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Question on 8085 Microprocessors 8085 Theory

Q 1. Q 2. Q 3. Q 4. Explain multiplexing, how data and addresses are demultiplexed, draw block diagram to demultiplex address and data bus. Explain various flags in the flag register. What is machine cycle and instruction cycle, explain machine cycle of opcode fetch. Draw timing diagrams for a. LDA 2545H b. MVI B, 67H c. NOP Explain instruction format, give examples of zero operand, one operand, and three operand instructions. Explain the working of DAA instruction using appropriate examples. Explain various addressing modes in 8085 processor, using example for each of them. Explain how register indirect mode is used for memory access in 8085 programming; show its relevance in accessing contiguous memory locations.

Q 5. Q 6. Q 7. Q 8. Q 9.

8085 SHORT NOTES ON a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. DAA SHLD LHLD Machine Cycle T- state Flage Register Accumalator

8085 Programming

Q 1. Q 2. Q 3. Q 4. Q 5. Q 6. Q 7. Q8. Q 9.

Write an assembly language program to add two 16-bit numbers stored at location 2000h and 2050h, store result at 3000h. Write an assembly language program to add two 32-bit numbers stored at location 2000h and 2050h, store result at 3000h. Write an assembly language program to exchange contents of two memory locations. Write a program to find number of 1s in a given bit pattern stored at location 2500h, store the result at location 3000h. Write a program to initialize 00h at a block of 200 bytes in size, starting from location 3000h. Write a program to move a block of 100 bytes from location 2000h to location 3000h. Write a program to search a given number in a block of 10 numbers situated at location 2050h. Find maximum of 20 numbers stored at consecutive locations starting form 2000h. Find minimum of 20 numbers stored at consecutive locations starting from 2000h.

Q 10. Swap upper nibble and lower nibble of each byte in the block of 15 numbers situated at location 1800h.. Q 11. Invert every byte of a block of size 20, situated at location 3000h. Q 12. Write a program to find maximum of two numbers stored at location 2000h and 2001h, store result at location 2002h. Q 13. Write a program to find minimum of two numbers stored at location 2000h and 2001h, store result at location 2002h. Q 14. Write a program to compare two numbers situated at location 2000h and 2001h, and stored result according to following policy. If [2000] > [2001] then store 01 at [2002] If [2000] = [2001] then store 00 at [2002] If [2000] < [2001] then store FF at [2002] Q 15. Write a program to find whether given number at location 2000h is even or odd. Store 00h at 2001 if the number is odd otherwise even.

Q 16. Write a program to invert the given bit pattern. Q 17. Write a program to find sum lo of 10 numbers stored at consecutive locations starting from address 2000h. Q 18. Write a program to find average of 10 numbers stored at location 2000h Onwards. MEMORY INTERFACING Q 1. Q 2. Design an interfacing circuit to interface 64 KB of memory to 8085. Assume that each memory module is of 4KB. Design and draw interfacing diagram to interface 64KB memory using 8KB modules, assume that processor has 16 address lines and 8 data lines. Draw memory map to find physical address (in terms of chip number and block number) for following addresses. a. 1200h b. 45AFh c, ABC2h Draw the block diagram to interface 16K ROM and 32K RWM, primary memory to a processor having 18 address lines and 8 data lines. Draw memory map also and find starting and ending address of ROM and RWM. Assume that there is a processor having 20 address lines and 16 data lines, what is the largest size of memory you can interface with it, show how will you interface them.

Q 3.

Q 4.

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