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Harley Joy Gaspar


Day 1 Seminar

1. What aspects of yourself did you gain deeper insight into during the seminar, and how might these insights
influence your personal and professional growth?
Answer:For me, my mind became more enlightened especially since then I became undecided, it helped
listening to the seminar that you need to know what you want and you know you can do it.

2. How do you plan to apply the concepts and lessons learned in this seminar to your daily life and work? Can
you identify specific situations in which you expect these reflections to apply?
Answer:Just be strong in everyday life and don't put pressure on yourself because everything has its right time.
Maybe not now because in the coming day what is destined will happen.

3. How do you plan to navigate or integrate these changes into your future vision?
Answer:Through self-discipline, always think about the things you want to achieve. Always be ready for
whatever will happen in the adventure of getting your success.

4. How does engaging with the perspectives of others help your own learning? Were there specific instances
where the diversity of opinions enriched your understanding.
Answer: Sometimes, there are things that I don't understand from my own point of view and I only understand
that apart from others who have helped me to enlighten me.
5. How can you use the insights gained from this seminar to shape your short-term and long-term goals?
Answer: Be persistence, be confident in yourself and above all always ask for guidance, always remember
also that being persistence is where we can measured the desire we have.

Day 2 Seminar

1.What aspects of yourself did you gain more depth at the seminar, and how might these insights influence
your personal and professional growth?

Answer:By analyzing things I understand what I really want in life and the goal I am reaching for now.

2. How do you plan to apply the concepts and lessons learned in this seminar to your daily life and work? Can
you identify specific situations in which you would expect these reflections to be implemented?
Answer:Just be positive in everything and trust that something good will happen.

3. How do you plan to navigate or incorporate these changes into your future vision?
Answer: First of all, self-confidence is what I am shaping for the goal I am achieving.

4. How does engaging with the perspectives of others help your own learning? Were there specific instances
where the diversity of opinions enriched your understanding?
Answer:Sometimes in myself I feel that everything I do is not enough and sometimes I feel that I am easily
discouraged but by opening up and asking for ideas from others I am motivated that I can do it with the help of
their advices and support.

5. How you can use the insights gained from this seminar to shape your short-term and long-term goals.
Answer:By being of high morale I feel more determined especially in the goals I want to achieve

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