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Present: Reverend Shadreck Chansa Mulenga:
Congregation Chairperson
Mrs Dorothy Chimpampwe:Congregation
Mr Alick Shawa:Congregation Vice Secretary
Ms. Dorothy Zulu: Congregation Treasurer
Including list of members of the
Congregation as per circulated list
Apologies: As per circulated list
In Attendance: Mr Richard Titima (Auditor)
The Meeting was called to order at 11:50
The meeting was constituted as an Annual
General Meeting.
The agenda was adopted as presented.
The Chairperson welcomed members to
the meeting and apologised for starting
the meeting late.
Rules of Debate were read out to the AGM by the
convener of the Constitution, Rules, and
Regulations Committee (CRR).
Attendees appointed Mrs. Patricia Chinyanta as
the minute recorder and Mr Matan
Munyenyembe as the scrutiniser.
The minutes were confirmed as a correct
record of the meeting held on 20th March
2022 following a proposal by the
congregation Vice Secretary.
7.1 Preaching Assignments for Student
Minister (Being Item 6.1)
It was reported that the preaching plan was
adjusted to accommodate student ministers.
7.2 CPPDC-Fundraising (Being Item 6.3)
In addition to the traditional Corporate Walk
fundraiser the committee introduced and
distributed special offering cards for weekly
7.3 Car Park Repairs (Being Item 6.7)
Members were informed that some remedial
repairs were done to the car park.
7.4 Payment for the Synod Complex (Being
Item 6.8)
The meeting was informed that the contractor
engaged to construct the new Synod complex has
been paid in full
7.5 High Water Bills (Being 6.9)
It was reported that the issue of high-water bills at the
Manse was settled with Nkana Water and Sewerage
7.6 Church Support Staff (Being Item 7.1.3)
An update was given that the position of caretaker
(formerly held by Mr Raphael Tembo) had not yet been
A decision would be made on whether to engage a
replacement once a needs assessment was completed.
7.7 Worship Services (Being Item
The meeting was informed that the church had
reverted to two worship services which combined
both English and Bemba elements.
7.8 Thursday Prayer Meetings (Being Item
It was reported that with the introduction of
Church School, there was a marked
improvement in the attendance of the midweek
7.9 Funeral Committee (Being Item 7.2.10)
It was reported that all cells were current with
their funeral assessments.
7.10 Printing and Stationery (Being Item 7.3.2)
•It was reported that three televisions sets, and
related accessories were purchased.
•It is hoped that with these in place there would
be a marked reduction in paper and printing
costs as the Sunday bulletin and documents for
meetings would be projected on the screens.
7.11 Sale of Bemba Hymn Compact Discs (CD)
(Being Item 7.3.3)
•It was communicated that there was no money
outstanding for the purchase of CDs as reported
in the last meeting. It was established that there
were seven hundred (700) unsold CDs. which
were erroneously translated into outstanding
•It was thus agreed that the matter be handled
7.12 Vestry Hours (Being 7.4.7)
The Vestry hours were adjusted and posted in the
Sunday bulletin.
7.13 Manse Rehabilitation (Being Item 8.1.2)
Furniture was purchased for the Manse and some
repair work was completed.
7.14 Offerings (Being Item 8.1.3)
There was a marked improvement in weekly
offering, this was credited to the teachings by the
Minister and the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions.
7.15 Appointment of Auditor (Being
Item 8.1.4)
It was explained that an auditor was
not appointed as resolved at the last
AGM due to the transfers of Ministers
which made it difficult to call for an
Extra Ordinary General Meeting.
8.1 Congregation Life and Works report to the
annual general meeting
The highlights of the report were as follows:
8.1.1 Membership Statistics
Reverend Shadreck Chansa Mulenga: Congregation
Mrs Dorothy Chimpampwe:Congregation Secretary
Mr Alick Shawa:Congregation Vice Secretary
Ms. Dorothy Zulu: Congregation Treasurer
Elders 90
Stewards 95
Group/Committee Convenors 16
The total membership of St Margaret’s
Congregation stood at two thousand two
hundred and twenty-four
(2, 224) members.
This included 59 members from Lubuto preaching
point and 39 members from Luto preaching point.
Details of visitors and transfers in and
out during the period under review
were also submitted as shown below:
The Church received Forty (40) female and
Sixteen (16) male visitors during the period
under review.
•Transfers In:
Female: Seventy-one (71)
Male : Thirty-seven (37)
Total : One Hundred and Eight (108)
•Transfers Out:
Female : Forty (40)
Male : Twenty-four (24)
Total : Sixty-four (64)
The Church lost Fifteen (15) members
comprising Six (6) females and Nine (9)
males during the period under review.
Date of
No. Name Gender District/Cell Death
1 Bestead Ng`ambi M Twibukishe/ 29.01.2022
2 Rosemary Bwalya F Kwacha/ 04.04.2022
3 Tenje Simeza M Nkana East 1 13.04.2022

4 Leonard Kunda M Parklands 4 11.06.2022

Date of
No. Name Gender District/Cell Death
5 Gripps Musonda M Nkana East 1 17.06.2022

6 Dorothy Phiri Siame F Kwacha/ 21.06.2022


7 Beenwell Mwelwa M Nkana East 2 21.06.2022

8 Allan Ntinda M Parklands 2 23.07.2022

9 Bester Nakamba F Buyantanshi 03.09.2022

Date of
No. Name Gender District/Cell Death
10 Edward Kasakwa M Parklands 3 04.09.2022
11 Jacob Ornon M Nkana East 1 02.10.2022
12 Mable Kasapo F Nkana East 2 11.10.2022
13 Dorothy Sakala F Luto 29.10.2022
14 Ruth Nampungwe F Parklands 3 06.11.2022

15 Dumishani M Visitor 10.11.2022


A moment of silence was observed and prayer

offered for the continued peaceful rest of the
dear departed.
•8.1.3 Pastoral Work
Pastoral visits by the Chairperson were
conducted in all the districts and the two
preaching points. The sick and elderly
members of the Congregation were also
8.1.4 Sunday Worship Services
•The congregation continued to run two
combined services (Bemba/English) under
the Synod theme, ‘All One in Christ’ taken
from John 17:21.
•It was reported that the Church was facing
challenges in identifying individuals to play
the keyboard/piano during the worship
8.1.5 Council Meetings
There were two Congregational Council
Meetings held during the period under
8.1.6 Annual General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting was held on
20th March 2022 under the Chairmanship of
Revd. Dr. Dennis Mbita Sikazwe.
8.1.7 Christian Year Calendar
Major events in the Christian calendar were
celebrated including Green Harvest Sunday,
Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy
Thursday, and Christmas. The Annual
Retreat was held on 30th September 2022
under the theme ‘Stand Firm’.
Other events held during the period under
review included 31 days of prayer and
fasting, CPPDC Sundays, Social Services
Sundays and the Commissioning Service for
Revd Dr Dennis Mbita Sikazwe on 24th April
•Individual groups and choirs also held
various activities during the period under
•All assignments from Higher Courts; Presbytery
and Consistory offices, were fulfilled.
8.1.8 Sunday School, and Catechumen
•Sunday School and Catechumen classes
continued to run as programmed under the
guidance of the Minister.
8.1.9 Thursday Mid-Week Services
The Thursday Mid-week services
continued, and attendance continued
to improve from the time the Church
School was introduced.
8.1.10 Marriages/Weddings
Eighteen (18) weddings were conducted
in the year under review.
8.1.11 Baptism
Thirty-five adults were baptised, and seventeen
adults were confirmed during the period under
8.1.12 Holy Communion
Holy Communion was administered once
every month with strict observance of the
health guidelines issued by Ministry of Health
in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
8.1.13 Human Resource
The Congregation has six (6) support staff
all engaged on contract basis as shown in the
table below:
Name Job Title
Diana Mwape Office Manager
Beatrice Sianga Phiri Book-keeper
George Simfukwe Caretaker
Lillian Kazembe Caretaker
Matthews Mwansa Caretaker
Misheck Kaweme Mukuka Manse Caretaker
8.1.14 Church Committee Meetings
The various committees of the church held
their meetings as scheduled, with the major
highlights reflected below: Stewardship Committee
•Issued Building, Offering, and Holy
Communion Cards
•Prepared Monthly Worship Schedules by
•Reconnected the water tank due to the
water reticulation challenges in the dry
•Submitted borehole water samples for both
Manse and the Church to Copperbelt
University for testing and the result was
satisfactory. Health Committee
•Screened and carried out voluntary
vaccination for Covid-19
•Screened several female members for
Cervical cancer
•Blood pressure and blood sugar testing was
done on 85 congregants. Doctrine, Worship & Evangelism
(DWE Committee)
•Prepared Bible study material for districts/cells
•Organised the annual retreat at the Kitwe Show
•Facilitated Harvest Week of prayers and Harvest
•Lubuto and Luto preaching points activities were
fulfilled. Church Planning, Property & Development
Committee (CPPDC)
• Held 15th Annual Corporate Walk on 23rd July 2022
• Patched up pot holes in the driveway
• Furnished the Manse by members’ initiative
• Interior painting of the Manse
• Procured cordless microphones
• Raised funds to complete the construction of the
retirement home for the caretaker,Mr Raphael Tembo. Christian Training Committee (CTC)
•Trained twenty-nine (29) elders and stewards
•Held three Timothy leadership seminars
•One lay preacher travelled to Rwanda for a
conference Lay Preachers Committee (LPC)
•Successfully prepared the Preaching Plan for the
year 2022
•Conducted assessment for preachers
•Attended a two-day seminar in Homiletics Community Development & Social Justice
•Disbursed in-reach funds amounting to
K14, 040.00 and out-reach funds amounting to
K22, 840
•Distributed Harvest items to cells and districts Women’s Christian Fellowship (WCF)
•Six members were bloused in August 2022
•All Congregation and higher court programs were
fulfilled Men`s Christian Fellowship (MCF)
•Continued to meet on Fridays for fellowship
•All Congregation and higher court programs were
fulfilled Department:
• The youth department, comprising of Mount Sinai Choir,
Unified Worship Team, Girls and Boys’ Brigades, Youth
Christian Fellowship, Go – Team and Sunday School,
carried out various activities in the period under review.
• Also fulfilled all Congregation and higher court programs
8.2 Comments/Observations on the
Congregation Council Report
Item 8,1,22-The number of ladies bloused in
the year under review should read five and
not six.
There being no other comments or
observations made the Congregation Council
report was adopted by the Annual General
9.1 External Auditor’s Opinion
Mr Richard Titima of Kabwe and Company reported that in
their opinion the financial statements gave a true and fair
view of the state of financial position of St. Margaret’s
Congregation as at 31st December 2022, and of its
financial performance and its cash flow for the year then
ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards, and the Synod Rules and Regulations (SRR) 82.
He further submitted that the accounting records had been
properly kept in accordance with the Synod Rules and
Regulations (SRR 82).
9.2 Highlights of the Treasurer’s Report
9.2.1 Income and Expenditure
The total income accrued was K3,171,627 and
the total expenditure was K3,404,611
creating a deficit of K231 984 for the year
under review. This was compared to an
income of K2,730,225 and an expenditure of
K2,946,929 in the previous year.
The budget was exceeded by K100,000.
The increase in the income was
attributed to the teachings on giving and
the lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions
which saw an increase in church
In addition to this, the introduction of
the ‘Green Harvest’ brought in an
additional income of K204,813.
On the other hand, the increase in the
expenditure in the year under review
was attributed to the following:
a) DWE Committee:
•The cost of the Retreat venue was higher than
•The administrative costs associated with the
preaching points was unexpectedly high
•The purchase of linen for the alter which
was unbudgeted
•Purchase of items for Holy Communion
b) Travel Expenses
The costs associated with trips made to
Lusaka in preparation for the past
Chairperson’s travel to his new appointment
in Jamaica were not anticipated and were
therefore not budgeted for.
c) Marriage Guidance Committee
•The increase in the number of weddings
conducted in the year under review
translated into an increase in
expenditure in this area. Costs included
the purchase of Bibles for the wedded
couples, communication, and other
related expenses.
9.2.2 Comments/Observations
a) Paperless Meetings
Members complained about the
unavailability of hard copies of
the financial report as it was
difficult to follow the
The Meeting was reminded that the
2021 Annual General Meeting had
resolved to promote paperless
meetings. Despite this resolution,
Members still felt that some
exceptions could be made, especially
in the presentation of the financial
b) Deficit
It was explained that the deficit was
recorded after depreciation and
would therefore not affect the cash
flow as it was a noncash item.
This was in a response to a query on
how the deficit was financed in the
year in the year review.
c) DWE Budget
It was noted that the DWE budget
for 2023 was less than the 2021
budget despite the fact the
Committee had exceeded its
budget during the period under
It was explained that the Committee
did not expect to go over the budget
as measures had already been put in
place to try and work within the
budget as already demonstrated by
securing a cheaper venue for the
2023 Retreat.
d) Water Bills
The amount provided for water bills
in the budget was questioned
especially that both the Church and
the Manse had boreholes. It was
expected that with the boreholes in
place water bills would be negligible.
The Treasurer explained that the account
termed as Water Bills was not exclusively
for water bills but included electricity
bills as well. It was further explained that
the water component comprised of
meter rental and sewerage charges only,
there was no charge for actual water
After the reconciliation was done
with Nkana Water and Sewerage
Company it was established the
company owed the Church some
money arising from wrong billing and
this money had since been credited
to the Church account.
e) Lubricants and Oils
It was explained that the account for
lubricants and oils included fuel as well.
The Treasurer explained that to avoid
having too many ‘ledgers’, items of a
similar nature were sometimes grouped
f) Appointment of Auditors
Members of the AGM were informed that it was
not possible to appoint an Auditor as was resolved
at the last AGM due to the movement of Ministers.
Additionally, the firms that had been approached
to date were charging exorbitant fees of as high as
K50 000 compared to the budget of K20, 0000
which posed a challenge for the Church.
It was resolved that the matter be dealt with
g) Hospitality Committee
Members sought an explanation of why
there was no budget for the Hospitality
Committee. It was explained that the
activities of this Committee overlapped
with the Social Services and Stewardship
Committees and its expenses were borne
by the two Committees.
h) Community Development & Social
Justice Committee(Social Services)
The Congregation was encouraged to take
advantage of the Community
Development Committee Fund (CDF) which
was open to all citizens.
The Committee was encouraged to familiarise
themselves with the CDF provision and guide
members in need accordingly.
i) Home Empowerment
Regarding the issue of home
empowerment for the Ministers’ ,it was
explained that in 2022 Synod engaged
the Zambia National Building Society
(ZNBS) to provide mortgages for Church
Workers to build their homes instead of
relying on Congregations to provide for
As ZNBS required an upfront
payment to kick off the scheme
Congregations through the
Presbyteries were assessed
according to their different financial
St Margaret’s was assessed kwacha
ten thousand (K10 000). As this was
not factored in the budget, an appeal
was then made to Church leaders
(Elders and Stewards) to contribute
money towards the fund. This was
achieved and the Chairperson
thanked all who contributed.
i) Building Fund Envelopes
The Meeting was informed that the
money contributed using the building
fund cards was captured by the
Stewardship and directed to the
CCPDC account.
Having taken into account all the submissions, the
Treasurer’s report was adopted by the AGM
10.0 BUDGET FOR 2023
The Treasurer presented the budget
for 2023 for the consideration of the
AGM, the budget was an incremental
budget with the provision of an
inflationary rate of 15%.
The budget was adopted as
Three quotations were presented to
the AGM, one from Ernest Chartered
Accounting, MHC Zambia Audit and
S.Lumba. It was agreed that the Finance
Committee constitutes a technical
committee of ten members eligible to be
considered as technical committee
the following four AGM members were
proposed for consideration as Auditor`s
selection technical committee members:
•Mr Moward Musutu (Jr)
•Mrs Gillian Chiluba
•Mr Brian Sichilyango
•Mr Lazarus Chella
The Committee’s recommendations would be
communicated to the Church Executive.
The matter of audit fees had not
been discussed with bidders though a
provision of K20 000 was made in the
budget. It was agreed that the
‘technical committee’ would handle
this matter and make appropriate
recommendations to the Church
12.1 Dates for AGM
It was agreed that as much a possible
the AGM should be held no later
than March of a given year.
12.2 Pianist
The DWE Committee was tasked with the
duty of identifying members who can
play the keyboard during worship avoid situations where there
is no pianist. It was agreed that if need
arose, the church would facilitate the
training of identified individuals.
12.3 Items from Cell Groups
Members were disappointed with
the fact that not all issues raised in
cell groups were tabled at the AGM,
this was despite submitting the same
to the Secretariat.
In response it was explained that
some of the matters raised had been
dealt with at Congregation Council
Meetings and it was expected that
the Cell leadership should have
communicated the resolutions.
It was noted, however, that the attendance of
meetings by the leaders was poor, as a
result information was not being
disseminated to the congregation. All leaders
were thus urged to uphold the vows they
took when appointed to their various offices.
Members seeking further clarification on any
items were encouraged to see the Secretariat.
The Chairperson dissolved the assembly of the
2022 Annual General Meeting.
The chairperson thanked all present and
pledged to endeavour to address all the
issues raised by the AGM after which the
Meeting was closed with a prayer at 15:07
Reverend Shadreck Chansa Mulenga

Mrs Dorothy Chimpampwe

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