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Torres, Kenn Vincent L.

12 – HUMSS Courtesy Creative Non-Fiction

The Legend of the Cat

Long ago, when the world was young and full of wonders, there was a great assembly of animals
in the heart of the enchanted forest. Each animal had its unique powers and qualities, making the
forest a lively and harmonious place.

One day, as the sun sets low on the horizon, the wise old owl called for a gathering. "We must
create a new creature," said the owl, "one that embodies grace, agility, and mystery."

The animals listened carefully, curious about what was to come. The squirrel suggested giving it
a fluffy tail for balance, while the cheetah proposed lightning-fast reflexes. The snake suggested
sleekness, and the panther added a suggestion for nocturnal abilities.

After much discussion and collaboration, they molded together their ideas and shared their
magical energies. Out of the mist and shimmering light emerged the first cat. It had a slender
body, eyes that shines like stars, and a purr that could soothe even the fiercest heart.

The animals marveled at their creation, and the wise old owl declared, "We shall call this
magnificent creature a 'cat,' for it combines cunning, agility, and elegance."

As time passed, humans came to know of these creatures. They watched in admiration as cats
explores the forests, their movements graceful and mesmerizing. Humans admired their
independence and the way they could navigate the world with silent confidence.

One day, a human approached a group of animals and asked, "What do you call that creature
with the soft fur and the mesmerizing eyes?"

The wise old owl, remembering the name they had given the creature they created, replied, "That
is a cat, a symbol of grace and mystery."

And so, the name "cat" spread among humans, honoring the majestic creature crafted by the
unity and creativity of the animals in the enchanted forest. To this day, cats continue to captivate
and enchant us with their timeless charm.

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