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Electrical Machines

In position (a), emf induced is zero since instantaneous direction of rotation of coil aa’ is
parallel to magnetic field.
After 900 rotation in position (b) the coils settle under North Pole and South Pole and by Lenz
Law the induced emf has polarity as shown.

In position (c) again induced emf is zero as instantaneous direction of rotation of coil aa’ is
anti-parallel to magnetic field.

In position (d) again emf is induced as direction of rotation is perpendicular to magnetic


If we consider dot as positive emf and cross as negative emf then emf induced in coil aa’ is
positive for half cycle and negative for another half.

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Electrical Machines

But the brush B1 is always connected to conductor which carries dot current and brush B2 is
connected to conductor which carries cross current. So, the voltage induced across the
brushes does not change in polarity though the voltage is alternating in individual
conductors. This is how commutator converts AC into DC for generator and vice versa for

Field MMF is stationery, armature MMF must also be stationery for production of
electromagnetic torque. This center line of poles around which field coil is wound is called
direct axis of dc machine. In the above example that axis is horizontal as field poles are
shown in horizontal position.
By Right Hand Rule if we determine the direction of Magnetic Field produced by Armature
Winding, it comes downwards that is perpendicular to the d-axis and it is called as q-axis.
The magnitude of Magnetic Field is pulsating but direction is constant so Armature MMF
remains stationery in space. So second function of commutator is also completed.
The coils when they are short circuited lie along q-axis so we represent brushes along q-axis.
Hence DC Machine can be represented in circuit as below:

When the coils are short circuited and then current is reversed in the coil, this process is
called as Commutation. The instant of Commutation is the time at which the coils are short
circuited and we want that emf induced in short circuited coils at instant of commutation

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Electrical Machines

should be zero so that zero current flows and if this emf is non-zero, it can result in high
current which can lead to sparking at commutator. So, it is always desirable that coils
undergoing commutation should lie along MNA (Magnetic Neutral Axis) that is
perpendicular to magnetic field so that zero emf is induced at the time of commutation.

Armature Winding (optional)

 Armature winding is always closed and double layer type closed means all windings are
connected in series to form a closed circuit. The junctions of two coils terminate on copper
segment called as commutator segments.
 A coil has 2 sides occupying distinct specified slots. To maximum induced emf, the
spacing between two ends should be kept at 180  electrical. It means if one side is under
North Pole then other should be under South Pole.

Coil span
Spacing between the two sides of a coil. The spacing is expressed in terms of number of slots
between the sides.
If S is the total number of slots and P is the total no. of poles then coil span is S/P
E.g.: For 20 slots, 4poles, span=5, if one side of a coil is placed in slot 3, then other end must
occupy slot (3+5=8)

 A double layer winding means that each slot has two coil sides (belonging to 2 different
coils). One coil is placed in lower portion of slot and other above it.

 If S=20, P=4, coil span=5, if a coil is housed in upper deck of slot 6, then other end should
lie in lower deck of slot 11. Name of coil is (6-11)

Commutator pitch
The separation of coil sides in terms of number of commutator segments is called as
commutator pitch ( Yc )

Procedure to create Armature winding

1. Type of winding (lap or wave), total number of slots S and total number of poles P will be
2. Calculate coil span(  S/P)
3. Calculate commutator pitch Yc .
2(S  1)
For lap winding, Yc =  1 and for wave winding Yc =
4. We have to complete the windings showing the positions of coil sides in slots, inter
connection of the coils through commutator segments using appropriate numbering of slots,
coil sides and commutator segments.

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Electrical Machines

5. Finally to decide and place the stationery brushes on correct commutator segments.

Lap Winding

Assuming we want to design a lap winding for 4 pole DC machine having a total number of
slots S=16
Coil span  4
Commutator pitch, Yc  1

 The upper coil side present in slot number 1 is shown by firm line and named 1 while
lower coil side is shown by a dashed line and named as ‘1’.
 Since, coil span = 4, the first coil has sides 1 and 5 and coil can be identified as (1-5’). If we
terminate coil 1 on commutator segment 1, so where to terminate coil side 5’.
 Since commutator pitch is 1 , 5’ should be terminated on commutator segment 2(=
Yc  1 ). In DC armature winding, all coils are to be connected in series. So naturally next coil
(2-6’) should start from 2 and end in slot 6.
 Coil (2-6’) Iies in the lap of (1-5’), hence winding is called lap winding. The winding
proceeds from left to right due to our assumption Yc  1 . Such a winding is called as
progressive simplex lap winding.
 If Yc  1 , winding progresses from right to left, giving rise to retrogressive lap winding.

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