered biomarkers to
may be benefit in considering these types of assays predict manifestation of perinatal disease [30].
in suitable scenarios, due to their relative simplicity Although this technique does not appear to have
and affordability. the associated risk of adverse clinical outcomes [28]
that are seen with traditional invasive testing
methods, it could still be considered to be a some-
what ‘invasive’ procedure. Pfeifer et al. [31 ] have
Although much of the recent work has focused on developed a technique that extracts trophoblastic
cffDNA as a source of material for NIPT, the use of cells from the external parts of the cervix using the
fetal cells is still an attractive proposition as it offers Papanicolaou test technique and were able to dem-
pure fetal material (not mixed with maternal) and onstrate that these cells could be used as a source of
nonfragmented DNA, which is more amenable to pure fetal DNA, which could be used for NIPD.
whole genome analysis. Previously published
methods for isolating circulating fetal nucleated
red blood cells have included density gradients, ETHICAL AND SOCIAL CONSIDERATIONS
magnetic-activated cell sorting and fluorescence- NIPD using cffDNA in maternal plasma allows safer
activated sorting; however, these techniques have and earlier prenatal testing, which is likely to trans-
drawbacks including purity and recovery rate that form prenatal care for couples with pregnancies at
mean that they are not suitable for routine prenatal risk of SGDs. Therefore, it is important that the
testing. More recently, there have been several pub- ethical and social issues of the implementation of
lications that describe techniques capable of isolat- NIPD into clinical practice are fully considered.
ing fetal cells at yields and purities sufficient for Several studies have been conducted using focus
NIPT. These use a two-step enrichment with a groups and interviews that have included adult
positive enrichment process based on red blood cell patients [32], support group representatives [33]
hyperaggregation, followed by negative enrichment and carriers of autosomal recessive diseases, includ-
using microfluidic technology [24]. The potential ing those who have an affected child (living or
for these cells to be used for subsequent fetal genetic deceased) and those who have used NIPD [34–36].
analysis was demonstrated by determining fetal sex Although opinion is generally positive, with
through expression of SRY genes. the main benefits being seen as the low risk and
Kanda et al. [25 ] have used a combination of a early provision of testing, several themes of com-
modified lectin-based erythroblast isolation tech- mon concerns were identified. These included
nique and automated image analysis to isolate accuracy of results, routinization of testing,
pure fetal erythroblasts. Fetal sex was demonstrated informed consent, increased pressure to have

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Prenatal diagnosis

prenatal testing, increase in terminations and clinical practice. Studies are ongoing to investigate
moral issues related to prenatal testing in general the cost and ethical considerations of testing.
(need for guidelines for when testing should be It remains to be seen if the development of more
offered; paternal rights) [32– 36]. powerful technologies such as single cell sequenc-
Much of the NIPT currently available is for ing, a reduction in sequencing costs and evolution
conditions that affect the baby at birth or early in of more robust methods for isolation of single cells
life. However, given the pace at which the technol- will shift the emphasis and scope of NIPD [40]. In
ogy is moving, it seems likely that testing will be addition, as testing becomes possible for a wider
available in the near future for a much wider range range of conditions, many more ethical questions
of conditions, including those with varying pene- are likely to be raised.
trance and/or adult onset. This raises many more
ethical questions, including which conditions it is Acknowledgements
ethically justifiable to test for prenatally and how is None.
this decided and if we are willing to offer an invasive
test for a condition, should we also offer NIPT? Financial support and sponsorship
Deans et al. [37] make the point that if parents are None.
using noninvasive testing for ‘information only’,
are we invading the privacy of that future child’s Conflicts of interest
right to make their own decisions about genetic
There are no conflicts of interest.
testing? Many of these questions are addressed
in a study by Bennett et al. [38] looking at the
views of health professionals regarding the use REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
of NIPD for BRCA1/2 mutations in breast and READING
ovarian cancer. Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
been highlighted as:
& of special interest
&& of outstanding interest


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