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Unveiling the Captivating Tapestry of Molo Mansion: A

Journey from Glory to Restoration

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty

Of the College of Liberal and Arts in Sciences Department

Of The University of San Agustine

Iloilo City

In Partial Fulfilment for the Requirements of the

Bachelor in Science in Information Technology in

Readings in Philippine History (Research Project)


Acevedo, Rovann B.

Ferrera, Gabriel

Layola, Elah Marie

Carlos, Jeremy

Segovia, Marc Khriss

Gacusan, Mhike

Segura, Jo-m

July 2023

From Glory to Restoration: The Captivating History of Molo


Chapter 1

Introduction of the Study

Chapter 1 covers six parts: (1) Background and

Literature Framework of the Study, (3) Statement of the

Problem, (4) Significance of the Study, (5) Definition of

Terms, and (6) Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background and Literature Framework of the

Study, introduces readers to the study, presents the

rationale for selecting the present problem, defines the

background of the variables being studied, provides the

theoretical framework and justifies why the study was


Part 2, Statement of the Problem, states the general

and specific objectives of the study, which are to be


Part 3, Significance of the Study, describes the

importance of the study and explains why there is a need for

the study, including who will benefits from it.

Part Five, Definition of Terms, defines both

conceptually and operationally the key terms and variables

used in the study.


Part Six, Delimitation, specifies the limits as well as

the boundaries of the research in terms of variables,

participants, and instruments used in the study.

Background and Literature Framework of the Study

The Molo Mansion is a grand and historic mansion

located in Iloilo City, Philippines. Molo Mansion, also

known as the Yusay-Consing Mansion, is one of the most

outstanding historical homes in the Philippines. It was

built in the 1920 and completed in 1926 by Doña Petra Lacson

and her husband, Estanislao Yusay, a prominent lawyer and


The mansion is a beautiful example of neoclassical and

art deco architecture, and it was once home to some of

Iloilo's most influential families. Former Iloilo governor

Timoteo Consing Sr. lived in the house. Over the years, the

house also hosted two Philippine Presidents, Manuel L.

Quezon and Sergio Osmena, during their official trips to


After World War II, the mansion fell into disrepair.

However, in recent years, there has been a concerted effort

to restore the mansion to its former glory After the family

moved out of the mansion. Unfortunately, the house was


neglected years after but was restored by the SM Group after

it was bought from the Consing family in 2014. Once already

covered in vines and left to rot, SM Prime saved the


The realty giant bought the estate and hired an

architectural firm to do restoration of the exterior. Since

its restoration, the mansion has been turned into a heritage

museum and was reopened to the public 2015 with a souvenir

shop that sells local products and delicacies as well. The

Molo Mansion is also a popular venue for art exhibits,

markets, fairs, special occasions, and photo shoots.

Studying the history of the Molo Mansion is important

for several reasons

Cultural Heritage the Molo Mansion likely holds

historical and cultural significance, providing insights

into the architectural, artistic, and societal aspects of

the time it was built. Understanding its history contributes

to preserving and appreciating cultural heritage.

Architectural Insight Examining the architectural

features and design of the Molo Mansion can offer valuable

insights into the craftsmanship and architectural styles

prevalent during its construction. This knowledge

contributes to the broader understanding of historical

architectural evolution.

Social History The history of the Molo Mansion may

reveal information about the individuals or families

associated with it, shedding light on their social status,

lifestyle, and contributions to the community. This aids in

constructing a more comprehensive understanding of local


Tourism and Education If the Molo Mansion is a tourist

attraction, studying its history becomes crucial for tourism

development. Moreover, educational institutions can

incorporate its history into curricula, providing students

with real-world examples of historical, architectural, and

cultural lessons.

Preservation and Conservation*: Awareness of the

historical context of the Molo Mansion is essential for its

preservation and conservation. This knowledge helps in

making informed decisions regarding restoration efforts and

ensures that the historical integrity of the site is


Community Identity Historic sites like the Molo Mansion

can become symbols of community identity. Studying its

history fosters a sense of pride and connection among local

residents, reinforcing the importance of preserving shared


In essence, studying the history of the Molo Mansion

enriches our understanding of the past, contributes to

cultural appreciation, and plays a role in preserving

valuable historical assets for current and future


The Molo Mansion is a grand and historic mansion

located in Iloilo City, Philippines. Molo Mansion, also

known as the Yusay-Consing Mansion, is one of the most

outstanding historical homes in the Philippines. It was

built in the 1920 and completed in 1926 by Doña Petra Lacson

and her husband, Estanislao Yusay, a prominent lawyer and


The mansion is a beautiful example of neoclassical and

art deco architecture, and it was once home to some of

Iloilo's most influential families. Former Iloilo governor

Timoteo Consing Sr. lived in the house. Over the years, the

house also hosted two Philippine Presidents, Manuel L.

Quezon and Sergio Osmena, during their official trips to


After World War II, the mansion fell into disrepair.

However, in recent years, there has been a concerted effort

to restore the mansion to its former glory After the family

moved out of the mansion. Unfortunately, the house was

neglected years after but was restored by the SM Group after


it was bought from the Consing family in 2014. Once already

covered in vines and left to rot, SM Prime saved the


The realty giant bought the estate and hired an

architectural firm to do restoration of the exterior. Since

its restoration, the mansion has been turned into a heritage

museum and was reopened to the public 2015 with a souvenir

shop that sells local products and delicacies as well. The

Molo Mansion is also a popular venue for art exhibits,

markets, fairs, special occasions, and photo shoots.

Statement of the Problem and the Hypothesis

1.How did Molo Mansion contribute to the development of

Iloilo City?

2.How can Molo Mansion be used to promote Iloilo City's

heritage and culture?

3. What role can Molo Mansion play in the sustainable

development of Iloilo City?

4.How does Molo Mansion attract tourists to Iloilo


Research Hypothesis:

1. Molo Mansion's grand architecture and role as a social

hub embodied the economic prosperity of Iloilo City during

the early 20th century and contributed to the city's social

cohesion and cultural identity.

2. Molo Mansion can serve as a captivating venue for

cultural exhibits, showcasing Iloilo's rich history,

traditional art forms, and vibrant local culture, and its

restoration and preservation can enhance Iloilo City's image

as a guardian of its heritage.

3. Molo Mansion can play a crucial role in Iloilo City's

sustainable development by fostering a sense of place

attachment and cultural pride, promoting heritage-based

tourism, and contributing to the revitalization of the

city's historical core.

4. Molo Mansion, with its captivating architecture, rich

history, and cultural significance, serves as a compelling

attraction for tourists, drawing them to Iloilo City to

experience the city's heritage and immerse themselves in its

vibrant cultural identity.

Significance of the study


The Molo Mansion holds immense significance in history,

serving as a prominent symbol of the area's cultural

heritage. Its architectural and historical value extends

beyond its walls, making it a testament to the rich colonial

heritage of the Philippines. This grand mansion stands as a

reminder of the opulence and prosperity of the past, while

also serving as a historical marker for the local community.

The mansion's significance lies not only in its physical

presence but also in the stories and memories it holds

within its corridors.

The purpose of this work is to shed light on the

captivating history and journey of the Molo Mansion. By

meticulously researching and uncovering its past, we aim to

provide a comprehensive account of the mansion's glory days,

decline, and eventual restoration. Through the exploration

of factors leading to its decline, restoration efforts, and

its current state, this work seeks to emphasize the

importance of preserving historical landmarks. Additionally,

it aims to inspire tourism, community development, and

engagement to ensure the sustainability and continued

relevance of the Molo Mansion.

Unveiling the captivating tapestry of Molo Mansion: A

journey from glory to restoration suggests a narrative that


involves exploring the history and transformation of Molo

Mansion. Here are some potential significances:

The mansion may have historical or cultural importance,

serving as a reflection of a particular period or

architectural style. Its unveiling could bring attention to

the heritage and history associated with the mansion.

The journey from glory to restoration implies that the

mansion might have undergone a process of renovation or

restoration. This could be significant in preserving

architectural heritage and reviving historical landmarks.

Events like these often involve the community. The

unveiling could be a way to engage the local community,

fostering a sense of pride and connection to their heritage

A restored or historically significant mansion can

become a tourist attraction, contributing to local tourism

and the economy. It could attract visitors interested in

history, architecture, or cultural experiences.

The story of the mansion's journey can be educational,

offering insights into the history of the area, the

architectural styles of different eras, and the challenges

and triumphs of restoration projects.

The restoration of a mansion from a state of decline to

its former glory can serve as a symbol of resilience and


commitment to preserving cultural heritage. It may inspire

similar initiatives for other historical building.

The "captivating tapestry" suggests an emphasis on

aesthetics. The mansion might be a work of art in itself, or

its restoration could involve the integration of artistic


The unveiling might be part of a larger cultural event

or celebration, marking a milestone in the history of the

mansion or the community.

Research Methodology

Design. This study utilized qualitative non-

experimental descriptive research to describe the Molo

Mansion in Molo, Iloilo City. A non-probability sampling

procedure, Convenience Sampling is utilized by the

researchers to choose respondents. The research describes

the history, architectural characteristics, and the impact

of the Church to the lives of the Ilonggo people. With the

instrument, Narrative Analysis, the researchers are able to

describe the data gathered from the said instrument. The

researchers made use of interviews and secondary research to

treat the data.


Environment. The researchers conducted an interview

with the respondents in the premises of Molo Mansion. The

architecture is a heritage house and historical landmark

located at Molo, Iloilo City. The environment was chosen by

the researchers for the sake of convenience it presented to

easily gather data from the study.

Respondents. The sampling frame was taken from list of

mansion curators in the year 2023. The sample respondents

were taken by using non-probability techniques specifically

convenience sampling.

Instrument. The instrument used in conducting the

research is a secondary research and interviews. The

researchers chose to use such to gather rich and more

detailed information of the biography of the place.

Validity and Reliability. In order to ensure the reliability

of the instrument, the researchers made sure the respondents

have an established educational background on the topic.

In order for this research to be valid, the researchers had

the interview questionnaire pass through face and content

validity by allowing the Research teacher as well as the

History teacher check the research instrument.

Data Analysis. In order to analyze and interpret the

data gathered from the instrument, narrative analysis was


used to understand the relationship of Molo Mansion and


Data Gathering Procedures. The researchers understand

that in terms of practicality, understanding the story

behind Molo Mansion is applicable among the locals of Molo

who have a rich knowledge of its background. Thus, the

researchers will interview a History professor to uncover

the stories of the place. The researchers will message the

respondent and discuss the purpose of their research and

decide on the settings of the interview. The primary data

gathered will be from the answers the respondents have given

in the interview. The secondary data will be from

descriptive essays in pre-existing journals and studies to

further back up the findings of the researchers.

Ethical Considerations. The researchers respect the

rights of their respondents. In conducting the survey, the

researchers will calmly approach any potential respondent

and ask for consent to conduct the interview. If anyone

would decline in participating the study, the researchers

will respectfully accept their decision in doing so. The

researchers will inform their respondents that putting their

name on the study is optional as a practice to protect the

identity of their respondent if they do so wish. To avoid

any confusion, the researchers will make sure to inform the


respondent the purpose of conducting the survey and

entertain any questions they wish to ask.

Data analysis interpretations and discussion

The study's findings shed light on the multifaceted

significance of Molo Mansion, highlighting its architectural

splendor, historical importance, and role in shaping Iloilo

City's identity.

Architectural Significance: Molo Mansion's

architectural style, a harmonious blend of neoclassical and

art deco elements, showcases the craftsmanship and artistic

sensibilities of the era. The mansion's imposing presence is

accentuated by its intricate details, including:

Neoclassical elements: Symmetrical facade, columns, and


Art deco elements: Geometric patterns, stylized motifs,

and stylized ornamentation

These elements seamlessly blend to create a visually

captivating structure that reflects the elegance and

sophistication of the time. The mansion's architectural

integrity has been meticulously preserved during the

restoration process, ensuring that its beauty and historical

significance remain intact.


Historical Importance

Molo Mansion stands as a tangible link to Iloilo City's

illustrious past, embodying the architectural grandeur and

societal affluence of the era. Its construction in the 1920s

coincides with the city's prominence as a commercial and

cultural hub during that period. The mansion's former

residents, prominent figures in Iloilo society, played

significant roles in shaping the city's political, economic,

and social landscape. Their presence within the mansion's

walls adds to its historical narrative, weaving together the

personal stories of influential individuals with the broader

context of Iloilo City's development.

Role in Shaping Iloilo City's Identity

Molo Mansion has served as a cornerstone of Iloilo

City's identity, fostering a sense of pride and belonging

among its residents. The mansion's imposing presence and

historical significance have instilled a sense of civic

pride, connecting the community to its rich heritage. Over

the years, the mansion has hosted numerous social

gatherings, art exhibitions, and historical events, serving


as a venue for cultural expression and community engagement.

These events have contributed to the city's vibrant cultural

landscape, attracting visitors and enriching the lives of



The study's findings underscore the multifaceted

significance of Molo Mansion, extending far beyond its

physical structure. The mansion's architectural heritage

serves as a tangible testament to Iloilo City's prosperous

past, while its historical narrative connects the community

to its roots. Moreover, the mansion's role as a cultural hub

and tourist attraction highlights its potential to

contribute to the city's economic growth and development.

The restoration efforts undertaken to revitalize Molo

Mansion exemplify the community's commitment to preserving

its cultural heritage. The meticulous attention to detail

and the dedication to restoring the mansion's original

grandeur demonstrate the deep respect for its historical

significance. The restored mansion not only stands as a

beacon of Iloilo City's past but also serves as a catalyst

for future growth and development.


As Molo Mansion continues to captivate visitors and

inspire preservation efforts, it remains a symbol of Iloilo

City's enduring legacy. Its architectural beauty, historical

significance, and role in shaping the city's identity ensure

its continued relevance in the hearts and minds of Ilonggos

and visitors alike.

Summary and Conclusion and Recommendation

in general, the need to study or explore such topics

could arise from various reasons:

Historical Significance: The Molo Mansion may have a

rich historical background, and studying it could provide

insights into the cultural and historical context of a

particular region or era.

Architectural and Artistic Value: The mansion may be

known for its architectural or artistic significance, and


studying it could involve an exploration of design elements,

craftsmanship, and cultural influences.

Conservation and Restoration: If the Molo Mansion has

undergone restoration, the study might focus on the reasons

behind the restoration efforts, the challenges faced, and

the techniques employed to preserve its historical and

architectural integrity.

Cultural Heritage: The mansion might be considered a

cultural heritage site, and studying it could contribute to

the preservation and understanding of local or national

cultural identity.

Tourism and Education: Knowledge about the Molo Mansion

could enhance tourism and educational opportunities. It

might become a point of interest for tourists and a resource

for educators teaching about local history, architecture, or

cultural heritage.

The architectural prowess of the Molo Mansion is a

sight to behold. [Detail distinct architectural features].

From intricate carvings to imposing facades, every element

of the mansion tells a story of the craftsmanship and

artistry prevalent during its construction. It stands not

only as a physical structure but as a living museum of

architectural evolution.

Over the years, the Molo Mansion has weathered the

storms of time. The commitment to its preservation is not

merely an endeavor to maintain bricks and mortar; it is a

pledge to safeguard a piece of living history for future


In conclusion, the Molo Mansion stands as more than a

physical structure; it is a living narrative that binds the

past, present, and future. Its importance lies not only in

its architectural grandeur but in the stories, it tells, the

cultural roots it anchors, and the communal spirit it

ignites. As we cherish and preserve this magnificent

mansion, we ensure that its legacy endures as an everlasting

testament to the resilience and cultural richness of our



How can Students, Teachers, Parents, And Children

benefit from this study.

Studying the history of the Molo Church can offer

several benefits to students, both academically and

personally. The Molo Church, officially known as the Saint

Anne Parish Church, is a historical church located in Molo,


Iloilo City, Philippines. Here are some ways in which

students can benefit from studying its history:

Cultural and Historical Understanding: Gain insights

into the historical and cultural context in which the Molo

Church was built.

Understand the architectural styles and influences that

shaped the church, providing a window into the past.

Local and Regional History: Explore the local history

of Molo and the broader region, as the church often reflects

the socio-political and economic developments of its time.

Religious History and Heritage: Examine the religious

history of the area, understanding the role of the church in

the community and its significance in the development of

Christianity in the Philippines.

Architectural Appreciation: Develop an appreciation for

architectural styles and techniques used in the construction

of the Molo Church. Students can learn about the

architectural trends prevalent during the time of its


Preservation and Conservation Awareness: Learn about

the efforts and challenges in preserving historical

structures. Understanding the history of the Molo Church can

contribute to an awareness of the importance of preserving

cultural heritage.

Research and Analytical Skills: Enhance research skills

by delving into historical records, documents, and resources

related to the Molo Church.

Develop analytical skills by critically examining

various aspects of the church's history and its impact on

the local community.

Community Engagement: Foster a sense of community

engagement by understanding how the Molo Church has been a

focal point for community activities and events over the


Tourism and Cultural Promotion: Explore the role of the

Molo Church in local tourism and cultural promotion.

Understanding its history can contribute to efforts aimed at

promoting cultural heritage.

Cross-Cultural Awareness: Gain insights into the

cultural influences and interactions that have shaped the

Molo Church. This can contribute to a broader understanding

of cross-cultural dynamics.

Inspiration for Future Projects: The Molo Church's

history may inspire students to engage in community

projects, preservation efforts, or research initiatives

related to historical and cultural heritage.

In summary, studying the history of the Molo Church

provides students with a multifaceted learning experience,


encompassing cultural, historical, architectural, and

community aspects. It can contribute to a well-rounded

education and foster a deeper appreciation for the rich

heritage of the region.

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