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Why You Need to Read This Book?.................................................................................

Why You Fail to Get Results from LinkedIn?.................................................................... 3
Why ICP Clarity is Crucial?...............................................................................................3
Solve 50% of your ICP Problem....................................................................................... 4
Finding the Most Vulnerable Selling Spot......................................................................... 4
Master This to Master Selling on LinkedIn........................................................................5
How to Make People LOVE Your Content?...................................................................... 6
How to Beat the Competition?.......................................................................................... 8
What Constitutes a Good Post?....................................................................................... 9
Creating a Content Strategy 2024......................................................................... 9
Content Strategy Simplified............................................................................................ 10
The Rule of 2-Content............................................................................................... 10
The Funnel Content Strategy.................................................................................... 13
Plug-&-Play Funnel Posts...............................................................................................16
Jumping into the Action.................................................................................................. 16

Why You Need to Read This Book?

If you post a lot on LinkedIn, follow gurus, attend regular webinars, and still not get results… This is
For You.

I believe everyone should create good content FASTER and get leads for their business.

Unfortunately, many people have no idea how to achieve this…

They post regular content yet their inbox is drier than the Sahara desert. Inbound leads seem like a
complete scam to them, so they quit after several weeks or don't try at all.

What if I told you a year ago I thought the same, but actually built my writing career and have helped
10+ creators in 2023 generate leads from my system.

AFTER completing this book, I'm confident you will save 8-10 hours per week on Content Creation
& start creating magnetic content that generates leads on autopilot.

Disclaimer: This is not another get quick leads BS or templates that guarantee sales. In fact, hooks,
bold promises, and mainstream templates are even not part of this book.

Furthermore, hooks & templates are all surface-level things. In this book, we will dive deep down.

Let's begin…

Why You Fail to Get Results from LinkedIn?

Last week, I was talking to a sales coach and he told me the number #1 reason people fail on
LinkedIn is not their product or the offer.

Sometimes they're just selling to a non-desirable audience that won't buy.

It's like walking to a pencil factory to sell them another pencil.

They simply won't make a purchase… no matter how good your offer is.

But If they pitch the same pencil to someone without writing utensils, the same pencil is desirable

→Non-desirable = won't buy

→Desirable = invaluable

For example⤵

You pitch your writing services to an agency owner struggling to get clients.

At the moment, he has time but no leads.

Hiring a writer is the last thing he'd think about.
He can even write content himself now;

So your services are undesirable!

Make sure, you don't offer your services to broke, struggling clients, or businesses who have
absolutely no idea what they want on LinkedIn.

And If you offer your services to a desirable audience. You won't have to sell it. They'll fight to buy
from you.

Why ICP Clarity is Crucial?

It's easier to attract the right people, turn them into paying customers, and deliver results.

It is hard to attract anyone or everyone, turn them into paying customers, and deliver results.

When you sell to everybody, you broaden the scope of work and lessen the impact of your results.

That's why clarity and a targeted approach get you the best results!

In the next chapter, we talk about how we will double down your ICP problems so you can create
more resonating content.

Solve 50% of your ICP Problem

Finding the disease is a half remedy itself!

On LinkedIn, your actions should begin with the awareness of your ICP problems.

It is when you bring those problems to the limelight that causes unrest. That unrest leads to finding
means to resolve those problems.

But people do it wrong all the time. I've done it myself…

They approach the solution first and dig into the problem later which leads to a scattered, and
ambiguous message.

❌ Here's a wrong way to write a post:

→ Here's the solution
→ Here's how it helps
→ Here's what you need to do

✅ Instead, try to create a gap in your reader's mind.

That gap should separate their current solution from their ideal future and should be backed by solid
reasons why the current solution is not enough to save them.

You can do it by finding that vulnerable selling spot. Here's how to find your ICP's.

Finding the Most Vulnerable Selling Spot

You WON'T ever need to come up with click baits or hooks if you know the vulnerable selling spots of
your ICPs such as their deep desires or problems they don't talk about.

Let's look at one quick example:

A subpar marketer sees this…. "I want a new job" & proposes that he can land them a job!

A great marketer would see this…. "I want a new job"… → and he asks, Why?

"To have more money"… → Then asks, what would more money do?

"So I can have more people on my team"… → Then asks, what would that bring you?

"I will have plenty of free time"… → Then asks, what would you do in that free time?

🎯"I will have two vacations in a year with my family"...

That's the deep desire of your audience: Freedom + Family Time!

If you get to those vulnerable spots, you can sell them what you wish you wanted to. Even a

On LinkedIn, your strategy should be focusing on that deeper level else it'll fail every time.

…So how do we further dig down into our ICP deep emotions and desires?

That's in the next chapter 👋

Master This to Master Selling on LinkedIn
Let me share with you a super generic quote:

"People buy from emotions and justify with logic"

Everybody babbles this quote but nobody explains how this happens:

So there is generally three types of problems every CEO, executive or your ICP will ever have,
1) internal 2) external 3) philosophical.

Marketers only address external problems in their content, such as:

● Increase your sales by 30%

● Get 10 leads in a month
● Sell four high ticket offers

However, these might be good motivators to inspire action from your ICP but these are not the

As we talked earlier, every problem is more deep-rooted than you think. And it's when you target
those deep frustrations, problems, or desires, that you stand out from the crowd.

After working with dozens of coaches in two years, I figured out that a typical coach's first
internal dialogue is somewhat like this:

● Am I a good coach?
● Is my work aligning with my reader's expectations?
● Does my audience think I'm the expert I claim to be?

As a marketer, If you call out those internal problems instead of external ones, selling becomes
a lot easier.

Now here's a detailed overview of how each type of problem looks in real life:

External Problems Internal Problems Philosophical Problems

Physical Am I a good coach/owner? -Good vs Bad

Tangible What do people think of me? -Norms vs Modern
Real world Do I have the skills for this? -Trends vs Values

While the majority focus on external problems, you should be talking about internal ones.

Realize that often you would need to cater to the internal problems with a solution too.

Sometimes you will have to address external problems and philosophical problems together.

And that's alright.

There's no hard & fast rule. But 80% of the time, you gotta be targeting internal problems over
external ones.

Grab a diary 📔 and a pen ✏️ and jot down all the external, internal, and philosophical problems
your ICP. Look at previous conversations, call recordings, and Quora.

The more detailed the better, these points will help in the next chapter when you form your
content strategy.

Now that leads to another intriguing question…How to make people buy from you?

Let's uncover that part now.

How to Make People LOVE Your Content?

Should I tell you one secret?

Your same service, same solution can appeal to different audiences.

While each person is unique, their fundamental needs remain the same, don't they?

So If we use different angles to write our posts, we can appeal to different ICP mindsets.

The way you'll plan this is called 'Brand Positioning'

Here's how you'd position your content:

Primitive psychology says anyone you'll ever sell to

on LinkedIn will have basic desires, such as:

● Perceived status
● Social acceptance
● Comfort and clarity
● Freedom from uncertainty
● Living life on one own's terms

Next time when you post, instead of creating new angles, try tapping one of the above desire
and linking it to your service/product.

📔 Note: Educate about the problem → Introduce your service → Demonstrate how you help 🪄
Goal: Focus on the desire from different angles.

⚫ Let's do a quick mockup:

Topic: "How to become a better entrepreneur"

*Every CEO, Entrepreneur, or your ICP has these basic desires. Each desire has its problems
and challenges associated with it.

Now again grab a dairy 📔 and write down every problem or challenge your ICP has associated
with these desires. This will do two things:

● Make your content resonate with your ICP

● Give you a unique angle to target your message to ICPs

Here's how problems/challenges associated with basic desires look like:

Perceived Status Survival

● 17 y.o are earning more than you ● AI will replace you in 2024
● Nobody takes your work seriously ● You will need a high-paying job
● You'll get rich if you start doing this… ● You will have to juggle multiple jobs
● Fancy lifestyle or expensive things ● Covering your family would be hard
● Imagine how people will perceive you ● You will betray your family lineage

Life Enjoyment Social Acceptance

● Your boss is being a** ● My peers think good/bad of me

● Here's how I remotely work ● My wife compares me to her ex
● I've become a digital monk ● Do my children look up to me?
● I choose my own clients ● Do my coworkers secretly despise
● I have flexible working hours me?

You saw how interesting this was…?

Everybody has these primitive desires ingrained in their DNA.

You pick one of these and write about it And when the iron is still hot, introduce your service/
product and demonstrate your solution!

If you craft your content strategy on this desire, your content will resonate better and have
higher chances of conversions; because now you're talking directly to them.

Easy?! Well, Nasir for the sake of galaxies.

"I love the theory, but how I'll do it on LinkedIn?!"

"How will I stand out from my competition?"

Great question, fam.

My girlfriend thinks I'm a nerd and nobody reads my work! But here you are. I owe you a cup of

Let's talk about the competition now ☕

How to Beat the Competition?
You are just another coach. Or another agency owner, copywriter, or ghostwriter. Who would
buy your services?

Or think of it like this... If you're a person who wants to hire anyone of the above, who will you

Would you compete on price? It's a death race to the bottom.

Would you compete on your big claim? People can make bigger claims.

List down four steps to do it (you'll thank me if you do it):

● Write what makes your solution unique. That's your unique mechanism.
● Write 3-5 steps on how you exactly solve the problem.
● Test it on your fellow creators as a tryout.
● Give it a unique name (trust me guys).
● Experiment and improvise over time.

Additionally, you can borrow the solution from multiple sources and combine them to make your
foundation. Don't copy, use them as inspiration.

Remember you're not reinventing the wheel. Be smart!

What Constitutes a Good Post?

Unintentionally we often overshare information.

While we are of this, but we still make this mistake over and over. This leads to an unclear and
unstructured message in our posts.

To mitigate this challenge, you can choose one point from the checklist below and as soon you
achieve it. Stop the post. It's succinct already.

Each time before posting make sure it serves one of these checklists.

🔲 Promotes Action: Helps them to make a decision or fix a broken one.

🔲 Motivates: Makes them adopt a new way of doing something.
🔲 Inspires: Gives readers a new perspective on the topic.
🔲 Educate: Teaches your readers something new.
🔲 Curiosity: Encourage discussion on the topic.

Creating a Content Strategy 2024
📔 Side note: Take a diary and a pen and write down answers to each question. The more
elaborative your answers are, the more clarity you will have on the strategy.

Your client persona in pain The journey Your client persona in


Who are they? What is a 3-5 step plan to get What does their ideal future
Where are they now? them to their desired look like after working with
Where do they want to be? situation? you?

Clarity on the above point also helps you form your offer and during client calls too. Above all, It
makes the process and transformation easy to understand for your client.

Once you're down with the notes, you're good to move toward creating a content strategy.

Content Strategy Simplified

There are two types of content strategy. Both of them have worked with me, and my clients.

The first is one is a straightforward strategy. The latter is a more focused strategy.

The first one demands less time and is for more busy creators.
The latter is more focused on in-depth targeting of your ICPs.

These two posting strategies are:

● The Rule of 2-Content

● The Funnel Strategy

In this chapter, we talked about the Rule of 2-Content.

The Rule of 2-Content
This strategy is focused more on busy founders, executives, and CEOs.

If you don't like complex funnels or you tend to forget which post to publish which day, you can
try this straightforward, less time-consuming strategy.

I used this for four months when I started and had decent results. In December, I wrote 5 posts
for my client, and he got 2 leads from them, one turned into a paying coaching client.

As the name suggests, your content is divided into two types only.

● Problem-solving content
● Authority Building content

Each content type serves a different purpose. Let's look into each separately…

1. Problem-solving content:

Such content gives answers to people’s problems.

Helps to build an audience, attract more views, and show your skills.

⚫ Stories ⚫ Opnions ⚫ Methods ⚫ Process Breakdowns

⚫ Experiences, “How I…”, “How to…”
📔 Side note: This type of content gets the most views and impressions.
Here are some examples of problem-solving content:

2. Authority-building content:

Such content helps to position you as the choice for your target audience.

⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Helps to build trust, credibility, encourages action, and gives proof:

Case studies Screenshots Testimonials, “Here are our results”
Explainer videos (that demos your skills or services)

📔 Side note: This type of content is focused on your ideal clients. It's the one that gets you the
leads most of the time. Also, don't feel down if it gets low impressions because its purpose is
lead generation.

Here are some examples of authority-building content:

I know what you are thinking. How often should I post these? 💭
The rule of thumb here is… 80% problem-solving, 20% authority-building.

So If you are posting 6 times a week. 5 posts should be problem-solving, and 1 should be
authority building.

If you have more case studies, you can increase the ratio to 4:2.


Now that you have a clearer picture of the type of content and why, and how they work.

It's time to create some posts.

Well, If I tell you, my biggest challenge was coming up with post ideas.

I used to spend 40 minutes every day thinking what to write about…

But overthinking didn't give me any new ideas.

I found If I have one idea, I can turn it into several posts. Here's how:


Let's, for instance, take one simple idea.

Idea: Coaching business

You have to turn that idea into five types of posts.

Post #1 → Case study → I helped my X launch a coaching business & achieve [results]

Post #2 → Mistake → 3 mistakes every coach makes on LinkedIn

Post #3 → Observation → How coaches can grow their brand to $10k a month?

Post #4 → Lesson → 1 lesson I got after working 10+ years in coaching business

Post #5 → Contration Belief → Coaching is dead in 2024

If an idea is important enough, it should be talked about enough.


Here's what your end content strategy would look like:

Your brand purpose (what you do) + your ICP persona (who are they, what they want) + topics from
your 1 main market (problems, frustrations, goals) = problem-solving & authority-building content

The Funnel Content Strategy

The Funnel Strategy is more sophisticated and rewarding.

The funnel content strategy is guiding people through different buying stages, from unaware, to
problem aware to solution and product aware before they decide to do something, like buy your
services or product.

One image is worth ten sentences. Have a look at how a funnel works:

Imagine it like a funnel with a ladder going down...

At the top Many people are just looking for a source of knowledge Awareness

As they go down Some become more interested in what you're selling Interest

Then A few decide they really like something Desire

Finally A smaller group actually takes action, like making a Action


So, it's like helping people step by step, from being unaware to curious to making a decision!


There are millions of active creators. People don't know you exist. Or how good your offer is.

So your content has to do that speaking part for you.

Your content should turn the unaware audience → aware → desire → action-taker.

The image below gives a breakdown of posts in each funnel type.

Each funnel is further divided into subcategories of posts.

Over the week, follow the content calendar.

The biggest advantage of those who have a content strategy planned compared to those who
haven't is that they have more clarity and more control over the customer journey.

They don't have to overthink on their work desk what to write.

When they get an idea they can immediately label it and which funnel it belongs to,

Content creation is easier than ever. It's less stressful and more enjoyable.

Above all, if you follow the funnel it takes your customer on a journey from unaware to
product-aware and eager to buy.

TL;DR It is the most efficient and productive way of conversion.


Once you've grasped the funnels theory. It's time to put that into practice.

Here's the content calendar you can use to organize your posting strategy.

Mon MOFU Nurture posts

Tuesday TOFU Visual, carousel

Wednesday MOFU Nurture posts

Thursday BOFU Social Proof

Friday TOFU Personal story

Saturday TOFU Shitposting

Sunday MOFU Instructional, Hand raiser

Plug-&-Play Funnel Posts

Below are some plug-&-play posts that you can use to craft your funnel posts.

The idea is to help you understand your ICPs, how they think, how you can create resonating
content, and then posting strategies, once you master these the last part is creating the post

I wouldn't leave you alone here.

I've some templates ready for each funnel type.

Use these to craft your own unique posts in under 15 minutes. You can experiment/ amend
them for your needs, ICPs.

*Right-click it and open it in a new tab.

Access the Plug-&-Play Funnel Posts.

Jumping into the Action

You cannot leave the results to luck.

If you've read the book till the end and taken notes. I tell you that you've more clarity than 85%
of the people creating content out there.

If you haven't, grab a diary and jot down the things I've mentioned throughout the chapters.

Once your ICP, your message, and the way is clear… content creation comes as easy as a walk
in the park!

Stick to the basics, create batch content, and stick to it for 45 days. You'll thank me later!

If you're a business owner, coach, freelancer, or entrepreneur, who wants Content-Done-You

you can reach out to my LinkedIn and DM "From Ebook" and we will discuss.

Additionally, you can schedule a discovery CALL with me to discuss my services.

Take good care of yourself, and don't hesitate to drop a review or talk in DMs!


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