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Unit 6: Where are you from? Unidad 6: ¢De dénde eres? CONVERSATION: INTRODUCING ONESELF Gonversacién: Presentandome Jack: Hil tm Jack Jones. What's your name? m Marie, And what's your last riame? ast: name is Dupont. ‘Are you from France? iat What city are you from? Marie: Im from Paris ack: Oh, really? And what do you do? Marie: Im a teacher, & x08 we ee 2 COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES Paises y nacionelidades Match the countries with the nationalities, Une los paises con las nacionalidades. Greece i: ee & American «Argentina Colombian Japan a © Greek Argentine © British f Brazitan 9 Japanese he Russian i Chilean Egyition Russia |. Chile. - United States - Colombia Britain |. Brazil AD. Egypt woonannvawps 3 | GRAMMAR FLASH: ASKING ABOUT NATIONALITY Where are you from? | am from Argentina, Where is she from? She is from France. Where is he from? He is from Italy. NESELF Are you Brazilian? No, I'm not. | am Perwian, Is she American? No, she isnt. She is English Is he Spanish? Yes, he is, A) Complete these conversations. sme? Completa estas conversaciones. Whatis 0.0... sees name? B: His name aE Diego Maradona, Where =. he from? - « from Argentina, , «hig name? ; name... wees Pale, ; fe is. - from? He from Brazil ‘A: What is ae ee name? | 7 B: Her name... . Madonna. 4 A; Where ci : = + she from? B: seeveeeseevseess + hom the United States, | B) Complete this chart. Completa este cuadro. (248 arugunp | saves powun eye wads) reds ey Pipe eissny (eben (e683) {efimiog TORN, ono ‘poe (wore edep ee oe He eu TREE) eyes evap 7 anaaig TELLS) fueuuag Bs ue wey oni ue) sig TPIaWOI eaquuojog eaig) uPP] amy ene) SpeLED (neue) ueraig Ue (we 1s88 (S239) Be ipn80) euguety (PonUaISey ss5ve {(s\uey) sanuunoo ‘anejo owe;ngqeaoy, AXWINEVOOA AS ‘ap fog ¢seie apuop ag? (C7 woy we fe Zu0y m1 Je Veen?) "wo we | gui nok ewe eoun, ‘euosvad Bun ap uabuo Ja 0 pepreuorssu ej Jod veaunBasd eed uezygn 9s ssuowsaudke $6953 Pepleuoreu & Jod opuequnBaug :eonpwielD ALNVYNOUWN INdav ONDISY :YVINIVED NATIONALITIES Indchionditis): NagonaLoanes (amérikan) CGrshentain) (ostréind (oraziia) (ontish) (Genédiand | Gchailien) | chains) | Gootémbiant | Gishipshien) (french) sherman) (orild (éirishd (italien) (shapenis) (mécicand (portivguis) (Cashian) (parish) EXPRESSIONS [ixpréshons); ExPRESUNES (gar iu stéding dear?) estas estudiondo all? a (giou duiv sei or neim eguéin?) | _ ems poohias repetin tu nombre? yo vivo en San Francisco ahore. (ou, | _lidets intresting gen sera? jsuene interesante! ‘OTHER worDs (oder uords): oTHAS PALABRAS ~ tridch [ (st | thorn comunidad | Harbor tiérbour [puerto | Museums (rniusiams) [~ museos ! | [Park ‘parla parqve } Beychologist (pssikdishied psiclogare aA: Colombia? es, is, She's Colomtis she an actress? B: No, she a pop singer. 2) ce vvee esse Bill Gates from Great Britain? B: No, he BuNES Rec. Sates deihe 2 B: He is . pc . the United States. S)A: Where .........- Nicole Kidman 2 B: ‘ fie osc - Australia GAN eh is Luis Miguel .........? B: a =. is from Puerto Rico, | think A: No! Heis......... Mexico. BJA ............ Beckham ......... Germany? B: No, he eH oe. see... from Britain, Als a basketball player? B: No, .......-. isn't. He a soccer player. the sentences below with the corresponding abajo con la nacionalidad correspondiente. 4 Nicole Kidman Australia. She is 2) Luis Miguel is feom Mexico. He is 3) Bill Gates is from the United States. He is . . 4) Shakira is from Colombia. She is 5) Beckham is from Britain. He is Complete the following geography quiz. Guess the name an: of the country. Completa el siguiente cuestionario sobre geografia. Adivina el nombre y Ja nacior del pais. 41) This country is in Europe. Its capital city is Peris. Neighboring countries: Spain, Germany. Country: ....... . Nationality 2) This country is in Asia. Its capital city is Tokyo. Toyota cars are made there. Country: ....... . Nationality: 3) This country is in South America. its capital city is Caracas. Neighboring countries: Colombia, Brezil Country: . . Nationality: 4) This country is in Africa. Its capital city is Cairo. Neighboring countries: Sudan, Libya. Country: . . . Nationality: 5) This country is in Central Americs. Its capital city is Managua. Neighboring countries: Honduras, Costa Rica. Country: ....... . Nationality: 8) This country is in Asia. its capital city is Beijing Neighboring countries: North Korea, Russia. Country: ....... . National 7) This country is in South America. Its capital city is Quito. Neighboring countries: Peru, Colombia. Country: . Nationality: 8) This country is in North America. its capital city Ottawa. Neighboring country: United States. Country: ........ Nationality: a Za Complete the puzzle about countries and nationaliti Completa el crucigrama sobre paises y nacionalidades. Across 1) My boyfriend is from San Pablo, . . 2} 1am from Argentina, t'm en ors tis 3} Polly speaks English. She's British. She's from . . e e Down 4) Maria Anghiris is from Greece. She is 5) My best friend Caria is from Bogota, 8) This is a gift from my mother’s trip to Paris, . Choose the right option and complete each sentence. Elige la opcion correcta y completa cada oracién. 1) She is from Spain, she is [Spanian / Spanish]. 2) If Mark is from Italy, whet nationality is he? He's [Italian / Italier}, '3) Hi, I'm Peter, from Brazil, Hi Peter, I'm Martha, | [am / am from] British 4) Where [is / are] Andy Roddick from? He is from [USA / North American], 5] [Are / is] they Greek? Yes, they are from [Greek / Greece}. 8) Hi, 'm John, I'm North American. Oh, are you from USA? No, Im [Canadian / Canada]. @ 2rswor those questions about yourself. Responde estas preguntas acerca de ti. 1] What's your first: and last name? 3] What do you do? 4) How old are you? 6) What is/are he/she/their neme/s' 7) How old is/are he/she /they? 8) What does/do he/she/they do? Ask the questions. Reallza las preguntas. Ania ot im Mexicen. 2) witecetsaxthana She is from Japan. Boies che bis SPELT The doctor's name is Lou Johnson. a... tts in Italy a. am from Spain, British people speaks English. Pica ages No, Pete is Chinese. eA

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