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Minimal intervention dentistry — a review

Article in International Dental Journal · February 2000

DOI: 10.1111/j.1875-595X.2000.tb00540.x


480 11,597

4 authors:

Martin Tyas Kenneth J Anusavice

University of Melbourne University of Florida


Jo E Frencken Graham Jaunay Mount

Radboud University University of Adelaide


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International Dental Journal 2012; 62: 223–243
doi: 10.1111/idj.12007

Minimal intervention dentistry for managing dental

caries – a review
Report of a FDI task group*
Jo E. Frencken1, Mathilde C. Peters2, David J. Manton3, Soraya C. Leal4, Valeria V. Gordan5
and Ece Eden6
Department of Global Oral Health, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; 2Department of Cariology,
Restorative Sciences, and Endodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; 3Oral Health Cooperative Research
Centre, Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic., Australia; 4Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Health
Sciences, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil; 5Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, Division of Operative Dentistry, College of
Dentistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA; 6Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey.

This publication describes the history of minimal intervention dentistry (MID) for managing dental caries and presents
evidence for various carious lesion detection devices, for preventive measures, for restorative and non-restorative thera-
pies as well as for repairing rather than replacing defective restorations. It is a follow-up to the FDI World Dental Feder-
ation publication on MID, of 2000. The dental profession currently is faced with an enormous task of how to manage
the high burden of consequences of the caries process amongst the world population. If it is to manage carious lesion
development and its progression, it should move away from the ‘surgical’ care approach and fully embrace the MID
approach. The chance for MID to be successful is thought to be increased tremendously if dental caries is not considered
an infectious but instead a behavioural disease with a bacterial component. Controlling the two main carious lesion
development related behaviours, i.e. intake and frequency of fermentable sugars, to not more than five times daily and
removing/disturbing dental plaque from all tooth surfaces using an effective fluoridated toothpaste twice daily, are the
ingredients for reducing the burden of dental caries in many communities in the world. FDI’s policy of reducing the need
for restorative therapy by placing an even greater emphasis on caries prevention than is currently done, is therefore,
worth pursuing.

Key words: Minimal intervention dentistry, caries lesion detection, caries risk assessment, caries preventive measures, restorative care,
plaque control, repaired restoration

Minimal Intervention Dentistry (MID) is a response and content of MID for managing dental caries, using
to the traditional, surgical manner of managing evidence-based information whenever available.
dental caries, that is based on the operative con-
cepts of G.V. Black of more than a century ago.
MID is a philosophy that attempts to ensure that
teeth are kept functional for life. This term, there- Without doubt, the many studies assessing the effect
fore, is not restricted to the management of dental of water fluoridation on the progression of carious
caries but is also applicable to other areas of oral lesions have contributed greatly to the development of
health; such as periodontology, oral rehabilitation the MID philosophy. The one study that stands out in
and oral surgery. terms of importance is the Tiel-Culemborg study from
Dental caries is the most prevalent of the oral dis- the Netherlands1. This study, like many others,
eases worldwide. This paper presents the rationale showed that the fluoridation of water reduced
the prevalence of cavitated dentine lesions by
approximately 50%. It also showed that the main
*This is not an official FDI document. The content is the sole long-term action of fluoride is retarding the progres-
responsibility of the authors. sion of a carious lesion, rather than prevention of its
© 2012 FDI World Dental Federation 223
Frencken et al.

development2. This outcome became evident as ample lesion. As far as we know, it was Mount13 who first
time was spent assessing not only cavitated dentine cited the need for ‘Minimal Treatment’ of dental car-
lesions, but also enamel carious lesions. The second- ies. Further elaboration of this new approach was
ary study outcome was confirmed in later studies that published by Dawson and Makinson14,15, who first
researched the effectiveness of fluoride in varnishes, termed ‘Minimal Intervention Dentistry’ in the litera-
gels and mouth rinses3. These data led to a change in ture. The first International Association for Dental
the cariology paradigm: fluoride appears not to act Research (IADR) symposium on minimal intervention
pre-eruptively, as was thought, but mostly post-erup- techniques for dental caries was held in 1995 and was
tively by changing the mineral saturation characteris- almost entirely devoted to the developments of one of
tics at the tooth surface4. the MID approaches, namely Atraumatic Restorative
Another topic that was researched extensively in the Treatment (ART)16.
1960–1980 period was dental plaque. The outcomes As mentioned earlier, the aim of MID is to keep
resulted in the wide acceptance of the fact that dental teeth healthy and functional for life. A most impor-
plaque or dental biofilm, as it is sometimes more cor- tant element is achieved through implementing the
rectly termed, should at least be disturbed or at best important strategies for keeping teeth free from cari-
be removed from the tooth surfaces daily, if carious ous lesions. These strategies are considered to be: (i)
lesion development is to be minimised. In combina- early caries detection and risk assessment; (ii) reminer-
tion with fluoride toothpaste, plaque removal with a alisation of demineralised enamel and dentine; (iii)
toothbrush has become a major cornerstone in man- optimal caries preventive measures; (iv) minimally
aging carious lesion development for communities invasive operative interventions and; (v) repair rather
worldwide5. than replacement of restorations17. It is self-evident
An important concept, that governed the develop- that MID does not equate to cutting smaller cavities
ment of MID, is the ‘Repeat Restoration Cycle’. Eld- than before, as many dentists thought18,19.
erton et al.6 clearly demonstrated, on the basis of The first three MID aspects (early caries detection
studying the survival of amalgam restorations, that and caries risk assessment; remineralisation of demi-
‘eliminating’ carious lesions in order to improve oral neralised enamel and dentine; optimal caries-preven-
health, through restorative procedures based on the tive measures) should be employed throughout a
G.V. Black concept, does not keep teeth functional person’s life and only when oral health maintenance
for life for all individuals. The concept reitterated that has failed and a cavity has developed should a mini-
preventive or non-operative actions should go hand- mally invasive operative intervention be undertaken.
in-hand with restorative care, and that assessment of The authors are aware that the implementation of the
carious lesion development and progression plays a MID philosophy will vary in different countries for a
vital part in the provision of adequate oral health number of reasons, which include: professional dental
care. The development of various adhesive materials training, access to the internet and printed dental liter-
and adhesive systems has contributed greatly to ature, availability and type of dental equipment and
attaining the primary aim of MID. The ability to dental materials and oral health remuneration
reduce the need for cutting away healthy tooth tissues systems.
when using adhesive materials, relative to the tradi- The remainder of this paper will discuss in detail
tional restorative concepts, has led to smaller and less the five strategies that make up the MID philosophy
destructive cavity preparations and therefore, smaller using, as much as possible, evidence-based informa-
restorations7. Retaining sound tooth structure, and tion available in the peer-reviewed literature.
thus increasing the chance for maintaining its vitality
and function, was further increased as a result of the
work done by colleagues like Massler8 and Fusay-
ama9. They showed that only the ‘infected’ (‘outer
carious’ or ‘decomposed’) dentine needed to be
Detection devices
removed as part of the cavity preparation process,
and that the ‘affected’ (‘inner carious’ or ‘deminera- The oldest device used for detecting carious lesions,
lised’) dentine could remain. This demineralised den- apart from the probe, is the X-ray machine. Radiogra-
tine would remineralise under a well placed, well phy is reliable for detecting carious lesions in approxi-
sealed and well maintained restoration10–12. mal tooth surfaces but considered unreliable in
By early 1990, research had shown that managing occlusal surfaces, particularly for diagnosing carious
dental carious lesions should depart from a traditional lesions in enamel and in the outer one-third to one
surgical approach and move to a ‘biological’ or ‘medi- half of the dentine20–22. Fibre-Optic Trans-Illumina-
cal’ approach. The research pointed to a completely tion (FOTI) appears to be a very reliable device for
new approach to the management of the carious detecting carious lesions in approximal surfaces,
224 © 2012 FDI World Dental Federation
MID for managing dental caries

particularly in anterior teeth23. In contrast, an infra- development had declined in many industrialised
red laser fluorescence device (e.g. DIAGNOdent; Kavo countries, were reasons for epidemiologists to subse-
GmbH, Bibberach, Germany) has been reported to be quently include the assessment of enamel lesions in
invalid in detecting carious lesions in occlusal surfaces caries assessment indices. One such group of epidemi-
because it not only detects organic carious tissues, ologists developed the International Caries Detection
and putatively, the porphyrins from bacterial metabo- and Assessment System (ICDAS)30. This two-digit
lism, but also other organic material such as plaque, enamel and dentine carious lesion scoring system has
calculus, stain and food remnants24,25. Its validity is recently received much attention. It was developed for
further compromised by the presence of enamel hypo- use in epidemiological surveys, research, dental educa-
mineralisation of origin other than that of dental tion and in practices. The index, when used in epide-
caries24. Similar disadvantages apply to quantitative miological surveys, has received some criticism31,
light-induced fluorescence (QLF; Inspektor, Amster- could not be applied correctly32 and was unable to
dam, the Netherlands), which uses the fluorescence properly allow the reporting of findings33. Prior to the
differences between sound and demineralised enamel launch of ICDAS, Nyvad34 published her ‘Nyvad-
to detect and quantify enamel carious lesions, index’, which permits the assessment of enamel and
although its reliability appears to be higher than that dentine carious lesions as well as the activity/inactivity
of the infrared laser fluorescence-based devices26. of enamel carious lesions. The index has been used
A new system using light fluorescence technology recently in a number of studies35,36 and appears to be
(Sopralife; Acteon, Bordeaux, France) utilises a differ- valid. Monse et al.37 introduced the ‘Pulpal Involve-
ent wavelength than QLF to detect carious lesions, in ment Ulcerations Fistula Abscess’ (PUFA index) with
conjunction with a camera. Currently, the value of QLF the intention of alerting the dental/medical/educa-
systems for carious lesion detection in clinical practice tional communities about the poor state of dentitions
seems to be limited. Other methods, such as electrical of children in the Philippines. A novel visual one-digit
impedance (CarieScan PROTM; CarieScan Ltd, Dundee, caries assessment index was reported recently38. It
UK) and photothermal radiometry (Canary SystemTM; includes non-cavitated and cavitated carious lesions,
Quantum Dental Technologies, Toronto, ON, Canada) pulpally involved and abscessed teeth, as well as
have recently been developed. However more research sealed, restored and lost teeth. In developing the
is required before they can be advised. index, experience gained from applying the ICDAS
It appears that both X-ray and FOTI devices are II31 and PUFA39 indices in the field were essential.
suitable for use for carious lesion detection on The index is termed Caries Assessment Spectrum and
approximal surfaces and that infrared laser fluores- Treatment (CAST). It has been validated for face and
cence and light-induced fluorescence devices are not content40, while construct validity and reliability
sufficiently reliable for assessing carious lesions in pits testing is on-going.
and fissures of occlusal surfaces27. This also applies to Carrying out an oral investigation on the basis of
the deciduous dentition, in which newer technology- assessing teeth with cavitated dentine lesions only
based systems have not been found to be reliable for (DMF) should be considered a screening exercise. If
the accurate detection of carious lesions on approxi- the investigation is conducted for healthcare planning
mal surfaces28. Therefore, different techniques should purposes, enamel carious lesions should be assessed as
be used for assessing carious lesions on occlusal and well, whether in clinical practice or when conducting
smooth tooth surfaces. One such technique employs an epidemiological survey. The ICDAS II and Nyvad-
visible-tactile methods. index may be suitable in a clinical practice setting,
although the number of studies supporting this
assumption is low. The same caveat applies to the
Visual-tactile methods
recently developed epidemiological indices PUFA and
Perhaps because of the absence of a properly validated CAST, which appear to be promising, but need
and reliable carious lesion detection device, early en- further research.
thusiasm dimmed, and the emphasis shifted back to
visual-tactile detection methods in the second half of
Caries risk assessment
the 1990s. The World Health Organisation (WHO)
had propagated its method, which was based on a The caries disease process is dynamic and multi-facto-
‘yes/no’ clearly cavitated dentine lesion, as a reliable rial in nature. Caries risk is defined as ‘the probability
data base was required for comparison of decayed, of future caries disease development’. Disease develop-
missing and filled (DMF) teeth scores among member ment includes both primary disease (new carious
countries and because DMF data from decades earlier lesions) and secondary disease (lesion progression or
were available29. This very crude cut-off point, and reactivated carious lesions). Risk assessment for such
the fact that caries prevalence and carious lesion a dynamic disease is complex as it is only able to
© 2012 FDI World Dental Federation 225
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provide a snapshot at that particular moment and risk

‘Whole-population’ approach and ‘risk-based’ strategy
factors may change over time. Most importantly, for
assessing lesion activity accurately in one session, Caries-risk assessment is usually described at the level
using a combination of indicators (visual appearance, of the individual patient47. It provides information
location, tactile sensation and gingival health) might needed to determine the most appropriate manage-
still provide the best way to determine lesion activity. ment decision for an individual patient. Risk predic-
Moreover, activity criteria are not designed to quan- tion in a group is also pursued to enhance healthcare
tify lesion progression, with regard to either size or efficacy by focusing on those individuals with the larg-
depth. Despite its current shortcomings, however, risk est risk, thus aiming to prevent or reduce a disease
assessment and caries prediction is a crucial part of burden in the near future. This provides the oral
contemporary clinical decision-making that dental healthcare professional with both individualised and
professionals apply on a daily basis. It serves as the population-based strategies for improving oral health.
foundation for the patients’ prognosis for caries and is Although this may seem dichotomous, managing cari-
embodied in the individually tailored oral health man- ous lesions calls for both approaches.
agement plan provided to the patients. The ‘whole population’ approach is appropriate for
A strong body of evidence exists that at all ages the the prevention of oral diseases and applying it is the
‘past and present caries experience’ (and in particular only way to reduce the burden of these diseases and
the presence of active carious lesions) is still the most the cost of oral care48. In today’s healthcare debates,
accurate and powerful, single predictor of risk of often initiated by changing economic situation, cost-
future carious lesion development41–43. This conclu- effectiveness seems equally important as quality of
sion, however, is unfortunate. It does not provide care. Oral healthcare discussions are often compli-
much guidance for a ‘whole disease prevention cated by the non-proportional distribution of the bur-
approach’: one would hope to prevent even the earli- den of the preventable disease called dental caries.
est onset of a carious lesion, and intervene through Whether a risk-based caries management plan is cost-
interruption of the caries process and healing of effective and ultimately leads to improved oral health
affected tooth tissues after the fact. Risk factors may needs to be investigated.
also change over time. A patient may have numerous In a balanced view, the advantages and disadvan-
restorations but, for whatever reason, the risk as tages of both the ‘high-risk’ strategy (seeks to protect
assessed objectively may now be low (e.g. all risk fac- susceptible individuals) and ‘population’ approach
tors have been determined and resolved). To continue (seeks to control the causes of incidence) have been
with full-blown caries management strategies would considered49. This led to the conclusion that ‘the
be overtreatment. On the other hand, a patient’s car- “high-risk” strategy was an interim phase, only
ies risk may also change rapidly to extreme risk if, needed as long as the underlying causes of a disease
e.g., medications have been prescribed that affect were not yet clear or couldn’t be controlled. If causes
salivary glands and lead to hyposalivation. could be removed, susceptibility ceases to matter’50.
Caries risk prediction is still a work-in-progress. The causes of dental disease are known but – at pres-
A recent publication provides an excellent concise ent – cannot be completely controlled51.
and thorough overview of the evidence related to A significant reduction in caries increment was
patient caries risk assessment44. The authors shown when caries preventive measures were targeted
concluded that ‘it is more important that an assess- at children with active non-cavitated lesions52. Inclu-
ment is carried out, incorporating the best available sion of individual risk prediction as a basis for tar-
evidence, than that no attempt is made due to the geted prevention will increase efficacy of targeted
lack of firm evidence. The risk should be measures and thus improve cost-effectiveness. Simi-
documented in a patient’s chart and be used to larly, caries risk status used to determine a personal-
influence a treatment plan.’ One of the tools that ised recall interval50,52,53 allows for enhanced recall
assists clinicians worldwide in motivating patients is periods, resulting in more effective use of oral health-
the ‘Cariogram’, an interactive validated program care professionals’ time. The personalised recall inter-
for patient motivation45. This informative program val, directed towards optimal oral health, can be
illustrates caries risk in an instructive but simple adjusted to the person’s compliance with preventive
graphical way, including the interaction between the and maintenance advice.
various caries related factors. The Cariogram dem- It may be concluded that although the caries risk
onstrates the ‘chance to avoid new carious lesion prediction may guide the best use of available funds
development’ in the near future and to what extent to support preventive caries management, the dwin-
the various factors will affect this chance. The soft- dling financial means for the same, or even increasing,
ware is available in 13 languages and can be down- needs continue to call for the ‘high-risk’ strategy as
loaded as ‘shareware’46. well as the ‘whole-population’ approach. While the
226 © 2012 FDI World Dental Federation
MID for managing dental caries

dental profession needs to embrace a more primary individual immune response64–66. In summary, the dis-
preventive approach to caries management based on ease is manifested as an interplay between environ-
common risk factors, secondary prevention and man- mental, behavioural and genetic factors4.
agement will continue to focus on patient-centred car-
ies management, including both preventive and
Mechanisms of action of fluoride in enamel
minimally invasive tissue-preserving operative inter-
ventions53. These interventions will be discussed later The presence of fluoride during the remineralisation/
in this paper. demineralisation cycle leads to its incorporation into
the crystalline structure of the carbonated hydroxyap-
atite, which not only decreases crystal solubility, but
also increases the precipitation rate of enamel mineral
in the presence of calcium and phosphate due to the
lower solubility of fluorapatite67,68. The fluoride
Dental plaque and dental caries
decreases enamel solubility in two ways: (i) the fluo-
Dental caries is a complex process of cyclical enamel ride ion is more stable in the crystal lattice than the
de- and re-mineralisation. Streptococcus mutans and hydrogen ion and (ii) it interacts with the calcium ions
Streptococcus sobrinus are two putatively important on the crystal surface, interacting closely and binding
bacteria in the initiation of enamel demineralisation, strongly69.
with Lactobacillus caseii assuming greater importance The effect and penetration of fluoride into the bio-
after initial progression of the carious lesion. This is film on the tooth surface is dependent on the type of
Loesche’s so-called ‘specific plaque hypothesis’54,55. fluoridated product and the time of exposure. When a
Dental caries occurrence is due to organic acids clinical biofilm was exposed to 1,000 ppm (0.22%)
produced by mutans streptococci and Lactobacilli as sodium fluoride solution, exposure of up to 120 sec-
by-products of the metabolism of sugars, namely onds increased plaque surface fluoride concentrations
lactic, formic and acetic acids56,57. However, certain only, while 30-minute exposure allowed penetration
researchers have promulgated a mixed bacterial of more than 1,000 ppm (0.22%) fluoride up to
ecological theory in which the previously mentioned 900 lm into the plaque70. The clinical relevance or
cariogenic bacteria are but a few of several potentially practicality of a 30-minute exposure is questionable,
cariogenic bacteria present in plaque, with several apart from placement of high concentration
species not until recently having been identified, due (22,600 ppm F ; 5% NaF) fluoride varnish. Thus, the
to the difficulty in culturing these bacteria under nor- efficacy of intermittently applied professional topical
mal laboratory conditions58,59. Some authors believe gels and foams is questionable, and the use of high
that many bacterial species have the potential to cause concentration fluoridated varnishes should be encour-
carious lesion development, depending on the charac- aged, even in children3.
teristics of the diet and the acidogenicity and aciduric-
ity of the commensal oral bacteria, which lead to
Role of calcium and phosphate
ecological shifts in the plaque bacterial community
and subsequently the caries risk59–61. The pre-eminent role of fluoride in preventive den-
Repeated consumption of readily fermentable car- tistry remains valid. However, the effectiveness of
bohydrates, especially sucrose, leads to the propor- fluoride to remineralise enamel and obtain net mineral
tional overgrowth of cariogenic bacteria such as gain is limited by the bio-availability of calcium and
S. mutans. These changes in the biofilm increase the phosphate ions71–73. If the acid challenge to the
potential for enamel mineral loss, the subsequent pro- enamel is extensive, the salivary calcium and phos-
duction of organic acids, and an amphibiotic change phate reservoir is quickly depleted and a net loss of
in the oral microflora leading to increased risk of cari- enamel mineral can occur71,73.
ous lesion development4,62. The intrinsic sources of calcium and phosphate are
An individual is never free of dental caries63. The saliva, dissolved tooth mineral and to a lesser degree,
process of enamel demineralisation and remineralisa- gingival crevicular fluid. To gain net remineralisation,
tion cycles constantly moves between net loss and net the action of fluoride is limited by the amount of cal-
gain of mineral. It is only when the balance leans cium derived from saliva, without extrinsic bioavail-
towards net loss for some time that clinically identifi- able sources of calcium and phosphate68,73. Increased
able signs of the process become apparent. The long- concentrations of calcium would also increase the
term outcome of this cyclic process is determined by retention of fluoride in the plaque biofilm by increas-
the composition and amount of plaque, sugar ing calcium-bridging74.
consumption frequency and timing, fluoride exposure, Therefore, for remineralisation to occur during
salivary flow and quality, enamel quality and increased caries risk, an increase in bioavailable
© 2012 FDI World Dental Federation 227
Frencken et al.

calcium and phosphate is fundamental to improving Dental caries is a preventable disease. Therefore the
the effectiveness of the agent. Increased calcium and best strategy for managing the disease is to intervene
phosphate can be stabilised by macromolecules before its signs and symptoms are clinically detected.
inherent in the saliva and plaque. However, the Disturbance of the biofilm (dental plaque) by brushing
concentration of these proteins and peptides is limited. teeth with a sufficiently-fluoridated toothpaste on a
Therefore a method for improving the effectiveness of daily basis is an effective measure which contributes
calcium and phosphate stabilisation in the oral to the control of enamel carious lesion development84.
environment is required73,75. Even disturbing the biofilm from cavitated dentine
lesions appears to arrest further progression of such
lesions85. The effectiveness of different measures for
Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium
preventing and/or arresting carious lesions for use in
phosphate complexes
MID will be discussed below, and summarised in
Ongoing research over the past 25 years has isolated Table 1.
and purified peptides from casein, a multi-phosphory-
lated protein present in milk. Casein phosphopeptide-
Effectiveness of caries-preventive measures
amorphous calcium phosphate complexes (CPP-ACP)
have been demonstrated to have anti-cariogenic activ-
Diet counselling and sugar substitutes
ity in laboratory, animal and human in situ and
clinical experiments75–80. Casein phosphopeptides The assumed relationship between carious lesion
(CPP) have the ability to stabilise high concentrations development and consumption of fermentable sugars
of calcium and phosphate in metastable solution81. used to be stronger in the past than currently. The
The CPP complexes bind to form clusters with cal- extensive exposure to different kinds of fluoride vehi-
cium and phosphate, preventing the growth of seed cles is considered the main reason for this situation86.
crystals to the critical size required for nucleation Diet control, in terms of intake of sugars and other
and phase transformation/crystallisation, providing a fermentable carbohydrates, is still an important factor
ready source of ionic calcium and phosphate82,83. in managing carious lesion development. Individuals at
The complexes are bound in plaque and buffer the high caries risk, and/or those that do not use fluoride
calcium and phosphate ion activities in the plaque agents, will benefit from dietary control measures. The
fluid and at the tooth surface, establishing an interplay between consumption of cariogenic food,
environment supersaturated with calcium and phos- oral hygiene, availability of saliva and fluoride is nicely
phate, inhibiting demineralisation and driving remin- modeled by Van Loveren and Duggal87. They state
eralisation. Therefore, the ability to provide that as long as saliva and fluoride are available in the
supersaturated levels of ionic calcium and phosphate mouth in abundance, and if biofilm control is per-
at the tooth surface would increase the efficacy of formed properly at the same time, the detrimental
remineralisation. effect of cariogenic food consumption on demineralis-
In order to manage caries lesion development ing enamel and dentine can be considered low.
through minimising the solubility of enamel during an The use of sugar substitutes is a preventive mea-
acid attack, the individual’s tooth surfaces should be sure that assists individuals in reducing total cario-
exposed to supersaturated levels of calcium, genic sugar intake. Xylitol and sorbitol are the sugar
phosphate and fluoride that are available in products alcohols most frequently added to ‘sugar-free’ prod-
containing these ions in a bio-available form. ucts88. In general, evidence suggests that the use of
sugar-free chewing gum immediately after meals
reduces carious lesion progression89,90; that the use
of chewing gum containing xylitol should be part of
Different measures have been proposed for preventing a strategy for carious lesion control in schools90 and
and arresting carious lesions. It is the task of the den- that the provision of xylitol-containing gummy bear
tal professional to select, based on evidence and on snacks is feasible91. The last can be implemented,
the patient’s profile, which preventive measure(s) is with good compliance from both children and par-
most appropriate for a specific clinical situation. In ents, in a caries-control regimen at schools91.
many cases, more than one preventive measure needs Although the consumption of xylitol-based candies
to be applied. The whole population approach and and lozenges favours a reduction in carious lesion
individual caries risk assessment are essential activi- increment, in general, this effect is not seen on
ties, alongside with the provision/usage of persona- approximal tooth surfaces92. A side-effect of polyol-
lised preventive measure(s) that will ultimately based sugar-free products is their potential to cause
determine the level of reduction of carious lesions in dental erosion if containing acidic flavouring
patients and populations. agents93. An empirical rule is that children should be
228 © 2012 FDI World Dental Federation
MID for managing dental caries

advised to restrain their sugar-containing food intake in toothpaste, the higher its caries-preventive effect106.
to a frequency of not more than five times daily94. If the risk of dental fluorosis is of concern, the fluo-
ride level of toothpaste for young children (under
6 years of age) is recommended to be lower than
Fluoridated agents
1,000 ppm107.
Fluoride can be provided via water, milk or salt, or
be administered topically by professionals and
Chlorhexidine-containing agents
through self-application devices (toothpaste, gel, var-
nish and mouthwash). Fluoride is found naturally in Chlorhexidine is available in mouth rinses, gel and
the environment (water and plants) and can be added varnish. A systematic review was aimed at determin-
to consumer products, such as infant formulas and ing the carious lesion-inhibiting effect of chlorhexidine
beverages. varnishes on the permanent dentition of children, ado-
Water fluoridation is a method of making fluoride lescents and young adults. Chlorhexidine varnish
accessible to an entire community without requiring showed a moderate caries-inhibiting effect when
individuals to change their behaviour in order to obtain applied every 3–4 months, but this effect had dimin-
the benefits of fluoridation95. It is still considered the ished 2 years after the last application. Studies that
best public health strategy for reducing carious lesion test chlorhexidine effectiveness with longer application
development and progression in many societies96–98. intervals are required108. There is also weak evidence
The safety and efficacy of fluoridated drinking water that in the absence of regular professional tooth clean-
have been assessed, mainly in child populations99. ing and oral hygiene instruction, chlorhexidine varnish
Results show a dose-dependent relationship between provides a beneficial effect in special needs
carious lesion reduction and severity of dental fluorosis. patients109.
Adults also benefit from water fluoridation100. The overall conclusion about chlorhexidine as a
With respect to milk fluoridation, the Cochrane carious lesion control agent is that evidence of its
Collaboration review101 concluded that there is insuf- effectiveness in mouth rinses and gel products is lack-
ficient evidence to show the effectiveness of fluori- ing110. Chlorhexidine varnish can be considered a
dated milk in controlling dental caries, despite a short term option for caries control in individuals at
beneficial effect for school children, mainly observed high caries risk who have high bacteria counts111–113.
in the permanent dentition. Controversy exists regard-
ing the effectiveness of salt fluoridation102. A system-
Silver diammine fluoride
atic review on the topic favoured salt fluoridation
versus no exposure to fluoride for caries prevention in Silver diammine fluoride (SDF) is a combination of sil-
permanent teeth103. However, the number of con- ver nitrate and sodium fluoride (Ag(NH3)2F) that,
founding factors, observed methodological bias and when applied to carious tissues, inhibits carious lesion
overall quality of the papers included in the review progression by its interaction with bacteria114. Very
stressed the need for more high quality studies to few studies assessing the effect of SDF as a carious
determine conclusively the efficacy of salt fluoridation. lesion control agent in non-cavitated lesions have been
Owing to the lack of sufficient evidence of the efficacy conducted. Braga et al.115 investigated the effect of
and effectiveness of salt fluoridation, caution should SDF in arresting enamel carious lesions in pits and fis-
be taken before this fluoride vehicle can be safely rec- sures of permanent molars for up to 30 months. The
ommended as part of a strategy aimed at reducing results were no different from those achieved by pla-
carious lesions in a community. que control through tooth brushing and the use of
A series of Cochrane reviews on self- and profes- glass-ionomer sealant; two approaches which are lar-
sionally applied fluoride agents has been published gely used for enamel carious lesion management. In
during recent years. The main results have been sum- another study, the effectiveness of an annual applica-
marised by Marinho3 and showed that the use of fluo- tion of SDF solution and of quarterly application of
ride toothpaste, fluoride mouthrinses, fluoride gels sodium fluoride varnish and chlorhexidine varnish
and fluoride varnishes are able to reduce the incidence were tested on sound and carious root surfaces in an
of dental carious lesions, irrespective of whether other institutionalised elderly population116. After 3 years
fluoride vehicles are being used at the same time. The there was no difference in carious lesion incidence
use of fluoridated toothpaste is the most widespread between the three preventive measures observed but
method used for maintaining a constant level of fluo- all three measures reduced carious incidence better
ride in the oral cavity. It is considered to be one of than plaque control alone. It appears that evidence
the major factors that has contributed to the decline for the effectiveness of SDF solution in preventing car-
of the prevalence of dental caries in high-income ious lesion development is weak. Its effectiveness in
countries104,105. The higher the fluoride concentration cavitated carious lesions is presented later on.
© 2012 FDI World Dental Federation 229
Frencken et al.

Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate superior in arresting superficial carious lesions in ap-
agents proximal surfaces of primary molars, compared to
only fluoride varnish application, after 3 years131. The
CPP-ACP is usually incorporated in chewing gum or
progression of enamel and dentine carious lesions on
in prophylactic dental paste with or without fluoride
distal surfaces of first primary molars in young chil-
added, but tests have been also carried out on hard
dren after 2.5 years was lower for resin infiltration
candy confections, sports drinks and milk incorporat-
(46.4%) than for flossing these surfaces (71.4%)131.
ing CPP-ACP in their formulation. The effectiveness
However, comparing the infiltration technique with
of such products in remineralising enamel is still being
sealing carious lesions in approximal surfaces of per-
investigated, but results from in-situ and clinical stud-
manent teeth with a resin-bonding material did not
ies show that CPP-ACP has a short-term remineralisa-
show a significant difference in carious lesion progres-
tion effect and a promising caries control effect for
sion after 3 years132.
long-term clinical use117.
In summary, the evidence currently available indi-
Many laboratory and in-situ studies on the effec-
cates that resin infiltration of enamel lesions is a
tiveness of CPP-ACP have been published in the last
promising micro-invasive method for reducing the
two decades. As part of the process of obtaining clini-
progress of enamel lesions133. Nevertheless, more
cal evidence, the number of clinical studies is cur-
randomised clinical trials are required for conclusive
rently still low. Studies show different outcomes,
findings to be reached.
ranging from a superior effect of CPP-ACP to the con-
trol group(s)79,80,118–120 to no additional effect over
the control group121,122. Pits and fissure sealants
Pits and fissures of permanent molars are particularly
Ozone vulnerable to carious lesion development during and
after tooth eruption42,134. The morphology of pits and
Ozone gas, the tri-atomic state of di-oxygen, was fissures has been reported to be one of the main caries
proposed as an antimicrobial agent that could reduce risk factors135, with molars being more frequently
the number of micro-organisms on tooth surfaces. It affected than premolars136. Sealing aims to modify
is naturally produced in the presence of light or by patent pits and fissures into smooth surfaces that are
different industrial processes. In dentistry, ozone is protected from bacterial colonisation and exposure to
claimed to have a sterilising effect, killing cariogenic fermentable substrate and can be cleaned easily. The
bacteria and subsequently leading to the arrest of cari- strategy is effective not only as a preventive measure,
ous lesions123. However, clinical studies have not but also in arresting non-cavitated enamel carious
achieved the same efficacy found in laboratory studies. lesions in pits and fissures137. The superiority of pit
Three systematic reviews concluded that there is no and fissure sealants over fluoride varnish application
reliable evidence that the application of ozone gas to in the prevention of occlusal carious lesions has been
the surface of cavitated teeth arrests or reverses cari- reported138.
ous lesions. It does not appear to be a cost-effective Resin composites and glass-ionomer cements are the
additional step to the existing carious lesion manage- dental materials generally used to seal pits and fis-
ment approaches123–125. sures. A high-viscosity glass-ionomer is indicated for
use with the ART sealant technique. It is generally
accepted that resin composite sealants are retained
Infiltration method
longer than low- to medium viscosity glass-ionomer
Caries infiltration has been proposed as an alternative sealants139,140. However, which of the two types of
for management of non-cavitated enamel carious sealant is more effective in inhibiting carious lesion
lesions on approximal and buccal surfaces126,127. The development is not clear. Three systematic reviews
infiltration concept is based on the penetration of a comparing the carious lesion preventive effect of resin
low-viscosity resin material (‘infiltrant’) in the subsur- composite and low- and medium-viscosity glass-iono-
face enamel porosities of the lesion, the surface of mer sealants have been conducted. However, these
which is previously etched and eroded with reviews did not provide evidence that either one of
hydrochloric acid. As such, the infiltrant creates a these materials was superior to the other141–143. Fur-
diffusion barrier for hydrogen ions preventing lesion thermore, there was no conclusive evidence that resin-
progression128. Laboratory and in situ studies have modified glass-ionomer is superior to resin-based
shown that infiltrants are capable of inhibiting the material used as fissure sealants in preventing dental
progression of natural carious lesions129,130, and this caries144.
has been confirmed by clinical studies. Resin infiltra- Using high-viscosity glass-ionomer as the material
tion combined with fluoride varnish application was for sealing pits and fissures according to the ART
230 © 2012 FDI World Dental Federation
MID for managing dental caries

technique showed higher retention rates than low- cavities are also restored to alleviate toothache and to
and medium viscosity glass-ionomers145. The preven- restore form, function and aesthetics.
tive effect of these ART sealants was high; the annual Similar to remineralisation of enamel carious
mean dentine lesion incidence rate over the first lesions, remineralisation of dentine carious lesions is
3 years was 1%146. This finding appears to be better possible. The evidence for this phenomenon in open
than reported for resin-based sealants in a systematic cavities is still very weak, but evidence for closed cavi-
review147. Compared to resin composite sealants, the ties that had remnants of dental plaque and retained
high-viscosity glass-ionomer ART sealants were more decomposed dentine, and were filled with a restorative
successful after 5 years in one of the two comparative material, is abundant11,12,154–158.
studies available148. In the other study, the carious Within MID for dental caries, the principle guide-
lesion preventive effect was equal after 2 years149. No line for managing a cavitated tooth is to remove
resealing was performed in either study. decomposed (previously named ‘infected’) dentine, to
The preventive effect of the glass-ionomer sealant leave demineralised (previously named ‘affected’) den-
could be clarified by the presence of the material in tine behind and to restore the cleaned cavity with a
the bottom of the fissures, even though the restorative that has optimum biological and physical
material could not be detected clinically150–153. properties. Demineralised dentine has the ability to
Based on extensive evidence, the use of dental seal- remineralise, as Fusayama et al.159 showed decades
ants is strongly recommended for all at-risk surfaces ago. Remineralisation of demineralised dentine occurs
and shows good results for both resin composite through: (i) the function of the odontoblast process,
material and high-viscosity glass-ionomer use with providing calcium and phosphate from the vital
the ART approach. The latter can also be used in pulp159; (ii) diffusion of ions (fluoride, calcium and
situations where electricity and running water are phosphate) from materials placed on the floor of a
unavailable. restored cavity10,12 and; (iii) contact of saliva with the
carious lesion, providing calcium and phosphate,
notably in root dentine in conjunction with oral
hygiene measures87.
Inadvertent retention of decomposed dentine and
remnants of cariogenic plaque in a cavity skillfully
Despite the plea made by WHO, the FDI World Den- restored with a well-manufactured restorative mate-
tal Federation (FDI) and IADR to reduce the use of rial, which seals the cavity, leads to the depletion of
restorative materials, especially amalgam, through the cariogenic potential of those remnants of dental
placing much greater emphasis on caries preventive plaque. Systematic reviews have reported that micro-
measures, the need for treating cavitated teeth will organisms left behind in cavities sealed over have no
remain into the foreseeable future. further ability to drive the caries process once they
are cut off from the oral cavity, thus depriving micro-
organisms of the source of metabolic nutrition
Remineralisation of demineralised dentine
required for their survival and for the production of
Continued presence of cariogenic plaque is the princi- acid that demineralises tooth surfaces. This situation
pal aetiological factor for demineralisation of both leads to a change in the environment of cariogenic
enamel and dentine. It seems obvious that depleting micro-organisms and inhibits their metabolic abil-
or reducing the cariogenic potential of dental plaque/ ity160–163.
biofilm is the most important activity for the mainte- The adage ‘the seal is the deal’ should be adopted if
nance of a healthy dentition. Whether this activity is oral healthcare professionals are to assist the ever-
being achieved at the plaque development site, growing number of people with a functional natural
through reduction of the frequency of sugar intake, or dentition to keep their teeth healthy from youth into
at the plaque destruction level through disturbance or old age. In order to achieve ‘teeth for life for all’, it
removal of it, or by increasing the acid resistance of may even imply that under certain circumstances
tooth tissues through mineralising agents, or by reduc- small dentine cavities can be sealed instead of receiv-
ing the micro-organisms in plaque through disinfect- ing a restoration. It also calls for a redefinition of den-
ing agents, tooth surfaces ought to be free from tal caries, away from it being labelled an infectious
cariogenic plaque. This fact is also applicable to the disease. Dental caries is an example of a behavioural
tooth surfaces that give a dentinal cavity its shape. disease with a bacterial component, particularly if it is
Clearly, a major reason for restoring a tooth cavity, accepted that de- and remineralisation cycles take
from a cariology and preventive point of view, is to place at tooth surfaces in all of us many times every
seal it and allow easy removal of dental plaque from day, without causing irreversible destruction. The
the restored surfaces of the tooth. Concurrently, actions taken by professional bodies such as the FDI
© 2012 FDI World Dental Federation 231
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and WHO, to have dental caries included in the Uni- parative increased cost. This then leaves hand excava-
ted Nations list of non-communicable diseases, sup- tion with a sharp metal excavator as a very effective
port this change. Calling dental caries a behavioural method for removing decomposed carious dentine
disease is in support of the principle that behavioural prior to restoration. The time involvement in cleaning
actions cause the disease, and as such, diet control the cavity may be an issue and most likely will,
and oral hygiene measures are required in order to among others, depend on the operators’ experience in
manage carious lesion development as well as to avoid using hand excavators. Study findings vary from no
the onset of periodontal disease. significant difference for cavity preparation in primary
Ways of removing decomposed dentine from tooth teeth between rotary instrumentation and hand exca-
cavities in the context of cavity preparation according vation172 to rotary instrumentation’s being faster
to MID and evidence-based survival results of restored (2 minutes) than hand excavation173.
teeth are presented in the following section.
Disinfecting excavated cavities
Appropriate excavation methods
Earlier it has been stated that micro-organisms,
According to the concept of Minimal Intervention retained under a well-sealed restoration, are reduced
Dentistry (MID), only the decomposed dentine needs in numbers over time and have no potential to further
to be removed from within the cavity. This then poses demineralise the dentine, provided that the seal
the question: which method removes decomposed den- remains secured. It is often noticed that in such a situ-
tine most effectively? In aiding this process, caries- ation the demineralised dentine remineralises over
detector dyes were introduced decades ago9. The dyes time10,157. The question that then arises is: what is
are very popular in certain parts of the world. How- the added advantage of applying a disinfectant to a
ever, as opposed to the initial intention to stain cavity after it has been adequately cleaned? Common
micro-organisms in decomposed dentine, subsequent disinfection agents are 2% chlorhexidine solution
studies have demonstrated that the dyes do not stain and, more recently, ozone gas. Cavity disinfection by
micro-organisms but rather stain the organic matrix chlorhexidine solution is only superficial and not-
of less mineralized dentine164,165. The dye also stained effective as has been shown in restoration survival
the enamel-dentine junction of freshly extracted car- studies using glass-ionomers after 2 years174 and 5-
ies-free teeth, because of the higher proportion of years175. Studies investigating the effect on the resto-
organic matrix present165. Thus, in removing dye ration survival rate of cavity disinfection with ozone
stained dentine, the dental professional removes gas prior to restoration, are lacking. No data are
potentially remineralisable dentine, which is contrary available to support cavity disinfection prior to resto-
to the intention of Minimal Intervention Dentistry. ration.
A number of laboratory studies, using different
detection techniques and endpoints to delineate
Restorative materials
decomposed dentine, have investigated the efficacy
and effectiveness of methods for its removal. Consid- In past decades amalgam and silicate cement were the
ering the variation in study designs, it appeared that two most popular dental materials used for restoring
rotating round metal burs have the tendency to over- cavities in posterior and anterior teeth respectively,
prepare cavities166,167 and that laser and oscillation and these materials have been superseded to a large
techniques under-prepare cavities167–169. Self-limiting extent by resin-based and glass-ionomer-based materi-
burs made of polymer and ceramic material have been als. Both types of adhesive material are constantly
introduced but found to under-prepare cavities167,168. being modified to mimic the physiological (behaviour-
The most appropriate decomposed dentine removal al) and physical characteristics of enamel and dentine.
methods had used either a chemo-mechanically In particular, glass-ionomer restorative materials have
applied gel (Carisolv, Sweden) or a metal hand exca- undergone major changes during the last decades.
vator166–170. The efficacy of hand excavation in com- Medium-viscosity glass-ionomer was recommended
parison to chemo-mechanical removal of decomposed initially for non-stress bearing surfaces. However, the
dentine was tested in a clinical study which showed latest systematic review on restoration comparison
no difference between the two methods; 94% of concluded that the survival rates of high-viscosity
chemo-mechanical and 89% of hand excavated cavi- glass-ionomer restorations placed in stress-bearing sur-
ties were free of visible decomposed dentine171. faces in both deciduous and permanent dentitions
Whilst the use of a chemo-mechanical gel seems were equal to or higher than those of comparable
most effective in removing decomposed dentine ade- amalgam restorations176.
quately, the fact that its excavation takes a relatively Minimally invasive operative treatment approaches
long time cannot be ignored, and neither can the com- and adhesive materials and systems go hand-in-hand.
232 © 2012 FDI World Dental Federation
MID for managing dental caries

Resin-based and glass-ionomer-based materials have tion and the reduced need to administer local anaes-
their advantages and disadvantages. The dental practi- thesia180,181.
tioner ought to know the chemistry, characteristics Because electricity and running water are not
and handling features of the restorative material that required, ART is a proven caries management
(s)he is using. Proper application of that knowledge in approach for use in outreach situations such as in
clinical practice is the basis for a long lasting restora- schools and in rural areas. The survival rates of ART
tion. restorations produced in office-based practice and
those produced in primary schools do not differ146.
Using the ART approach, both preventive and restor-
Restorative therapy
ative care can be provided to a larger number of peo-
ple than is possible through use of the traditional
Deciduous dentition
restorative therapy.
According to a systematic review, covering studies In comparing restoration survival rates of ART
carried out between 1988 and 2003, the mean high-viscosity glass-ionomer and those produced
annual failure rate for Class I and Class II amalgam through use of the traditional therapy using either
restorations in deciduous posterior teeth was 6.6% amalgam or resin-composite, one has to take into
and 7.6%, respectively177. The mean annual failure account the evaluation criteria that have been used in
rate for comparable resin composite restorations these studies. ART restorations have predominantly
(Class I and Class II combined), assessed according been evaluated according to the ART restoration crite-
to the Ryge and USPHS criteria, varied between 0% ria, while traditionally produced restorations have
and 15%177. Many of the included studies had mainly been evaluated according to the United States
assessed restorations placed in cavities designed Public Health Service criteria or the FDI criteria. The
according to the principle of ‘extension for ART restoration criteria turned out to be more strin-
prevention’. gent than both the FDI criteria182 and the USPHS cri-
It goes without saying that those cavity designs, teria183 for restorations in permanent teeth. The
proposed by G.V. Black, have no place in MID. On difference in restoration survival rates, assessed by
the contrary, the contemporary design principles is tis- both the ART and the USPHS criteria was 22% and
sue-saving: ‘prevention of extension’7. In addition to 27% for single- and multiple surfaces, respectively
the traditional techniques of excavation with a round being higher for restorations assessed using the US-
bur or hand excavator and restoration of the cavity PHS criteria over a 10-year period. This large differ-
with preformed crowns, amalgam, resin-based or ence in outcome shows that evaluating a treatment,
glass-ionomer-based materials in a tooth tissue-pre- whether it concerns a restoration, a crown or a seal-
serving manner, minimally invasive treatment ant, should be done by internationally accepted
approaches that do not use electrically driven equip- appropriate criteria. Furthermore, restoration survival
ment and running water are available. These are pre- rates of different restorative materials should only be
sented below. compared if the same assessment criteria have been
Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART)
Hall technique
This approach uses hand instruments for opening cav-
ities further, only to the extent required for removing Another minimally invasive restoration therapy that
decomposed carious dentine. The cavity is then may be helpful in reducing the treatment burden of
cleaned, restored with a high-viscosity glass-ionomer cavitated dentine carious lesions is the Hall
and adjacent pits and fissures are sealed concur- technique184. A prefabricated metal crown is cemen-
rently178. Evidence-based studies have shown ART ted over the cavitated tooth, using a low-viscosity
restorations in single-surface cavities in deciduous pos- glass-ionomer after removing debris but without
terior teeth to survive as long as comparable amalgam removal of decomposed carious dentine. However
restorations176. The mean annual failure rate of these few studies have been carried out. A 5-year prac-
ART restorations over the first two years was tice-based study, in which cavitated teeth treated
3.5%146. Multiple-surface ART restorations in decidu- with the Hall technique were compared with those
ous posterior teeth have a lower survival rate than restored using common practice in Scotland showed
single-surface ART restorations but they appear not significantly better performance for the Hall-treated
to differ from either comparable resin-composite res- teeth than those treated by general dentists using
torations174 or amalgam restorations172,179. In addi- standard restorations185. More studies are required
tion to the high survival rates, other advantages of the before the Hall technique can be recommended for
ART approach include the absence of noise and vibra- general use.
© 2012 FDI World Dental Federation 233
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cavity. A single application of 38% SDF within an

Non-restorative therapy
interval of 2 years, as suggested for use in deprived
communities, appears to have a lesser effect in arrest-
Plaque removal from cavities in deciduous teeth
ing carious lesions over 2 years compared to tooth
The vast majority of cavitated carious lesions in brushing alone191. This non-invasive treatment has
deciduous teeth are being neither restored nor the advantage that trained dental auxiliary personnel
extracted, a finding which is prevalent in all countries can apply the solution, thus reaching more children
in the world. Figures based on the WHO data base than is achieved with the traditional restorative treat-
vary from, on average, 80% in high-income countries ment. Nevertheless, this approach requires additional
to 95% in low income countries186. This unwanted investigation before it can be recommended for gen-
situation should make the dental profession consider eral use.
whether the ‘cure’ for cavitated carious lesions in
deciduous teeth should always be the placement of a
Permanent dentition
traditional restoration. Alternative restorative proce-
dures have been discussed in the previous section. Carious lesions in anterior teeth should preferably be
The important question then arises: what about guid- restored using a proven anterior resin composite
ing a cavitated deciduous tooth towards exfoliation because of its superior aesthetic performance.
without restoring it while ensuring infection free, According to a systematic review regarding effective-
symptom free, general anaesthesia free exfoliation? ‘A ness of adhesive materials bonded to enamel and
clean tooth surface doesn’t decay’ is the slogan. What dentine in non-carious cervical lesions, the glass-io-
would happen if the inner cavity surface were kept nomers were superior to resin-based adhesives192, the
free from cariogenic plaque by brushing the cavity buccal and cervical carious lesions in the posterior
clean with a fluoride-containing toothpaste? Surely, area are best restored using a (resin-modified) glass-
the caries process would most probably cease. It is ionomer, while three-step etch-and-rinse adhesive and
obvious that not all cavities are suitable for ‘internal’ a resin composite was the second best. The use of a
cleaning with a brush and paste, as pulp degeneration hand excavator for removing decomposed carious
in deciduous teeth is far more rapid than in perma- tissues near the gingival margin may cause less
nent teeth, especially with approximal lesions. The bleeding than may occur when a rotary instrument is
larger ones can be cleaned more easily than the smal- used and may increase the survival rate of the resto-
ler ones, and this approach has been investigated. A ration.
treatment protocol based on restoring small cavities, According to a systematic review, the mean annual
in this case with ART, and cleaning medium and failure rate for single-surface amalgam and resin com-
large cavities with a toothbrush and toothpaste com- posite restorations in permanent posterior teeth, eval-
pared with the traditional treatment protocol using uated according to the USHPS criteria, are 2.1% and
amalgam and the full ART protocol, showed no dif- 1.8%, respectively193. According to a meta-analysis,
ference in survival rates of teeth treated by the three the use of the stringent ART restoration criteria
protocols187. This outcome seems to be consistent showed the mean annual failure rate for high-viscosity
with the outcome from a retrospective practice-based glass-ionomers in comparable tooth surfaces to be
study which reported that 84% of untreated cavitated 4%146. It is safe to conclude that, had these glass-io-
teeth exfoliated symptom-free188. It is expected that nomer restorations been evaluated according to the
more results on this approach will appear in future USPHS criteria, the mean annual failure rate would
but until they are available, caution should be taken be lower. They would, most probably, be comparable
when cleaning cavities is part of a non-restorative with the survival rate of amalgam and resin composite
treatment protocol for management of cavitated restorations.
carious lesions. Restoring multiple-surfaces in posterior teeth is
best done using amalgam or resin composite materi-
als following ‘the box only’ cavity design17. Evidence
Application of silver diammine fluoride
regarding the success of tunnel restorations has not
Consistent with the rationale for stopping the demin- been increased since a previous publication on this
eralising effect of cariogenic plaque in cavities by minimal intervention approach17. Therefore, this
removing it, 38% silver diammine fluoride (SDF) has procedure cannot be recommended for general use.
been used in cavitated carious lesions. Three studies Studies that have assessed multiple-surface high-vis-
have been published, all with different application fre- cosity glass-ionomer restorations in permanent teeth
quencies189–191. It seems reasonable to conclude from are negligible and evidence for a predictive outcome,
these studies that twice-yearly application of 38% if this material is used in multiple-surfaces, is not
SDF may be able to arrest the carious process in the available.
234 © 2012 FDI World Dental Federation
MID for managing dental caries

larger dental restorations211–213. The removal of exist-

ing restorations may also cause additional stress on
the tooth, with possible pulp reaction to thermal,
chemical, bacterial, or mechanical stimuli214,215,
depending on the size and depth of the existing resto-
Examining restorations
ration. Therefore, the decision to replace existing res-
The presence of defective restorations or restorations torations should be taken cautiously, as it may
with the clinical diagnosis of secondary caries is one significantly affect the remaining tooth structure and,
of the most frequent problems encountered by general consequently, impact the longevity of future restora-
practitioners today. The diagnosis is inconsistent tions and the lifespan of the tooth. Studies have
among dental practitioners and often does not rely on demonstrated that replacing an existing restoration
objective criteria194–196. If in doubt, most general den- will not necessarily guarantee that the new restora-
tal practitioners choose replacement as opposed to tion will surpass the clinical performance of other
options of non-surgical treatment, including system- alternative treatments such as repair, sealing or
atic restoration monitoring. Restoration replacement monitoring216–218.
is especially common for restorations not originally Long-term clinical studies have also shown that
placed by the evaluating practitioner197–199. A dental when alternative treatments fail, the failure usually
practice-based research study involving 197 clinicians takes place within 24 months216,217. When the clini-
from the USA and Scandinavian countries, and close cian is evaluating an existing restoration with one or
to 10,000 restorations, indicated that practitioners more localized clinical features that deviate from ideal
chose replacement over repair of defective dental res- and the restoration is considered defective, the clini-
torations in over 75% of cases200. The same study cian should assess whether the tooth in question will
confirmed that practitioners who did not place the truly benefit from a new restoration. When the practi-
original restoration were more likely to replace it than tioner is faced with a borderline situation, the
practitioners who did. patient’s past dental history and current caries risk
In summary, replacement of restorations constitutes status219,220, and the best treatment for the tooth in
over 50% of the work performed by general dental question should be considered. If the practitioner is
practitioners in their practices201,202 and it has con- unsure whether the defective area can be removed by
tributed to the perpetuation of the ‘Repeat Restora- polishing or by sealing the affected area, another con-
tion Cycle’6. Consequently, the diagnostic finding servative and predictable approach would be to repair
‘defective’ for an existing restoration is a critical step the restoration by removing the deteriorated area and
in treatment planning and it invariably affects the lon- re-restoring this area only. Generally, replacement
gevity of the restored tooth. should only take place if the practitioner cannot prop-
Secondary caries and staining of the margins of erly manage the defective areas without removing the
existing restorations are the most common reasons for entire restoration, or if there are pulpal symptoms.
restoration replacement in permanent and primary
teeth201,203,204. Without objective criteria, it is diffi-
How successful are repaired restorations?
cult to differentiate secondary caries from marginal
staining clinically205. Despite the fact that some stud- Minimal Intervention Dentistry aimed to limit unnec-
ies have associated microleakage with secondary cari- essary removal of healthy tooth structure, and repair
ous lesion formation206,207, the majority of the of defective restorations is one of its strategies.
evidence208–210 demonstrates no relationship between Although the repair of resin composite restorations
the development of secondary carious lesions and the has been investigated extensively and found success-
size of the leakage or gap alongside an amalgam res- ful221–223, dental practitioners do not routinely con-
toration, except in cases in which the crevice exceeds sider this treatment option in the management of
400 lm210. Although the criteria for the diagnosis of defective restorations.
a defective restoration may be based solely on visual The repair of resin composite restorations is taught
and tactile examination, the subsequent management in most, but not in all dental schools in North Amer-
plan for this restored tooth should be based on the ica, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany and Scan-
caries risk assessment of the patient as well. dinavia224–227. Although considered a long lasting
treatment by the schools teaching this practice, a prac-
tice-based research study showed that only practitio-
When is repair or replacement required?
ners who practiced in non-fee service settings,
Laboratory and clinical studies have shown that practitioners with fewer years since graduation from
removal of the existing restoration will remove signifi- dental school, and practitioners who assessed caries
cant healthy tooth structure, subsequently resulting in risk, chose preventive treatment options more often
© 2012 FDI World Dental Federation 235
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than replacement when assessing defective restora- damage to the adjacent tooth and the possibility of
tions228. The preference for replacement of restora- more complex restorations, it makes perfect sense to
tions may be the result of a complex interplay pursue the repair of defective restorations as a predict-
between the lack of clear standards for replacing res- able and conservative approach to preserving tooth
torations and lack of an existing reimbursement for structure. A recent overview regarding restoration
these treatments. That same study reported that gen- margins concludes that margin defects, without visible
eral practitioners would most likely intervene surgi- evidence of soft dentine on the wall or base of the
cally in a defective resin composite restoration but not defect, should be monitored, repaired or resealed, in
in a defective amalgam restoration228. lieu of total restoration replacement229.
So far, prospective studies have shown that repaired Besides being a successful treatment, restoration
restorations in permanent teeth have the same or repair is also practical. Defective restorations can be
increased longevity as restorations that were replaced repaired more quickly and with lower operational
completely217,218,228. Repair treatment remained sta- costs than replacement. Therefore, repaired restora-
ble over a 7-year observation period216,217. Addition- tions could present a reduction in patient and/or the
ally, the reason that repaired restorations may even third party payers’ expenses which would potentially
outlast those that were replaced probably relates to increase the number of individuals who could afford
the fact that most of the restoration’s original form is dental care. The cost of care and oral health are
kept intact, limiting the introduction of new elements severely impacted by the replacement of existing res-
that can affect the success of the restoration. When torations. Examining outcomes of alternative treat-
other restoration stress factors are considered, such as ment to the replacement of restorations and
stress on the tooth, post-operative sensitivity, and re- establishing consistent criteria that will affect general
exposure of the dentinal tubules with possible pulpal practitioners’ treatment decisions is a critical issue
reactions to thermal or mechanical stimulus214,215,

Table 1 Summary of carious control measurements and their evidence-based effectiveness

Measurements Effectiveness Reference

Fluoride agents
Community-based Water fluoridation: associated with a decrease in carious MacDonagh et al.99, Griffin
methods lesions for both children and adults. et al.100, Armfield98, Yeung
Salt fluoridation: there is an indication that it can be effective in caries et al.101, Ellwood et al.102,
prevention when compared to no fluoride exposure. Nevertheless, this Yengopal et al.103
finding cannot be considered conclusive, as there is a lack of quality
studies regarding the topic.
Milk fluoridation: insufficient evidence that proves its effectiveness
Professional-based Fluoride gels and varnish are able to reduce the incidence Marinho3
methods of dental carious lesions
Individual methods Fluoride toothpaste and mouthwashes are effective in caries prevention. Carvalho et al.105, Petterson and
(toothpaste, Fluoride toothpaste is one of the major factors related to the decline of Bratthall104, Marinho3
mouthwash) caries prevalence in high-income countries
Silver Diamine Lack of evidence showing that SDF is effective as a caries control agent in Braga et al.115
Fluoride non-cavitated lesions. The current information shows that it is as effective
as plaque control and sealants
Non-Fluoride agents
Sugar Substitutes Xylitol and sorbitol are the most frequently used sugar substitutes. The use Ly et al.90,91
of sugar-free dental chewing gum had proved to be effective for carious
lesion control on school premises
Chlorhexidine Evidence regarding chlorhexidine gel and varnish for carious control is Zhang et al.108
inconclusive, and there is a lack of evidence that chlorhexidine rinses
are useful as a preventive measure against dental caries
Casein Phosphopeptide CPP-ACP has a short-term remineralization effect and a promising caries Yengopal and Mickenautsch117
amorphous calcium control effect for long-term clinical use. More clinical studies are needed
phosphate to confirm the last
Ozone therapy No reliable evidence that the application of ozone gas Rickard et al.124, Brazzelli
stops or reverses carious lesions et al.123, Azarpazhooh and
Infiltration Current evidence indicates that resin infiltration of non-cavitated lesions is a Paris and Meyer-Lueckel129,130,
promising therapy to avoid carious lesion progression in enamel and dentine Ekstrand et al.131, Martignon
et al.132
Pit and fissure It is an effective measure for both carious prevention and arresting non-cavitated Beiruti et al.141, Griffin et al.137,
sealants carious lesions. Although resin-based sealants are retained longer than those Yengopal et al.117, Yengopal103
performed with glass-ionomer cements, none of them were shown
to be superior in terms of caries prevention

236 © 2012 FDI World Dental Federation

MID for managing dental caries

Table 2 Survey results on MID application in undergraduate curricula

Country University Education year Department Starting year

Australia Melbourne 2–4–5 Restorative, Community, Cariology 2000

Brasil Brasilia 2 Paediatric 2008
Israel Jarusalem 4 Restorative 2004
Italy Pavia Master course Paediatric 1999
Japan Osaka 4/6 Restorative ?
Kuwait Kuwait 4–5–6 Paediatric, Restorative, Preventive 1998
Lebanon Beirut 4–5 Paediatric, Restorative 2005
Netherlands Nijmegen 1–6 Cariology, Restorative, Paediatric 1998
Romania Iasi 3 Cariology, Restorative 2007
Sweden Malmö 2–3–4–5 Cariology Paediatric, Restorative, Prosthodontics 2001
Turkey Ege 3–4–5 Paediatric, Restorative 2006
UK Dundee 2–3–4–5 Paediatric, Restorative 2005

that may profoundly change the over-treatment of Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md
existing restorations. for providing grants U01-DE-16746, U01-DE-16747
In summary, dental practitioners should consider and U19-DE-22516 in support of her contribution.
repairing truly defective restorations, an appropriate
minimal invasive operative intervention worth pursu-
Conflict of interest
All authors declare to have no conflict of interest.
If MID is to make an impact in supporting the aim of 1. Backer Dirks O, Houwink B, Kwant GW. The results of
6 1/2 years of artificial fluoridation of drinking water in the
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It is suggested that Policy Statements of the FDI
7. Peters MC, McLean ME. Minimally invasive operative care.
and those of other major dental (educational) institu- I. Minimal intervention and concepts for minimally invasive
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11. Alves LS, Fontanella V, Damo AC et al. Qualitative and
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