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Direction : Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d or e !

Read the text carefully, than answer question 1-2 below!

Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your seat.
Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you’re your waist.
Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling a cord,
but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.
A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be removed only in case of
The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walk man, and any mobile phones are
prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system.
We wish you an enjoyable flight.
1. Where is the life jacket located?
a. Over the head
b. Around the waist.
c. Out site the aircraft.
d. In the back of the seat.
e. Under the seat.
2. What can interfere the navigation system
a. Table.
b. The life jacket.
c. Mobile phones
d. The attached light.
e. Tapes around the waist.
Read the text carefully ! The following text is for questions 3-6.
Today is Sunday. Beno is having holiday at home. His mother will cook soup. Unfortunattely,she forgot
to buy butter and salt. She asks Beno to buy them in a mini market. Beno goes to the mini market by his
bicycle. From his house,he goes to the west until he reaches crossroad. From the crossroad, he turns right
then goes straight. He goes straight about 200 meters. He is on Rambutan street now. There is a workshop.
The mini market is beside the workshop.
3. What does Beno go to the mini market for ?
a. Cooking soup c. Buying a bicycle e. cooking soup
b. Buying butter and salt d. Meeting his friend
4. How does Beno go to the mini market ?
a. On food c. By motorcycle e. By car
b. By bus d. By bicycle
5. Where does Beno go from his house ?
a. To the west c. To the north e. To the junction
b. To the east d. To the south
6. Where is the mini market ?
a. Behind the workshop c. In front of the workshop e. In west the workshop
b. In the middle of the crossroad d. Beside the workshop
7. Kiki got ........score for English test in his class this morning.
a. the highest b. higher c. high d. the tallest e. taller
8. The lemon juice is ..............than the apple juice.
a. the sourest b. sourer c. more sour d. the most sour e. as sour as
9. Nana is Eka.
a. prettier . b. the prettiest c. more pretty d. the most pretty e. pretty
10. A : What does your father do every morning ?
B : He 8 a.m to 4 p.m.
a. work b. works c. is working d. will work e. worked
11. A person who joins metal parts by melting them together is a...............
a. plumber b. welder c. mechanic d. Technician e. farmer
12. A : I repair cars,buses,and trucks.
B : ....................?
a. Where do you come from ? c. What is your test ? e. How do you do
b. Where do you work ? d. Are you a mechanic ?

The following text is for questions 13 to 15

To: Students of SMAN 20
We are going to hold an evening art performance, to celebrate our school’s 40th anniversary.
You are invited to exhibit your talents in the event :
Day/date : Saturday, November 11,2017
Time : 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
Place : the school hall
Please contact the OSIS committee members to enroll. We are waiting for your participation.

Safira Ratna
OSIS Chairperson

13. What can we conclude from the text?

a. SMAN 20 is going to celebrate its golden anniversary.
b. The event will be held for two nights.
c. SMAN 20 has just been established.
d. Students are invited to perform in the event.
e. All students can to hold an evening art performance.
14. Who may perform?
a. All students of SMAN 20 c. The OSIS committee members. e. chairperson
b. Students of Grade X and XI d. All students and teachers
15. Which of the following is not what students can perform for the event?
a. Singing b. Dancing c. Doing sports d. Reciting poems e. fantomym

The following text is for questions 16-18.

“ Dear teacher and students.
This morning we all gather here,at a war memorial,to commemorate Heroes Day. This place is strong
evidence that our independence was achieved defensively ,not granted by the colonialists.
Our heroes and heroines had sacrificed their properties and lives for our better future. Thanks to them
,we are free from colonialists. We hope their sacrifice would be rewarded by God Almighty,amen.
As our gratitude ,we should always respect them,keep up their spirit and always do our best for our
country. As students,please study hard to achieve your wish. I hope you succeed in the future.
Well,thats all I could say. Thank you.”

16. When is the speech delivered?

a. On a seminar about nationalism. d. On an independence Day celebration.
b. On a school’s flag hoisting ceremony. e. On the commemoration of Heroes Day.
c. At a war memorial
17. Who may deliver the speech ?
a. A teacher. b. A principal c. A student. d. An OSIS chairperson. e Teacher and students
18. From the text we know that...........
a. The event is held in the afternoon. d. We must visit a war memorial regularly.
b. The event is taking place in a museum. e. Students must study hard for the country
c. The event is held in the school
The following text is for questions 19-20

To : All employees
A salesperson is going to display a special cooking appliance and show you how to operate it.
Please attend the cooking demonstation which will be held:
Day/date : Saturday, October 7, 2017.
Time : 12:15 p.m.-end (after working hours)
Place : Canteen
Get special recipes and 20% discounts for the special cooking appliance during the demonstration.
Don’t miss it !
Bella Ananda
Canteen Owner

19. What is the invitation about ?

a. A labor demonststion. d. Discounts on certain cuisines.
b. The use of cooking appliances. e. A special promotion.
c. A sales person is going to display a special cooking appliance.
20. Al employees are supposed to be able to attend the demonstration because it will be held..............
a. Before working hours d. After work.
b. During break time. e. In the evening.
c. In the morning
21. You are working worse. Please work….
a. good b better c. bad d. best e. same
22. This place is too hot. Lets go somewhere……..
a. hotter b. coolest c. cooler d. cool e. hottest
23. That boy is the ……boy in his class.
a. most tall b. more tall c. taller d. tallest e. tall
24. The rain this year is ………...than five years ago.
a. less b. as less as c. more less d. lesser e. most less
25. His motorcycle is ……that yours.
a. fast b. faster c. more faster d. most fast e. as fast as

26. Read the following text and answer the questions!

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of mortals, there was a small
kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise
man. He had an only daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she
was not married. One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition. Unfortunately, the
wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden Begawan and used magic power to render him
unconscious and he forgot his wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him
and soon realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept this, so
she killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was very sad. So a nice fairy
took her to the Kahyangan.
26. Which one of the following statements is false about Sang Prabu?
a. Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter
b. Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West Java
c. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy
d. Sang Prabu was a wise man
e. Sang Prabu did not have a son
27. Why the wicked fairy did used her magic to make Raden Begawan unconscious?
a. She did not like Raden Begawan
b. She did not want Raden Prabu marry the princess
c. She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her wedding
d. She did not want the prince of Blambangan marry the princess
e. She did not want the prince of Blambangan feel love with her
28. What do you think will happen if gods or goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people in the earth
at that time?
a. Princess Segara will have married with Raden Begawan
b. Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition
c. Raden Begawan will not die
d. Teja Nirmala will stay in the Kahyangan
e. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan’s life
29. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan. (Paragraph 2) The word her in the sentence refers to…
a. The wicked fairy
b. The nice fairy
c. Princess Nirmala
d. Prince Teja
e. The prince of Blambangan
30. The similarity between fairy and human according to the text.
a. The place they live
b. The jealousy that they posses
c. The way they don’t feel a love
d. The strength they have
e. Their life that is immortal
Read the following text and answer the questions!
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle.
because her parents were dead.
One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both
wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do that so she decided that it would be best if she ran
away. The next morning she ran away into the woods. She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw
a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. There they found Snow White
sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs.
The dwarfs said, “What is your name?”
Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”
Then, Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story.
The dwarfs said, “If you want, you may live here with us.”
Snow White answered, “Oh, could I? Thank you.”
Finally, Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.
31. What type of the text is used by the writer?
a. narrative
b. report
c. anecdote
d. comparative
e. news item
32. To tell the plot, the writers uses…
a. a rhetorical question and an exclamation
b. time sequences
c. contrastive evidences
d. past tense
e. concessive conjunctions
33. Why Snow White ran away to the woods?
a. Her parents passed away
b. Her uncle was angry with her
c. Her uncle and aunt would go to America
d. Snow White was happy to run away
e. Snow White liked playing in the woods.
34. When did Snow White run away to the woods?
a. In the afternoon
b. In the morning
c. In the evening
d. In the full moon
e. In the middle of night
35. Where did Snow White live after she ran away to the woods?
a. She lived in the cave
b. She lived in the lion nest
c. She lived everywhere in the woods
d. She lived in the dwarfs’ cottage
e. She lived on the street
36. According to the text, before she ran away into the woods, why did Snow White live with her uncle and
a. because she loved them very much
b. as a result of forcing attitude from them
c. because her parents were dead
d. because she were afraid of the dwarfs
e. because she ran away from a monster
37. The communicative purpose of this text is…..
a. to inform the readers about important and newsworthy events
b. to entertain readers with fairy tale
c. to share an account of an unusual event
d. to persuade readers to accept his/her opinions
e. to denote or propose something as the case
38. The organization of the text above is…..
a. abstract, orientation, crisis, incident, coda
b. thesis, argument: plot-elaboration, argument: plot-elaboration, argument: plot-elaboration,
c. orientation, major complication, resolution, complication, resolution, complication, major
d. description, background events, sources
e. orientation, event, event, event
39. Complete the dialogue below to answer the question!
Jake: Rose, what do you think of my chocolate cake?
Rose: It’s so delicious! I really love this cake!
Jake: I’m so pleased
In the dialogue, Jake is…
a. Giving advice
b. Asking for an opinion
c. Requesting for gift
d. Giving baker cake
e. Asking for help
40. Complete the following sentence!
......primary students should be taught attitude, moral value and character to be
independent and responsible person in the future.
a. In my opinion
b. They want to learn
c. You can’t believe
d. He totally understands
e. Do you think that
41. Complete the following dialogue!
Marina : What is your planning to face this semester vacation?
Narita : ………………………………………………….
Marina : I do hope you have a nice trip.
a. I do not know
b. I am Busy
c. I am Thinking of going to Carocok Beach.
d. I disagree of that
e. I am not with you in this case
42. Complete the following dialogue!
Laras : Look at the Views. what do you think about the river?
Wati : I Think ……………………………
a. it is amazing
b. I can Do Nothing
c. Yes. Good
d. I don’t know about it
e. I really want to see the views
43. Complete the following dialogue!
Tarigan : My cellular phone is out of order. Do you have any recommendation?
Nasution : …………………………………………..
Tarigan : That’s good Idea.
a. I Think you should buy the new one.
b. How A pity you are.
c. That’s not my Business
d. I Feel that the temperature Is So hot here.
e. Good Job.
44. Read the following dialogue to answer the answer the question!
Marilia : Jane, I just change my hair Blunt Cut Bob style. Look at my hair…what do you think
of my hair?
Jane : What a surprise! You hair style is very good. In my mind, blunt cut bob hair style is the
best trend fashion for hair right now. It’s Korean girls’ hair style right.
From the dialogue, we can conclude that…..
a. Jane give opinions about Marilia’s hair style.
b. Marilia give information about Jane’s hair style
c. Jane try to response Marilia’s style generally
d. Marilia responses about the Jane’s hair style.
e. Jane give unsatisfied responses about Marilia’s hair style.
45. The expressions for asking opinions are….
a. 1).What is your opinion about..?, 2).Do you have any idea about...?, 3).Have you got any
thoughts on..?
b. 1).In my mind, the best solution for this problem is…, 2).I believe that.., 3).From my point of
view, it is….
c. 1).That’s the point. 2).I see what you mean. 3).You’ve got a point there.
d. 1).It is not justified to say so. 2).I am not convinced that. 3).I can't say I agree with this, and
here's why...
e. 1).I am not sure but I am leaning towards…, 2).I tend to think…, 3).I totally disagree.
46. Expression for giving opinion is……
a. Would you like to share your life experience?
b. Would you mind giving me win-win solution?
c. I believe that the tragedy will be end soon.
d. I couldn't agree more.
e. I agree with what you are saying.
47. Expression which uses to state an agreement is…..
a. What do you think of playing games together?
b. That's not the same thing at all.
c. It is not justified to say so.
d. Do you think it’s going well?
e. That’s great suggestion.
48. Expression which uses to state disagreement is
a. The way I see it is that…
b. I strongly believe that…
c. I am not sure but I am leaning towards…
d. Can you give me the way of this complicated life?
e. Would you please give solutions?
Question number 49-50 refer to the following dialogue!
Carolina : What a unique tradition it is. We should go and watch it once.
Sisilia : Alright, let’s arrange a trip to Payakumbuh next December. What do you think?
Carolina : I’d say that is a brilliant idea. Can’t wait for that month.
Sisilia : Yeah, me too. I’ll contact you later. See you John.
Carolina : Alright, see you Doni.
49. The expression that stated asking opinion is…..
a. What a unique tradition
b. We should go and watch it
c. What do you think
d. I’d say that is brilliant idea e. See you.

50. The expression used to respond an opinion is….

a. What a unique tradition
b. We should go and watch it
c. What do you think
d. I did say that is brilliant idea
e. See you.
Questions 51-54 refer to the following text!
Surabaya, 1st February 2017
Dear Nathan
How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. I’m all right here.
We are going to have the national examination, aren’t we? Are you well prepared for it? Well, to
be honest, I just have some difficulties in preparing for it, especially in Science. There are extra
lessons in my school and I take them all. But, I feel that they don’t help. I’m still confused in solving
Mathematic problems. I’m just worried that I fail the national examination. Do you have any
suggestion for me? I really appreciate your help.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your buddy

51. What does the letter tell us about?

a. Asking for a friend to teach Mathematic
b. Preparing for the national examination
c. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve a problem
d. Giving a solution to a friend
e. Having extra lesson at school
52. Why is Rendy worried that he may fail the national examination?
a. There are extra lessons at Rendy is school
b. He will have the national examination soon
c. He is confused in solving Mathematic problem
d. He appreciated Igon is help
e. His friends are all well prepared
53. “I’m still confused in solving Mathematic problems.” The word “confused” means …
a. Unable to think clearly
b. Unable to speak fluently
c. Unable to perform well
d. Unable to read quickly
e. Unable to behave politely
54. “I’m just worried that I fail the national examination.” The antonym of the word “fail” is ….
a. Escape
b. Reach
c. Predict
d. Underestimate
e. Success
Questions 55-57 refer to the following text!
Dear Aunt Nia
Aunty, I have some good news for you. Last month I passed my final examination. A week ago I
succeeded to join in a senior high school English competition. Last night my parents promised to
send me to a famous English course in my town. They also promised me if my scores in English
are good, they’ll send me to a foreign university. Great, isn’t it? I’ll work hard. I want to be a great
pediatrician like you, Aunty.
Well, that’s all for now. Looking forward to having your news.


55. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To inform some good news
b. To describe the writer’s school
c. To retell the writer’s experience
d. To entertain the reader with a joke
e. To persuade her aunt
56. What did ‘s parents promise her?
a. To make her a pediatrician
b. To send her to an English course
c. To send her to a senior high school
d. To make her pass the final examination
e. To meet her to her aunt
57. How does Debby feel?
a. Glad
b. Scared
c. Anxious
d. Worried
e. Bored
58. Mommy cleans the room every day.
Passive voice is:
a. The room was clean by mommy every day
b. The room is clean by mommy every day
c. The room is cleaned by mommy every day
d. Mommy is cleaned the room every day
e. The room was being cleaned by mommy every day
59. My uncle fixed the toy yesterday.
Passive voice is:
a. My uncle was fixed the toy yesterday
b. The toy was fixed by my uncle yesterday
c. The toy was fix by my uncle yesterday
d. My uncle was being fixed the toy yesterday
e. The toy had been fixed by my uncle yesterday
60. Passive sentence from “A cat ate a fish” is ….
a. A fish was eaten by a cat
b. A fish eat a cat
c. A fish eating a mouse
d. A fish is eaten by a cat
e. A fish eaten a cat

1. a 11. b 21. b 31. a 41. c 51. b

2. c 12. d 22. c 32. d 42. a 52. c
3. b 13. a 23. d 33. c 43. a 53. a
4. d 14. a 24. d 34. b 44. a 54. d
5. a 15. c 25. b 35. d 45. a 55. a
6. d 16. d 26. c 36. c 46. c 56. b
7. a 17. e 27. d 37. b 47. e 57. a
8. a 18. b 28. e 38. c 48. c 58. c
9. e 19. a 29. c 39. b 49. c 59. b
10. b 20. c 30. b 40. b 50. d 60. a

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