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Annual Examination 2022-23 M. Marks - 50

SUBJECT - Social Science T.Sign _______

NAME__________________ SEC_________ ROLL___________ DATE____________

❖ All questions are compulsory.

❖ Attempt all the questions in neat and legible handwriting.

1. Tick the correct answer: (5 marks)

a. The UN Charter was signed on _________

i. 24 November 1945 ii. 24 October 1945 iii. 28 October 1945

b. ___________ canal links the Mediterranean sea with the Red sea.
i. Panama ii. Suez iii. Ganga- Brahmaputra

c. _____ are special flat bottomed boats.

i. Barges ii. Ships iii. Rafts

d. _____Organisation provides Vaccines, antibiotics, bed nets to the Childrens

to bring down the death rates.

e. The point where the earthquake originates is called the_________.

i. epicentre ii. Focus iii. Vent

2. Give one word: (4 marks)

i. Organ that takes care of the day to day working of the UN- ____________
ii. Point just above the focus is called- ______________
iii. Steam engine was invented by - ________________
iv. Shortage of rainfall over a long period of time is called - ________________
3. True & False : (5 marks)
i. Judges in ICJ are appointed for a tenure of 5 years . ( )
ii. Inter state or Inter city travelling largely depends on railways or air service . ( )
iii. USA has the second largest railway network in the world. ( )
iv. UN has 194 countries as its permanent members. ( )
v. When molten rock material erupts and flows out on the surface it is called lava.
( )

4. Give Example: (4 marks)

i. Any 2 diseases spread due to flood-

ii. Any 2 states of India which are prone to Cyclones


5. Fill in the blanks : (5 marks)

i. The UN charter was signed by ____________ member countries.
ii. The _________________________ runs between Kolkata in India and
Peshawar in Pakistan.
iii. _______________are powerful winds accompained by heavy showers.
iv. __________________is the world’s largest passenger aeroplane.
v. The ________________is the head of the UN secretariat.

6. Define : (3 marks)
i. Deforestation-

ii. Charter- ________________________________________________________


iii. Highway- ____________________________________________________


7. Short Questions: (10 marks)

i. What is the Richter Scale ?



ii. Why do we need transport?



iii. Write the full form - UNESCO , WHO , UNICEF (Any 2) ?



iv. Name any two heritage trains reconstructed for foreign tourists ?


v. Where is the headquarters of the General Assembly and ILO ?



8. Long Questions : (9 marks)

i. What is the difference between National Highway and International Highway ?
Give one example of each.





ii. What are the objectives of the UN ?




iii. What are the precautions that can be taken during Earthquake ? (Any 3)





9. On a political map of the world ,Mark all the permanent members of the
security council. (5 marks)

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