Grade 8 Warm Up Worksheets

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Name: ____________________________ Class: _______

Grade 8 Assessment Task – WARM UPS

Warm-ups for drama and dance

State whether each of the following statements regarding warm-up exercises is true or false.

1. Warm-up exercises can be used to physically warm-up the body as well as focus the mind on
an upcoming task. ___________
2. Warm-up exercises should relax the body and remove all unnecessary tension. ________
3. Shouting is a good way to warm-up the voice. ____________
4. Ice-breakers are warm-up exercises for an ensemble that does not know each other. ______
5. The body and voice are the only instruments the actor uses in performance. _______
6. Warm-ups need not be done if dancing is not going to be strenuous. ___________
7. Warm-up exercises should never develop acting or dance skills because their sole purpose is
to prepare the body. _____________
8. Warm-up exercises should be done in safe environments and should never hurt the body or
voice. ____________
9. Warm-up routines should be fun and keep the performer focussed. __________
10. A good warm-up routine for actors will never involve stretching. ___________
11. If the body aches during a warm-up routine, it means that the warm-up is really working well.
12. Write out the mantra a performer must repeat to achieve neutral posture:
______________________________________________________________________ (5)
[15 marks]
Devise an original warm-up exercise
You are going to work with a partner. You must devise an original warm-up exercise for your ritual dance
or drama performance which will warm up the body, voice and mind. Consult your Creative Arts
textbook for ideas or use your classroom knowledge.
The warm-up must:
 condition the body and voice;
 have an order to the exercises;
 develop a dramatic and dance skill;
 first isolate one part of the body before moving on to the whole body.
Draw the following table on an landscape A4 piece of paper to complete the task:
Focus on
(Body, Voice, Name of warm up Method Reason for use

You may be expected to conduct a warm-up session with the class using your exercise. Carefully study
the rubric so you know how you will be assessed.
Rubric to assess warm-up exercise for drama/dance

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Conditioning of body or Excellent development of Pleasing development of Fair development of Unable to develop an
voice exercise routine that exercise routine that exercise routine that exercise routine that
conditions body/voice in a conditions body/voice. generally conditions conditions body/voice.
creative way. body/voice.
[8 – 7 marks] [6 – 5 marks] [4 – 3 marks]
[2 – 0 marks]
Develops a dramatic or Excellent development of Good development of a Fair development of a Poor development of a
dance skill a dance/drama skill. dance/drama skill. dance/drama skill. dance/drama skill.
[8 – 7 marks] [6 – 5 marks] [4 – 3 marks]
[2 – 0 marks]
Area of body isolated Clear isolation of body Fair isolation of body Unclear isolation of body Unable to isolate body part
before moving on to full part, well warmed-up, part, satisfactorily part, partially warmed- for warm-up, lack of
body warm-up clear progression to full warmed-up, good up, unclear progression progression to full body
body warm-up. progression to full body to full body warm-up. warm-up.
[4 marks] [3 marks] [2 marks] [1 mark]
Demonstration to class Demonstration is effective Demonstration is good; Demonstration is fairly Demonstration is poor
and whole class and clear; class class participated well done; class resulting in class
involvement participated actively. participated participated
enthusiastically. satisfactorily. unenthusiastically.
[8 – 7 marks] [6 – 5 mark]s [4 – 3 marks] [2 – 0 marks]
Overall effectiveness of Very effective. Effective. Not effective.
[2 marks] [1 mark] [0 marks] –

[30 marks]
Peer assess the warm-up routine for dance or drama of two other groups.

Use the following checklist to assess the warm-up routine of another group.

GROUP 1: ________________________________________________________________________
Criteria Yes Maybe/ No Give a reason for your response.
Was it clear what the
purpose of the warm-
up exercise was?
Were the instructions
given by the group
Area of body isolated
before moving on to
full body warm-up.
Did you enjoy doing
the warm-up?
Do you think this
warm-up was
Write down one thing
you really liked about
this warm-up routine.

Write down one way

this warm-up could be

GROUP 2: _________________________________________________________________________

Criteria Yes Maybe/ No Give a reason for your response.

Was it clear what the
purpose of the warm-
up exercise was?
Were the instructions
given by the group
Area of body isolated
before moving on to
full body warm-up.
Did you enjoy doing
the warm-up?
Do you think this
warm-up was
Write down one thing
you really liked about
this warm-up routine.

Write down one way

this warm-up could be
MEMO: Grade 8 Assessment Task – WARM UPS

Question Possible Solution

number marks
1 15 1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. False
11. False
12. Stand with feet slightly apart√ head touching ceiling√ knees
& arms loose√ chin level and breath through nose√

2 30 See rubric in Appendix of Assessment Tools.

3 No marks Encourage learners to peer assess in an honest and constructive

Allow peers to verbally criticise the warm-up exercises by offering
one positive comment and one “to be improved” comment.
Encouraging fair and sensitive critique of peer work will develop the
learners positively and holistically. Intervene if criticism becomes
personal or hurtful.

See checklist in Appendix of Assessment Tools.

Appendix of Assessment Tools

Rubric to assess warm-up exercise for drama/dance

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Conditioning of Excellent Pleasing Fair development of Unable to develop an
body or voice development of development of exercise routine exercise routine that
exercise routine that exercise routine that generally conditions body/voice.
conditions that conditions conditions
body/voice in a body/voice. body/voice.
creative way. [4 – 3 marks] [2 – 0 marks]
[8 –7 marks] [6 – 5 marks]
Develops a Excellent Good development Fair development of Poor development of a
dramatic or dance development of a of a dance/drama a dance/drama dance/drama skill.
skill dance/drama skill. skill. skill.
[8 – 7 marks] [6 – 5 marks] [4 – 3 marks] [2 – 0 marks]
Area of body Clear isolation of Fair isolation of Unclear isolation of Unable to isolate body
isolated before body part, well body part, body part, partially part for warm-up, lack
moving on to full warmed-up, clear satisfactorily warmed-up, unclear of progression to full
body warm-up progression to full warmed-up, good progression to full body warm-up.
body warm-up. progression to full body warm-up.
body warm-up. [2 marks]
[3 marks]
[1 mark]
[4 marks]
Demonstration to Demonstration is Demonstration is Demonstration is Demonstration is poor
class and whole effective and clear; good; class fairly well done; resulting in class
class involvement class participated participated class participated participated
enthusiastically. actively. satisfactorily. unenthusiastically.
[8 – 7 marks] [4 – 3 marks]
[6 – 5 marks] [2 – 0 marks]
Overall Very effective. Effective. Not effective.
effectiveness of
warm-up [2 marks] [1 mark] [0 marks] –

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