Corat-Coret - Presentasi Untuk DTSFTUI 10 Oktober 2022

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Analisis dan Desain Struktur Bangunan Teknik

Sjahril A Rahim
10 Oktober 2022

Struktur beton teknik lingkungan didefinisikan

dalam ACI 350 sebagai struktur beton yang
dimaksudkan untuk membawa, menyimpan, atau
mengolah air, air limbah, atau cairan tidak
berbahaya lainnya, dan untuk penahanan sekunder
cairan berbahaya.
Standard dan dokumen
- ACI 350M-2006, Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete
Structures and Commentary, Reported by ACI committee 350, 2006
- ACI 350.4R-04, Design Considerations for Environmental Engineering
Concrete Structures, Reported by ACI Committee 350, 2004
- ACI 350.1M-10, Tightness Testing of Environmental Engineering Concrete
Structures, Reported by ACI Committee 350. 2010
- ACI 350.2R Concrete Structures for Containment of Hazardous
Materials, and
- ACI 350.3 Seismic Design for Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures.
- Portland Cement Association, “Circular Concrete Tanks Without
Prestressing,” ISO72, 1992.
- Portland Cement Association, “Rectangular Concrete Tanks,” IS003,
- U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, “Moments and
Reactions for Rectangular Plates,” Engineering Monograph No. 27, 1963.

Rectangular sedimentation tanks with effluent weir structure

visible above the fluid surface.

Circular clarifiers for industrial and

municipal wastewater treatment

Circular Clarifiers, primary

sedimentation tank

Three wastewater/sewage clarifiers

at the ʻAikahi wastewater treatment
plant in Hawaii.

Precast Prestressed
Concrete Circular
Storage Tanks

Tanks used for

storage of liquids:
• potable water
• industrial waste.
• clinker, grain and
Construction joint in membrane floor.

Construction joints in segmented floor

Vertical wall joints

Anchorage and buttress details for internal

Vertical wall joint detail for Terre Hill tanks and reservoir in
Darlington, South Carolina
Vertical wall joint detail for Kegina, Saasicatcnewan
reservoir. and New Zealand tank
Wall base joints
Riverton Heights Reservoir Seattle, Washington
Riverton Heights Reservoir Seattle, Washington
Riverton Heights Reservoir Seattle, Washington
Bangunan Teknik Lingkungan

Sanitary Structures:
• Water treatment plant
• Wastewater treatment plant
The Various Loads on separate structures should include at
least the following:
• Normal operating conditions: water loads can be determined by the design HGL
throughout the plant
• Normal maintenance procedure: a single tank in a group of settling tanks will be
emptied periodically for cleaning, and common walls will become pressure walls.
Where high ground water conditions exist, uplift pressure must be
accommodated during such maintenance
• Unusual or unplanned occurrences: a shutdown of some plant element, such as
final pumps, may cause the HGL to rise above the normal level, creating
exceptional loads on structural elements. Such loads should be considered
together with the likelihood that normal maintenance is also being performed
Water treatment plant:

• The function: to provide a potable and aesthetically pleasing water

supply by removal of turbidity, hardness, or other undesirable
minerals and the elimination of pathogenic microorganism
• Efficiency and water quality: rapid sand filtration, and water flow
through the plant by gravity
Flow diagram-water treatment plant:

• The raw water is raised by pumps to suitable elevation for flow

through the plant;
• It passes through the processes of coagulation and flocculation;
• Sedimentation;
• Filtration and Disinfections;
• Stored in clear well.
Flow diagram-water treatment plant:

w.l. w.l.
Inlet w.l.
gallery Sedimentation
flocculation Filtration w.l.

Low-lift pump To distribution

Cleear Well
pumps or mains
Flow diagram- water treatment plant
Typical Cross Section:

A- Intake gallery and flocculation,
H grade
B- Upper story of sedimentation
w.l w.l
C- Lower story sedimentation
F E F D- Pipe gallery,
C flow
E- Filter inlet gallery and wash
(to Ewith pumping)
water through,
F- Filters,
G- Clear water well,
H- Filter gallery
Pressure on wall-water treatment plant:

Surcharge Surcharge

Ground water level (b) w.l w.l (b) Ground water level

(c) (a) (c)
(d) (f) (d)

(a) Inside water pressure, (b) Earth at-rest pressure, (c)

Submerged earth at-rest pressure, (d) Ground water
pressure, (e) Filter box & submerged filter material, (e)
Clear well water pressure
Wastewater treatment plant:

• Function: to improve the sanitary quality of wastewater by reduction

of suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), pathogenic
microorganism, and other matter such that the effluent quality is
improved sufficiently for discharge into the waterway.
• The sludge created by thee treatment processes must also be safely
disposed of;
• The efficiency of the plant is commonly referred to in terms of
percent removal of suspended solids and reduction of BOD;
The Treatment processes:

• Primary treatment involves a settling basin with sludge collection

• Secondary treatment may involved trickling filters, rotating biological
contactors (RBC’s), lagoons, or some form activated sludge process,
and, in most cases, is aerobic. Trickling filters are generally round.
Aeration tanks used in the activated sludge process may be circular or
rectangular structures. Where a pure oxygen process is used, the
tanks must be enclosed with a roof sufficiently airtight to maintain
the process pressure and prevent loss of oxygen;
The Treatment processes:

• Advanced wastewater treatment involves either biological, chemical,

or physical process to achieve treatment beyond that available by
conventional secondary process. These process may include
nitrification-denitrification, carbon absorption, sand-filtration, etc.
• The sludge collected from the treatment process described above
must undergo further treatment for stabilization of solid, reduction of
pathogen levels, reduction of volume, and increased concentration of
• Anaerobic digesters are covered, having either fixed or floating roofs
for gas collection;
• The effluent from the various treatment process is usually disinfected
by chlorine before discharge into the waterway.
General characteristics of wastewater treatment plants:

• Tanks will generally have sloping or hopper bottoms leading to

collection troughs to facilitate the collection of sludge. Settling or
sedimentation tanks will have power-driven equipment to move
settled sludge to such troughs;
• Where aerobic processes involved, tanks may open-top. Anaerobic
digestion tanks will be closed-top for control the process;
• Wastewater treatment plants are usually at relatively low elevation
with respect to water table. They will therefore be subject to water
pressure outside of tank walls as well as inside, so that flotation of
entire plant may be a problem. Where dead load of the tanks is not
sufficient to overcome buoyancy, relieve valves must be provided in
the basin floor or walls, or a tie-down system used.
Settling or sedimentation tanks:

Rectangular, Circular,
generally generally
open tanks open



Sludge to digester Sludge to digester

Kriteria kinerja: Kedap air
▪ Struktur harus direncanakan kedap air, kebocoran harus seminimal
mungkin. Untuk Water Treatment Plants, kontaminasi supply air oleh
air tanah harus dicegah, sebaliknya untuk Water Treatment Plants,
kontaminasi air tanah tidak boleh terjadi.

▪ Struktur harus tahan lama (durable), tidak mengalami deteorasi

dalam jangka panjang.

▪ Mutu beton, fc′ tidak boleh kurang dari 28 MPa, berdasarkan test
28 hari.
Kriteria kinerja: Kedap air
▪ Desain campuran beton: proporsi yang baik , di padatkan tanpa
- Permeability yang rendah →water cement ratio rendah dan
- waktu moist curing lebih panjang;
- Gunakan water reducing agents dan pozzolans untuk mereduksi
▪ Beton dengan kualitas baik, praktis impervious terhadap cairan;
▪ Lebar dan kedalaman retak diminimalisasi;
- desain yang proper,
- distribusi tulangan yang cukup dan merata, properly detail,
fabrikasi dan penempatan yang tepat,
- spasi dari join kurang dari 8 m, detail join yang baik, penggunaan
Kriteria kinerja: Kedap air
ACI 372R (2013) – Circular Wire and Strand Wrapped Prestressed Concrete

Kriteria kinerja: Kedap air
– American Water Works Association (AWWA) – AWWA D110 – Wire and Strand
Wound, Circular, Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks
• Section 5.12, “The net liquid loss for a period of 24 hours shall not exceed
0.05% of the tank capacity”
– AWWA D115 – Tendon Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks
• Section 6.1.4

Kriteria kinerja: Durability
▪ Beton harus tahan terhadap serangan kimiawi, basah dan kering
▪ Penggunaan air-entrainment pada campuran beton dapat membantu
memperbaiki durability;
▪ Penutup beton yang cukup;
▪ Tambahan fly-ash atau puzolana yang baik;
▪ Penggunaan sulphat-resistance cement yang moderate.
Drying Shrinkage:
• The total drying shrinkage of un-reinforced concrete has been shown
to vary from 4 x 10-4 to 8 x 10-4 in./in. (50% relative humidity)
• Approximately 34% of the total shrinkage is realize in the first month,
and 90% in the first year
• Most of the potential drying shrinkage will take place before the basin
is filled
• After filling, at least one face of basin walls will be continuously wet,
and swelling will occur, although not usually to equal the extent of
the previous shrinkage
• The swelling that occurs during continuous wetting over a period of
years is about one-third of the shrinkage of air-dried concrete for the
same period.
Factors affecting Drying Shrinkage:

• The amount of water per unit of volume of concrete

• And by using the minimum amount of cement consistent with the
desired structural quality
• The concrete mix should have the largest practical coarse aggregate,
as this will increase the total aggregate content, and reduce the
required amount of cement
• Harsh graded aggregate should be avoided
• Volume changes from temperature variations will also induced
shrinkage cracking
Reducing amount of water:

• By use of both air-entraining and plasticizing admixture

• And by using the minimum amount of cement consistent with the
desired structural quality
Concrete quality and curing:

• Concrete for tanks should have a water-cement ratio no higher than

0.53 (equivalent 6 gallon/bag), for thin section this is reduced to 0.44
(equivalent 5 gallon/bag);
• The use of water-reducing and air-entraining admixtures will enable
the water-cement ratio to be minimized such that a ratio of 0.45 can
be established as a maximum;
• Although it is desirable from a shrinkage standpoint to minimize the
cement content, requirements for durability, workability, and density
will establish a minimum cement content of 5.5 to 6 bags (518 to 564
lb) per cubic yard.
Concrete quality and curing:

• Concrete mix proportioned according to the above requirements

should result in the following properties (based on 0.75-1.0 in. coarse
compressive strength: 4000 psi (28 MPa) minimum
air content: 6 ± 1%
slump: 4 in. maximum
• During the curing period, strength is gained and porosity is reduced
very rapidly during the first few days;
Concrete quality and curing

• Continuous wet-curing will minimize shrinkage during the time of

strength build-up, and should be considered preferable to the use of
curing compounds during this initial period;
• Wall form may loosened and left in place so that a continuous flow of
water may pass over the fresh of concrete;
• For horizontal surfaces, water-retaining coverings may be used,
continuously moistened;
• After the initial curing period ( 7 days for normal cements) , the use of
membrane curing may be used for subsequent curing.
Detail Join dan penempatan

• Untuk mengotrol retak akibat perubahan volume beton, dapat

digunakan tulanag baja dan join;
• Kedua elemen harus ditinjau bersamaan, jika spasi antara join di
perlukan ditambah akan memerlukan penambahan persentase
Tipe Join:

• Construction Joint
• Contraction Joint
• Expansion Joint
Detail Join
Construction blocking Waterstop
Water bar

Shear key Tulangan menerus (b) Recess untuk

compund sambungan

Permukaan kasar
6,5 mmamplitude
1,7ld Waterbar
ld 0,50Avf Joint filler

0,25 (c)
Material compressible
Lay-out dari join konstruksi untuk basin circular

1 5

s =R
8 Tan
k ra

5 6

7 3
Construction joints

Semua area di buat luas sama

Tiga pendekatan desain penempatan Join

• Join ekaspasi ditempatkan 30-40 m satu sama lain, dalam kedua arah.
Diantara join, join kontraksi ditempatkan dengan interval sekitar 7,60
• Join ekspansi atau kontraksi di tempatkan 15-18 m satu sama lain,
tanpa ada join yang lain.
• Desain kontinus dengan jint konstruksi ditempatkan 12 sampai 18 m
satu sama lain , dengan tambahan tulangan susut berdasarlan
Panjang penempatan.
Tulangan susut:

• Junlah tulangan baja diperlukan untuk mengontrol secara kompler

retak jika jika join kontraksi di eliminasi diperkirakan 0,65%;
• Penggunaan 0,25% sebagaimanan ditentukan oleh ACI 318 tidak
mencukupi dalam kebanyakan kasus. Observasi pada struktur dan
conduit yang dibangun dengan 0,25% tulangan atau kurang
mengindikasikan retak susut akan terbentuk pada sekitar 7,6 m
intervals dengan lebar sekitar 1,5 mm.
Grafik tulangan minimum susut dan suhu
Shrinkage Reinforcing

➢ ACI & AWWA Codes historically required uniform shrinkage

reinforcing in each placement

➢ Amount of reinforcing based on distance between movement

joints/length of placement
Tulangan Susut dan Suhu minimum sesuai ACI 350-06

▪ Beban hidup lantai

▪ Beban cairan dan lumpur dalam tangki dan reservoir

▪ Beban tanah luar

▪ Beban cairan luar

▪ Beban enviromental

▪ Beban desain lainnya

Beban hidup lantai

Area peralatan dan proses

• Berat peralatab fixed
• Berat material yang disimpan
• Beban hidup normal personil dan
• Beban trainsient.
Beban hidup lantai

Beban hudup lantai minimum 150 lb/ft2 (7.2 kPa) umum digunakan
untuk slab yang menopang peralatan.

Beban hidup lebih besar umum untuk electrical equipment rooms.

Tangga dan walkways minimum beban hidup 100 lb/ft2 (4.8 kPa).

Jika catwalk di perkirakan terbatas, beban minimum 40 lb/ft2 (1.9 kPa)

dapat digunakan sesuai ASCE 7 (SNI 1727)
Beban hidup lantai
Area penyimpanan:

Di area penyimpanan material kimian atau material lainnya , beban

maksimum berat yang disimpan harsu ditentuakn bardasrkan tinggi dan
density atau specific gravity dari material dan kontainernya . Density
material di list pada Table 2.1*(a) dan (b) dapat digunkan
memperkirakan beban digunakan.

*ACI 350.4R-04 Design Considerations for Environmental Engineering

Concrete Structures, Reported by ACI Committee 350
Beban cairan dan lumpur dalam tangki dan reservoir:

Beban utama yang dikerjakan pada struktur penyimpanan cairan

adalah akibat tekanan cairan pada dinding dan slab disebabkan cairan
yang disimpan.
Beban cairan dan lumpur dalam tangki dan reservoir:
Density berikut ini adalah nilai konservatif untuk perhitungan tekanan
cairan equivalen dari material enviromental umum yang dijumpai yang
mungkin digunakan dalam desain struktur*:
• Raw sewage 63 lb/ft3 (1000 kg/m3)
• Grit excavated from grit chamber 110 lb/ft3 (1800 kg/m3)
• Digested sludge, aerobic 65 lb/ft3 (1000 kg/m3 )
• Digested sludge, anaerobic 70 lb/ft3 (1100 kg/m3 )
• Thickened or dewatered sludge 63 to 85 lb/ft3
(1000 to 1400 kg/m3) (depending on moisture content)

*ACI 350.4R-04 Design Considerations for Environmental Engineering

Concrete Structures, Reported by ACI Committee 350.
Desain level fluida
Beban fluida harus ditinjau untuk keduanya:
- Level fluida normal, dan
- Level fluida kasus terburuk.

Untuk struktur penyimpanan tertutup, pertimbangan harus juga diberikan

tekanan internal positif atau negative disebabkan pengisian atau
pengosongan secara cepat.

Dimana pressure atau vacum relief valve di sediakan untuk membatasi

tekanan tersebut, desain struktur harus memperhitungkan maksimum dan
minimum setting valves tersebut. Vent dan relief valve harus didesain
sedemikian rupa tidak tersumbat, freesze, atau menjadi tidak beroperasi
Desain level fluida
Pada filter basin, dinding dapat dikenakan tekanan hydrostatic penuh selama
pembersihan, meskipun tekanan mungkin kurang selama operasi normal.

Beda tinggi minimum untuk dinding internal harus diperhitungkan adalah 150 mm.
Internal wall minimum150 mm

Internal wall
Tekanan Tanah:

a) Tekanan tanah luar

b) Tekanan tanah luar akibat beban surcharge
c) Tekanan air tanah
Tekanan aktif:

Figure 3 Active pressure

Tekanan Pasif:

Figure 4 Passive pressure

Surcharge Loading:
For the effect of surcharge loading, see active and passive pressure (Figure 3 and 4).
Wall Movement:
Efek pergerakan dinding pada Koefisien tekanan tanah Aktif dan Pasif:

Figure 5 Efek pergerakan dinding pada Koefidien tekanan tanah Aktif dan Pasif
Tekanan tanah at-rest:

Beban yang dipakai:

Tekanan tanah at-rest
Tekanan tanah akibat Surcharge
U = buoyancy due to water table
N = normal stress along base mat
Case 1: Muka air tanah dibawah base mat

Surcharge, q Surcharge, q

z Surcharge
H T, ,c Surcharge
At Rest
Weight, W
At Rest Figure 6

N=W Ground Water

At-rest earth pressure 0 for granular soil can be

calculated by formula:
At a: 0=q(1-sin)
Surcharge, q Surcharge, q

AtZ1 b:  ,T,c =(q+ Z)(1-sin) Weight, W
0 T Surcharge Ground water
Ground water Surcharge
At c:  ,0,c=(q+TH)(1-sin)b

Z2 sub
Water At rest Hydrostatic At rest Water

N=W Ground Water

Case 2: Ground water table above base mat

Surcharge, q Surcharge, q

Z1 T,,c Weight, W Surcharge
Ground water Surcharge Ground water

Z2 sub,,c
Figure 7
Water At rest Hydrostatic At rest Water
w Uplift, U


At-rest earth pressure 0 for granular soil can be calculated

by formula:
At a: 0=q(1-sin)
At b: 0=(q+TZ1)(1-sin)
At c: 0=(q+TZ1+ subZ2)(1-sin)
Water Pressure at c: w= wZ2
Comparison of Active, Passive and At Rest Coefficient:

For φ = 30°, the possible range of earth pressures 1s as follows:

Earth Symbol Computed as K Coefficient

Active Ka tan2(45-/2) 0.333
At rest K0 1-sin 0.500
Passive Kp tan2(45+/2) 3.000

Thus, passive earth pressures are on the order of Kp →10 Ka.

Circular Tank:
This type of tank relative rigid, even the tank is open in top, radial
deformation is relatively small due external earth pressure, thus at-rest
earth pressures should be assumed.

Figure 8

90 ft diameter
Long Rectangular Open Tank:
For long multi cell rectangular open tank as shown in the figure, the external wall
laterally supported at top provided by a walkway slab-beam, lateral deformation
due to external soil pressure may be relatively small, thus at-rest earth pressures
should be assumed unless calculated deflections justify lower lateral earth

B Figure 9


Beban tanah di luar
Dinding terkena tekanan tangah harus di evaluasi dengan baik untuk
interaksi struktur-tanah:
• Evaluasi apakah dinding dapat berdeformasi cukup untuk meredukai
tekanan tanah lateral dari at-rest soil pressure ke aktif soil pressure
dan apakah diagram akibat backfilling lebih ke trapezium atau
• Karena desain kriteria yang digunakan untuk struktur penympanan
cairan, dinding struktur ini lebih stiff dari pada penahan tanah.
• Tekanan tanah at-rest harus dianggap kecuali defleksi perhitingan
membuktikan takanan lateral tanah yang lebih kecil.
Beban tanah di luar
▪ Tekanan tanah pasif penuh dapat dikaitkan dengan pergerakan tanah
relative besar, dan, oleh karena itu, harus digunakan dengan hati-
▪ Deformasi yang diperlukan untuk memobilisai ½ tekanan tanah pasif
secara signifikan lebih kecil dari yang diperlukan untuk mobilisasi
▪ Dimana tanah dapat diandalkan untuk menahan beban lateral dan
pergerakan dapat ditoleransi, tekanan tanah pasif dapat digunakan.
▪ Jika tekanan tanah pasif digunakan untuk menahan beban lateral,
pipa dan utility lainnya yang terhubung ke struktur harus
direncanakan untuk gerakan diperkirakan.
Beban tanah di luar

Kp 1/2Kp

Tekakan tanah desain Analisis momen guling

pada struktur dan bearing capacity

Kondisi beban saat

Surcharge Loads

• Bilamana kenderaan mempunyai akses ke tepi dinding, beban

surcharge sama dengan 600 mm tanah biasanya digunkan sehungan
AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridge,

600 mm
▪ Tekanan tanah luar + tekanan
Beban fluida luar hydrostatik luar;
▪ Tekanan hydrostatic dapat akibat
ait tanah tinggi atau banjir
▪ Elevater ground water dapat
terjadi karena kebocoran tanki
penyimpanan fluid disekitar atau
kebocoran pipa.
▪ Beban fluida luar meningkatkan
beban lateral efektif pada
dinding dan dapat menyebabkan
▪ Semua tanki penyimpanan cairan
atau individual cell harus
dievaluasi pada kondisi kosong.
Pressure on wall-water treatment plant:

Surcharge Surcharge

Ground water level (b) w.l w.l (b) Ground water level

(c) (a) (c)
(d) (f) (d)

(a) Inside water pressure, (b) Earth at-rest

pressure, (c) Submerged earth at-rest pressure,
(d) Ground water pressure, (e) Filter box &
submerged filter material, (e) Clear well water
Beban Environmental:

Struktur Environmental juga harus di desain tehadap beban

▪ Angin,
▪ Efek thermal, dan
▪ Earthquakes:
- Desain seismik mengacu ke ACI 350.3.
- The Mononobe-Okabe pseudostatic.7-9
Other design loads

- Beban Kejut

- Beban pada pipa pada dinding

- Beban pada gates

- Gaya pada clarifiers

- Tekanan internal dan vakum

Kriteria Stabilitas

- Pertimbangan Banjir
Penentuan desain banjir
Safety factor terhadap Flotation
Desain untuk tahanan flotation
- Pertimbangan sliding dan momen guling
Kriteria Stabilitas
Penentuan desain banjir
• Pertimbangan khusus terhadap banjir.
• Banjir: air permukaan, kenaikan aiar tanah, atau kombinasi
• Struktur environmental, khususnya wastewater treatment plants,
seringkali berlokasi di area terjadi banjir aliran sungai dan air tanah
tinggi, dimana uplift akibat tekanan air mengurani stabilitas struktur.
• Konsultasi Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum atau Dinas PU atau Dinas
SDA untuk mendapatkan peta banjir.
Kriteria Stabilitas

Safety factor terhadap Flotation:

• Kondisi paling buruk (worst-case conditions): 1.10 (Banjir diatas
diatas struktur, dan mengandalkan tahanan berat sendiri saja),
• Kondisi banjir yang terdefinisi dengan baik, dibawah bagian atas
struktur: 1.25.
• Minimum safety factor 1,25 direkomendasikan jika air tanah tinggi.
Kriteria Stabilitas

- Pertimbangan banjir
Desain untuk meningkatkan tahanan terhadap flotation:

• Tambah tebal base slab, tebal atap, dinding, atau tanah diatas atap.

Note: Penambahan tebal base slab meningkat juga gaya uplift.

passive systems
Kriteria Stabilitas

- Pertimbangan banjir
Desain untuk
meningkatkan tahanan
terhadap flotation
Uplift forces
• Base slab ditambah
passive systems

Uplift forces
Kriteria Stabilitas

- Pertimbangan banjir
Desain untuk meningkatkan
tahanan terhadap flotation

• Tiang tarik, tiang bor, atau drill

soil atau rock anchors tension
piles, drilled piers, or drilled
soil or rock anchors.

passive systems
Kriteria Stabilitas
- Pertimbangan banjir
Desain untuk meningkatkan
tahanan terhadap flotation Initial ground
water level Water level
• Drainage system
passive systems

Perforated pipe Granular

Drainage system
Kriteria Stabilitas
- Pertimbangan banjir
Desain untuk meningkatkan tahanan
terhadap flotation
Initial ground
• Drainage system kombinasi dengan pompa
water level Water level
Active systems

Perforated pipe materials
Drainage system in combination with pumps
Kriteria Stabilitas

- Pertimbangan banjir
Desain untuk meningkatkan tahanan terhadap flotation
• Membatasi uplift pressures dengan penggunaan pressure-relief
systems pada base slab atau dinding pinggir.
Flap valves pada walls pinggir lebih reliable dibandingka pop-up valve di
base slabs. are generally considered to be more reliable than pop-up
valves in base slabs. Catatan:
- Pressure-relief systems dapat tersumbat karena lumpur.
- Jika digunakan relief valve pada dinding, level air tanah harus 300
mm diatas level relief valve.
- open valves dapat bersinggunagan dengan clariier scrapers.
Kriteria Stabilitas

- Pertimbangan banjir
Desain untuk meningkatkan tahanan terhadap flotation

• Slab blowout panels didesain untuk gagal dan mengizinkan air

masuk melalui blowout panel, sebelum kerusakan pada struktur..
Kriteria Stabilitas

- Pertimbangan banjir
Design for flotation resistance

• Sistim alarm jika air tanah atau banjir terjadi.

Kriteria Stabilitas
- Pertimbangan Sliding dan terguling

Sliding dan terguling dapat terjadiakibat ketidak seimbangan kondisi

tanah, level cairan tidak balance, atau efek gempa.

𝑺𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
𝑺𝑭 =
𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒔
Kriteria Stabilitas
- Pertimbangan Sliding dan terguling
Table 3.1*-- Safety factors for stability
Minimum Minimum base Minimum
Loading conditions safety factor area in Foundation bearing
against sliding compression capacity safety factor†
Usual 1.5 100% 3.0
Unusual 1.33 75% 2.0
Earthquake 1.10‡ 1.0‡
within the base

*Table is not intended to apply to retaining structures that rely on anchorage devices, such as rock or soil
anchors, for stability. Loads used to calculate safety factors should be service loads.
†Bearing-capacity safety factors may be adjusted based on recommendations of geotechnical engineer
considering site-specific geotechnical conditions.
‡Low safety factor was established based on short-term nature of load, the ability of soil to resist higher
short-term loads, and the rarity of sliding and overturning failures in earthquakes.
Kriteria Stabilitas
- Pertimbangan Sliding dan terguling

Maksimum dan minimum tegangan tanah:

Jika gaya resuktan masuk dalam kern (pertenganan 1/3 panjang base),
teganagn maksimum dan minimum dihitung sebagai berikut.5
𝑷 𝟔𝒆
𝒒𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝟏 + (3-1)

𝑷 𝟔𝒆
𝒒𝒎𝒊𝒏 = 𝟏− (3-2)
Kriteria Stabilitas

- Pertimbangan Sliding dan terguling

dimana L B
L = Panjang base; qmin qmax
B = lebar base;
e = eksentrisitas P relatif terhadap titik pusat base;
P = total gaya normal dikerjakan bidang fondasi;
qmax = teganganmaksimum fondasi, dan
qmin = teganagn minimum fondasi.
Kriteria Stabilitas

- Pertimbangan Sliding dan terguling

Jika beban resultan jatuh diluar kern (pertengahan 1/3 base), tegangan
maksimum dibawah base adalah12 :
𝑞= (3-3)

Lebar base tetap dalam kondisi tekan dapat dihitung dengan

persamaan berikut:

3 𝐿−2𝑒
𝐿𝑐 = (3-4)
dimana Lc = lebar base dalam kondisi tekan.
Kriteria Stabilitas
- Pertimbangan Sliding dan terguling

L/3 L/3 L/3

e P


Kondisi pembebanan pada dinding*:
Gambar 1 Kondisi pembebanan 1
Test kebocoran sebelum backfilling

Gambar 2 Kondisi pembebanan 2

Tanki kosong dengan backfilling

Gambar 3 Kondisi pembebanan3
Tangki penuh dengan penutup, tahanan
tanah oleh tekanan tanah luar diabaikan
*ACI 350.4R-04 Section 4.1.1

Kombinasi pembebanan
Kombinasi pembebanan untuk dinding
Untuk struktur penyimpanan cairan multicell, efek kombinasi dari cells
kosong dan isi harus ditinjau dalam desain.

Kombinasi pembebanan
Beban Tarik
• Dinding menerus dan slabs diantara ujung dari struktur penyimpanan cairan
berbentuk persegi panjang harus di desain untuk mentransfer gaya tarik di antara
dinding ujung untuk kesetimbangan gaya lateral akibat tekanan cairan.
• Gaya tarik langsung ini harus ditinjau dalam desain tulangan di pojok, hubungan
dinding ke slab, dan sepanjang seluruh panjang dinding dan slab.

Kombinasi pembebanan
Beban Tarik
• Bilaman potongan melintang dalam kondisi tarik penuh, tulangan tarik yang
diperlukan harus di distribusikan pada kedua muka dinding atau slab.
• Jika terdapat beban lentur yang signifikan, tulangan tarik yang diperlukan dapat
langsung ditambahkan (konservatif) langsung ke tulangan tarik lentur, atau
kombinasi lentur dan tarik dieavaluasi dengan diagram interaksi sesuai dengan
ACI 340R (SP-17).
- Kombinasi pembebanan
Beban Tarik
1 1

Y Tension Forces
Mz Nx

Z Section 1-1 Z
Mz Mx My

Koefisien Geser
• Nilai geser sepanjang pinggir dinding tanki diperlukan untuk investifasi geser dan
pengembangan tegangan.
• Sepanjang sisi vertical, geser pada suatu dinding juga digunakan sebagai gaya
aksial pada dinding yang bertemu dan harus dikombinasikan dengan momen
lentur untuk mencari tulangan tarik.

Kondisi Ekspansi dan Kontraksi

• Atap atau tutup tangka terekspose sinar matahari, terjadi thermal
movement yang significant.
• Tegangan akan terjadi pada dinding dan tutup karena perbedaan
thermal movement. Stresses dapat direduksi dengan join.
• Tegangan dapat juga terjadi pada dinding dan atap akibat perbedaan
temperature dan moisture melalui ketebalan potongan dinding dan
atap. Tegangan ini harus di tinjau.
Kondisi Ekspansi dan Kontraksi

Galvanized Angles Anchored in Roof Slab

Bearing pads
- Kondisi Ekspansi dan Kontraks
Continuous Free top Free top

Max wl


Continuous base Hinged joint Sliding Base


Kondisi Fondasi
• Desain fondasi → control retak, kedap air.
• Differential movements harus diminimumkan → Retak, kegagalan
join, kerusakan pipa.
• Kombinasi fondasi langsung dan fondasi dalam dihindarkan.
• Dua struktur berbeda kedalaman, ada potensi differensial settlement
ynag lebih dangkal.
• Minimalisasi settlement berlebihan.
Pertimbangan desain dan detailing
• Tebal minimum dinding yang kontak dengan cairan dengan tinggi ≥ 3 m adalah
300 mm. (ACI 350-06, Section 14.6.2).
• Untuk lebih rendah, 250 mm dengan tulangan dua lapis.
• Jika dinding 200 mm digunakan, tulangan single ditempatkan 50 mm dari satu
muka untuk memudahkan pengecoran dan pemadatan.
• Tebal lebih besar jika digunakan waterstopped.dan 1/16 tinggi untuk propped
• Untuk dinding tinggi lebih dari 3 m, tebal minimum 1/12 tinggi dinding untuk
• Tebal minimum fondasi dan fonasi mat (tikar) pada umumnya 300 mm.
- Pertimbangan desain dan detailing


min. 300 mm

h h

(a) Cantilever wall (b) Propped cantilever

For H > 10 m , h=1/12 H for cantilever wall
h= 1/16 H for propped cantilever wall
- Pertimbangan desain dan detailing
• Dinding penyimpanan cairan dapat di desain sebagai dinding kantilever, propped
kantilever , pinned end walls, atau pelat dua arah dengan berbagai kondisi sisi,
tergantung pada kondisi perletakan.
• Untuk dinding propped kantilever dan dinding pelat dua arah, asumsi terjepit
penuh pada base belum tentu akurat, terutama jika di atas tanah. Jepit penuh
dibase umumnya konservatif untuk tulanagn di base dari dinding, tetapi tidak
konservatif untuk tulangan pertengahan span. Oleh karena itu dipertimbangkan
untuk partial fixity di base.

- Pertimbangan desain dan detailing

• Pendekatan yang konservatif adalah dengan melakukan detail desain dengan
mengaggap fixed base dan pinned base
• Kecuali didekat sudut dan perpotongan dinding, dinding panjang dapat didesain
sebagai pelat dinding satu arah kearah vertikal. Untuk momen dipojok
menggunakan table pelat dua arah berdasarkan dinding dengan maksimum
aspek rasio.

- Pertimbangan desain dan detailing

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f)
Free edge
Hinged edge
Contineous edge

Contoh: 26ft-2in.

25ft-0in. 25ft-0in. 25ft-0in. 25ft-0in. 1ft-6in.

1ft-2in. 1ft-2in. 1ft-2in. 1ft-2in. 1ft-2in.

8 in.

1ft 1ft-8in.


24ft-2in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 24ft-2in.


1 ft-2 in.

25 ft-0 in. 26ft-9in.

1 ft-2 in.

25 ft-0 in.

1 ft-2 in. 105ft-10in.

25 ft-0 in.

1 ft-2 in.

25 ft-0 in. 26ft-9in.

1 ft-2 in.


24ft-2in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 24ft-2in.

Idealisasi dinding untuk analisis

Hinged Hinged

Zona 2 Zona 1 Zona 2

Zona 2 Dinding Ujung

Potongan Model 1 Model 2

Dinding Luar


Contoh: 26ft-2in.

25ft-0in. 25ft-0in. 25ft-0in. 25ft-0in. 1ft-6in.

1ft-2in. 1ft-2in. 1ft-2in. 1ft-2in. 1ft-2in.

8 in.
1ft 1ft-8in.


24ft-2in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 24ft-2in.


1 ft-2 in.

25 ft-0 in. 26ft-9in.

1 ft-2 in.

25 ft-0 in.

1 ft-2 in. 105ft-10in.

25 ft-0 in.

1 ft-2 in.

25 ft-0 in. 26ft-9in.

1 ft-2 in.


24ft-2in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 24ft-2in. 1ft-6in.

Idealisasi dinding untuk analisis

free Free Free

Zona 2 Zona 1 Zona 2

Zona 2
Dinding Ujung

Potongan Model 1 Model 2

Dinding Luar

- Metode Analisis

a. Analisis menggunakan Tabel Momen dan Reaksi pelat persegi dan cylindrical
shell, diterbitkan antara lain oleh PCA, US Bureau of Reclamation dll.
b. Elemen Hingga

Dalam tugas ini menggunakan a.

Tabel Momen dan reaksi pelat persegi

Rectangular Concrete Tanks Underground Concrete Tanks

Tabel Momen dan reaksi pelat persegi
Tabel Gaya Dalam Circular Tanks
- PCA: Rectangular Concrete Tanks, two-way plate tables

Moment = Coef. x wa2

b/a=3 x/a=1/2 y=0 → Mx=+0.005 w a2
My=+0.010 w a2
- PCA: Rectangular Concrete Tanks, two-way plate tables

Penggunaan Tabel: b/2 b/2

Dalam hal H < a 1 Y

H a

𝜎2 = 𝛾𝑤 𝐻 X 𝑸𝟏 = 𝜸𝒘 𝑯𝟐
b/2 b/2

𝑸𝟐 = 𝑸𝟏 Y

𝑯 wa=p2 a a
𝒑𝟐 = 𝜸𝒘 𝑯
𝒑𝟐 = 𝜸𝒘 𝒂 X 𝑸𝟐 = 𝒑 𝒂
𝟐 𝟐
Free edge

Tabel dari US Bureau of Reclamation

Tanki isi partial

- Pertimbangan desain dan detailing
• Jika one-way slabs and walls dibebani cairan atau beban tanah terbagi rata dan
diinginkan kedap air, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan tulangan minimum
seperti pada balok, untuk mencegak keruntuhan getas.
• Tulangan pada setiap muka komponen struktur seharusnya di extended
sepanjang komponen untuk control terhadap retak dan daktility.
• Untuk control retak lebih baik menggunakan rebar lebih kecil dengan spasi yang
lebih kecil.
For beams:

For one-way slab and walls:

In SI:

f c' 1,4bd
As ,min = bd 
4 fy fy

fc’ and fy dalam MPa.

Strength Design Based on ACI 350-06

• The Committee 350 report → strength design;

• Faktor beban untuk tekanan lateral tanah H dan tekanan lateral cairan
F diambil 1,6;
• Kombinasi beban terfaktor untuk beban desain total terfaktor U,
harus diperbesar dengan koefisien durability enviromental.
Required Strength Based on ACI 350-06

• U=1.4(D+F)
• U=1.2(D+F+T)+1.6(L+H)+0.5(Lr or S or R)
• U=1.2D+1.6(Lr or S or R+H)+(1.0L or 0.8W)
• U=1.2D+1.6W+1.0L+0.5(Lr or S or R)
• 1.2D+1.2F+1.0E+1.6W+1.6H+1.0L+0.2S
• U=0.9D+1.2F+1.6W+1.6H
• U=0.9D+1.2F+1.0E+1.6H
Environmental Durability Factor

Enviromental durability factor ---- Factor used to control reinforcement stresses

and crack widths in members designed using the strength design approach.

Refer to Chapter 9 of this Code for rules on the application of this factor. When the
environmental durability factor is used, members proportioned using the strength
design approach are similar to those proportioned using the alternate
design method (Appendix I).
Environmental Durability Factor
Required strength U for other than compression-control sections, as defined in
10.3.3, shall be multiplied by the following environmental durability factor (Sd) in
portions of an environmental engineering concrete structures where durability,
liquid-tightness, or similar serviceability are considerations.

𝑆𝑑 = ≥ 1.0

𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
whrere 𝛾 =
𝑢𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
and where fs is the permissible tensile stress in reinforcement as given
Environmental Durability Factor
The calculated stress fs in reinforcement closest to a surface in tension at service
loads shall not exceed that given by Eq. (10-4) and (10-5) and shall not exceed a
maximum of 250 MPa:

In normal environmental exposure areas as defined in

𝑓𝑠,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2 2
𝛽 𝑠 +4 4+𝑑𝑏 /2
but need not be less than 140 MPa for one-way and 165 MPa for two-way
In severe environmental exposure areas as defined in
𝑓𝑠,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2 2
𝛽 𝑠 +4 4+𝑑𝑏 /2
but need not be less than 115 MPa for one-way and 140 MPa for two-way
Environmental Durability Factor
The strain gradient amplification factor shall be given by
𝛽= (10)
where c is calculated at service loads. In lieu of this more precise
calculation, it shall be permitted to use β equal to 1.2 for h ≥ 400 mm and
1.35 for h < 400 mm in Eq. (10-4) and (10-5).

For liquid retention, normal environmental exposure is defined as exposure to

liquids with a pH greater than 5, or exposure to sulfate solutions of 1000 ppm or
less. Severe environmental exposures are conditions in which the limits defining
normal environmental exposure are exceeded.
𝜀𝑐 𝑓𝑐

h d


The strain gradient simplification factor:

𝛽 = 1.2 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ℎ ≥ 16 𝑖𝑛. 40𝑚𝑚
𝛽 = 1.35 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ℎ < 16 𝑖𝑛. 40𝑚𝑚
Environmental Durability Factor
Calculated flexural stress in reinforcement at service load fs (in MPa) shall
be computed as the unfactored moment divided by the product of steel area
and internal moment arm.
Environmental Durability Factor
Environmental Durability Factor
The permissible tensile stress in reinforcement, fs
▪ Direct and hoop tensile stress
- in normal environmental exposures
fs = 140 MPa
- in severe environmental exposures
fs = 115 MPa
▪ Shear stress carried by shear reinforcement
- in normal environmental exposures
fs = 165 MPa
- in severe environmental exposures
fs = 140 Mpa
▪ Sd shall be taken as 1.0 for the flexural design of compression-controlled
sections, all prestressed reinforcement, and post-tensioned anchorage
zone reinforcement, regardless of exposure
Strength Design Summary:
1. Flexural reinforcement
Required strength ≥ 𝑆𝑑 𝑈
∅𝑀𝑛 ≥ 𝑆𝑑 1.2𝑀𝐷 + 1.6𝑀𝐿 + 1.6𝑀𝐹
∅𝑓𝑦 𝑀𝑢
𝑆𝑑 = ≥ 1.0, where 𝛾 =
𝛾𝑓𝑠 𝑀
2. Direct tension reinforcement
Required strength ≥ 𝑆𝑑 𝑈
∅𝑇𝑛 ≥ 𝑆𝑑 1.2𝑇𝐷 + 1.6𝑇𝐿 + 1.6𝑇𝐹
∅𝑓𝑦 𝑇𝑢
𝑆𝑑 = ≥ 1.0, where 𝛾 =
𝛾𝑓𝑠 𝑇
3. Stirrup reinforcement
∅𝑉𝑠 ≥ 𝑆𝑑 𝑉𝑢 − ∅𝑉𝑐
∅𝑓𝑦 𝑉𝑢
𝑆𝑑 = ≥ 1.0, where 𝛾 =
𝛾𝑓𝑠 𝑉
4. Flexural design of compression control section
Required strength ≥ 1.0𝑈
Slab classification for minimum steel stress level based
on ACI 350-6 § 10.6.2


For ≤ 2 → 𝑡𝑤𝑜 − 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑏
For > 2 → 𝑜𝑛𝑒 − 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑏
Design Strength: Strength Reduction Factors

• Tension-controlled sections: Ø=0.90

• Compression-controlled sections:
Members with spiral Ø=0.70
Other reinforced members, Ø=0.65
Transisi antara terkendali tarik dan tekan:
Variasi ϕ dengan regangan tarik neto dalam baja tarik terluar, εt, dan c/dt untuk
tulangan Mutu 420 dan untuk baja prategang



0,75 ϕ=0,65+(εt-0,002)(250/3)
Terkontrol Transisi Terkontr
tekan tarik

εt=0,002 εt=0,005
c/dt=0,600 c/dt=0,375
Interpolasi pada c/di : Spiral ϕ=0,75+0,15[(1/(c/dt)-(5/3)]
Lainnya ϕ=0,65+0,25[(1/(c/dt)-(5/3)]
Design Strength: Strength Reduction Factors

• Shear and torsion, Ø=0.75

• Bearing on concrete, Ø=0.65
• Post-tensioned anchorage zone, Ø=0.85
• Flexural sections without axial load in pretension members where strand
embedment is less than the development length, Ø=0.75
• Special moment resisting frames, or special walls to resist earthquake effect:
Shear due to earthquake effect, Ø=0.60
Shear in diaphragm, Ø=0.75
Shear in joint and diagonal coupling beams, Ø=0.85
4. Design of Rectangular Tanks:

• Circular tanks are structurally more efficient than rectangular tanks,

both in terms of wall area per unit volume and economy of materials;
• However, for tanks within the building or batteries of tanks, the
rectangular shape is preferred.
Type of Side walls, depend on configuration:

• Cantilever slabs
• Propped cantilever, or
• Two-way slab
Loading of Walls:

• Hydrostatic pressure on the inside;

• Earth pressure on the outside, plus hydrostatic pressure where the
water table is high
Loading and Analysis of Walls:
Loading and Analysis of Walls:

(a) Cantilever (b) Propped cantilever (c) Two-span slab

Loading on basin of wall

Loading and Analysis of Floors and Roof:

• Most efficient: Flat plate – Flat slab

• Intermediate and roof slab as this as practical in order to limit
• The roof is design to support itself, membrane, topping, and fill where
applicable, and live load (min 100 lbs/sq.ft) that reflects probable
maximum loading condition. Consideration should be given to
possibility that trucks or other heavy equipment may cross the area,
requiring additional live load capacity
Loading and Analysis of Intermediate slab of two-story settling
• The intermediate slab of two-story settling basin will be subject to a
live load of settled material, plus incidental people. The sludge load
can be determined from hydraulic design of the basin, at 62.4 lb/cu ft
when the basin is emptied;
• This slab is not subject to a water load, except as a tie between
exterior walls, as the water pressure above and below the slab is
roughly the same.

• Where the foundation is piles, drilled piers, or other discrete

elements, the base slab will be design as a structural element carrying
all basin loads (I.e., concrete, water, superstructure, etc.) to the
• The base slab rest directly on sand or clay, it can be design as mat
foundation carrying all loads except for the water, as the water load
will be carried directly by the soil through the slab

• A multicell rectangular tank, such as may be part of a battery of

aeration tanks
• The system consists of four tanks 25 ft wide and 140 ft long with a
design ground water depth of 16.5 ft
• He tank is designed for fluid weighing 62.4 lb/cu ft.
• The general tank layout and cross section are given in the following
pages. For simplicity, the inlet and outlet structures, wiers, and gates
are ommited.
Tank Details:

Cross section



25ft-0in. 25ft-0in. 25ft-0in. 25ft-0in. 1ft-6in.

1ft-2in. 1ft-2in. 1ft-2in. 1ft-2in. 1ft-2in.

8 in.

1ft 1ft-8in.


24ft-2in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 24ft-2in. Section A-A

Top Plan
Tank Details:

1 ft-2 in.

25 ft-0 in. 26ft-9in.

1 ft-2 in.

25 ft-0 in.

1 ft-2 in. 105ft-10in.

25 ft-0 in.
Foundation plan

1 ft-2 in.

25 ft-0 in. 26ft-9in.

1 ft-2 in.


24ft-2in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 23ft-6in. 24ft-2in. 1ft-6in.

Longitudinal section
3D View:
The steps in the analysis

• Determine thickness of a vertical walls

• Determine thickness of the base slab
• Analyze tank- determine design moments for walls and base
• Determine reinforcing for walls and base
• Analyze and design walkways on long walls
• Analyze and design lateral walkways and tie beam

• Thickness of the walls are 14 in

• Thickness of the slabs are 18 in
• Total dead load of the tank are found 6950 kips, including a small
average of live load on the walkways and 16.5 ft of water
• The average soil pressure under the base of slab is 1400 psf (Gross
soil pressure)
Stability for uplifts

• Normal operating conditions

The dead load available to resist uplift is equivalent to 6950/(105.83 x
142.33 x 0.0624 x 1.25) = 5.9 ft of water displaced by tank. If higher
water level higher than this, additional hold-down capacity may be
obtained by extending the base slab to 6 ft from outside wall
• Normal maintenance procedure
• Unusual or unplanned occurrence
Design condition:

• Groundwater level assumed to be below 5.9 ft above the bottom of the base slab
• Design parameter: Concrete: fc’=3000 psi, steel: fy=60 ksi
• Strength design will be used
• The long wall panels have an aspect ratio of 140/18.33=7.65. Thus the long walls
and base slab will be analyzed as plane frames, spanning across the tank.
• The end walls have an aspect ratio of 25/18.33=1.36. Thus the end walls will be
analyzed as two-way panels, using PCA publication “Rectangular Concrete Tanks
• Concrete cover is set to 2”.

Step 1. Determine vertical wall thickness

The loading in verticals walls:

Fixed end moments, Mu: Water (20.9)(1.3)(1.7) = 46.2 ft-kips

Soil (23.8)(1.3)(1.7) = 52.6 ft-kips
The wall span is 18.33 ft, for thickness-to- span ratio of 1/16, the thickness is
18.33/16=1.14 ft. For 14 in. wall, with d of 11.5 in, As can be determine easily.
Calculate shear strength of the walls.
Fixed-end moment formulas:

w w

bL bL

aL aL W


𝑊𝑎𝐿 2 𝑊𝑎𝐿
𝐹𝐸𝑀 = 𝑏+1 𝐹𝐸𝑀 = 60
8 + 3𝑏 𝑏 + 3
𝑊 = 𝑤𝑎𝐿 1
𝑊 = 𝑤𝑎𝐿

Step 2. Determine base slab thickness thickness

• The total factor load causing moments in the mat foundation equals tank dead load (not including
the base slab), and the small live load on walkways, or (3560)(1.3)(1.4)+(120)(1.3(1.7)=6744 kips
• The assumed base pressure is 6744/(106.83x143.33)=0.440 ksf
• An approximate value for the maximum base moment may be determined by adding together:
1. Moment due to soil pressure using an assumed maximum moment coefficient of 1/11 qu l2
2. Moment due to support of interior walls, assuming three-fourth of fixed end moment to
remain after distribution
• Thus, Mu=1/11 0.440 252+3/4 x 46.2 = 59.65 ft-kips
• A depth-to-span ratio of 1/16 yields an 18.8 in slab. Try an 18-in slab.

Step 3. Analyze tank

Loading conditions:
Maximum moment at the base long walls:
Moment in base slab:
Long interior wall:
Interior wall reinforcement:
Slab reinforcing details:
Example: Two-story settling basin

• Part of a water treatment plant (area B and C) of Fig 18.2;

• The lay out of the settling basin is shown in the Figure 18-25;
• Slabs loading:
• Top Slab: 12-in concrete slab 150 psf
waterproof membrane 10 psf
3-in concrete protection 38 psf
2-ft dir cover 240 psf
Total DL 438 psf
LL 100 psf (minimum)
• Intermediate slab: DL-9-in concrete slab 113 psf
DL-sludge, mics. 75 psf
• Base slab (design pressure):
DL of supported slabs 551 psf
add for walls, columns 140 psf
Total DL 691 psf
LL 175 psf

• Base soil pressure:

Add: 18-in, base slab 225 psf
17.75 ft water 1109 psf
Total pressure 2200 psf
• The weight of removed soil
22.5 x 120 = 2700 psf, exceeds the final total soil pressure
• Thus, settlement problem would not usually occur, but a soil investigation should
nevertheless be carefully performed to verify uniform and adequate soil support
Loading conditions:

• It is recommended that the basin be filled before backfilling, and

analysis should be performed for this loading;
• During normal operation, the basin will be periodically emptied for
cleaning, establishing a second mayor loading conditions; Lateral soil
pressure and soil load on top of slab;
• Soil load on top slabs, without lateral soil pressure;
• Possible floatation of the empty basin should be checked.
Design of basin:

• The base slab may be established at uniform thickness, or drop panels

may be incorporated in the top of slab to provide additional shear
capacity at the columns; 1 ft-6 in
• Sump pit should be provided to facilitate the removal of settled
Filter Boxes:
5. Design of Circular Tanks:

• Circular tanks are, in general, more economical than rectangular tanks;

• The circle has the least perimeter, in terms of area enclosed, and
• Mayor portion of the structural action is in hoop tension;
• However, whereas the circular tanks may be preferred for economy, the tank
shape used will be largely be based on function and plant layout.
Edge Conditions:
The detail and performance of the joint between the side wall
and base have significant effect on the structural behavior of the

-The sliding joint enables all lateral pressure to be resisted by
hoop tension;
- The hinged joint;
- The continuous joint

Both hinged and continuous joint creates two-way action in the

wall. When design utilizes a hinged or a continuous base joint,
the ability of the foundation or base slab to deliver the required
restraint must be carefully checked.
Edge Conditions:

Joint Filler Waterbar

Waterbar Joint Filler

(a) (b) (c)

(a)Sliding base; (b) Hinged base; (c) Continuous base

Detail Joint di Base

Side Walls-Shrinkage and Tension:

• Step 1: The horizontal steel is provided for all the ring tension at an
allowable stress, fs, as though one were designing for a crack section
• Step 2: The concrete stress is determined for the transformed section
due to combined shrinkage and tension
Side Walls-Shrinkage and Tension:

• The formula for combined shrinkage and tension:

At a point near the center of an un-cracked section of the wall, the shortening per
unit length of steel and concrete must be equal, and strain compatibility yields:
f ss f cs
Es Ec
where fss and fcs are steel and concrete stress due to shrinkage, and C is the
coefficient of shrinkage of concrete.
• From the stress consistency:

Ac f cs = As f ss
• Combining these two expressions yields the following concrete tension due to
f cs = CE s
Ac + nAs

• The concrete stress in the transformed section due to tension, T, is very equal to
T/(Ac+nAs), and the combined concrete stress becomes

CE s As + T
fc =
Ac + nAs
• Limitation on concrete stress in the transformed section is established
at 350 psi, in consideration of the quality of concrete mix
recommended in Section 18.2.1.
• The coefficient of shrinkage of concrete is generally assumed to be
• For pure tension, the structural durability coeficient of 1,65 result in
service load stress for liquids of approximately 20 ksi:
f y (0.9)(60)
fs = = = 20 ksi (1400 kgf / cm2 )
(1.65)(1.70) 2.80

• The Committee 350 report 1983 recommends a maximum service

load stress of 14000 psi (1000 kg/cm2)
Example: Cylindrical Tanks

• This example design of a medium sized digestion tank.

• The lower wall thickness has been determined to be 22 in.
• Corbels are provided for support of clarifier equipment , and above this point the
wall thickness is reduced to 15 in.
• Design parameters: fc’=3000 psi, concrete tension in transformed section: 350 psi
maximum, U=1.65 x 170, and concrete cover 2 in. except at bottom of bottom
slab, 3in.
• The design of tank wall and slab is accomplished with the aid of coefficient from
the Portland cement association publication ‘Circular Concrete Tanks Without
Cylindrical Tanks

Max wl
1 ft-3 in 12 ft-6 in
R=56 ft-0 in

1 ft-10 in 33 ft-0 in
25 ft-0 in
R=54 ft-5in
2 ft-0 in

in 3 ft-4 in
5 9 ft-0 in
f t-
54 Construction
in joints

t- 3
in Section

The steps in analysis:

1. Establish preliminary wall thickness.

2. Determine ring reinforcing, check concrete stress,
and verify wall thickness.
3. Determine vertical wall reinforcing.
4. Determine base slab thickness and reinforcing.

Note: the design is given for interior water pressure only.

The design for loading from exterior soil and groundwater
pressure is not shown. However, it can be handled easily, as
the tank ring will be in compression, and vertical wall
moment only need be determoned.
Step 1: Established wall thickness.
The formula for concrete stress due to shrinkage and tension may be used to
establish preliminary wall thickness. Substituting As=T/fs and Ac=12t yields:
CE s As + f s − nf c
12 f c f s
It is determined that this tank shall utilize a contineous joint at the wall and
base slab. Then the maximum hoop tension will occur at about
0.65x62.4x33x55=74,700 lb/ft. The estimated wall thickness is:

CE s As + f s − nf c 0.003 x 29000 + 20 − 9.2 x0.350

t= = x74.7
12 f c f s 22 x12 + 9.2 x3.60
t = 22.3 in.; use 22 in.
To enter the tables in Ref. 18-22, compute the quantity
Step 2: Determine ring reinforcing
With coefficient from Table I and II, the hoop tension determined for a fixed
and an hinge base, and is shown together with the tension for a sliding base
in Fig. 18-319a). Because of the difficulty in maintaining the perfectly fixed
condition at the base, as discussed previously, the conservative design
approach is to design for the maximum condition. Thus,

Tmax = 0.626 x62.4 x33 x55 x1.65 x1.70 = 198,900 lb / ft

Reinforcing at this level is
As = 198.9 /(0.90 x60) = 3.68 sqin. / ft
The concrete tensile stress based on the transformed section based on
service load stress of 198,900/(1.65x1.70)=71,000, is

CE s As + T 0.0003 x 29 x106 x3.60 + 71,000

fc = = = 345 psi
Ac + nAs 22 x12 + 9.2 x3.60
Step 3: Determine vertical wall reinforcing.
With coefficient from Table VII and VIII, vertical wall moments are
determined for both a fixed and an hinge base, and are plotted in Fig. 18-
319(b). The designer is again required to choose proper design values.
Because of continuous joint design, water pressure on the base can be
expected to provide the rotational restraint at the joint. However, some
rotation must occur, together with some strain in the base slab from the
horizontal reaction at the wall base. The conservative design approach is
again to provide reinforcing for maximum condition. At the inside of the wall
at the base, the moment per foot is
M u = Coeff .  wH 3
M u = 0.0268  0.0624 1.3 1.70  333 = 103,1 ft − kip
Reinforcing at this level is
As = 103.1 /( 4.22 x19.5) = 1.25 sq in.
Use #8@7½
Step 3:
This exterior vertical reinforcing is extended to the base, and should be
checked for moment due to exterior soil and ground water load. The
reinforcing reduced to #5@7½ where applicable. The details of this
reinforcing are shown in Fig. 18-32.
Step 4: Determine base slab thickness and reinforcing
The thickness of the base slab at the edge must satisfy the following

1. Provide anchorage for #8 vertical dowels.

2. Provide stiffness and moment capacity for continuity with the wall.
3. Act as footing the wall.

It is determined that a 3 ft 4 in. thickness will be adequate. The wall shear

delivered to the base, from Table XVI for fixed base, is 0.207 x 0.0624 x 332
x 1.65 x 1.7=39.5 kips/ft. reinforcing is determined as for hoop tension,
As=39.5/(0.9 x 60))=0.73 sq in/ft; use #6@14 in two layers. The maximum
base thickness, near center of the tank, is set as 14 in., consistent with tank
size and minimum reinforcement ratio. The top reinforcing in the thikened
edge of base slab is determined for wall base moment = 103.1 ft-kips:
As=103.1/(4.43 x 37.5)=0.62 sq in./ft; use #6@8½.
Step 4:
The top reinforcing in the thickened edge of base slab is determined for wall
base moment = 103.1 ft-kips: As=103.1/(4.43 x 37.5)=0.62 sq in./ft; use
#6@8½. The length of this reinforcement is set by cantilever slab span
required using base water pressure = 33 x 62.4 x1.3x 1.7=4550 psf, with
safety factor of 2: L= 2 x sqr(2 x 103.1/4.55) = 13.5 ft. Alternate #6@17 bars
are extended to R=40 ft and lapped with #6@14 bars from center portion.
Bottom reinforcement in the thickened edge is provided by the wall dowels.
6. Other Structures:

• Superstructures
• Control Structures
• Pumping Stations
6. Corrosion Protection:

• Chlorination
• Coatings
7. References:
• JF. Seidensticker and ES Hoffman, Sanitary Structures-Tanks and
Reservoirs, in Handbook of Concrete Engineering, Second Edition,
Edited by Mark Fintel, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1985, New
• ACI 350.4R-04, Design Consideration for Environmental Engineering
Concrete Structures, Reported by ACI Committee 350, 2004
• ACI 350-06, Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering
Concrete Structures and Commentary, Reported by ACI Committee
350, 2006
• ACI 350R-89, Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures, Reported
by ACI Committee 350, in ACI Manual of Concrete Practice 1993, Part
4, ACI, 1993

• Rectangular Concrete Tanks, Information Sheet IS003 D, Portland Cement Assn., Skokie, 1981
• Portland Cement Association, Underground Concrete Tanks, Information Sheet IS071.03 D, PCA,
Skokie, 1981
• Portland Cement Association, Underground Concrete Tanks, Information Sheet IS071.03 D, PCA,
Skokie, 1981
• US Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Moments and Reaction of Rectangular Plates,
Engineering Monograph No. 27
• AW. Domel, AB Gogate, Circular Concrete Tanks without Prestressing , ISBN 0-89312-125-8,
Portland Cement Assn., Skokie, 1993
• ACI Committee 344, Design and Construction of Circular Prestressed Concrete Structures, ACI

• ACI Committee 344, Design and Construction of Circular Prestressed Concrete Structures with
Circumferential Tendons, ACI 344-88
• ACI Committee 344, Design and Construction of Circular Wire and Strand Wrapped Prestressed
Concrete Structures, ACI 344-88
Design strength of reinforcement
Design shall not be based on a yield strength of reinforcement fy in excess of 550
MPa (80,000 psi), except for prestressing steel.
Control of deflection
Distribution of flexural reinforcement

Flexural tension reinforcement shall be well distributed within maximum flexural

tension zones of a member cross section as required:
- 𝑓𝑠 ≤ 𝑓𝑠,𝑚𝑎𝑥
- 𝑓𝑠 ≤ 36000 𝑝𝑠𝑖 (248 𝑀𝑃𝑎)

s s s s
2dc 2dc
dc dc

bw bw
The permissible tensile stress in reinforcement, fs
• Flexural stress in 𝑓𝑠,𝑚𝑎𝑥 =
≤ 36000𝑝𝑠𝑖 (248 MPa)
𝛽 24 2+𝑑𝑏 /2 2
normal environmental 𝑓𝑠,𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≥ 20000𝑝𝑠𝑖(138 𝑀𝑃𝑎) −one-way slab
exposure areas 𝑓𝑠,𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≥ 24000𝑝𝑠𝑖(166 𝑀𝑃𝑎) –two-way slab

• Flexural stress in 𝑓𝑠,𝑚𝑎𝑥 =
𝛽 24 2+𝑑𝑏 /2 2
≤ 36000𝑝𝑠𝑖 (248 MPa)

severe environmental 𝑓𝑠,𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≥ 17000𝑝𝑠𝑖(117 𝑀𝑃𝑎) −one-way slab

exposure areas 𝑓𝑠,𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≥ 20000𝑝𝑠𝑖(138 𝑀𝑃𝑎) –two-way slab
In Eq. (10-4) and (10.5) it shall be permitted to use the value 25 for the term

ACI 350-06 § 10.6.4 replaces z factor requirements of the 2001 code edition. The
maximum allowable stress are now specified directly as function of bar spacing.
𝜀𝑐 𝑓𝑐

h d


The strain gradient simplification factor:

𝛽 = 1.2 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ℎ ≥ 16 𝑖𝑛. 40𝑚𝑚
𝛽 = 1.35 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ℎ < 16 𝑖𝑛. 40𝑚𝑚
Environmental exposure
For liquid retention:
- Normal environmental exposure is defined as exposure to liquids with a ph
greater than 5, or exposure to sulfate solutions of 1000 ppm or less.
- Severe environmental exposure conditions in which the limits defining normal
environmental exposure are exceeded.
Environmental exposure

Calculated flexural stress in reinforcement at service load fs (in ksi, MPa) shall be
computed as unfactored moment divided by the product of steel area and internal
moment arm.
Transformed Crack Section, Single Reinforcement

Ay i i =0
bc 2
− nAs (d − c) = 0
Substituti ng c = kd and  = A / bd results in
b(kd ) 2
− nbd (d − kd ) = 0
Dividing by bd 2 and solving for k ,
k = 2 n + ( n) 2 − n
Stress distribution in straight-line theory

fc kd/3
d jd

Service-Load Stresses in a Cracked Beam
The total commpressive force is
f c bkd
This force act at the centroid of the triangular stress block , kd / 3
kd k
jd = d − = d (1 − )
3 3
If the moment at service loads is M s ,
f c bkd
M s = Cjd = jd
2M s
fc =
jkbd 2
Similarly, taking moments about C yields
M s = Tjd = f s As / jd
fs =
As jd
Distribution of flexural reinforcement

Where appearance of the concrete surface is of concern and concrete cover

exceeds 3 in. (75 mm.), the service load flexural tension stress must not exceed
the values given in 10.6.4, and the spacing s of reinforcement closest to the
surface in tension shall not exceed that given by
𝑠 = 𝑓 − 2.5𝑐𝑐 (in.) (10-7)
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≤ 12 𝑖𝑛.
𝑠 = 340 − 2.5𝑐𝑐 (mm.) (10-7)
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑥 ≤ 300 𝑚𝑚.

Note: cc=concrete cover (in or mm)

ACI 350-06 Concrete protection for reinforcements
7.7.1 Cast-in place concrete (non prestressed)
The following minimum concrete cover shall be provided for
reinforcement, but shall not be less than required by 7.7.6:
cover, mm
(a) Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth
(b) Concrete exposed to earth, liquid, weather, or bearing on work mall
or slabs supporting earth cover:
Slab and joist ...…………...………………….………………50
Beam and columns:
Stirrups, spirals, and ties …………...…...………….50
Primary reinforcement……………………..………..64
Footing and base slabs:
Formed surface ……………………..……………...50
Top of footing and base slab …………………….....50

Strength Design (Appendix C-Alternative Load factors):

• The Committee 350 report recommends that structural members for

sanitary structures be proportioned on the basis of strength design;
• Load factor for both the lateral earth pressure H and the lateral liquid
pressure F should be taken as 1.7;
• The factored load combination for total factored design load U,
should be increase by sanitary durability coefficient.

Required Strength Based on ACI 350-06

Appendix C-Alternative Load factors

• U=1.4D+1.7L
• U=0.75(1.4D+1.7L)+(1.6W)
• U=0.9D+1.6W
• U=0.75(1.4D+1.7L+1.7H+1.7F)+1.0E, U=0.75(1.4D+1.7L+0.8H+1.7F)+1.0E,
• U=0.9D+0.6H+1.4F+1.0E, or
• U=1.4D+1.7L+1.7H, U=0.9D+1.7H
• U=0.75(1.4D+1.4T+1.7L)
• U=1.4(D+T)

Required Strength Based on ACI 350-06

Appendix C-Alternative Load factors

• U=1.4D+1.7L
• U=0.75(1.4D+1.7L)+(1.6W)
• U=0.9D+1.6W
• U=0.75(1.4D+1.7L+1.7H+1.7F)+1.0E, U=0.75(1.4D+1.7L+0.8H+1.7F)+1.0E,
• U=0.9D+0.6H+1.4F+1.0E, or
• U=1.4D+1.7L+1.7H, U=0.9D+1.7H
• U=0.75(1.4D+1.4T+1.7L)
• U=1.4(D+T)


▪ D = beban mati
▪ L = beban
▪ W = beban angin
▪ E = beban gempa
▪ H = tekanan tanah
▪ F = beban dan tekanan fluida
▪ T = perbedaan penurunan pondasi, creep, rangkak, ekspansi beton, atau
perubahan suhu

Environmental Durability factors (Sd)

Flexural Stress: Sd=1.3

Direct tensile stress (including hoop tension): Sd=1.65

Excess shear stress carried by shear reinforcement:


Design strength, Kuat Rencana

Penampang terkendali tarik Ø=0,90

Penampang terkendali tekan
- Komponen struktur dengan Tulangan spiral 0,75
- Komponen struktur lainnya 0,70
- Transisi antara terkendali tarik dan tekan:

Variasi ϕ dengan regangan tarik neto dalam baja tarik terluar, εt, dan c/dt untuk
tulangan Mutu 420 dan untuk baja prategang



0,75 ϕ=0,57+67εt
Terkontrol Transisi Terkontr
tekan tarik

εt=0,002 εt=0,005
c/dt=0,600 c/dt=0,375
Interpolasi pada c/di : Spiral ϕ=0,50+0,15/(c/dt)
Lainnya ϕ=0,37+0,20/(c/dt)

Factor Resistance, Kuat Rencana

Geser dan Torsi Ø=0,85

Tumpuan pada beton 0,70
Daerah angkur pasca tarik 0,85

Special moment resisting frames, or special walls to resist earthquake effect:

- Shear due to earthquake effect, Ø=0.60 for any structural member that is designed to
earthquake effects it it nominal shear strength is less than the shear coresponding to
the development of the nominal flexural strength of the member.
- Shear in diaphragm, shall not exceed the minimum strength reduction factor for
shear used for the vertical components of the primary lateral-force-resisting system;
- Shear in joint and diagonal coupling beams, Ø=0.85

Strength Design Summary:


Flexural Crack Control:

• Flexural reinforcement shall be well distributed within
maximum flexural tension zones to limit the computed
width of cracks;
• When design yield strength fy for tension reinforcement
exceeds 40,000 psi (276 MPa), cross sections of maximum
positive and negative moment shall be so proportion that
the quantity z given by
𝑤 = 0.076𝛽𝑓𝑠 3 𝑑𝑐 𝐴, w unit of 0.001 in.
𝑍 = 𝑓𝑠 3 𝑑𝑐 𝐴 (C-9), or
𝑠 = 0.5 𝑍Τ𝑓𝑠 3 /𝑑𝑐2 ≤ 12 𝑖𝑛,, where s is bar spacing
Bar size db ≤ 36 mm (#11)

Flexural Crack Control:

• For normal environmental exposure:
𝑍 = 𝑓𝑠 3 𝑑𝑐 𝐴 ≤ 115 𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛.
• For severe environmental exposure:
𝑍 = 𝑓𝑠 3 𝑑𝑐 𝐴 ≤ 95 𝑘𝑖𝑝𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛.
• For normal environmental exposure:
𝑤 = 0.076𝑓𝑠 3 𝑑𝑐 𝐴 ≤ 0.001 𝑖𝑛.
• For severe environmental exposure:
𝑤 = 0.076𝑓𝑠 3 𝑑𝑐 𝐴 ≤ 0.009 𝑖𝑛.

Effective tension area of concrete

s s


𝐴 = 2𝑑𝑐 𝑠

𝑍 = 𝑓𝑠 3 𝑑𝑐 𝐴 or

𝑠 = 0.5 𝑍Τ𝑓𝑠 3 /𝑑𝑐2


Flexural Crack Control:

• Calculated flexural stress in reinforcement at service load fs
(kip per in2) shall be computed as the moment divided by
the product of steel area and internal moment arm.
• In place of such computations, it is permitted to take fs as
45% of specified yield strength fy.
• Where clear concrete cover exceeds 2 in., dc is permitted to
be based on 2 in., dc is permitted to be based on 2 in. of
clear concrete cover.

Flexural Crack Control:

• Equation (C-9) will provide a distribution that will
reasonably control flexural cracking. The equation is
written in a form emphasizing reinforcing details rather
than crack width. It based on the Gergely-Lutz expression

 = 0.076 f s3 d c A
• In which w is in units of 0.001 in, To simplify practical
design, an approximate value of 1.2 is used for ß (ratio of
distances to the neutral axis from the extreme tension fiber
and from the centroid of the main reinforcement).

Flexural Crack Control:


Exposure condition and crack width:

The reinforcement distribution factor Z is related to exposure condition and
crack width as follows:

Exposure condition Z Reinforcement Crack width

distribution factor
Normal environmental 115 k/in (20165 N/mm) 0.010 in. (0.25 mm)
Severe environmental 95 k/in (16657 N/mm) 0.009 in. (0.22 mm)

• Very severe exposures should be resisted by impervious liners

or protective coatings, thus reducing the condition to a normal
sanitary exposure.
• Very severe corrosive conditions can destroy the cover itself
and can not be controlled merely by lower service loads stresses
or smaller spacing.
• Normal sanitary exposure can be defined as concrete exposed
to water with a pH greater than 5, concrete exposed to water
with a sulfate concentration less than 1000 ppm, and air-
entrained concrete exposed to wet/dry and freeze/thaw cycles
Reinforcement ratio of
about 1% produces
economical structures [1]
Terima kasih
Strength Design Summary:
Table A-5 showing the ring tension values
Table A-7, A-12 showing the moment and shear

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