3RD LP (Mechanics)

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Teacher Learning

DAILY Date & March 11, 2024/ 2:00-3:00 PM Quarter 3
A. Content The learner realizes that information in a written text may be
Standards selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose.

B. Performance The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of

Standards development focusing on information selection, organization, and
C. Learning Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization,
Competencies coherence and cohesion, language use and mechanics)
/ Objectives

II. CONTENT A Glance at Mechanics

III. LEARNING Reading and Writing Quarter 3: Module 2 - Lesson 4
A. References LAS- Reading and Writing – Worksheet No.4 Quarter: 3
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s Reading and Writing : Quarter 3, Module 4
Materials pages
3.Textbook pages
4. Additional PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop
Materials from
Resources (LR
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing
previous Before I introduce our next our next lesson, let us
lesson or presenting come first to recapitulation. Who can tell me what the
the new lesson lesson last meeting is?

It was all about

What was
Language Use

Student 1:
Language Use is
is one of the
clearest indicators
of a well-written
Very good! If you understand the lesson, What is
Language Use?

Student 2:
Language use
refers to the way
individuals employ
language to
express ideas,
information, and
interact with
Alright! Very good! Language Use is important and
especially in conveying a information and

B. Establishing a The teacher will present the following classroom rules

purpose for and learning outcomes:
the lesson
Classroom Rules
-Avoid making noises.
-Listen to the discussant.
-Raise your right hand if you have
-Stay seated during discussions
- No gadgets allowed during the discussions

At the end of this lesson the students are expected to:

- identify the features of a well written text based

on language use
- evaluate a written text based on mechanics
- apply the mechanics in writing an essay

C. Presenting Before we start our new lesson, let us

examples/ instances have an activity I will be posting some
of the new lesson scrabble words then give me the correct
arrangement of it
Before we start our new lesson, let us
have an activity I will be posting some
scrabble words then give me the correct
arrangement of it

Before we start our new lesson, watch the video and

analyze the punctuation problem.



(note: make sure that this video will play and the
sounds will be heard by everyone during the

Student 1:

I observed that a
family is eating.

Student 2:
The punctuation
Guided Questions: according to the
video, is the girl
1. What have you observed in the video? was using comma.
2. How can you describe punctuation according to the also, punctuation
video? is vital for effective
3. Describe what would happen when you don’t use written
punctuation? communication,
4. What is the connection of the video to the topic? ensuring that
messages are
conveyed clearly,
Student 3:
Using not proper
would be a conflict

Student 4:
The connection of
the video to the
topic is What is
the Punctuation
Marks and How
the proper use of

D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing Direction: Read the sentences below. Identify the letter
new skills #1 of words which makes the sentence erroneous. Write CORRECT
your responses on a separate sheet of paper. ANSWERS:

1. It was not until I bought a car and graduating(A) 1.A

from high school that (B) I dared even to(C) think 2.C
about going out(D) with somebody. No error. (E) 3.A
2. When I was in Tiananmen Square,(A)I recall,(B) the 5.A
pressure was tremendous Because(C) every minute
there (D) was danger. No error.(E)

3. Franklin the(A)brave warrior that he is,(B) would

never run from(C) a fight or(D) shrink from a
challenge. No error.(E)

4. The great(A) tenor’s high notes, his amazingly(B)

sustained breathing, his exquisitely(C) nuanced
phrasing--all these contribute to the most awesome(D)
sound in the world. No error. (E)

5. Employees are to report to work as usual, however,

(A) they will be excused(B) between 12:00 and 1:00
p.m. to attend events or(C) observances of their(D)
choosing. No error.(E)

What is Mechanics?

- Mechanics focuses on the technicalities of the

E. Discussing new - It determines errors on subject-verb agreement,
concepts and prepositions, tenses, the grammar, spelling,
practicing new skills capitalization, abbreviations and acronyms, the
#2 use of numbers as part of the statement, and
the punctuation marks.

Where does mechanics focuses?

1. Spelling

- When you write, always make sure that you are

consistently using one standard with regards to the
spelling of your words. Remember that there are slight
differences in American English spelling and British
English spelling.

British Spelling
American Spelling
color colour
defense defence
organize organise
travel travelled
theater theatre
learned learnt
airplane aeroplane
anesthesia anaesthesia
analyze analyse
aging ageing

What you’ve observed on the American and British

We observed that
American and
British Spelling
2. Capitalization are different in
terms of
- It is the act of writing the first letter of the word in pronunciation and
uppercase while the rest of the letters are in the spelling.

- There are rules in capitalization that you must

remember. Here are some examples of words that
require capitalization.

Rules for capitalization

Proper nouns Manila

Proper adjectives Canadian
Specific course or title Reading and Writing
Days of the week Sunday
Months of the year January
adjectives, verbs, Through the Looking-
adverbs, nouns, and Glass, and What Alice
pronouns in a title and Found There (Literature)
the first and last word in
a title
historical periods, Great Depression, the
events, documents Renaissance, the
3. Abbreviation and Acronyms

– Mention the full name of an institution or

organization, with the abbreviation in parenthesis, in
first mention. Thereafter, use the abbreviation.

4. Numbers

– Numbers from zero to ten should be spelled out

while numbers higher than nine and should be
written in figures.
5. Punctuation Marks

1. period (.) - used after sentences, in abbreviations,

and as decimals.

2. exclamation point (!) placed at the emphatic or

forceful sentences

3. question mark (?) placed at the end of a question

and to note questionable items

4. quotation marks (“ ”) to indicate direct quotations

for titles of poems, short stories, chapters, essays,
songs, episodes of television shows

5. apostrophe (’) to show possession (Angel’s bag), to

show missing letters and number (you’re, ’95), to show
plurals of letters (I got all A’s last semester.

6. colon (:) after independent clauses to introduce

elements. “The coach demanded three things from his
players: loyalty, devotion, and teamwork.”

7. slash / to separate items in numerals, ratios, titles

and subtitles, time references, scripture references

8. parentheses () to set off nonessential details and

explanations, to enclose letters and numbers used
when listing items, first-time use of acronym

9. brackets [ ] to set off clarifications inserted in

quotations, Eric observed, “I think [Rodrigo] Duterte
was the greatest president.”

10. hyphen ( - ) to separate or join words

We saw her on television last night. Never pay a
higher-than-average price.

11. dash ( -- ) to show sudden break of thought “Ted

was angry after his car was stolen— who wouldn’t
be?”/ to set off an introduction to a series “They have
everything needed to succeed—ideas, money, and

12. slash (/) to separate words or to show alternatives


13. semicolon (;) to join independent clauses when

and, or, yet, but, or so are not present, to separate
items in a series that contains commas “The governor
will meet with Rey Simon, the mayor of Concepcion;
Bert Vesca, the vice mayor; and Peter Cayabyab.”

14. ellipsis (. . . ) to indicate that words have been

deleted from quoted material Original text The mayor
said, “Our city, which is one of the country’s most
progressive, deserves a high-tech light-rail system.”

With Ellipsis
The mayor said, “Our city . . . deserves a high-tech
light-rail system.”

15. comma (,) to signal pauses and shifts in

sentences, used with and, or, so, but, yet to join
independent clauses
“Chinatown is a popular tourist attraction, and it
serves as an important cultural center.”

So, What do you think is the most commonly used

punctuation marks in constructing a sentence?

6. Grammar

Proper grammar rules should be observed. I think the most

used Punctuation
Example: Subject-verb agreement Marks are period
and comma, also
question mark.

So now, you all already know what the mechanics are

focuses for, Do you think class Why all of these are

Mechanics are the

technical aspects
of writing that
provide the
foundation for
By focusing on
these elements,
you can ensure
that your writing
is clear,
professional, and
easily understood
by your audience.

F. Developing Directions: The learners will

mastery(Leads to actively answer
Formative Follow the instruction written in each part of the and participate.
Assessment 3) practice test. Write your responses on a separate
sheet of paper.
Correct Answer:
A. Rewrite the sentences using correct grammar, 1. I was desperate
spelling, and punctuation. to have this film
1. I was desperate to Have this film finished. Answer: finished.
2.My grandfather
2. my gradfather commanded an entire battalion commanded an
during the war entire battalion
Answer: during the war.
3.It’s a truism, but
3. It's a truism but 19th-century English prosi is 19th-century English
almost all good. prose is almost all
Answer: good.

B. Choose the answer that is a complete and

correctly written sentence.

a. Destiny and Kaitlyn takes ballet lessons on
b. When talking about your family, it are wise to be
c. Earlier he spent 12 years in prison, much of it in
solitary confinement.
d. For Janice, revenge were sweetly.

a. The mammoth was larger than an elephant.
b. When you do you're homework, omit questions 11,
15 and 19.
c. My dad had to get a permit from the City of Dallas
to builds a shed in our backyard.
d. It was very interested listening to the elderly man
recount his experiences during the war.

C.Underline the word that best completes each


6. Although you have disrupted the class in the

(passed, past), I will give you another
7. The rustlers were camped over the (raise, rise).
8. Andy was not certain who (passed, past) the
football, but he guessed it to be Frank.
9. The sailor used the sheave to (raise, rise) the cargo.
10. In times (passed, past) many young men ran away
from home by going to sea on
whaling ships or freighters.

G. Finding Direction:
practical applications Read the paragraphs below. Analyze its structures
of concepts and skills based on the given concepts about mechanics being
in daily living discussed on this module. Give the necessary
corrections. Rewrite the paragraph on a piece of

1. Do you no Ryan did last weekend. He went to the

beach with his family. First, Ryan builded a huge sand
castle. Then, he collect seashells and rocks After that,
he goed swimming with his brother. Ryan has a
wonderful time at the beach.

2. On sunday, Anthony went over to Nicks house to

play basketball. They played a gam of one-on-one.
Anthony made six baskets, bute nick made eight Nick
was the winner. After the game, both boys whent in
side to have some snack’s and watch television.

H. Making
generalizations and 1. What are Mechanics focuses for? 1.The focus of
abstractions about mechanics in
the lesson. writing
2.What is the purpose of Punctuation Marks in several key
writing? aspects that are
essential for clear,

3.How would you develop a well-written text?

2. Punctuation
marks play a
crucial role in
communication by
structure, clarity,
and meaning to
written language.
They help writers
convey their ideas
accurately and
understand them
clearly, enhancing
the overall
readability and
impact of the text.
3. You can
develop a well-
written text that
your ideas to your
Remember to stay
focused on your
purpose, engage
your readers, and
strive for clarity
and coherence in
your writing.
I. Evaluating Direction:
learning In each of the sentences of this section, one portion is CORRECT
underlined. Beneath each sentence you will find five ANSWERS:
ways of writing the underlined part; the first of these
always repeats the original, and the other four are all
1. E
different. If you think the original sentence is better
2. D
than any of the suggested changes, choose the first
3. D
answer (A); otherwise, select the best revision. Write
your responses on a separate sheet of paper. 4. C
5. D
1. Just as I was despairing, a nun passes by and 6. E
whispers encouragement. 7. B
a. passes by and whispers 8. D
b. is passing by and whispered 9. B
c. is passing by and whispers 10. D
d. passed by and whispers
e. passed by and whispered

2. Not being aware of the legal implications of his

action, an arrest was made by the security guard.
a. an arrest was made by the security guard.
b. the security guard called the police to arrest the
c. the offender was arrested by the security guard.
d. the security guard made an arrest.
e. an arrest was made by the police.

3. Some couples are forbidden to divorce by religion,

others are forbidden by social custom.
a. others are forbidden by social custom.
b. social custom forbids other couples.
c. other couples are forbidden by social custom.
d. others by social custom.
e. social custom forbids others.

4. Amy couldn’t decide whether to stay at home in

Texas during her vacation or if she should go to visit
her relatives in New York.
a. vacation or if she should go
to visit
b. vacation; or to visit
c. vacation or to visit
d. vacation, or if she should go to visi
e. vacation. Or if she should go to visit

5. When one becomes a secret agent, you don’t write

home very often.
a. you don’t write home very often.
b. a person doesn’t write home very often.
c. she doesn’t write home very often.
d. one doesn’t write home very often.
e. people don’t write home very often.\

6. Every one of the communities under discussion

have adequate school facilities.
a. Every one of the communities under discussion
b. Every one of the community’s under discussion
c. Everyone of the communities under discussion have
d. Every one of the communities’ under discussion
e. Every one of the communities under discussion has
7. The package, rectangular in shape, lay on the
a. The package, rectangular in shape,
b. The rectangular package
c. The package, shaped like a rectangle,
d. The packaged rectangle
e. The rectangularly-shaped package

8. After driving for most of the day, they decided to

stop at twilight. Even though they were very close to
their final destination.
a. Even though they
b. . Even though, they
c. ; even though they
d. , even though they
e. . They

9. Although many people who listen to rock music do

not know where it comes from it is actually a musical
descendent of the blues
a. from it is
b. from, it is
c. from it is,
d. from; it is
e. from: it is

10. Actors who look badly on stage probably perform

badly in movies.
a. badly on stage probably perform badly in movies.
b. badly on stage probably perform bad in movies.
c. bad on stage probably probably perform as bad in
d. ad on stage probably perform badly in movies.
e. bad on stage probably perform bad in movies.
J. Additional
activities for For your extra task, read and study this paragraph.
application or Give the necessary corrections and rewrite. Write your (Answer may vary)
remediation responses on a separate sheet of paper.

Sunday is my favorite day - because I

spend the day watching football with my
dad.on Sunday, unlike the other days of
the week when he works my dad spends
the whole day with me watching football
on TV. We even eat lunch together while
watching. The highlight of, the day is
watching the Dolphins game. Dad and I
get so excited, we yell and cheer
together.On Sundays, I get to combine
watching my favorite sport and spending
time with my favorite person— what a
great day?

Prepared by:
Student Teacher
Checked and Noted by:

Cooperating Teacher
Remarks: Submitted the DLP ahead of time
March 9, 2024

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