How Tibetan Singing Bowls Help Our Body: The Healing Bene Ts of The Three-Thousand-Year Old Practice. Latest Features

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How Tibetan singing bowls help our body: the healing Latest Features
benefits of the three-thousand-year old practice.

Did you know that sound has healing effects? Tibetan singing bowls are being used for more than
3000 years now and it is believed that these singing bowls can help reduce stress and induce
relaxation. In this article, we will see how Tibetan singing bowls affect our body and whether these
bowls have any side effects on the human brain. The Five Hindrances and the
Flow of Experience: Excerpt
By Lucy Miranda
from Integral Vipissana:
Mindfulness through
Psychology, Neuroscience, and 
[Biography on bottom.] the Satipatthana Sutta
How are Tibetan Bowls used?
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When a singing bowl is stroked with a mallet different vibrations are produced that seem to affect
our brains. The Tibetan bowls are generally used in sound therapies or during guided meditations.
They may be placed at different body parts, around the body, or all around the room. Then the
practitioner would have to use the mallet in a fixed pattern to produce a sound.

Cognitive Research: Om Ah Ra
Pa Cha Na Dhi, Manjushri’s
Arapachana mantra, proven to
“enhance cognitive functions to
a significant degree” versus
non-spiritual “tongue twisters”

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For healingManage
»or meditative purposes, the subject often lies down while the singing bowl is played
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How Tibetan Singing Bowls affect our body?

Some theories regarding the singing bowls suggest that the vibrations produced using them can
affect our minds, induce relaxation, and induce various psychological effects just like music. In a
study conducted over 62 participants of different age groups from 21-77 years, it was found that: Important Buddha Dharma
Dates for December, 2023
The participants showed decreased depression, stress and anxiety moods.
The participants could also experience an elevated feeling of spiritual well-being and faith. Read More
The participants who were new to this effect showed tremendous results.
Significant effects of sound therapy using singing bowls occurred for participants post-

Ganden Ngamchoe Paranirvana

Day: Celebrating the Great
Enlightened Sage from the Land
of Snows Lama Tsongkhapa 
December 7
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Five Female Buddhas or

Mothers: Their Roles as Prajnas
or Enlightened Wisdom —
Inseparable Co-Equals Rather
Than Consorts

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A practitioner preparing to use a singing bowl for meditation.


Research on the healing benefits Please support the "Spread the

Based on different studies and researches, it has been found the Tibetan singing bowls can be Dharma" mission as one of our
used for various purposes, some of which are given below: heroic Dharma Supporting
Members, or with a one-time
Anxiety: Studies reveal that singing bowls therapy results in reducing the feeling of stress donation. 
and promotes relaxation.
»Pressure: It has been found that using singing bowls can reduce blood pressure and Learn more>>
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heart rate.

Latest Videos
Depression: Studies show that singing bowl therapy can uplift your mood and hence reduce
the signs of depression in human beings.
Other benefits: Tibetan singing bowls can be used in combination with other therapies such
as meditation, deep breathing and sound therapies to enhance their effects on the patients.

Video: Achala Fudo Myoo

Mantra: Compassionate Help,
Removing Obstacles &
Negativities chanted in Sanskrit

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Black Tara Documentary:

Each singing bowl has different tones and notes, dependent on design, temper and size. They can 
Destroyer of Enemies,
be played by striking, like a bell, or by stroking around the rim, which generates a very powerful
vibration. Negativities, Obstacles; Our
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Are there any Side-Effects of Tibetan Singing Bowls? Read More

According to Healthline, much research has not been done regarding the side effects of using
Tibetan bowls. Yet, researchers suggest some side-effects that could occur because of the regular
usage of the Tibetan singing bowls, which include:

Headaches: Sometimes the sounds produced by the bowls may induce headaches in some
people, especially those who are prone to headaches. Sometimes being close to the bowls may
also result in headaches.

Less effect or no cure: Tibetan singing bowls should not be considered as the ‘only’ therapy or
procedure of healing in certain cases. For instance, if you have severe signs of depression, anxiety
or hypertension, you must use the proper medication. Tibetan singing bowls can be used along with
other healing practices or treatments to enhance their effects.

Sometimes people condition themselves with the singing bowls therapy. They think that using this
therapy would bring them results like lowered blood pressure, decreased stress or depression. But,
in reality, it is not bringing any such results.

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A group playing singing bowls for healing and meditation.

Should you use Tibetan Singing Bowls?

In my opinion, I would suggest you use them. These days stress, anxiety and depression are quite
common in people and trying different things to help yourself relax is a great idea! Moreover, this
therapy belongs to the heritage of our world and we must experience it once. In case you have any
severe conditions of depression or hypertension, you must not leave your other medications or
treatments. You must not use this therapy if you are allergic to metal sounds or if you have
conditions like epilepsy. Pregnant women are also recommended not to use this therapy as the
sounds can put a negative effect on the body.

Other features in Buddha Weekly on the healing aspects of sound:

Mokugyo: Drumming for a Wakeful Mind with the Wooden Fish Drum’s Unique Sound

» forMy
mindfulness and healing>>
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The science and sound of mantras>>

Disclaimer: As always with any health or meditative topic, always seek out the advice of your
health practitioners. This is an information feature. Use your own discretion in practice.

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Author’s Bio - Lucy Miranda is a freelance writer & editor at
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a News Enthusiast and a Bookworm. She loves Swimming and
dancing too. She is interested in educational, marketing and
blogging issues. She is a also a Subject-matter expert at
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