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4022 Fourth Semester 3 Yr. LL.B. Examination, April/May 2022 (Dec. 2021) OPT. JANKING LAW Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions /“1, Answer any five questions from group (a) and five from group (b). 2. Figures to the right indicate the marks. 3, Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Q.No.1. a) Explain the growth and development of Banking Institutions in India. peddeld, uotont og eideirt abd exayQaret, wow oaton Q.No.1. b) Write a note on : tseipd eodons0: Supervisory role of Reserve Bank of India patteah Odarr mote sbeQsndrm ang Q.No.2. a) Discuss the functions of commercial Banks in India. odiclgg sntey modi maberieeh, tira, Q.No, 2. b) IDBI aane Q.No.3. a) Explain the general principles relating to secured toan. siebdods og seworinks, mmaing, derive axon, Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Pro. Q.No 3. b) Q.No. 4. a) Q.No. 4. b) Q.No. 5. a) Q.No. 5. b) Q.No.6. a) Q.No. 8. b) a ‘ne Write a note on vad exdomsd: Ancillary Services of a Bank. Marks : 6 emypis apos Aerie. Describe the objectives and major features of the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of Indian Act 1961. Marks : 10 gedtead dents dsb shay mod Hdd Hol mol, 1961 ¢ epnobabs vores she ato, exporiveh, aon, Write a note on : aS edo: Priority sector advances. Marks : 6 weiss dood aborts, ' Define Bill of Exchange. Explain the distinction between Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note. Marks : 10 Dpcbad sath syeyENe, Opebod sks ey es aged dabos sleysrideh anon Write a note on eles wxdo800: Endorsement Marks : 6 soda Who is a holder in due course ? Explain the privileges of a holder in due course. Marks : 10 city gab adtloctd caec? osey Babqadd mteyriday SOK Write a note on : ssefp8 exdowso: Noting and protesting Marks : 6 ofS Q.No.7. a) Q.No.7. b) & Q.No. 8. a) © Q.No.8. b) 3 4022 Discuss the banker's obligation to maintain secrecy of customer's account. Marks : 10 mad andad Pagoda menatarsl mRotdd mmadaba) wtara. ‘A cheque written infavour of XYZ's Co. a partnership firm is sentby one ofits partners Y, requesting the banker to credit the amount of the cheque to his personal account. ‘Can the banker do so ? Decide. Marks : 6 XYZ speared vost abionoess wish desta amend Ys Goby snd ules sicarday simrcuwen deecbae. mods s One abocdunbie? AgroKe. ‘ Who is a Banker ? Explain general relationship of Banker and Customer. Marks : 10 todo otis cinch? maida abay motor mating, Rowers, Oston. Mr. Shankar couldn't present the cheque received from his friend due to busy schedule. The period of limitation is about to expire on a day which happens to be a holiday. Advice Mr. Shankar. Marks : 6 doch af etoddod aid tina dod ged mre tot XOKO0, dim Oadoc mo woms eal shorgobeproaicded, dordart dont oa. 4022 i 4 Q.No. 9. a) Explain E-Banking Remittances. Marks :10 E-cotont sasarieet, on0%0. Q.No.9. b) Write a note on: aid domo: Cyber Evidence. Marks : 6 Dohas ae, Q.No. 10. a) Examine the grounds under which the banking Ombudsman may reject the complaint. Marks : 10 Rachrively eqoton? Lowa aber cine eqndrid she Sdyoaoabdoes ef oekge. Q.No. 10. b) Write a note on : tsps odo: Credit Card. Marks : 6 gaur nore. 4022 IV Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, March 2022 "Opt. =i: BANKING LAW Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instructions : 1. Answer any five Questions from group (a) each question carries 10 marks. 2, Answer any five Questions from group (b) each question carries 06 marks. 3. Answers should be written elther in English or Kannada completely. Q.No. 1. a) Explain the origin and evolution of Banking Institution in India. Marks : 10 USA eotont Hoxie shee shay Sets wf Sssor. Q.No. 1. b) Write short note on Commercial Banks. Marks : 06 marie, cmoeorld wf, oso tips weno. Q.No.2. a) Can a banker make profitable use of funds with him ? If so narrate the methods. Marks : 10 tty, woddH) FAAcoAE areas, coyTobEN weagodwabtle 7 eBoy nomad © Sqparivm Dsf0n, Q.No. 2. b) Write short note on Agency Services Marks : 06 ele, fect earf exo Waps w2do000. Q.No. 3. a) Explain the functions of Reserve Bank of India. Marks : 10 (oss OxaTr uRosts mabeTivat, aAOK. Q.No. 3. b) Write short note on Monopoly of currency issue. Marks : 06 do, datos, SeMALSA wf, oF ees woo. Pro. 4022 Q.No. 4. Q.No. 4. Q.No. 5. Q.No. 5. Q.No. 6. Q.No. 6. Q.No. 7. Q.No. 7. Q. No. 8. Q.No. 8. b) a) b) a) ») b) 2 What are the activities permitted by Banking Regulation Act, 1949 to be taken up by a Banker ? Marks eRodont Rocbog,c0 spotod!, 19490 send, moto atncteD emma waaay, ‘DBA. Write short note on Exchange control. Marks : Dpswed Dotbey.rec} wr, ow Has wdaN. Explain the rights of a Banker. Marks : wmcoo's arbre Oston. ‘Write short note on Consumer protection. Marks : TRIBES Rovxpdod. wi} ea Wales wooo, Who is a customer of a Bank ? Discuss the general relationship between a banker and a customer. Marks = wR,Ov's Ma won odnd) 7 most aie) MaHS Sabos mains, Honore, whiten. ‘Write short note on Bankers lien. Marks : mctos TUMORS wif om ees weet. Define cheque. Explain kinds of crossing of cheque. Marks : totaly, mAW,AR. OF Gro evry Sedrorieay aso, Write short note on Holder in due course. Marks : MOrAdy aA, GeOe-wi}, ow etetps ewdood. Who is paying banker ? State the statutory protection available to a paying banker. Marks : SmataeT emoFOF Ooud one 2 eeaT oBRda sAaNE, Dupirivay, Omton. ‘A’has taken Rs. 500 loan from ‘B and ‘A’ gives a promissory note that he promises to pay Rs. 500 on B's marriage day. Is ita valid promissory note ? Marks : ‘a! de. 500 rivet‘ otvod dricbkesygin. ‘a’cie extn wey gata, Decbanri, ‘nad Seatd Os © cogatey, Sbobesitabaionh wdatab, ach stremorbaldte 7 210 10 10 10 10 2 4022 Q.No. 9. a) What are the new trends in banking system happened with the advancement of technology ? Marks : 10 Sosa arsokecor em,oson wafobes sax Balan cima) 7 Q. No. 9. .b) Write short note on Credit cards. $0G matrs ur} oad Uap undo. rent kinds of securities for advances from Q.No. 10. a) Explain the banks. Marks : 10 tmyotorieod wba shvericintermn DO Oreos wes etsy, dafon. Q. No. 10. b) Write short note on e-banking. Marks : 06 a-mmosonta wx} ewo tines modem. Duration : $ Hours Instructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each Q. No. 1. Q.No. 2. Q.No. 2. Q. No. 3. Q. No. 3. Q. No. 4. IV Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, Oct/Nov. 2021 , a) >) a) ») ») a) Opt. Il: BANKING LAW = question carries 10 marks. 2. Answer any five questions from group (b) each question carries 06 marks. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Discuss the functions of Commercial Banks in India, eOSCIo oes em oebril waderivey wht, Write short notes on : como Wap wxdcmno: ‘Agency Bank. : pefgemorbris Explain the ancilary services of a Bank. mots ade Aeatridsy oston, ‘Write short notes on : emo tezip5 exdon00: State Bank of India. Apo moet em gomcin, Explain the main features of Banking Regulation Act, 1949, emodort Roboges mol, 19490 sina) expariveh, deton. Wile short notes on : omfo taleS wdonw0: Deposite Insurance Corporation. depuis cagdat melper deen’, Discuss the powers of Reserve Bank of India over non- banking companies. otead doxtarly sbeOchs qadtead Oatr mows ‘ebrocitsy wear, 4022 ‘Max, Marks : 80 Marks : 10 Marks : 6 Marks : 10 Marks :6 Marks : 10 Pro. Q. No. 4. b) Q.No.5. a) Q.No.5. b) Q.No.6. a) Q.No.7. a) Q.No. 7. b) 2 ‘mena Write short notes on Marks : 6 oom tis exon: Bank Rate Policy formation. tmjort cd Des ci Explain the duties of a banker to honour customer's cheque. Marks : 10 Tai eherridsy core mods esra{rideh Ocion ‘Write short notes on : Marks :6 oom Has exdo009: Pass book. ‘BeAF wet. Discuss the banker's obligation to maintain secrecy of customer's account. Marks : 10 Tad sndab rPalgobay manatodys myotdH ean Soba, thie, Ram, Rahim and Robert are partners in a Rthree firm. They informed the bankers that Ram and Rahim will operate the firm's current account. Can the banker honour the cheque signed by Ram and Robert 2 Marks : 6 mosis, dtexd adap moire worse aoe Maxed, smeomdoandsagd. mand asap dtorsbe Aaya 2g amdabayadrtrbac aoch mototasion wakes xsi, aecacbegt, wis opeit abe) mute xb stnad woot werrids emovot sing, staduabdle? What is endorsement ? Explain types of endorsement. Marks : 10 erisineds aorided 9 dq Osdad vadstarctirivay, anion, Write short notes on : Marks : 6 emo umes wdoto: Crossing. eat. Q.No. 8. Q.No. 9. Q. No. 9. Q.No. 10. Q. No. 10. >) a) ) a) >) * 4022 Define cheque. Bring out the distinction between a cheque and a promisory note. Marks : 10 d8ers anon, oS" ate amano dots (suk) dead als aon, Write short notes on : Marks : 6 comp sad edctoo: Noting and protesting. rinkarbajah she laiadgieh. Narrate the reference of Debt Recovery Tribunals. Marks : 10 mo shebadotond am, chabodderid aixyedorat Oaion, Write short notes on : Marks : 6 ogo esaied ‘wdon08: Principles of sound lending. mo Deas wy sae rhb. Briefly explain E-Banking facilities. ~ Marks : 10 a-tmosort Moxirid wif Hosglawn BRON. Write short notes on = Marks : 6 como Haips exo: ATM. attao

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