Final Question

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Questionnaire on

Customer attitude and involvement for electronic vehicles and impacts on

Purchase Intention.

1. What is your age?

- [ ] 18-24
- [ ] 25-34
- [ ] 35-44
- [ ] 45-54
- [ ] 55-64
- [ ] 65+
2. What is your Gender?
- [ ] Male
- [ ] Female
- [ ] Non-binary
- [ ] Prefer not to say
- [ ] Other (please specify): ________________

3. What is your highest educational qualification?

- [ ] High School or equivalent
- [ ] Some College/Associate Degree
- [ ] Bachelor's Degree
- [ ] Master's Degree
- [ ] Doctoral Degree
- [ ] Other (please specify): ________________

4. What is your occupation?

- [ ] Student
- [ ] Employed
- [ ] Unemployed
- [ ] Retired
- [ ] Other (please specify): ________________

5. What is your Annual Household Income?

- [ ] Under $25,000
- [ ] $25,000 - $49,999
- [ ] $50,000 - $74,999
- [ ] $75,000 - $99,999
- [ ] $100,000 - $149,999
- [ ] $150,000 and above

6. Are you familiar with electric vehicles (EVs)?

- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
7. Have you ever driven or ridden in an electric vehicle?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No

8. What factors influence your attitude towards electric vehicles? (Select all that

- [ ] Environmental considerations
- [ ] Cost savings
- [ ] Government incentives
- [ ] Technological features
- [ ] Other (please specify): ________________

4. What benefits do you associate with electric vehicles? (Select all that apply)
- [ ] Lower operating costs
- [ ] Reduced environmental impact
- [ ] Government incentives
- [ ] Advanced technology features
- [ ] Other (please specify): ________________
5. How important is the driving experience (e.g., acceleration, handling) in
influencing your decision to consider an EV?
- [ ] Extremely Important
- [ ] I'm indifferent
- [ ] Not Important

6. What concerns do you have about electric vehicles? (Select all that apply)
- [ ] Range Anxiety (battery power)
- [ ] Charging Infrastructure
- [ ] Battery Durability and Replacement Costs
- [ ] Resale Value
- [ ] Other (please specify): ________________

7. To what extent are environmental considerations important to you when

choosing a vehicle?
- [ ] Very Important
- [ ] Somewhat Important
- [ ] Neutral
- [ ] Not Very Important
- [ ] Not Important at All

8. How influential are online reviews in shaping your opinion?

- [ ] Extremely Influential
- [ ] Influential
- [ ] Not Influential
- [ ] I'm indifferent

9. Do you believe that owning an EV can lead to cost savings compared to

traditional vehicles?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No

10. What factors would most influence your decision to purchase an electric
vehicle? (Select up to three)
- [ ] Cost
- [ ] Environmental impact
- [ ] Driving experience
- [ ] Technology features
- [ ] Other (please specify): ________________

11. How interested are you in the technological aspects of electric vehicles,
such as battery technology and charging infrastructure?
- [ ] Extremely Important
- [ ] I'm indifferent
- [ ] Not Important

12. Do you associate any specific brands with electric vehicles? (Please

13. How much does the opinion of friends or family impact your decision to
consider an electric vehicle?
- [ ] Very Influential
- [ ] Moderately Influential
- [ ] Slightly Influential
- [ ] Not Influential

14. Where do you see the future of electric vehicles in the next 5 years? Are
you familiar with electric vehicles (EVs)?

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